Wild Child

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Wild Child Page 28

by Needa Warrant

  He gave me a satisfied grin and pulled out a long jewelry box from his jacket. I opened it; inside was a pearl necklace.

  "I got this when we went shopping. Don't wear that ring until my mother approves of you. You need to give it to me and wear these pearls with the blue dress.”

  I rose out of bed and handed him the ring. As I headed for the shower, I knew Rabid would lay everything he wanted me to wear on the bed. Putting my hair under a shower cap, I washed quickly. Stepping out of the shower I rubbed the steam off the mirror and peered at my reflection. The girl staring back at me looked pale and haunted.

  Frowning, I put on make up lightly, then brushed my hair until it fell in shiny golden waves around my shoulders. I finished off with a light touch of lip gloss. Satisfied that I looked my best I went into the room.

  My stomach was churning, as I thought of meeting Mrs. Holy Rabies. Hell - maybe the crazy old bat would hate me and he'd let me go – or kill me. I dressed fast and was ready to go within the hour. Rabid gave his approval and admired me as he put the pearls around my neck.

  I needed to know the story he was going to tell his mother. "Rabid, I want to make a good impression on your mother. Does she know how we met and that you're the president of Bound for Hell or do you have a story for me to tell her?”

  Rabid got annoyed. "Of course she knows I'm the club president. Just say you fell madly in love with me. I'll do most of the talking - just act shy and try to keep your mouth shut.”

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Rabid was pissed Marco wasn't around and letting it be known. "What the fuck is going on with all of you? Fuck it! I'll just take Bullet. At least he knows his job. Tell that fuckin Marco to wash and shine my bike when he gets back. You're all free to hang at the clubhouse and wait for the call that I'm back in town. And I wanna know who's talking about me. I can sense something is wrong and you better find out what it is.”

  The brothers nodded and quickly left. Bullet drove and I sat in the back seat alone since Rabid was in front. As I began to doze off, he reached over the seat and put his hand up my dress, pinching me brutally. I was ready to scream when I caught Bullet's eyes in the car mirror. He was encouraging me not to scream.

  Bullet was mad and let him know it. "Rabid, knock it the fuck off, man. You want her to make an impression on your mother; you don't hurt her.”

  Rabid sat there sulking like a child. We pulled into Glendale around five o'clock. Rabid had Bullet stop at a payphone so he could call his mother.

  Bullet tilted his head and spoke softly, "Listen Kima - she’s as crazy as he is. Just try to be polite and let him talk. I know you can do this. Remember to call him Sean. ”

  I nodded and folded my hands.

  Rabid seemed excited when he got back in the car. "She can't wait to meet you since I've told her so much about you. We're making it an early dinner at her favorite restaurant. I hope you're ready and you better make a good impression Kima!”

  I just smiled serenely at him and replied, "Of course, Sean.”

  Mrs. Brennan was already waiting for us as we drove in. Rabid jumped out of the car and gave her a big hug. He then went around to open the door and motioned for me to get out. I tried to be as ladylike as I could as I smoothed down my dress and stepped carefully out of the car. Her shrewd eyes were watching my every move.

  She spoke first. "So, you’re Kima. Sean’s been going on and on about you. What a lucky girl you are.”

  What the fuck? Bullet was right!

  "Yes, Mrs. Brennan, I am. You've raised quite a man. Sean speaks so highly of you."

  She beamed a bright smile at me and then turned to him. " She's half Irish, Sean? Seems a bit too young for you.” She made him lean down and I heard her whisper in his ear, “I'm not sure this is the one, Sean.”

  Oh shit, I thought. He’ll kill me for sure!

  Rabid looked annoyed. "Mama - she's at least half Irish. Just give her a chance. She's young so we can give you lots of grandchildren – Kima loves kids. Now, let’s go get something to eat.”

  Dinner went well or as well as it could. I have good table manners and I answered when spoken to. She asked me questions about my family and told me stories of her beloved son. Finally it was over and we took her home. Again I got out of the car at Rabid's motioning. She actually kissed me on the cheek goodbye.

  "You take good care of my boy, Kima. And, Sean, I want you to make sure not a hair on her head gets touched by that gang of yours. You have my blessing.”

  Well fuck me! The crazy old bat liked me and I think she knew all about her crazy son, too.

  Sean took the ring box out, "Is this suitable, Mama?”

  She looked at the ring. "It’ll do - now put it on her finger.”

  Sean slipped the ring on. It felt heavy and awkward on my finger. He leaned in for a kiss. This kiss was for show so that we appeared like a happy couple in love in front of his mother. He shoved his tongue into my mouth and I had to fight down the impulse to bite it. I endured it as he swished his fat, drippy tongue around, practically sticking it down my throat. Rabies was liking it too much for me to be comfortable. He was slobbering in my mouth and I was ready to gag.

  "Lovely couple, you two make. Now, get where you're going safely. Kima, maybe you can settle my boy down.”

  "Of course, Mrs. Brennan. We'll be just fine.”

  We left and I was glad it was over. Rabid had Bullet stop at a convenience store and got me a soda. He handed it to me with two red pills. I looked at the pills and asked, "What is this?”

  Rabid was angry."Take the fucking pills Kima. I got them from my doctor for your headaches.” His switch had turned on again. Great, he was on crazy mode.

  I looked at the pills, trying to remember the ones my brother sold. I didn't have a choice, so I swallowed them.

  I got very sleepy but still heard Bullet say to Rabid, "So, now you're drugging Kima with Seconal? That’s fucked up. There was no need to do that to her.”

  Rabid looked at Bullet, "Fuck you. I own her and have plans for her tonight. Besides, I've been drugging her for over a week.”

  I briefly wondered what the hell plans he had before I was out cold.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Bullet stopped so Rabid could call the clubhouse and tell his boys to get back to the motel.

  When they got there, Rabid told Bullet to carry Kima inside and undress her. Bullet was pissed off and got Kima into the room.

  "Bullet, put the long white gown on her. I gotta get high.” Rabid went out the door to another room; his drugs always came first.

  Bullet gently took off Kima's clothes and slipped a nightgown over her head. He tucked her into bed, wishing he could shoot Rabid. He smoothed her hair on the pillow and wondered what game he had in mind. He knew Marco could be counted on to help him if Rabid intended to hurt her. He didn't like this shit at all. This was a sick game Rabid was playing with Kima. Bullet thought about all those poor hookers he had raped and cut up. If it didn't stop they'd all end up in prison.

  When Rabid walked back into the room he pinched Kima's arm to see if she'd wake up, but she was out cold. Just what he wanted. "Tell the boys to come in here. I wanna show them something.”

  Bullet walked out the door to get the guys.

  Rabid went back to Kima and pulled the blankets off of her. He looked at her in the white virginal nightgown laying there all innocent and beautiful. As if in a trance he was thinking; I own her and one day I will make her as twisted as I want. She'll enjoy pain and pleasure at my demand. She's mine to treat however I desire. My own personal toy. I'll marry her and make sure she stays after we have some babies. She'd never leave them.

  Rabid pulled up her nightgown and saw her panties. He slipped them off and admired her clean shaven pussy. Then he pulled the nightgown down again. He brought her panties up to his nose and smelled the crotch. It smelled fresh, like Kima.

  He held them in his hand as the men walked into the room. All of his boys came back with Bullet. Marco
was among them and stood there perfectly straight as he told Rabid his bike was spotless.

  Rabid paid him no attention. "What a great day I had. I decided to show off my prize. You can sniff her panties too.” He was speaking in a weird, far off voice. Walking over to the bed, he pulled Kima's nightgown up. Her body lay there for all to see. Rabid tossed the panties to Marco and Marco just tossed them to another brother and looked away. Three of them just took a brief look and the other four sniffed her panties while they leered at Kima.

  They watched Rabid produce a knife. He moved toward the bed. Marco and Bullet looked at each other, wondering if he would cut her. Rabid was slick though. He traced the knife lightly all over Kima's skin but never drew a drop of blood or left a mark. His eyes were glittering madly.

  Bullet finally spoke up. “Yeah Prez - she’s beautiful but I aint into staring at your old lady."

  Rabid looked at them and spoke in a strange, crazy sounding voice, "That’s all mine. One day I'll be able to do whatever the hell I want to that perfect body. Gotta get her knocked up first so she has a few rug rats. I'd never cut my perfect Kima of course but she'll learn to enjoy pain. Now - go find me a hooker - a blonde haired one. Young, like Kima. I feel like getting really kinky after not being able to do what I want with her. I have a feeling it's gonna be a long night. I may have to start using hookers just once in awhile after I marry her. I think I'm going to have to clean my habits up. Save em for special occasions maybe.” He looked at Marco and Bullet. “You two stay here and watch her.”

  Rabid walked out the door with the other men. They knew whoever their President found to fuck, it would be a bloody mess for them to clean up.

  Marco walked over to pull down Kima's nightgown and cover her.

  Bullet was pacing the room. "He's drugging her now. I can't do this! I'm so disgusted with this shit. Like he will ever change! He is addicted to cutting up women, that sick motherfucker! Whose is he trying to bullshit Marco?"”

  Marco was flipping, "Drugging her with what? Fuck no he'll never change, he is playing a game with us again.”

  "Seconal and tomorrow he'll have her on speed to wake her up. I've seen this shit with him before. Rabid has a certain type that he likes to pick and Kima fits that exactly. The others never made it this far though. A few tried to run and he tossed them to the club. Some he overdosed. She won't last long if he does that to her.” Bullet was clearly worked up as he stopped his pacing and turned to Marco, “He's fucking lost it! If he hurts Kima we're going to die when Veiko and Thrash come. Count on Nails, Jersey and more kicking our asses too. It'll be a fucking blood bath! Or we'll all be serving life. You ever wonder why Rabid's close brothers disappear after awhile? Like Flop? Food for thought.”

  Marco sat down and stared at Kima. "Bullet - she can shoot a gun and has hunted with Thorn. What we need to do is get her a gun.”

  Bullet nodded. "Snake’s on board but the other four aren't. I don't trust them."

  Marco agreed. "I don't either. It's a sure bet that Veiko and his guys will be coming down hard on us. Rabid's dead meat when they finally get him.”

  "That whole chapter will kill us if Rabid fucks her up. No doubt about it," Bullet retorted.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  It was the middle of the night when I heard the door open. I was asleep and the sound woke me up. I felt really strange and sluggish as I struggled to listen.

  I heard Bullets voice first. "He's next door with some hooker. Fuck, who knows what he's done to this one. This shit’s getting old. Rabid thinks he's a fucking king and is out of control. I got a little sister Kima's age. What if he sees her one day?”

  Someone sat down heavily. "Nails, what if it was Jo? She has red hair and is Irish. You want that fucker grabbing your old lady next?”

  Oh my God, Nails was in the room! He spoke softly. "Kima hasn't been herself since the accident, Bullet. Can we get her out of here now?”

  "Hell no! Rabid has us at each others throats. He plans to marry this chick. What the fuck kinda biker caters to his mother? Fuck Veiko too! He should have stood up for Kima. Rabid will suck the life out of that girl. If he wouldn't kill me for letting her go, she'd be out of here. Rabid's got his boys all watching her."

  Nails fist hit the table and I turned over, opening my eyes. I looked straight into his and started to cry.

  "Ah, Kima! What a mess you're in. We'll get you out this somehow. Just try to keep calm and don't upset Rabid. Don't let that famous temper get out of control.”

  I gulped down my tears. "Is V alright?"

  Bullet gave me a harsh look. "What the fuck did I tell you? Don't talk about V or he'll beat the shit out of you. He likes to dish out pain; Hell, even now he’s next door cutting up some hooker. That's how he gets off. We'll end up getting her high so she can't go to the cops and hand her a roll of cash. He seems to be using hookers that look like you, Kima, so somebody better save you fast. If you don't listen to my advice, I can't help you.” He turned to Nails, “You gotta move fast. I'm ready to leave the club.”

  I wanted to get out of bed and toss myself in Nail's arms but I had no panties on. What the hell? Where were my panties?

  Nails whispered, "Stay smart, Kima. If you get a chance, run like hell, and don't come back."

  Bullet glanced at the clock. "You gotta go. He gets up and sees you in here, he'll be really pissed. I'll do my best for her, but no promises. Kima, when I tell you to do something, do it. Got it?”

  I just nodded my head. I was numb.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Rabid woke up feeling like shit. Blood was sticking to him and he looked in disgust at the bitch laying next to him. His head was a jumbled mess. What the fuck had he done last night? This cunt had to go and he needed a shower. He pulled the sheet over himself and headed to the door. Thank God it was just breaking dawn.

  He called to a few of his boys standing around smoking. "Get rid of that bitch now. I'm taking a shower and then I'm crashing for awhile." Rabid grabbed his jeans and took a wad of cash from his wallet, tossed it on the table, and headed for the shower like the hounds from hell were on his ass.

  Marco looked at Rabid's back and spoke harshly, "I ain’t no fucking pimp or babysitter. This shit is disgusting. I sure as hell didn't sign up to babysit a crazy fucking president. One day he'll kill one of these hookers and we'll all be blamed."

  "We're fucked until somebody ends this crap. I'd end it myself but I like living. Let's get the bitch out of here before she comes to. He ain't gonna be happy if he comes out of the shower and sees her,” Snake muttered.

  So they went in and dressed the cut up prostitute. She was still high from last night and mumbling incoherently. Five of the men hustled her into a van and would take her wherever she wanted to go as long as it was miles away. When she saw the cuts and marks on her body she'd flip, but they'd be long gone.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  I heard talking again and went to look out the window. What I saw made me feel as if I was going to be sick. Some of the boys were carrying a drugged out girl from the room next door. She didn't look well at all. Bullet saw my face and pulled the curtains closed. He motioned to me to lay down, so I did.

  When I heard Rabid come in, I pretended I was asleep. He spoke in a low tone, "Guess, we need to move again. Looks like I went a bit too far last night. I'm going to another room to crash first but I wanna leave here as soon as possible. Good thing we keep Kima's clothes in suitcases."

  He strolled out to find a clean room. I got up and went to the bathroom and puked my guts out. Afterwards, I crawled back into bed and laid in a fetal position. Thankfully I passed out again.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  When I woke up again, I felt like I had a really bad hangover. I was groggy and felt like shit. My panties were still missing and I wondered if Rabid had raped me while I was passed out. I shuddered at the thought. If he had, thank God I didn't remember it. At least he couldn't get me pregnant. After my last appointment with my gynecologist, I had an I
UD put in.

  Outside from moving all the time Rabid made sure I got whatever I wanted to eat. He might not be taking me anywhere in public outside of meeting his mother and the clubhouse but he did make sure my needs and wants were taken care of. Sometimes I hated him more for that. But no - he was always very sure to keep me well fed and would ask me if I wanted something. Oh, how I hated his guts! One day, I would escape him and I'd never rest until I put him in a prison or worse. I would play mind games dreaming of what I'd love to do to him. None of it was nice and I wouldn't feed him either!

  I got up and had a shower. When I finished, I wrapped a towel around myself and went back into the room. Rabies was nowhere in sight. Marco was though. He was sitting at the small table. I sat down across from him where coffee was waiting. Marco and Bullet were the ones I felt most comfortable with and I was getting to know them fairly well. "Morning, Marco. Sorry you're stuck babysitting me."

  Marco looked at me seriously, "Thorn says you know how to use a gun and learned how to hunt. That so?”

  "Yeah., I'm good with guns. Why?”

  He stared at me for a moment and I could tell he was deep in thought. Finally he spoke, "If we could get you a gun, could you defend yourself? Could you shoot Rabid?”

  It didn't take me long to answer. "In a heartbeat. Get me a gun and I'll kill that bastard.”

  "Bullet and I'll help you. Just be ready. I hope you're as good as Thorn brags.”

  I looked him in the eyes, my gaze never wavering. “At times better than Thorn or my brother. Just get me a gun."

  We heard footsteps and I went to sit on the bed with my coffee. Finally! I thought. There’s a light at the end of this tunnel.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 35 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  Rabid came through the door, shocked at seeing me awake so early. He pulled out a baggie and dipped his knife into it. I knew what it was - speed.


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