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Wild Child

Page 14

by Needa Warrant

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Kima was happy. Thorn had come home and V was by her side.

  She beamed a bright smile at V, "Isn't it wonderful Thorn’s back? I know how to hunt because of him - he used to take me duck and deer hunting. Thorn bought me my first gun too! I'm a better shot than most of the boys around here. Did I ever tell you those stories? I always wished that he was my real brother."

  Veiko sighed with relief. Thank God Kima was looking at Thorn like a brother. He thought that, by the look Thorn had given Kima, and that kiss, there may have been something more. That wouldn't have gone well for Thorn.

  Veiko heard Jo squeal with laughter. He turned and saw Thorn swinging her around and kiss her the same way. Nailz didn't looked too pleased, however. He looked downright mean and intimidating. V shook his head at Nailz, letting him know it was all good.

  They needed Hunter and Unlawful MC to patch over to the club. But, today, they could all relax and have a good time. It was going to be another great party at Sea Woods.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Thrash was shooting the shit about tattoos with some of the bros'. Being a tattoo artist, he was in much demand and they all wanted to get some ink done. He noticed Elena and and another woman putting some food out on a table. Thrash did a double take and saw that the woman was China. He couldn't believe that she was there!

  Moving close to the table, he was about to approach her but she disappeared back inside the Lodge. Thrash groaned inwardly. He needed something that he could talk to her about. He supposed he could ask her about her tattoo but that conversation could only go so far. Thrash didn't want another brother putting the moves on her, so he had to come up with something fast. China was shy and it wouldn't be easy.

  Maybe Kima or Jo could help him out. He was growing closer to those two and felt more comfortable around them. Looking around he saw Kima talking to Thorn. As if feeling his eyes on her, she glanced up at him. So he motioned her to come over.

  Kima came up and hugged him. "What’s up? Why are you over here watching the food?" she asked.

  Thrash felt a little embarrassed, asking for help in regards to a woman. "Its about China. I wanna talk to her alone. Can you help me?"

  She smiled up at him, "Thrash, have you fallen for sweet China? She’s so nice and, once you get her talking, you'll find her very interesting. Not like those club sluts."

  "I did a tat for her and, yeah, I've thought about her. But let's keep it between us. Just toss some good words in for me and see if she’ll talk to me."

  Kima looked long into Thrash's eyes. "You're serious about China aren't you? Damn... The mighty Thrash has fallen."

  "Shut up, Kima. I'm just asking for a favor. I like the girl and I'd be better to her than any man here, right?"

  Kima jumped on Thrash's back and giggled. "I’ll get China to talk to you and I'll scare any man away who comes near her. Now give me a piggyback ride back to the door. This one’s free, Thrash, but I’m not getting any women for you after this. It’s gonna cost you."

  Thrash gave Kima her ride and they both laughed when Thrash snickered, "Kima, you're one of a kind. V’s lucky he found you.

  "No shit! I hope he knows it, too, because I hate when he ignores me."

  "I"ve talked to him and things will get better. Just give V some room. He’s still thinking you want twins."

  Both laughed like hell.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  From the doorway China looked at Thrash and thought, I want to talk with this man who creates such beauty. How can I get him to talk to me?

  She didn't like the bikers very much and hated violence but there was something about Thrash that made her feel safe. Kima seemed at ease with him but she was his brother's old lady.

  This old lady business confused her. She was going to have to talk to Kima and Elena about that. Meanwhile, she would watch Thrash from afar.

  He didn't seem interested in the other women there. In fact he went out of his way to avoid them. She would somehow get up the nerve to talk to this huge, imposing biker.

  Playing this waiting game, she watched him talking to his brothers. Thrash looked right at her so she smiled at him. He smiled back. Her almond eyes widened and her smile grew bigger as Thrash made his way towards her.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Jo had made some stupid decisions in her life but this one top them all off! Now she was scared!

  Up until a few minutes ago she was searching around for Nailz. He had promised her a ride on his bike and she couldn't find him anywhere. She had spoken to him earlier at the party, but hadn't seen him for quite some time.

  It was later on during the day and it would be getting dark soon. Everyone was off partying and having a good time. She was feeling kind of lonely and disappointed because she wanted to spend some time with him. Jersey, for the matter, wasn't around either, There was only one place she hadn't checked yet, so she decided to take a walk along the beach. Perhaps she would find him there.

  Now there was a big, dirty, smelly guy with a beer belly was eying her up! He was gross and disgusting! The biker had been peeing behind a bayberry bush and jumped out when he saw her.

  Jo got along well with the guys from V's chapter, enough that they knew not to bother her. But she’d never seen this one before and Jo wished he'd disappear.

  Great, she thought. Everybody seemed so far away and only Jo and this stinky creeper were on this part of the beach. She wasn't loud like Kima and didn't think she could find anything to defend herself with if he came closer. Jo walked faster hoping to get away.

  The drunken creeper crowed, "Hey, sweet thing! Come over here and gimme a kiss."

  Jo thought, Oh hell no! She began to really panic. What had she gotten herself into now!

  "You know you want me. I saw you peeking at me while I was taking a piss."

  Jo stopped in her tracks and looked back at the grinning fool. "Fuck you! I was looking for Nailz and Jersey, asshole. Get the hell away from me unless you want trouble with them."

  "So, you're a club slut that my bros' share. Good! They won't mind me having a taste. Now get your ass over here," he bellowed, laughing at her.

  Jo began to scream as he came toward her. She spotted a large rock and knelt to get it. If that bastard came near her she was going to plow him in the face. "They don't share me, you prick! They protect me from douche bags like you."

  Jo saw her chance to trip the wobbly, drunken creeper and did, causing him to fall flat on his face. Then she smashed the rock into his head. Hard. The smelly biker groaned and Jo saw blood.

  Oh my God, she thought! I've done it now!

  She ran towards the Lodge to find Kima and Elena all the while thinking that she was in a whole lot of trouble.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  The biker lay bleeding on the ground for a few minutes. Fucking whore! Nailz and Jersey's bitch, huh? Well now they’d have to fight to keep her. No bitch got away with hitting him.

  He got up and went to round up his chapter. Skunk would demand to take that little slut or have a showdown with Nailz and Jersey.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Jo bumped into Thrash's chest. She was crying as he steadied her. "Jo, what the fuck?"

  Jo buried herself into Thrash, shaking and muttering that she needed Nailz or Jersey.

  "Jo, slow down. What happened?" Thrash asked with concern, as he tried to calm her.

  "I hit some smelly nasty biker in the head on the beach and left him there bleeding. He was a fat, disgusting pig! He said I was peeking at him while he was taking a piss! Thrash, I'm really scared! I told him that Nailz and Jersey would kick his ass! I should have added your name too!"

  Shit! This was going to get nasty. He got Jo into Kima's arms. China was helping clean up, so he walked over to her.

  "Hey, China, can you do me a favor, honey?"

  "Sure," she nodded.

  "There’s going to be some shouting and maybe a fight. I need you to keep Jo inside here with Kima. It’ll be okay. So n
o running away this time. You can do that, right?" He brushed a kiss on her silky hair and touched her cheek. "Go inside and lock the door. I’ll get Elena."

  Thrash walked back to Kima who was holding a hysterical Jo. "Go inside and stay there. If Jo hit who I think she did, there's gonna be a fight. We don't need to worry about you women while this gets settled."

  Kima nodded and patted Jo's back. "I guess we better do as Thrash says, even though I don't understand any of this. What did you do, Jo?"

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Nailz was at a pay phone listening to Rabid bitch about Hunter's party. He had to keep things cool with him.

  "Prez, it’s not our party. Hunter knows people from all over. I think he might be thinking of patching over. If you were here, he would have invited you himself."

  Nailz had no choice but to let Rabid know of Hunter’s intent. He was mad about it, but keeping Rabid happy was the best way to deal with him.

  "So when are you coming back as one of my boys?" Rabid slurred at the other end. He was wasted but Nailz wasn't sure if it was an act. Wasted or not, Rabid was pissed off.

  "Nailz... we been through Nam and always got each others backs. I swear some shit is going on and I hope I'm wrong."

  Nailz decided to use Rabid's real name. "Sean, when didn't I have your back? It’s just a fucking party."

  Rabid took a moment to answer. "Nailz, I don't trust Flop. I want him outta the club after the mandatory run. You got what I mean?"

  Nailz inwardly sighed. "Why not lose him now? He sucks as a chapter president. He uses more money than he needs to and V, or hell even I, would make a better president."

  Nailz was truly disgusted with himself. He hated lying and hated playing games with Rabid.

  "No. I’m sending him back with you guys and you deal with him. I never figured you would want to be a president, Nailz, but I think that would be a good place for me to put you. Veiko wouldn't be insulted. I am in tight with the Finn's and need their backing. I felt safer with Thrash here. I don't trust some of my boys."

  Rabid was getting paranoid.

  "Lay off the dust, Sean. You’re getting too freaky on it." Nailz was already tired of this call.

  "Ain't just the dust. I think it’s the shit we went through. Fucking haunts me at times, bro. I'm headed to West Virginia tomorrow to check out a few chapters. Then I will see you soon enough in Virginia. You tell my boys, mandatory means they all better be there. Fines for those not in the hospital or having a real good reason. We good?"

  "Yeah, Sean...we're good."

  Rabid paused, "Nailz, one more thing. No old ladies on this run. No means none."

  "Good idea - bitches cause too much trouble. I'll make it known and have V call you tomorrow."

  Nailz hung up the phone, feeling like he’d just kissed Rabid's ass. He looked at Jersey who was leaning against his bike. "I fucking hate this shit. He knows something - just like in Nam. That fucker can sense shit and I had to tell him about Hunter."

  Jersey nodded, "No shit. Why do you think I stepped down? He’s out for my ass and I know it. We'll explain it to Hunter. Let's get to the party. I want to see Jo."

  Nailz gave him a hard stare. "Fuck you, Jersey."

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  V and Thrash were in the middle of an argument with some of the Virginia chapters.

  Thrash bellowed, "No fucking way are you getting Jo! Ain't happening. Nailz and Jersey ain't even here yet. Skunk had no business going near Jo. She's not a club slut. Nobody is claiming her and if you want to try, come through me!"

  The brothers facing them backed away a bit.

  Thrash was one of Rabid's favorite 'boys' He was well known to fight hard and dirty when needed. Skunk was still drunk and making threats. V was trying to talk some sense into the men standing with Skunk. Hunter was ready to start shooting anyone who tried to go near his house.

  The party was getting out of control because of Skunk. This wasn't the first time he’d caused trouble, either. Thrash knew Rabid was tired of him so he wasn't as worried about this as much as V was.

  Nailz and Jersey were just parking their bikes when Elena rushed to them. She was freaking out. "Jo hit Skunk in the head with a rock and he's trying to claim her! Hunter’s ready to end the party and shoot people. Skunk thinks she belongs to you two. She was scared, so who knows what she said."

  The two men looked at each other before Jersey broke into a huge grin. "I told you she was into me more! Now let’s go kick Skunk's ass."

  Nailz held Jersey back. "Jerz, she isn't into either of us and I wanna hear from Jo what happened. I need to make sure she's ok. You go tell ‘em I'm coming. "

  Elena and Nailz walked toward the house. "Why the fuck would Jo say she belonged to both of us, Elena?"

  Elena shook her head. "She was that scared, Nailz. She just said what popped out of her head, I guess. Maybe she figured two of you was better than one? I don't know. I think you’d be better off going with Jersey, really. Jo’s safe with us and I can tell her you're both here."

  Nailz nodded and pushed himself through the crowd. More like the crowd parted for him, actually.

  V was glad to see Jersey and Nailz. He was talking to the Virginia State President, Snuffy, about Skunk and while the President agreed with V, there were club rules. Jersey and Nailz had to claim Jo now or V had to hand her over to Skunk and the chapter he was in. Bunch of redneck hillbillies, he thought.

  Snuffy stated, "I am tired of this shit with Skunk fucking up every party he's at, but we got rules V."

  "Yeah we do and my brother will kill Skunk. Maybe I’ll just go inside and call Rabid. He's headed your way soon enough. You deal with Nailz. And you know how close he is with Rabid, too, brother," V threatened.

  Snuffy saw the huge man coming toward him with Jersey. Both looked grim. Nailz spoke in a dead, calm voice, "Snuffy - I just talked to Rabid. He ain't happy with not being here, bro. Now me and Jersey here find out Jo was hassled by Skunk?"

  Snuffy had heard that tone before and knew Nailz was ready to fight. Not to mention that damn Jersey was always happy fighting. They both would throw down anywhere, anyplace, anytime.

  He shook his head. "It’s up to Skunk, I guess, if he wants the girl and a fight. You know he ain't as good a fighter as either of you two."

  Jersey spoke up, "Snuff, bro, Skunk’s a problem. He scared our bitch - I'd kill him for that. So me and Nailz share Jo. That's our business. He fights us both. We clear on that? So go get Skunky."

  V looked at the two men, "You two are going to publicly claim Jo as yours?"

  "What the fuck else can we do? Either that or she goes with Skunk. And there's no way in hell that I'm gonna let that happen." Nailz stated.

  Jersey looked worried, "Nailz, you gotta claim Jo as your old lady. Be honest; you have a thing for her. And she does for you. She'll be too embarrassed if we both claim her."

  Nailz thought about Jo and how sweet she was. He realized Jersey was right. No one was going to claim Jo but him. Decision made, he declared, "Yeah, I'll claim Jo as my old lady. Jersey go get her and keep your hands off of her. Snuffy, get Skunk and tell him I’m gonna kick his ass all over the parking lot."

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Jersey was trying to explain to Jo what she needed to do. The only problem was that she didn't get it.

  Jo was sucking on a jug of Alabama Slammers, wondering how the hell she got into this mess? She should have known better to walk alone on the beach where there was bikers. How could she have been so stupid?

  It was there that she ran into that disgusting, stinky biker who wanted to rape her. So in self defense she had bashed him in the head with a rock. Now everything was spinning out of control. The events were happening so fast that she had a hard time concentrating on what Jersey was saying.

  "Jo... look. Nailz has claimed you as his old lady. They also think you’re shared by us. If you say no, we gotta hand your stupid ass over to Skunk. Do you get me?" Jersey was getting mad.

What kind of crazy rule was this? And now everyone thinks that Nailz and Jersey share her?

  Jo looked to Kima, who had her hand over her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief.

  "Jersey, I'm sorry I mentioned both of your names. I was trying to get that fat, smelly bastard to leave me alone. Now your telling me that I'm Nailz's old lady because of that?" Her eyes filled with tears. "I don't understand any of this."

  Jersey muttered, "I gotta take a piss. Elena, talk some sense into Jo. Make her understand what’s going down - seems I can't."

  Elena sat down next to Jo and took her hand.

  "Honey, Nailz has never taken an old lady since he was married. He’s protecting you the only way he can. Now you go out there and act as happy and loving as you can to him. If you don't, then you'll be at Skunk's mercy. Or maybe we can get you out of here… but you’ll never be allowed around these parts or be Kima's best friend."

  "Do you understand this, Kima?" Jo asked.

  Kima looked at Jo with sorrow in her eyes and nodded her head. "Jo, Elena is telling you how it is. Why were you alone, anyway? You know better! At least Nailz is saving you. You need to do what Elena says."

  Elena continued, "You will go out there and kiss Nailz like he means the world to you! You will smile when Nailz says you belong to him and you will act like a proud old lady when he wins this fight. Whatever happens with Nailz and you after today is your business, but I highly suggest you act the part of being Nailz loving old lady. You created this mess, now fix it!" Her voice was sharp and she was almost yelling.

  Elena had never been angry with either girl before and Jo knew she had to fix things or give up her friends and life here. "I can do this! You two just watch - I'll rock Nailz’ world," she declared.

  Elena and Kima looked at Jo hopefully. Jersey strolled out of the bathroom, ready to take Jo's arm.


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