Wild Child

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Wild Child Page 29

by Needa Warrant

  He walked over to me and demanded, "Snort it, Kima. Now! I need you wide awake.”

  I shook my head no, so he grabbed my hair. "You want this blade to cut your face? Snort it.”

  Last thing I wanted to do was speed, but I also didn’t want to be cut. I didn't have a choice so I snorted it. Rabid made sure it all went up my nose. He told me we were going to Sea Woods first and then to visit my parents.

  My brain was working in high gear. There were guns at the lodge. I hated to bring this shit down on Hunter and Elena, but if I could get a gun there, I'd take that crazy mother fucker out.

  “Since we’re going to my parents house and also the lodge, can I dress in jeans and a sweater? They wouldn't expect me to show up in a dress.”

  Rabid nodded absently, his mind elsewhere.

  "Rabid, I don't want to make you mad, but my parents hate bikers. If you show up with all your 'boys', my dad will call the police for sure. No doubt in my mind. I'd just take two of your guys. Marco and Bullet would be best if you want to get through the door.”

  He thought about it, then agreed. He told Marco the plan. Rabid took out the bag of speed again and snorted some more off the tip of the knife. Then he put it under my nose. Again, I had to do it for if I refused, he would make me. Maybe if I was high my parents or Elena and Hunter would notice. I was hoping this was my chance. I'd take it, too. Who knew if I'd get another?

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Marco walked out of the door and into his room. He called the club house and asked for Thorn. It took a few minutes but Thorn finally got on the phone.

  Marco spoke low and fast, "Thorn, we're headed to your father's place. Can you get down there and get a gun to Kima that she'll be able to use? Hide in the woods so that crazy fucker doesn't see you. He's drugging Kima now and showed her naked body to all the men. I can't do this."

  Thorn was quick to answer. "Leaving now. Will call and get my old man updated - thanks.”

  Marco turned around to see Bullet in the bathroom doorway, frowning at him. "Damn Marco! Good thing it was me in the shitter! Snake’s ready to take him out. He is waiting on a call from one of us to tell him where. You talk to Kima?”

  Marco smiled. “Kima’s good. You were right – he's shoved speed up her nose. Snake is a good shot, I've seen his work. We got any real plan?”

  Bullet hurried to the door and growled. " Hell no but today seems to be our best chance. One way or another it will end today. Let's get moving.”

  They went outside to meet Rabid. When they saw him, Rabid told them that they were leaving for Sea Woods immediately.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 36 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  Darko was livid! His cousin had been found dead behind the Nefarious clubhouse. Bonnie was a hooker but no one deserved to die as she had. He hadn't agreed with her lifestyle but still, she was related to him. Now he wondered if Bonnie had come here for his help or if she was left here as a message to Nefarious MC?

  This was a direct insult to their club. Word had been going around Rabid was cutting women and Bonnie had been horribly slashed up. It looked like there were designs cut deep into her breasts and stomach. Other parts of her body were slashed also. A needle was still jammed in her arm from the hotshot she was given. This was no accident. He didn't know if the drugs had killed her or if she had been murdered.

  Her blonde hair was matted with blood and her face was beaten to the point where you could barely recognize her anymore. Those sick bastards had bound her hands together and put a rope around her neck. Bonnie's knees were scraped and Darko wondered when they had killed her. Was it before or after that they had dragged her to the back of their clubhouse?

  He stood there, staring down at his dead cousin. She was only eighteen years old and it dawned on him she had once looked a bit like Kima. When Darko found out that Rabid had taken Kima he felt sick. It was Bound for Hell business and his club had no ties to her. He knew Kima was taken the weekend he had been away and he felt some responsibility over it. Darko wondered what the hell Bound for Hell was waiting for? Now, Nefarious MC would handle this, if Veiko didn't.

  Motioning a few of his guys over, he told them to wrap Bonnie in a tarp and put her in the van. Darko then walked down the street and found a pay phone. He was going to call the Bound for Hell clubhouse and get Veiko on the phone. Action was needed immediately. A meeting needed to be set up and shit was gonna change today. If Bound for Hell agreed, fine. If not then there would be war between the clubs. Kima would be free from Rabid no matter what.

  He called the clubhouse and Veiko answered the phone. Darko briefly explained that he had something to show him and it was imperative that he see him now. Hanging up the phone, Darko had made arrangements to meet V alone at the back of their warehouse parking lot.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠~

  Veiko had a feeling in his gut that bad shit was coming their way. He glanced around the clubhouse and saw a few of Rabid’s 'boys'. They were all there except for Marco and Bullet. He went over to Jersey, who was leaning up against the bar. V spoke quietly with him and asked him to keep an eye open for any trouble.

  Going into the office, he made a call to Nailz. "We got an issue. Get here right away. I'll meet you in the back parking lot behind the warehouse.” Nailz listened to him, not saying a word. Veiko heard him hang up softly. The message was given and it was understood.

  Veiko slipped out and went into the warehouse. Going out the side door, he walked over to the back gate. Unlocking it, he left it wide open. V stood there silently watching for the van Darko had described to pull up to the back entrance. Finally the van arrived. Darko had driven his car and pulled in right behind it. V wondered how many Nefarious members were inside; He could be walking into a trap.

  Darko met and spoke briefly with V and then they walked towards the van. Darko opened the side door, then nodded to a guy inside who was looking a bit green. He spoke grimly to him, "Unwrap her.” Turning to V he said, “Veiko, this was my cousin, Bonnie. She was found this morning behind our clubhouse."

  Veiko stared in horror at the young dead girl. Someone had brutally slashed her and she was covered in blood. Looking at the deep intricate patterns cut into her body he wondered what kind of sick person would do this. A knot was beginning to form in his stomach... V knew exactly who it was.

  The side door of the warehouse suddenly opened and Darko stiffened beside him. V turned to him and explained, "It's Nailz. He's seen Rabid's work before. I figured you'd want him to take a look."

  Darko gave a nod to his men. "Let him see."

  Nailz strolled over and looked at the body. He swore bitterly and punched the side of the van. "Rabid's work alright, that sick fucker!” Looking at V he growled, “Enough rules. He’s going down – let’s find him.”

  Veiko took one last look at the body, "Darko, we ain’t down with this shit. Five of Rabid's boys are inside. The two we got watching Kima are with him right now. They aren't down with this. I'm not sure about the rest of them, though. Let's feel them out. We'll get them into the warehouse and have a talk with them. That work for you?"

  Darko looked grim. "I want to see their faces when they look at Bonnie."

  Nailz snarled, "Bring her inside the warehouse and I'll go round up those fuckers!”

  V and Nailz went to get Rabid's boys. Veiko was fuming. “Nailz, where the hell is Rabid? How much can we count on Bullet and Marco?”

  Nailz shrugged his shoulders, "We've got to trust them. They're ready to take Rabid down if he tries to hurt Kima. Better alert Jersey and Tiny before one of those fuckers tries to slip away. Darko ain’t playing here, V."

  V countered, "If that was your cousin, wouldn't you want justice? We don't need crazy, sick fuckers like them in this club. Scumbags who obey a fucking sociopath for whatever perks he gives them.”

  They went inside the clubhouse and it took some fighting to round the five men up. They had an idea shit was coming down and it wasn't good. As the tarp was pulled off Bonnie's body, four of the guy
s turned white. One of the men, Snake, started talking. "Veiko, I told them to let her go but they're as sick as Rabid. She was alive when I took her to their clubhouse. Those four dragged her into the back. I'm not down with hurting women. They like to play with Rabid's discards. When he’s finished with them, they hurt the chicks even more. Poor girl begged to be taken to the Nefarious clubhouse. So I took her there. I've been working with Marco or Bullet - ask them! We've been trying to get Rabid alone so we could take him out but those bastards are always in the way."

  Perv, who was one of Rabid's favorites, stood there looking pissed. The sick fucker got his name for a reason. He walked over to the body and spat on it. “Whore was calling your name, Darko; so we shut her up for good!”

  In a rage, Veiko pulled out his gun and shot him in the knee. "You fucking scumbag!" he roared.

  Darko had his gun drawn and fired a shot in Perv's shoulder. Looking at both Nailz and Veiko he growled, "We want him. You good with that?" Perv was laying on the ground in a fetal position, moaning and bleeding.

  V's adrenaline was pumping. He responded, "We're fine with it.” He looked over at Guts, who was an older member of the club and asked, “What have you got to say?"

  Guts yellowed eyes were full of rage. "You can’t fucking do this over a whore! Rabid will fucking take you all out over this shit.” Grinning at V he taunted, “Yo, bro - I loved sniffing your old lady's panties. Rabid let us touch her all over. I even got to finger her. Mm...I loved tasting that sweet pussy."

  Veiko went wild; He grabbed Gut's neck and started choking him. Guts struggled, trying to pry V's hands off of him. His face was turning red and his eyes bulged out. Veiko let him go. Guts stood there hunch over gasping for breath. He had no fight in him. V punched him in the stomach a few times until he dropped to the floor. Using his boots, he stomped Guts until his face was a bloody pulp. He kept kicking him until blood was running all over the floor. As Guts was laying there, V stomped on his fingers until they were mangled and useless. Finally, Veiko was finished and stood there panting heavily. He was filled with a white, hot rage.

  Nailz came up and gave Guts a savage kick. He snarled, "Darko, you want him?”

  Darko smiled evilly, “I want all of them except for the driver.” He pointed at Snake and said to V, "You do what you want with that one. Those other two ain’t saying shit so I guess they were part of this."

  Snake looked nervous, He looked at Veiko. “I know where Rabid went. Down to Kima's parents and to Sea Woods. I'm waiting for Bullet to call. We planned to ambush Rabid today.”

  Nailz stared him down, “Snake, you better be on the up and up. If Marco and Bullet don't confirm your story I'll kill you myself."

  Veiko was staring down the other two guys, Grump and Tex. "You were down with this shit? Looking at my old lady and sniffing her panties? You fuckers!" V flew at Tex and pounded him with his fists, until he was lying on the ground moaning. Even that didn’t stop him. He began to stomp him until he heard bones snapping.

  Grump looked over at V and laughed. He’d once been Rabid's head Sargent of Arms and he wasn't afraid of V. His eyes widened as Veiko pulled out his buck knife. He was about to run but Nailz and Darko were in the way. V threw the knife and it landed in Grumps chest. Walking over to the now terrified man, V pushed him down. His boot held Grump still as he pulled his knife out. Veiko began kicking and stomping him until he laid there bleeding. He was ready to cut him more.

  Nailz grabbed V, stopping him. "Enough! I'm sure Nefarious wants them alive for whatever plans they have.” He turned to Darko, “We want no bodies left. Are we even? We're stripping them of their colors."

  Darko looked at Nailz and nodded, "No bodies. But I want Rabid dead and I want to see Kima alive. If she ain't, then we got war. As for these scumbags, they're gonna beg to die." Darko had a evil grin on his face.

  Nailz shook his head in disgust, "We're trying to find them and if Snake values his life, he'd better start talking."

  Veiko was looking hard at Darko. "Kima’s mine - she always has been. I love her and I will get her back."

  Darko smiled sadly. “I don't know, V. I hope for your sake she is. If not, she may come to me. I believe she loves you but after all this? If she doesn't want you then I’m going after her. No disrespect but after what damage Rabid's done, I'm not sure she’ll want to be with your club."

  Veiko saw the emotion Darko had in his eyes for Kima. "Yeah man, I know. If she doesn't want me I won't cause an issue if she goes to you." Those were hardest words Veiko had ever uttered.

  Darko told his boys to take those four scumbags and Bonnie's body to the van. Nailz went to get the power washer to clean up the blood that had been shed. Veiko grabbed Snake and took him to the office. It was time to wait with Snake for the phone call he claimed was coming.

  As he sat there waiting, Veiko eyed a bottle of whiskey. Grimly, he turned away. All he wanted was Kima.

  ~☠ ☠ ☠ CHAPTER 37 ☠ ☠ ☠~

  Jo had asked Nailz if she could use his truck to visit Kima. For some reason that put him in a bad mood. She’d been calling Kima for days without any response. Her answering machine was full and had been for a long time now. In her gut, Jo knew something was wrong. Elena was on vacation, so she couldn't ask her and she hadn't seen Thorn in awhile.

  Nailz wasn't taking her to the club at all and was always coming up with some lame excuse why she couldn't go. She was pregnant but she wasn't that far along. He was going out of his way to avoid the subject of Kima. When asked, he would shrug his shoulders and give a short, curt answer, saying she was probably busy. He told her not to worry and that she would more than likely hear from Kima soon. It seemed that Nailz didn't want to be bothered by it.

  Often he left the apartment and Jo had no idea where he went. When he came home late, he was stressed, tired and cranky. All he wanted to do was to go to bed and sleep. Then he would get up and go back out again. The club was getting in the way of their personal life and causing more fights between them.

  Was this how their life was going to be? He was gone so often that she wondered if he would be around for their child? Jo loved Nailz, but something in him had changed. Gone was the man who used to laugh and joke with her. In his place was a silent, grim stranger.

  The phone rang and Nailz picked up. Jo watched him as he stood there silently, not speaking a word. He just listened as someone spoke on the other end. After about a minute he hung up the receiver. Going to the bedroom and grabbing his colors, Nailz stormed out, telling her he'd be home late. He slammed the door hard behind him, causing the walls to shake. As she glanced out the window, she saw him take the truck. He spun out of the driveway leaving a cloud of dust.

  Jo was fuming mad. Great! she thought, I'm stuck here, alone again! I can't even go out and do chores.

  With nothing to do she had time to think. Jo thought about some of the things he’d said; 'I live day to day', 'Let's see how this works for us', and the hurtful, 'I didn't sign up for all the shit and stress I'm under.'

  Well, she hadn't signed up for this shit either!

  She wanted to believe in Nailz but he didn't seem like he was trying to make their relationship work. He was secretive and guarded about his past. It took her weeks to find out what his last name was. Why a person wouldn't want to tell someone that, was beyond her. What was the big deal? Nailz didn't laugh when she jokingly said the baby wouldn't have a father's name on the birth certificate. It was a good thing she wasn't nosy because she could’ve poked through his wallet. But she wanted to hear it from his own lips. When confronted with this he had reluctantly growled out, “My last name's McKay.”

  Remembering the conversation she had pried further, “So it's McKay? What's your first name?”

  “Jo, leave it the fuck alone.” He retorted, “I just go by Nailz, get it?” She knew not to press him further.

  One night, when he was drinking, he let it slipped that he missed seeing his daughter. He seemed so torn over it. Nailz had told
her that Tearney regularly saw his parents on weekends. So she suggested that they go together and pay them all a visit. It would be nice to meet his family and have a relationship with them. That had caused a huge fight and he had left her all alone that night. He had yelled at her that he didn't have a place in his parent's life, or with his daughter and to stay out of it.

  Jo sighed as she looked around at the garage apartment. She couldn't believe how much her life had changed. She went from a doctor's house with an in-ground pool and five bathrooms to living like poverty's child. She had no car, no money and she was pregnant. Her parents kicked her out of their house and her man was so moody he would rather be at the clubhouse than at home.

  Fighting back tears, Jo tried not to feel lonely. Wallowing in self pity wasn't good for her health or the baby's either. To distract herself she grabbed the phone and called the Regan's house. It was Jack who answered the phone.

  "Jack, is Kima there? I've been calling for days and I can't reach her.”

  She heard Jack take a deep breath, "Josephine Parker, where the hell have you been? My sister's missing and those fucking bikers you're with have her. All we know is that a dancer named Joy saw the National President of that damn club grab her! We don't even know how long she's been gone. That dancer came up to me in Wiggles and asked me if Kima was ok! When I asked her what the hell she was talking about, she told me everything. I can't find Thorn either, that son of a bitch!”

  Jo gasped.

  Jack went on, "We're looking all over. My father’s ready to give them money for her return or call the wise guys he knows. My mother wants to get the FBI involved and she's gonna call my cousin Richie to get the state police searching. Hunter is still on vacation, so we're waiting for him to come back to see if he knows anything. We were hoping that you had an idea of where Kima is.”

  Jo felt her stomach drop. "Oh my God! I can't believe this, Jack! Nailz doesn't talk about Kima at all. I was kicked out of my parents house and I'm living with him in Swan Point. I'm pregnant and stuck out here in a garage apartment with no way to get around. Now I'm scared to death. What am I going to do?”


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