Wild Child

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Wild Child Page 30

by Needa Warrant

  Jack swore a stream of curses, "You’re pregnant and involved with those bastards? You want to be the next missing girl? These are not people you mess with, Jo. Look what happened to Kima. They aren't nice guys. They're dangerous criminals.” He cursed again. “Listen - I'm coming to get you. Pack up your stuff cause you're staying at my parent's house. Nobody's gonna look for you there. Just so you know, mom and dad stopped drinking after Kima's accident. My family may not be perfect but they will help you.”

  Jo sat there stunned. She felt like she was going to be sick. Nailz knew!That bastard knew about Kima all along and kept it from her! What else was he hiding? She prayed to God her friend was alive. Would she be next? Not only had she had her own life to protect but she had that of her baby's. Her instincts told her to get out, right now! This might be her only chance.

  “Jo, are you still there?”

  It took a few seconds for her to reply, "I'm going to pack my stuff. There isn't much anyway. I think it's best you don't come here. The club might be around. I'm going to take a taxi to the mall and I'll wait for you at the front entrance. Can you pick me up there?”

  Jack didn't hesitate. "I'm on my way. Just get the hell out of there as fast as you can and stay near a crowd of people.”

  Jo hung up the phone and a grabbed a duffel bag. She stuffed all the clothes that would fit and took what she needed. Going to a drawer where Nailz kept cash, she pulled it open. Nailz had always told her to take what she needed. Well, she needed it now! She sat on the bed and counted the money. There was over five thousand dollars! He made good money driving heavy duty equipment and was a demolition expert. Figured he like to blow stuff up! Who knew what Nailz really did!

  She decided that four grand would be enough and stuffed it into her pocket. Jo would be fair and leave him the rest. At least he had a job and could make more money. She was pregnant, stuck without any money, and there was no way she could work. Nailz said to use the money as she saw fit, so Jo would be using it for his baby. Sitting down she wrote a terse note;


  I don't live day to day and didn't sign up for this shit either. What about the stress I'm under? FUCK YOU! You're a liar and knew all along what happened to Kima. How could you be such a bastard? You better pray to God she's alive and safe. The Regan's know Kima is being held against her will, you scumbag!

  I should have known not to love you. We both need a man and a father who wants to be there for us. My baby isn't going to grow up like poverty's child! I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that my baby has a better life.


  She called a taxi. Taking the note, she looked for a place where that big moron would be sure to find it. An idea came to her. Jo opened the refrigerator and stuck it in front of his beer. He’d find it there for sure. She also took her 'property of' vest and stuffed that into the fridge too. Leaving the apartment key on the counter she rushed out the door.

  Jo never looked back as she went down the stairs. She might not be going to her real parents but she was going home. The Regan's weren't perfect but they'd always treated her like their own. At least she wouldn't go missing and maybe she’d be able to help find Kima.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 38 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  On the way to Sea Woods my mind was in overdrive. I hated feeling like this. Speed made my mind race madly. Rabid was sitting in the front seat saying that Hunter had called and wanted a meeting. All he could talk about was finally seeing the Lodge and the plans he had for it once Hunter patched in. I was wondering if Hunter was planning to kill him. I just sat there, thinking of how to escape. If Hunter knew what happened he was likely leading Rabid into a trap. If I was correct, I'd play my part.

  My mind raced with thoughts; Would I be able to take off into the woods? Or should I let Hunter handle it, if that was the plan? I'd wait and see.

  I looked out the window and prayed for a chance to kill that man. I told myself if I killed him it would be ridding the world of a demon.

  Rabid turned around and pinched me on the leg. He had an angry scowl on his face. “Do you hear a fucking word I'm saying, bitch? Fucking pay attention. Is this the road to the Lodge?”

  I looked around. "Yes. Make a right here, but take this road slowly. It's all dirt and has holes this time of year.”

  We pulled up to the Lodge and got out. I could’ve sworn I saw Thorn in camouflage heading toward the barn. Was it my imagination?

  Rabid took my arm and we walked up the steps. Hunter opened the door and smiled at me. "Elena's in the kitchen, honey. Why don't you go see her so I can talk to Rabid?”

  I looked toward Rabid for permission. He looked around and asked Hunter slyly, "None of your club here?”

  "Only me and Elena. We just got back from vacation. I figured you'd want to see the place before we patched in. I got quite a set up here, if you're up to walking around. Kima can sit with Elena and you can bring your guys or leave one with the ladies.”

  Rabid told me to go see Elena and wait for him to come back. Thankfully he didn't try to kiss or hug me. I guess he was too interested in seeing his new acquisitions. Now I was certain that Hunter had a plan because he would never part with his Lodge. Rabid was crazy if he thought he would ever get it.

  Walking into the kitchen I felt like I was home. Seeing Elena again was so good, I heard the door slam. I was safe in the lodge kitchen with Elena for now at least.

  Elena hugged me hard and whispered, “Oh, Kima! What happened to you? Thank God Rabid brought you here. We were worried he wouldn't. Your rifle is in the bathroom closet. Thorn will try to take him out but I thought you might want to do it yourself after all you've gone through. Hunter loaded it.”

  I hugged her back. “Damn Elena, I'm so glad to see both of you! How did Hunter know Rabid had me? I was always told they were planning to get me out but so far no one has done shit. ”

  She looked at me in shock. “It was Joy...she has her horses here. As soon as we pulled in she told Hunter everything she knew. She's been trying to help you. Hunter called the clubhouse and talked to Pops and asked if Rabid was there. He wasn't but one of his 'boys' was, so he talked to him. I think it was Snake. Hunter told him to carry a message to Rabid. He said when he patched in, the Lodge would become the club's. You should have seen Hunter. You know that icy calm he gets when he is pissed off? Well he got that way. Then Thorn came down here and said to get the gun ready for you. Are those two guys helping you?”

  I smiled ever so slightly. “Yeah, Bullet and Marco are. There might be others. You're right! I'm going to be the one to kill that that bastard. I got into this, Elena. Now I'll fix it. Can't be on anyone but me. I need to do this for myself. Killing Rabid is my problem. No one should do it but me."

  I grabbed a camouflage hunting jacket and pulled my hair into a ponytail. I went out the back door in search of a deranged demon named Rabid. I had to kill that bastard for me and for all those other women he'd hurt. Today was his last day on earth. Too bad he didn't realize it.

  I walked as quietly as I could, hoping I'd get him before Thorn did. I heard them talking over by where we always did target practice. Rabid was smiling as I got into position; he didn't even see me. Dumb ass, crazy, city boy!

  My old smile was back and it felt great. It would all end now and forever. I coughed and they all looked up. The other men moved away from Rabid. He was all alone now. I wasn't sure if he had a gun or not. I didn't care either. Because he was going down before he had the chance to shoot me. I knew Thorn was nearby and ready but I wanted this kill. I needed it!

  I aimed the gun at Rabid and heard Thorn say, "Coming next to you. You want me to do this?”

  “Hell No! I'm killing him, Thorn!” My voice rang clear as a bell.

  I had to be the one to kill Rabid. I wasn't letting Thorn go down for it if the club disagreed with his death. Plus killing him would give me the revenge I sought. I hated Rabid so much I didn't care I might end up in jail. I'd been in his prison and I was sure I could get off
on a murder charge somehow. Hell I'd been kidnapped and drugged. Plus God knows what else.

  Smiling gleefully, I looked right at Rabid. He was shocked as shit. I smiled wider at the look on his face. I was ready and now it was his turn to suffer.

  He felt around for his gun and realized he didn't have it. He looked around and knew I was going to shoot him. For too long he'd been out of control and crazy. His insanity got him where he was today, right where I wanted him. Too bad, I thought as I fired the first shot into his leg. His scream was loud and I enjoyed it immensely.

  I screamed, "Fuck you, Rabies! How does that feel? This one is for all the women you abused, you sick fucker!" I wanted to make him look like Swiss cheese. My next shot went into his shoulder. Rabid was screaming for Bullet and Marco to take me out. Another shot rang out as I fired into his other leg. It felt great!

  Thorn spoke, "End him, Kima… or I will.”

  I ended Rabid with a shot to the head. I really wanted to keep shooting him but I knew Thorn was right. I was finally free of him! I was proud of myself, despite the fact I’d taken a life. I figured it was justified.

  Hunter grabbed a tarp and they rolled Rabid on it. He told Marco to take me inside as I heard the backhoe starting up. I wondered who’d kill me for shooting Rabid but I didn't give a shit.

  Elena herded me into the bathroom and she handed me some clothes from my cabin. "Kima - shower.”

  I did what she said and then sat with Marco. "Will the club kill me?” I asked him.

  “I doubt it, but I'm waiting for them to come back and we'll figure this out. Rabid needed to die.” Marco showed no emotion over Rabid's death.

  Elena made us coffee and I sipped it, finally managing to get some words out. "I'm glad he's dead - I'd kill him again. I hated him from the time he set eyes on me. If I die, or go to jail, at least I know I rid the world of Rabid. Somebody needed to do it. Whoever was in charge of making the plan to rescue me sucks big time!”

  Bullet came in and got busy cleaning my gun. He asked me if I wanted to call Veiko.

  “No," I whispered. I didn't need V right now. I wanted to be alone.

  Bullet called him anyway. I don't know what he said to him before he handed the phone to me. But I did know he wouldn't have told what had happened. These guys were too smart to talk about murder on a phone!

  I heard Veiko yelling, "Babe? Kima! Talk to me.”

  I started to cry, I couldn't talk to Veiko. Bullet took the phone back. "He's on his way.”

  Hunter and Thorn still hadn't come back and I walked out to the deck to see where they were. That's when I saw Hunter's fishing boat heading out the inlet. I knew exactly where Rabid was going.

  Elena came and stood next to me. "Hunter doesn't want them to know he took the boat out. Better nobody knows. Don't even tell V, ever.”

  I knew what all of them had risked for me. I knew what Bullet and Marco had done too. Never would I tell anyone that Rabid had been turned into chum and dumped into the ocean. Fish food! How Rabid would have hated that. It was so fitting. That would stay in my head, my sin and burden to carry forever. I knew one day it would come back and haunt me. I’d do my best to forget Rabid had ever met me, as long as I could. I wondered about Veiko and if we had another chance. I didn't think so but I still loved him.

  Was I still the Kima Veiko knew? Could that Kima could ever come back? I wasn't too sure.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 39 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  I knew I needed to buy time for Thorn and Hunter to get the boat back before anyone realized where they were. I thought about my cabin and how much I needed to go there. At least I had saved any club members from having to kill Rabid. I decided I’d go home. I wanted my cabin and my things. I'd missed them. I asked Elena for a key.

  "Kima, just stay here and wait for V,” she coaxed.

  I was mad. "Hell no! I’m walking to my cabin and Marco and Bullet can come with me. V can go fuck himself! I'm not in the mood to see him, Nailz, Jersey, or Jo!”

  Bullet was spacing out on the couch, so Marco came with me. I stumbled a few times and he put his arm around me. I decided to talk to him. “Marco, what’s your plan now? You gonna stay here or go back to your old chapter?”

  He shrugged, "I can't go back there. I doubt they'd welcome me back. I'm hoping to stay here, I guess.”

  We came to my cabin. Looking at Marco, I said quietly, "Here we are, let's get inside. I feel a bitter wind coming.” I fumbled with the keys and Marco unlocked the door. Hunter had left enough heat on so the pipes didn't freeze but it was chilly. I knelt by the wood stove and made a fire while he checked the place out.

  "Kima, for a girl you're pretty strong. Most guys get high or drunk after they kill somebody. You're calmly making a fire.”

  "I did what none of the club could do about that fucking sociopath. If the cops come then it’ll be on me. What jury would find me guilty? I want to know, though; did he rape me?” Unable to look at him while waiting for the answer, I stared at the fire and added another log.

  "Kima, me and Bullet would’ve taken him out. Snake was waiting for a call if we couldn't end him here. We planned to end him today but you handled it instead. I hate bringing up things that Rabid did, but I'll tell you all I saw. He touched you while you were sleeping but he never fucked you. Whatever he wanted to do to you... he took it out on those hookers. I won't go there with you about that. You don't need to carry that shit too! We gotta find a way to explain Rabid's disappearance.”

  I sat and thought of a plan. "How about the car disappears and we three were stuck at the Lodge? Rabies was crazy, everyone knows that.” I looked down at my finger and pulled the ring off. “Sell it to help you get started here.” I tossed the diamond to him.

  Marco smiled his thanks and pocketed the ring. “So, Kima, what’s next for you? Going back with V? You do love him. I know he really loves you.”

  I sat closer to the stove. "I don't think I love anything anymore. Things that seemed simple to me, were too hard for everyone else. People I thought were friends turned out to not care as deeply as I did for them. I know I have friends, like all of you, but Jo, Nailz, and Jersey, I don't think so. To be honest, I just want everything to stop. As for V... I hate his mother. I lost my horse and my baby. Love isn't anything to me right now. I don't think it’ll work with V and I don't want to see him.”

  Marco frowned at me. "He's coming down here, Kima.”

  I shot Marco a look.

  He changed the subject wisely. "Your plan is a good one, better than anything I can think of. Let everyone think Rabid had a temper tantrum. Hell, he's had enough of them. Who knows what the fuck happened and who will care but his mother? We got fucking stuck here is all I know and Rabid was in a mood. Didn't have enough drugs or some shit... I'm going back and tell Bullet we need to ditch the car.”

  I called back to him as he walked out the door, "I know a junkyard that will take it and maybe pay you for it. Hunter knows the place. And do me a favor - tell Veiko to stay away from me.”

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Marco walked back toward the lodge and thought of what Kima had said. She was right. Nobody had really helped her. They did what little they could but somebody should have stopped Rabid when he began to show signs of being a sociopath. It took guts to do what she did. She was right to feel the way she did. How she'd managed to cope during her time with Rabid was amazing. He didn't think another chick could do it.

  He didn't really understand what she meant about Veiko though. Then it dawned on him. Kima was so deeply wounded that he didn't know if V was going to get another chance. Seemed to him the whole club had let her down when they should have stepped up. He didn't know what had gone down after her accident but he was pissed nobody seemed to be there for her.

  He saw Thorn and Hunter walking up the path. Might as well see what Hunter thought of Kima's plan.

  "Hunter, Kima says you know a junkyard where we can lose Rabid's car and she says we should say he took off and left us here, stra

  Thorn laughed. “Kima always has a fucking plan. This one actually sounds good to me for a change.”

  Hunter thought long and hard. "Thorn says you and Bullet really watched out for Kima. I don’t fucking understand any of this. Elena and I leave this place for a vacation and we come back to hear that Kima's been kidnapped. Now I've got a dead body to deal with. I knew we should’ve made Kima come to Florida with us. Veiko hurt her badly.” Hunter turned to his son and growled, “Thorn, I'm pissed at you. This shit happened on your watch - I left Kima in your care, boy!”

  Thorn looked shaken. “Dad, I didn't think Kima would go out that night. Every day I've been waiting to get her. You came back just in time.”

  Hunter sized his son up. "My girl is hurting! She's killed to protect herself, and you call yourselves men? Bunch of pussies. I'll make the call to the junkyard but I’m going to see Kima and make sure she's ok.”

  Marco tried to ease the tension, "Kima asked to be alone. She doesn't want to see anyone and doesn't want to see Veiko. Thorn was trying to get Kima out. We were trying to get a plan together but Rabid had too many guys around him. Your son was ready to take Rabid out. You saw that."

  Hunter spit at their feet and walked away.

  Thorn shrugged. "Veiko ain’t gonna have it easy with my old man. I haven't seen him this pissed off since he lived with my mother. Feel like helping me turn the dirt over by the target range and burn whatever has blood on it?”

  Marco nodded and followed Thorn down the path.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  I had a good fire going and the little place was now toasty warm. Feeling really exhausted, I got up and went into my bedroom. I pulled the quilt down and crawled into bed. My mind was in turmoil. I laid there thinking about all that I’d given up and wondered how everything had gotten so fucked up?


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