Wild Child

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Wild Child Page 27

by Needa Warrant

  "V, you know I've been looking for an old lady and Kima fits my criteria. Surely you aren't pissed at me?” Rabid seemed perplexed.

  Veiko looked long and hard at me. "Fuck no. Take 'Trouble' off my hands. You make a great couple. I was tired of her anyway. Far too young for me. Congratulations. I hope you'll hold the wedding until I am on my feet again, brother.”

  Rabid looked happy. If V was playing Rabid he was doing a great job. Shit, I was almost believing him. Until I saw the twitch of his eyebrow. I know when he says 'brother' like that he's really angry.

  Bullet entered the room, standing off to the side silently. Veiko spoke again. "Rabid, can you do me a favor and check on my mother? Make her understand that Kima’s out of my life? I’d like to speak to Kima. We've got some issues to settle. Since Bullet’s here that’s fine, right, brother?”

  Rabid looked antsy about letting V speak to me but nodded. "Of course I’ll speak to your mother. Bullet’s not leaving the room though.” He kissed me on the forehead and went off to find that bitch mother of V's. I waited to hear what he had to say.

  "Kima, get the fuck over here.”

  I looked at Bullet who nodded it was alright.

  V took my hand when I approached his bed. All the love, pain and emotion was in his eyes when he whispered, "I love you forever, just hold on. Jersey told you what to do?”

  I nodded, choking back tears, "Only you, V. I love you forever.”

  Bullet coughed. It was a signal that Rabid was coming back. I stepped again to his side.

  V's tone of voice changed, sounding more angrier, "I'll make sure you get your shit. I get the cabin.”

  Rabid walked into the room. "V, I couldn't find her. Are you done with Kima?”

  V replied, "Yeah, brother. I'm fucking done with her. Where do you want her stuff dropped off?”

  Rabid was stroking his goatee again. It seemed to be his addiction. "Actually, I don't want it. Kima’s starting a new life. Just give it away or toss it - she won't need it. Of course we’ll wait for you and Thrash to be at our wedding. Now we gotta go. I need to head north soon, I want my mother to meet Kima. But we'll be around for a few days, in case you need anything. Glad there's no hard feelings. Lots of chicks out there for you, eh bro?”

  V was staring into space as he muttered, "Yeah, lots.”

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  As Rabid took my hand and we walked away, all I could think was that V still loved me. But would he love me after Rabid raped me? I shuddered at the thought. As soon as I could I was running as far away as I could from Rabid. Hell, I'd kill the bastard myself if given the chance.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  "Kima, you did good today. Are you tired?” Rabid could be so nice when he wasn't crazy. But he couldn't be trusted.

  I was tired and it was showing. "Yeah I am. I don't know where to put all the clothes you bought me today or where we’ll be staying. Damn! Veiko took my cabin!”

  He patted my hand. "Marco went to buy you luggage and you need rest. I suppose we'll have to get a house. I don’t usually stay put for long but for the times you aren't with me, you’ll need a place to live. Is there any particular town you prefer?”

  I was careful in replying, "I’d like to be near the ocean. I don't do well without being able to see it. Somewhere close to a beach would be nice.”

  He looked thoughtful, "Bullet, find us some place near the ocean, not too close to Ocean Cove. Now, when we get to the motel, Kima, you go lay down and rest. Tomorrow I want my mother to meet you.”

  Well, I’d met Mrs. Finn; I couldn't wait to meet Mrs. Rabies. "Sean, what’s your last name?”

  He looked at me and smiled, "Sean Patrick Brennan and your name's gonna be Kima Brennan. Do you have a middle name?”

  I knew he was just going to love my middle name so I was happy to reply. “Kima Natasha.” He looked upset. "Lose it. From now on, it’ll be Colleen. That's a good Irish name. Oh, and lose the Russian part. I'd rather my mother think you’re all Irish.”

  I smiled adoringly into his face while thinking; Rabies, you haven't met Mrs. Regan yet, and if you dare knock her for being Russian, she'll have your balls! So will my mean uncles!

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  A few days had passed and we moved yet again. Rabid heard V was out of the hospital and wanted to take me to the clubhouse. A bunch of bikers were in the room getting high.

  He looked at me with a glare. "Wear something sexy tonight and don't even think of going near Veiko or his chapter. You just sit at the table with my boys. Got it?"

  "Yeah, I got it. You want me to look sexy and keep my mouth shut. I can do that.”

  I dressed in boots, jeans, and a low cut black sweater. This shit was really wearing on my nerves. I didn't want to see V. I really didn't want to see anyone. I wanted to see my parents and was actually missing them for a change. But, to keep V safe, I'd pull this off.

  "Rabid, should I wear makeup?”

  He was snorting a line of speed. "Yeah, use a little. Who the fuck cares. You wanna do line?”

  I didn't feel like answering but I really needed something to deal with tonight. I'd done cocaine a few times. Maybe he had some. "You got any cocaine?”

  Rabid’s eyes were gleaming. "You want coke? Shit. I thought you didn't do drugs. Guess we're wrecking your morals. Bullet, put a line down for the bitch.”

  Bitch, huh? I smiled sweetly, "There’s so much you don't know about me. My brother’s a drug dealer. My father is a nasty man with powerful friends. I told you about my mother's brothers. There’s way more to me than you see. You see a young girl who you think you can control. That girl is not me! I love to hunt. I was always a wild child who drove my parents insane. I've done my fair share of drugs. Normally, I don't do them anymore. Tonight, though, making me go to a club where my ex is, yeah, I want some coke. I'll need to be numb.”

  It seems I spoke to the air because Rabid was looking out the windows, bugging out as usual. Bullet and Marco were paying attention though.

  Bullet handed me a straw and whispered, "Let it go. He's in a mood already.”

  It was a huge line of cocaine and I hoped it would numb my brain. I snorted the coke and we left with his boys.

  In the car I had a question for Rabid. "Do you own a bike? How come I've never seen it if you do.”

  Grabbing my throat, he hissed, "What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Of course I've got a Harley! I ride. You trying to say I don't ride? I ride when the fuck I wanna ride, bitch! Now shut the fuck up,”

  Stupid Rabid! I got exactly what I wanted from him!

  I knew I was bruised; I have fair skin. Maybe somebody would notice and stop this charade. Or they could see whatever plan they had wasn't working, and get me out now.

  We got to the club and I wasn't happy to see anyone. Nor did it seem anyone was coming over to say hello. Rabid had deposited me at a table and Bullet went to get drinks. I saw Veiko leaning against one of the bars.

  "This is so fucking wrong,” I sighed sadly to Marco.

  I was shocked when he answered me. "Yeah - it’s wrong and I want no part of it. There has to be a way to get you free.” His sharp, knowing eyes were looking around the clubhouse. He spoke low as a frown suddenly crossed his face. “Just be cool and turn your head. Look at what Rabid’s doing. I've seen him do this shit before. He'll try to make you jealous so he can fuck with you after we get back to the room.”

  I turned and saw Rabid with Roxy. He was trying to make a fool out of me. Well, really more a fool of himself because Roxy was a used up slut. Everyone knew that!

  Marco grabbed my leg "Leave it be. He wants this - don't give him the satisfaction. Pretend you don't care. Ignore it all.”

  I figured Marco knew Rabies better than me, so I took his advice. But the game was on. I'd fix Rabies or make a fool out of him.

  Watching this circus act, I saw Roxy grabbed Rabid's hand and led him to the office. Looking back at me, she smiled triumphantly. Stupid bitch! When this was over I'd beat
her ass again just for that smile. It sure wouldn't be over Rabies. Hell! I'd love for Rabies to take Roxy.

  I said I had to go to the bathroom and Bullet told me to make it fast. To get there, I had to walk past Veiko. He looked so pale, like a ghost of himself. Where was the warrior that I knew him to be? Was he giving up the fight for us? Grimly, he looked into my eyes and at my neck before demanding another drink.

  Damn him! What the fuck was he doing drinking? He'd be back in the hospital for sure!

  In the bathroom, I wondered what the fuck was going on. Had they just tossed me to Rabid? It sure looked like it.

  V wasn't there when I walked back and sat at the table. Nor was Rabid. The guys all looked pretty bored and I told them again how sorry I was they were stuck with me. Snake muttered it wasn't my fault and said he was sorry I was stuck with Rabid too.

  Just then Rabid showed up with Roxy. His eyes taunted me, "Kima, you know Roxy, don't you? Sit down Roxy and hang out with my old lady.”

  I shot her a nasty look. In response, she cattily smiled back at me. Then with a flourish, she proudly tossed her panties on the table.

  Everyone was staring at me to see what my reaction would be. Game on! So I scrunched up my nose in disgust and sneered, "Ew! Something stinks like rotten tuna! Must be those nasty panties of yours, Roxy. Get that disgusting thing off the table and go take your fishy twat back to your own corner before we all choke to death.”

  For a moment there was complete silence as everyone at the table sat there shocked at what I said. Then they roared with laughter.

  Roxy looked mortified and her face turned beet red. Rabid wa shocked as hell. Apparently it wasn't the reaction he was hoping for. Was he expecting me to fight for him?

  Bullet looked over at Rabid and snickered "You better do a shot, Perez. Hell, you better gargle a few. You sure don't want to catch anything. Better douse your cock in some too.”

  There was another round of laughter. I couldn't help myself, so I lamented, “Oh Rabid – of all the women here, why did you go with her? Didn't you know that they call her Tuna Twat? That's for a reason you know. She's one of the dirtiest sluts here and I heard she has the clap. Now, you'll have to go and see a doctor.”

  Rabid went pale, then made a mad dash for the bar. There was no doubt in my mind that the crazy fucker was going into panic mode. I hoped he would have a heart attack. I turned back to the table and looked at everyone with a not so innocent smile on my face. Score one for me. Roxy nothing.

  I saw Nailz striding toward us and was glad to see him. Roxy looked murderous; ready to throw herself across the table at me. Nailz took one look at her and tossed her on the floor. "Roxy get the fuck out now!” Nailz then turned to me and asked, “Kima, you holding up okay?”

  "No, I'm not. This has been a horrible night. What the fuck is Veiko doing? Why is he drinking?"

  Nailz's face grew tight. "He's being taken home. He wasn't supposed to drink. He'll be fine tomorrow."

  Rabid was now heading towards the bathroom. I saw the boys who were at the table smiling at me. "That was fucking great how you handled that, Kima," Snake laughed.

  I smiled back at him. Guess I passed the test.

  Marco was still laughing. "That was fucking awesome! It was great to see both Kima and Bullet messing with Rabid's head. We'll get some down time for sure. He's a bit of a hypochondriac. Just watch- he'll get a room by himself and sleep for days.”

  We left right after that and I was praying that V was okay. Seeing me there wasn't what he needed, but V was a grown man. He knew how to take care of himself. I prayed he had a way to get me out of this nightmare.

  Marco was right about having down time. Rabies went off to his room for a few days and even had Bullet take him to the doctor. What a crazy freak. He moped around for nearly a week before I saw him again. Thankfully Bullet got me some books and I laid around reading while waiting on Rabid's next move.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 33 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  Rabid was planning to take Kima to visit his mother and told his boys to be ready to go north in a few hours. So far he was only touching her while she slept and still hadn't fucked her. Rabid didn't even sleep in the same bed with Kima. Usually he drugged her so she passed out cold. Then he sent Bullet or Marco in to hang out in the room while he went out and got high. Or he'd pick up some poor hooker to rape and abuse. He always used hookers because he knew damn well if he used a club slut he'd get caught in his sick games.

  Some of his boys were weary of his lifestyle and Bullet hadn't been able to find anything but a winter rental which Rabid refused to look at. He wanted a two bedroom apartment or house his mother could visit Kima at.

  He was going through money like water and some of the guys were getting resentful. Rabid often played one brother against another. They’d all been made promises of getting ahead in the club. Being SAA's to the National President was supposed to be an honor - not a janitorial position to clean up his messes.

  They were also feeling he was using club funds for his lifestyle and weren't as generous to them as he had been in the past. Some resorted to robbing the hookers of their money. Most were raped again after Rabid had finished with them.

  Snake was one of the boys who liked Veiko and Kima. He also felt Rabid had stepped out of bounds. Sooner or later something bad was going to happen to Kima at his sick hands, or that of his crazy boys. They didn't mind him hurting women and even joined in. Snake wasn't one of them and was now with Bullet and Marco.

  Rabid had convinced himself that he was justified in everything he did. He was throwing temper tantrums about everything and the slightest infraction could set him off. He was a dangerous, volatile, sick individual and Snake feared not only for himself but the future of the club.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Marco was livid. He was angry about cleaning up Rabid's encounters with the hookers. Those women were treated badly and Marco was afraid they would have to get rid of a body soon. Rabid had no idea three of his guys had turned against him.

  Since they were near the Central Bound for Hell clubhouse it was normal for the boys to go there and hang out. Marco, being one of Rabid's chosen was a very good source of information about Kima. He kept Jersey and Nails updated on what Rabid was doing whenever possible.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Veiko had moved into the studio apartment over Thrash's tattoo parlor. He was trying to recover enough to get Kima back any way he could. It had taken some time to get a hold of Thrash but he was on his way home. As soon as he was back they'd take Rabid out - club rules be damned.

  V wasn't sure how long Kima had been with Rabid but even one day was too long. He blamed himself most of the time. The accident wasn't his fault but letting Kima be alone in the hospital was all on him. Who would have thought she'd fall into Rapid's hands? He should have been on board with killing him when Nails, Jersey and his brother wanted to do it! But going rogue wasn't what he had wanted to do. He had originally wanted to get rid of Rabid by having the whole club vote him out, but realized now they'd all would have been killed.

  Going rogue was what Rabid was doing to Bound for Hell. He wasn't putting the best interests of the club first and was disobeying all their rules. That lunatic was acting like he was a King. And King Rabid was about to fall, one way or another.

  Veiko was still not feeling as well as he should have. His recovery was slow and he tired easily. Going to his bed he laid back and stared at the ceiling. He thought about Kima. Hell, every waking moment he was thinking about her. What the hell had happened to his girl? He was worried about what that fucker was doing to her. Shutting his eyes, he prayed to God that she would have the strength and courage to make it out of this alive.

  V missed the sparkling, wild girl on her horse that he'd met that beautiful day. He would give anything to hear her laugh again and hold her in his arms. Veiko laid there hating his mother, Rabid and that person who had hit them on that chilly November night with all his heart and soul. He vowed he'd end
this nightmare Kima was living and make her happy and whole again. Once he found Rabid, he was gonna wish he'd died in Vietnam!

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Thorn was hanging with Marco, shooting some pool. They were doing some shots and drinking beer when Thorn brought the subject of Kima up. "Marco, did you know Kima and I grew up together? I taught her to hunt. She’s like my little sister and I'm pissed over this. Rabid's a sick motherfucker.”

  Marco was leaning over the pool table. He sunk the ball into the side pocket then looked up at Thorn. "Fuck. I didn't know that. She doesn't talk very much in front of us. I'm sure it's Rabid's orders, no doubt. Poor chick. Wish I could help her but I don't know who’s loyal to him anymore. Some nights he's plays with guns and sharpens knives. He’s always high on something. The shit he does to those hookers; I don't even wanna talk about it. "

  Thorn watched as Marco sunk another ball, this time in the corner pocket. "How did you you end up with him? Did he hand pick you?"

  Marco walked around the table, looking for the best angle to take his next shot. "I was hard into drugs. He knew it and used it to his advantage. I think my chapter was ready to toss me out bad. Rabid was visiting and said he'd take me on and use me for protection. Hell, being out bad might've been better than this shit.”

  Thorn frowned, "If you can help Kima, it would be much appreciated by all of us here.”

  "I'll try but I don't know what Rabid’s capable of anymore. To be honest, I have a feeling that some hooker is gonna wind up dead. He’s that crazy.”

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 34 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  Rabid shook me awake. "Time to rise and shine. We're taking my mother out to dinner. I wanted to do lunch but you slept too long.”

  His eyes were cold as they stared down at me and I went on high alert. "Oh, you should have woke me up. I can be ready right away. What would you like me to wear?”


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