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Afraid to Fall (Ancient Passages Book 1)

Page 4

by Sutton Bishop

  Ari glanced ahead to where the trail vanished. “Okay. Can I leave my backpack with you? Hiking will be easier.” Her legs were wobbly from bracing herself while standing in the bed of an old pickup for thirty minutes. The wild ride from Lanquín to Semuc Champey had thrown her around as it bounced through potholes and over large rocks.

  “Sure! Take some pictures for me, okay?” Meg held a safari hat in her other hand. “I’m going to soak this good, then read and wait for you. Take your time.”

  Nodding, Ari slung her camera around her neck, stuffed an orange into her front pocket, and hooked a water bottle onto her belt loop.

  The forty-five-minute hike to the lookout was challenging. From researching, she knew the steep climb was roughly two-thirds of a mile. The going was slower and more treacherous than normal due to an early-morning flash downpour. Crumbling rock further hindered the path. Eventually the steps turned to wood, giving her a break from those made of stone. Although intact, the steps were uneven and huge for her short legs.

  A planked wood deck with railing extended out above, safely overlooking the three-hundred-meter-wide tiered pools nestled in the valley of the rising jungle walls. Ari recovered some of her energy in the dappled shade while she took in the spectacular view. The people below looked like ants. She took a number of pictures and then asked a cute couple to take a few more of her, capturing the pools below her in the background. She peeled and savored her orange before cautiously hiking down, nursing one of her water bottles empty by the time she met Meg, who was absorbed in reading her book. A fine sheen of sweat covered her, rivaling Ari’s.

  “Hey,” Ari said as she sat. “Looks like you’re overdue for another dip.”

  Meg stood and waded in with her hat on and then jumped off the ledge into deeper water. Splashing around and waving, she called, “Come on in! The water’s great!”

  She waved Meg off, deciding to wait until more of her strength returned before swimming. “Give me a few minutes.” There were no lifeguards here. There were few safety precautions anywhere, a stark difference from the US.

  Meg pulled herself from the water and sat next to Ari, cooling her with water drops. “The water’s perfect.”

  “I’m so glad I made the decision to do it. Unforgettable.” She shared the details of the grueling climb and photos of the view.

  “Wow! Looks amazing. You’ve convinced me. I’m hiking it later. You know, after I’m refreshed from swimming and tubing.”

  Ari slipped off her sports sandals and socks and waded carefully with them into the calf-deep water covering the submerged smooth limestone rock. Crouching down, she rinsed the mud and broken rock bits from her sandals and socks. Her toes tickled as tiny fish nibbled at them. She smiled; it felt great. She took her time, enjoying the natural pedicure she’d heard so much about. She tossed her socks and sandals back onto the dry rock next to her backpack. Ari hung on to her bikini top as she pulled off her sweat-soaked tee and swished it through the water. That should get some of the stink out.

  The shallow water felt wonderful. She splashed water up onto her torso and then lay back to submerge herself. Sufficiently cooled off, she waded over to the dry, flat limestone to spread out her socks and tee to bake in the hot sun.

  She withdrew another full bottle of water and her shawl from her backpack to use as a makeshift towel and slipped on her sunglasses. As Ari began to recline, she glanced at the view. An athletic hunk of gorgeousness was just breaking the surface of the pool across from her. His tanned, sculpted back was exquisite, the lean muscle of a serious swimmer. Not one iota of extra pounds. He sprayed water in every direction as he shook his long dark hair. Ari continued to stare, entranced. Desire budded low within her. He turned with catlike grace, giving her a view of his rippling six-pack. Her eyes moved upward to his defined pecs and then to his chiseled face. Omigod. No. He seemed to look directly at her.

  Her eyebrows rose above the top of her sunglasses in shock. She sensed his amusement and threw herself backward too quickly. Pain burst in the back of her head. Shit. She wanted to disappear as soon as the pain, nausea, and embarrassment subsided. Ari inhaled deeply and held it for four counts, exhaled slowly for four, and then rested for four. She did it again. And then again. The nausea subsided and the pain diminished, but embarrassment lingered.

  “Are you okay?” a deep, softly accented voice asked.

  It was him. She fought the waves of desire pulsing through her. Dammit. I’m falling apart.

  His voice became more urgent. “Are you okay?”

  Her nerve endings were going off like firecrackers. She focused on regulating her breathing. To her ears she sounded like she was panting. Ari stammered, “I think so…” She struggled to sit up.

  Luca emerged from the water and lowered himself next to her. One large hand braced her arm, holding her steady. His other cupped the back of her damp head. “You have a chicken egg.”

  Her laughter erupted, easing her embarrassment and the discomfort of having him so close, of touching her. “You mean goose egg.”

  His smile was gentle, yet beguiling. “Yes. I get your American sayings mixed up sometimes.”

  Her light-headedness returned.

  Luca held her more firmly. “Cazzarola! You must have cracked your head hard. You are not okay. I do not have any ice, but I will sit with you until you seem better.” He grabbed her bottle, unscrewed the top, ordering, “Drink.”

  Wow is right, Ari thought, interpreting Luca’s Italian. “Thanks. I’m fine,” she said, even though her head hurt. “Really. Just go on and swim. Or whatever.”

  His devastating smile returned. “I am done swimming for now.”

  She had trouble thinking of how to respond. She felt drunk and dizzy all at once. What a brilliant decision that she had purchased mirrored sunglasses. And of course his gorgeous chest was naked and even more impressive up close.

  Luca’s dimples deepened as he spoke. “Ari?”

  “Oh, yes.” She drank deeply from her bottle. “Sorry. I really do feel better. I hiked to the viewpoint. Spectacular but more difficult than I expected. Did you hike up?”

  “To the mirador? Yes. It was breathtaking.”

  He seemed to lean in, and she swayed slightly. He grabbed her. “You are off-balance.”

  You have no idea. “I’m fine. I’ll be refreshed if I get in the water.”

  Luca stood and extended his hand. Like his chest, it was one of lean male strength.

  Ari had noticed his hands last night. She’d also noticed the absence of a wedding band. Was he available, or was he like Eric? She was afraid to touch his hand, remembering sparking electricity that had traveled through her body when they’d touched last night and because of what she was feeling now. With all this water, I might electrocute myself. Omigod, I’m being stupid. “What?”

  “Come on. I will hold on to you, so that you can cool off until you are balanced.”

  Ari swallowed. She hadn’t meant now, but later, after he left. She did not trust her body.

  Luca grabbed her hand, pulling her up to stand. “Come on. I will not let go. Trust me.”

  His words hit home. They reminded her of the letter, why she was in Guatemala.

  “Are you swimming in pantaloncini? I doubt those will dry if you decide to.” Luca’s eyes moved appreciatively over the exposed skin her bikini top and cutoffs didn’t cover. “Do you have on sunscreen? You are one mass of freckles.”

  Ari flinched. She hated it when people drew attention to her speckled flesh. After all the teasing she’d endured as a child and teen, she was still sensitive about the freckles that covered most of her body. She pulled her case from the pack’s front zip pouch and put her sunglasses inside.

  He noticed. “I did not mean to upset you. Your freckles are beautiful. They make an attractive woman all the more alluring.”

  She fumbled with her shorts at his admission. Confusion rioted with attraction, the mortification of being caught staring, and dawning pride. Ari unb
uttoned and unzipped her damp, worn cutoffs. Holding on to her bikini bottom, she carefully extracted herself from her uncooperative shorts. Luca’s gaze burned over her intermittently while she struggled, checking her progress yet making her feel undressed. She launched into the water in an effort to cover herself.

  The water was deeper where she landed. Her bare feet slipped on the slick limestone and sediment, and she went under and then under again. Ari inhaled water as she struggled for air. She pushed up again, sputtering and coughing.

  There was a large splash next to her, and then strong arms surrounded her from behind, lifting her up. Her heart froze in fear and from the realization that these were Luca’s arms holding her. Ari’s lungs burned with water. Her face burned with humiliation.

  Quietly Luca said, “I have you.” His lips brushed the outside of her ear. Delightful electricity hummed through her body. “Relax.”

  She coughed a few more times and then took another deep breath. She nodded, not trusting herself to speak.

  He held her easily. He had to be close to a foot taller than her five foot three. Slowly, without letting go, Luca turned her around to face him and asked, “Do you know how to swim?”

  His sunglasses were off. Luca’s eyes were spectacular. Gold flecks broke up vibrant green. Droplets of water beaded on the edges of his thick black lashes and brows. His skin was tanned to a deep sepia. Scruff, longer than last night, covered his cheeks and chin. His nose was straight and his sensual lips full. His face was one of strength and masculinity.

  “Yes. Actually, I swim well. Just… It went down the wrong pipe. This…” She looked around, stuttering. “This… was a combination of poor decisions.”

  “Poor decisions, huh?” He smiled slowly again, this one tender.

  Ari’s body went heavy as the full impact of his sensuality hit her.

  “I have you. I will not let you fall.”

  She stumbled out of the water with Luca’s help.

  “Sit. I will return with my gear.” He slipped his sunglasses back on and was gone before she could protest.

  She sat on her shawl, wrapping it around her hips before applying more sunscreen on areas she could reach. The fierce rays could burn her quickly, even with her olive complexion and the good base she’d acquired while in Antigua.

  The sun indicated that it was only midmorning, but Ari was ravenous. She unzipped her backpack to find the frozen chicken she had requested from the hotel last night thawed, still cold. Nuts, tortillas, an avocado, and hard cheese made up the rest of her meal. She popped a few nuts in her mouth.

  “Having lunch already?”

  Darn it. She had already forgotten about Meg.

  Nodding, Ari held up her finger indicating for Meg to wait until after she had swallowed, then answered, “My light breakfast didn’t last through the climb.” And my nerves. “It’s been hours since we left the hotel. Aren’t you hungry?” She broke a small section of the cheese off and ate it.

  “Not yet. I haven’t hiked yet, so I have got reserves. I’m going tubing. I’ll probably return ravenous. Back soon. Watch my stuff?”

  “Sure, but I’m planning on caving after I eat. How long do you think you might be?”

  Meg flipped her wrist to look at her watch. “Thirty? An hour at the most. I’ll sun while you cave. Thanks, mate.”

  “Perfect. Be careful. I heard there are some treacherous rapids where the pools empty out into the Cahabón. You can hear them from here.”

  Luca walked up behind Meg. “Hello, Meg.”

  “Hey, Luca! G’day! Didn’t realize you were here. I didn’t see you on the Lanquín shuttle we rode this morning.” Turning to Ari, she mouthed silently, “You didn’t say anything. I’ll see you two later.” Meg looked as if she was about to break into laughter and winked at her.

  Ari and Luca watched her go. “You are pink,” Luca said, fixing his gaze on Ari’s lithe back.

  Through her sunglasses, Ari squinted into the sun to where Luca stood above her with a microfiber towel and bag. “I’m okay. I just put more sunscreen on.”

  He studied her more intently. “I will spread some sunscreen on your back and shoulders.”

  “Um. That’s okay. I can manage. Thanks though, really.” Her face flushed with heat, surely making her rose red now.

  “You are an octopus? I want to see how you cover your own back.” He sounded amused.

  She realized her protest was kind of weak. Of course she couldn’t coat her back with sunscreen. Ari felt exposed in more ways than one. “You have a point there. Sure, lube me up.”

  Luca laughed. “Lube you up? I like that.” He laughed some more.

  Ari felt all of it in her groin. God, he is gorgeous. And sexy. And probably off-limits. “Maybe that wasn’t such a great image.”

  A naughty smirk covered his face as he tossed his towel next to her and knelt down. “Where is your sunscreen?”

  She handed him the small tube.

  He purred in her ear. “I like the image.”

  Her breath caught. Desire rendered Ari’s lower limbs boneless. She was thankful she was not standing because she doubted she could.

  Luca’s hands were strong, yet his touch was soothing. Did she imagine it, or was he doing more than spreading the sunscreen? He seemed to massage her shoulders and neck and then worked lower.

  Her body relaxed under his gentle kneading, even though her nerve endings sparked, and blood rushed to her core, turning it to liquid. She took a deep breath to steel herself. “Are you always so meticulous about applying sunscreen?”

  “Your skin enchants me,” he said softly. He cleared his throat and spoke louder. “You are a redhead—granted a tawny one. I want to make sure the cream is absorbed. This sun is strong. I suspect you are here for most of the day?”

  My skin enchants him. Ari sighed internally and smiled. “Yes.”

  “Do you have a hat?”

  She dug into her backpack, extracting her father’s Cubs hat. “Approve?”

  “It will do, but your ears, nose, and shoulders will be exposed. You should consider getting another hat with more coverage.” His hands moved to just above her strap.

  Her voice hitched, and she pulled away. “I can finish up, thanks. Let’s eat.”

  His lunch mirrored hers. Only there was more of it and a wonderful surprise that made her mouth salivate. Watermelon.

  “Your sunglasses do not hide your excitement.” He unwrapped the fruit, offering it to her. “There is enough. Eat.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” He chuckled, adding, “You act like a delighted child.”

  She felt like a delighted child. Luca was gorgeous, thoughtful, and had just told her that her skin enchanted him. His nearness made her giddy. And now he was going to share his watermelon. “I love watermelon. It’s practically my favorite fruit—well, along with peaches, strawberries, kiwi, clementines, and crisp fall apples.” Catching herself, Ari stammered, “Oh… oh… sorry… More than you want to know, I expect.” Ari took the smallest slab of watermelon. She bit delicately and wondered what else he could read about her as she savored its cool wetness. “This is so good. It really hits the spot! How did you keep it cool?”

  “I brought a dry bag. I staked it and let it drift in the pool where the water is quiet.”

  She nodded. The watermelon was perfect. “Smart, so smart.” She wanted to annihilate the slab and grab another. Had he noticed her taking in every bit of his sinewy torso earlier after he sat down with her? That thought caused her to take too large of a bite. She choked and juice trickled out of her mouth.

  He leaned forward and quickly wiped it from her chin. His gesture was gentle. Heat lingered where his fingers had touched, and he cleared his throat. “I am exploring the caves after I finish my lunch. Would you like to join me?”

  Ari’s brows knitted together as she considered the turquoise pool before her. She had planned to check the caves out but with a group of tourists. Was it wise to go explori
ng with him? He had certainly shown himself to be charming and considerate, challenging her previous judgment of him, and he was certainly easy on the eyes.

  Her breath quickened. Tingling raced through her body, along with a strong curiosity to see the caves and to spend more time with him. She decided to shelve her previous irritations with him, for now. She was going to be working with him in some capacity through the summer. She might as well face her reaction to him and deal with it.

  “I’ll take you up on your offer, if you don’t mind waiting for Meg. I told her I’d watch her things.” Ari busied herself with making a sandwich. She peeled and sliced the avocado with her knife and then added the rest of the cheese and the chicken. “She should be back soon,” she said and tore into her sandwich.

  “Tell me more about you, Luca. I didn’t catch much last night other than you are Italian and like a nice bottle of red.” Her brain began to function as she grew more accustomed to his presence.

  He leaned forward and grabbed something from one of the front pockets of his backpack. Then he sat back, raking his fingers through his damp waves, quickly sweeping the mass into a thick coil off his neck and securing it to the back of his head. “Like you, I teach. In Italy. Università di Lazio. The program is new for the university. There is a lot of interest. My classes are small and fill before they open.”

  I bet they do. “What is your class load?”

  “Three and one lab. They focus on parasitology and arachnology.”

  She shivered and took a small bite of her sandwich. “They sound interesting, if rather intense.”

  He noticed her shivering. “Are you still not feeling well?”

  “Much better, thanks. It’s just… I’m not a fan of spiders.”

  “I see. Mo—”

  A cheery voice interrupted Ari and Luca’s conversation. “Hey, mates!”

  “Ciao, Meg! Taking a break?”

  “My stomach brought me back.” She plopped down onto her knees between them, and seeing the rind, she said, “Watermelon! Have any more?”

  Ari looked at Luca in question.

  “There is a little more. Your friend devoured most of it.” His smile twitched. “Can you spare a bite?”


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