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Once We Were Kings (Young Adult Fantasy) (The Sojourner Saga)

Page 14

by Alexander, Ian

  "Come on, hurry!" Render said.

  "You're all right!" said Kaine as he arrived. He pulled his brother into a tight embrace and his weapons rattled against his armor.

  "We must find Folen and Stewan," Edwyn said.

  "Don't you think they'd have evacuated like the rest?" Kaine said. "Come to think of it, why haven't you both done the same?"

  "House arrest," Render said. "The guards abandoned us."

  Another incendiary hit the castle. Render never had much contact with any of the inhabitants, and the few he saw regularly, servants and staff members were nowhere to be found.

  "Stop wasting time!" Edwyn rushed down to the second floor, where the twins resided. Render had never seen him move with such speed.



  They arrived to find their door shut. Edwyn grasped the door handle and pulled it away quickly. "It's too hot inside." With his hand wrapped in the loose fabric of his cloak, he tried the door again. But it was locked.

  "We're too late," said Kaine.

  Ignoring him, Edwyn grabbed a heavy chair from the wall. With a shout, he smashed it into the door once, twice, and finally on the third strike, the door burst open.

  Flames roared out from the bedchamber. Render shielded his face from the searing heat. Bright amber and golden light flooded the entire room. If the twins were inside, there was no chance of their surviving. This did nothing to deter Edwyn from calling their names over and over.

  One of the tall pillars out at the front of the castle began to groan and crumble. Before Render could draw anyone's attention to it, it fell with a ground shaking crash into the middle of the courtyard. As it fell, he took in the full panorama of the citadel. Strange, where was the royal army? As far as he could see, Castle Mittelvald seemed a lone target by the Tianese troops. Why was it that no other parts of the citadel had been attacked?

  "We really must get out," Kaine said, pulling him by the arm. Then to Edwyn he said, "They may have escaped with the rest."

  By the time they got back to the staircase, Render could see the enemy forces. They had begun withdrawing through the opening they'd made by ramming a large part of the citadel wall. Enemy torches faded back into the wood though the occasional flaming arrow flew back at what remained of the castle. Edwyn and Kaine had already entered the foyer.

  Nothing could have prepared Render for what he found as he stepped through the rubble. The bodies of several members of the castle staff lay strewn on the floor, some with arrows sticking out of their backs, others soaked in puddles of blood.

  Though Kaine leaned against the open space where the massive doors to the main entrance once stood, Edwyn knelt at a pile of hulking stone bricks. Both hands on his head, he rocked back and forth and wept. When Render came to his side, he realized why.


  From within his hood, hot steam from Bai Juang's breath and tears nearly stifled him. He prayed the blow to the back of his neck would be swift and clean. But the next sound he heard was not what he had expected.

  A swift whistle.

  A flying arrow.

  Coming straight at him.

  He held his position, determined to die with dignity, whether by sword or by arrow. But the sound of it piercing flesh, cracking through bone, was not his own. Unless he had grown so numb that he could not tell.

  The soldier standing above him let out a gurgling cry.

  A heavy thud fell by Bai Juang's side.

  He turned his head to the left, then the right, trying to discern what he could by sound alone.

  Another arrow.

  A second man, blubbering in fear.

  Then another pained cry and thud.

  "What is happening! " Bai Juang cried out. "Who are you?"

  The reply came with a quick shove in the back as someone grabbed his wrists, slipped something between them and then cut the cords. He was free.

  "Wait!" The woman's voice, smooth as satin, was furtive, urgent. "Hold still!"

  Still on his knees, Bai Juang pulled the hood from his head. Gasped deeply as though he had been holding his breath underwater longer than he should. He turned to look over his shoulder.

  A lady in a dark cape was cutting the rope that bound his ankles.

  With that, He leapt to his feet.

  A very large Torian soldier lay on his back, his mouth and eyes agape as though the last thing he saw were a ghost. Two arrow shafts rose from his chest, still as silence.


  "A friend." The lady, a fair skinned Torian who exuded aristocracy lifted a slender finger to her lips. Her ebony hair, shone in the brilliant moonlight which stung his eyes like needles. She held her head high, her chin tucked down and eyes, sharp as a bird of prey. Her crossbow at the ready, she searched the surrounding area. "We must go, quickly."

  "How can I know where I am going when I don't know where I am?"

  "Keep quiet!" She stepped over the second soldier, who in his death pose looked as taken by surprise as the first. Then she pointed through the tree branches. "There."

  As his eyes adjusted to the moonlight, he blinked. Then blinked again. Through the tree leaves and branches it was unmistakable.

  "Mount Handara."

  How could his fortune have changed so drastically? Bai Juang rubbed his eyes and looked again. He could not help but smile.

  "Yes, Bai Juang. I have come to bring you to the Sojourners Council."



  Words could not escape Render's mouth. With eyes wide open, a look of surprise and fear etched eternal into his features, Folen lay on his back, an arrow, the shaft of which still burned, protruded from the center of his chest. By his side, the upper half of Stewan's still body extended out from beneath a pile of enormous stones. Blood drew a dark line down from the corner of his mouth, his eyes, devoid of life, were still pooled in tears.

  Sorrow upon sorrow fell upon Render. He never spoke to Edwyn about letting them go and visit their adopted parents. Had he done so, they might be in their loving care now. "What kind of soldiers would kill even children!"

  "Tianese, Sojourners," Kaine said, through clenched teeth. He wiped his eye and peered out at the courtyard, where the fallen column almost blocked the entryway. His eyes widened suddenly. "Take cover!"

  Because the Tianese troops had been withdrawing into the wood, and because the castle was all but demolished now, Render hadn't expected any further attacks. The explosion of the incendiary corrected that assumption.

  A downpour of splintered wood, stone and dust followed. When he could see again, he perceived Kaine and Edwyn stumbling out of the castle, arms over their faces and coughing.

  He was just about to run out to join them when he heard a faint sound. Like a child crying. A quick glance down at his feet reminded him it was neither Folen nor Stewan.

  "Render, come on! Quickly, before the entire thing collapses!" Edwyn shouted back into the ruins.

  But Render followed the sound to a door towards the castle's east wing. To his dismay, it became necessary for him to climb over the open-eyed body of a man servant crushed under a large slab of stone the size of a dining table.

  It was from beneath that very slab that Render noticed a small white hand extending and flexing its fingers. Muffled cries emanated from the rubble.

  He knelt down and found a boy trapped in space between the slab and the ground. The gap was not quite tight enough to crush him, but sufficient to entrap him. "Hello, are you all right?"

  The boy turned his face. "I'm trapped!"


  "I can barely breathe. If this slab pitches one way or another, I'll be flattened!" A dark voice whispered into Render's thoughts, It'll serve the little monster right!

  Partly because he wasn't certain how exactly to help, and partly because that voice had taken him aback so, Render stood frozen. Singeing heat from the flames encroached. The fumes provoked a fit of coughs.

p; "Render, get me out of here!"

  He'd just as soon leave you to die.

  "Would you stop floundering and do something!"

  "Oh, do shut up and let me think!"

  "Let you think?” Branson scoffed. “That'll be the death of me, for sure!"

  Render rested a hand on the slab, which was alarmingly hot. As he leaned a bit on it to determine how firmly it was situated, the slab shifted.

  Branson let out a howl. "You're killing me, you idiot!"

  Forget him! Save yourself while you can.

  Render pulled his hand away and began walking away.

  "No, wait! Come back here this instant!" Branson cried.

  As he neared the hallway, Render's eyes fell upon the heavy wooden beam that had fallen across a chair. With all his might, he grasped both beam and chair and pushed them, wood scraping against the stone floor, towards the slab.

  Slivers pricked his hand as he pushed the lower end of the beam under the slab. Branson continued to mutter and complain, but Render ignored it. Not sparing a moment, he wedged the end of the beam in as far is it would go.

  "Watch it, you dolt!" said Branson, slapping the wood beam set before his face.

  "I don't know how long I'll be able to hold it up. So as soon as you can, roll out from underneath."

  "Just. Be. Careful!"

  Without answering, Render bore down with all his strength on the upper end of the beam. The slab did not budge. An endless stream of complaints gushed from Branson’s lips. The fire grew so intense that Render could feel its deep beating, like wings of a gigantic moth.

  Sweat poured down his face and stung his eyes. It's too late for him. Why should you die in vain? Render let out a grunt. "Shut up!"

  At that, Branson stopped. Render leapt up and leaned his entire body atop the wood beam. This provided just enough leverage to lift the slab. He felt it rise off the stones which prevented it from pulverizing Branson. "Now, Branson!"

  To Render's surprise, Branson sprung up into sight. Render pushed off the beam and let the slab down. Not to his surprise, the spoiled son of Lord Agon began to spew forth oaths. "Where are the guards, the military? How can they have all abandoned my father's home without so much as a—"

  Render grabbed Branson's arm with enough force to silence him, if only momentarily. "Quit your jawing! We have to get out of here!"

  This time, Branson obeyed and followed him into the hallway. The collapsing structures further encouraged him to listen. It was difficult to see through the dark billowing smoke, even when he wasn't shielding his face. But they finally made their way to the main entrance.

  A wall of fire impeded them.

  "We've been attacked and the portcullis hasn't even been lowered!" Branson said, glaring up at the archway.

  "If it were, we'd have no way of getting out."

  "And I suppose you're just going to walk through those flames?"

  The ground shook. The ceiling above the hallway was coming down, one section after another. This sent a gust of searing heat right up against their backs.

  "Not walk," said Render, grabbing Branson by the collar and belt. With a straining grunt, he heaved the boy off his feet and threw him through the fire. A second later he himself took three steps back, then jumped headfirst through the flames.

  He shut his eyes, covered his face with his arms and shouted as he blasted through the searing conflagration and out the door. If he had misjudged and the fire actually extended over the drawbridge, both he and Branson would be incinerated.

  Render landed hard on his shoulder. The air rushed out of his lungs. He expected to find himself surrounded by the blaze, for the stench of burning hair and clothes reached his nose.

  But when he lifted his head, he found himself next to Branson on the bridge. Safe and in the open air.

  "Render!" shouted Kaine in the courtyard, waving his hands with excitement. "Over here!"

  Just as they arrived at the courtyard, the western wall of the blazing castle came toppling down. Before they could catch their breath, Kaine hurried them towards the western gate where Edwyn paced about, craning his neck and peering out at the center of the citadel.

  Without so much as a word, Branson broke away and ran from the Castle, shouting angry words about the cowards his father employed. He even complained about his father himself, who was nowhere to be found during the destruction of his home.

  "There's gratitude for you," Render muttered.

  "Hurry!" Kaine grasped Render's shoulders with both hands. "He'll be looking for me."

  "What are you carrying on about?" Edwyn said, pacing around the perimeter, trying to see over the citadel walls. "Where is the royal guard? Wait here."

  "You're marked for death, Render," said Kaine in a gentler tone, but with no less urgency. "Couldn't let that happen to my baby brother. So when the Sojourners attacked, I came for you. It's your only chance to escape."

  "What?" The entire citadel seemed to be spinning. He held his head between his hands.

  "If Lord Mooregaard finds me talking to you, he'll kill us both. Now run, Render. With all speed, run!"

  Render hesitated. He saw the finality in his brother's eyes and could not believe it was so simple for him to sever his ties like this. "Aren't you coming with me?"

  "I can't. Now stop being an idiot and go!"

  "But The Prophet said...How will I ever know who... what I'm—?"

  "Haven't you heard? He's gone missing. He must be the real traitor, a Sojourner spy." Kaine gave Render a brisk embrace, grasped his arms, turned him around, and with his foot, shoved his rump forward. "Now, get out of here before you get us both killed!"

  "No!" Render shouted. "I have a chance at finding out who I am, what I was destined for. And now you—"

  "You're destined to have your head lopped off, if the Tianese soldiers don't get us first!"

  "And now, like you've always done, you think you can take charge of me, my life, my future?"

  "Don't be stupid! Go!"

  "Why, Kaine? What if I don't? What are you afraid of?"

  Kaine's eyes grew large with exasperation. "I'm afraid you'll die!"

  "Or are you afraid that maybe, just maybe, your little brother might upstage you? You heard The Prophet! Maybe I'm meant to be a king."

  "You little fool! I don't care about any of that. Now get yourself out of the citadel before—"

  "Before what!" Render reached over and pulled out Kaine's dagger. He pointed it at Kaine more out of rebellion than threat.

  "Put that away! They already think you're—-Have you any idea how incriminating that looks?"

  "Of course you'd say that," Render scoffed. "If you wanted to get rid of me."

  From the periphery, Render saw Edwyn running back to the courtyard. The sound of approaching hooves alerted Kaine.

  "Oh no," Kaine said. "It's Mooregaard. Rend, please. Listen to me. Go while you still can. You have to believe me—"

  Before he could complete his sentence, Kaine stopped and backed away suddenly. "Render, come away from there."

  "Do you take me for a fool?"

  "I said, get away from there. Now!" Kaine pointed in the air. An enormous marble pillar began to fall. Render stood frozen with fear. Kaine, however, rushed over, tackled him and threw him to the ground, shielding him with his own body.

  Unable to see past his brother, Render squeezed his eyes shut.

  The pillar crashed down and hit the ground where he had been standing. It split the cobblestone and sank halfway into the ground. Sand and dust and pebbles pelted the side of Render's head.

  Kaine pushed himself off his brother and fell back onto his haunches. He touched his chest and looked at his wet fingers.

  From his chest, a dark circle expanded quickly across his white shirt. Blood oozed down. "Render..."

  "Kaine?" Still clutching the bloodied dagger upon which Kaine had fallen, Render got up and crawled over to him. His brother fell to his knees then onto his side, his eyes wide and mouth agape
. Render slipped his hand under Kaine's head. It was heavy and limp. "No, Kaine, please. I'm so sorry.... I never... you just didn't... please, Kaine, don't."

  Like smoke hissing out of a log in a dying fire, Kaine uttered his last word, "Run..."

  "Kaine!" Mooregaard cried as he dismounted his steed.


  “Stand, murderous traitor!" Mooregaard dismounted his horse and glanced down to Kaine's lifeless body. "Is it not sufficiently egregious that you've aided the Tianese Sojourners in this craven attack? But now, you would kill even your own brother?"

  Backing away, Render could not find an answer. Sorrow and remorse clutched his heart like a hawk's talons. The dagger fell from his hand and clanked against the ground. He stared at the blood on his hands. Tried wiping them on his pants, fearing it would never come off. "But...I didn't—"

  "Silence, vile rogue!" Mooregaard's sword whistled as he drew it from its sheath. With clenched teeth and the tip of his sword shaking, he pressed forward, each step quicker than the last.

  "He is not responsible!" Edwyn called out. He put himself between the Mooregaard and Render. "His brother's death was accidental, I saw it all."

  "Stand aside, Sir Edwyn, this is not your affair."

  "But it is." Edwyn’s hand moved to the hilt of his own sword.

  "Then you are a sympathizer and shall be dealt with accordingly." With his elbow, Mooregaard pushed Edwyn aside and pointed his sword straight at Render. "Stand clear. This one shall be shown all the mercy his fellow Sojourners showed their victims!

  So transfixed was Render on his brother's blood between his fingers that he barely noticed Edwyn drawing his sword and striking it against Mooregaard's.

  "Go, Render!" Edwyn cried out between blows and short gasps. "Fly to the East, quick as you can. Keep running!"

  More present than his mind, his feet had already begun to move. But all Render could see was the look of shock on his dying brother's face. All he could hear was Mooregaard's resonant invective: Traitor! Murderer! Vile Rogue!


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