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Cold Blooded

Page 13

by Anne Patrick

  "Of course, and I'll wear a wire. Nick will be in the alley. Once the guy enters I'll say, 'you've gotta be kidding me'. That's his signal to move around to the front of the store. In the previous robberies, except for the last one, the robber has locked the clerk in the cooler. I'll make my move between there and the register and Nick will back me up."

  "I'd rather have Nick inside the store."

  "That's all right with me." Nick glanced over at Gwen. "We'll flip for the register."

  "No. I want you at the register, Harris," Ian said. “If our robber is Bartlett, he is bound to recognize Jamison.”

  "I plan to wear a disguise. Plus, I know how to work a cash register," Gwen argued.

  "So do I, Jamison. It's not that difficult. I'm sure Harris can get the hang of it pretty quickly."

  "All right, fine. I'll watch from the back." She shot him a look that let him know she wasn't thrilled by his decision. "As soon as Nick and the robber come through the door in route to the cooler, Nick can make his move and I'll back him up. The office is eight feet from the cooler."

  "Can't you corner him before he makes it to the back? I don't like a close quarter scenario."

  "Not with the way the store is set up," Gwen said. "It's open space between the counter and the back entrance. The aisles face north and south, the coolers run west and east. The first aisle is maybe twelve feet from the rear door."

  "That sounds doable to me. His attention is going to be on Harris and the front door, right?"

  "Yes, sir." Gwen folded her arms.

  "Can't you sneak from the back and take cover between the end of the aisle and the coolers? Then when it feels right, announce yourself. Harris will then have the chance to draw as well. The guy will have two guns drawn on him. Unless he's suicidal, he isn't gonna want a shootout."


  Ian looked at Gwen. "If you don't feel comfortable doing it this way, Jamison, Chavez can switch with you."

  "I feel just fine about it, sir."

  He had a strong hunch she didn't. "Okay. Todd and Chavez, you'll be close by in case something goes wrong?"

  "A couple of blocks, sir. We'll be in view of the store the whole time." Chavez glanced at Gwen briefly. "Jamison believes he parks within six blocks of the target but not on the same street."

  Ian considered the plan. It seemed solid. Only one thing concerned him. "I want more backup. I don't want this guy to get away. I'll talk to the captain and see if we can get a couple of patrolmen in an unmarked car."

  "The guy will most likely turn onto nineteenth to get to the freeway, they could be positioned there," Gwen suggested.

  "Sounds good." He handed Gwen her map. "I'll talk to the captain and get back with you. Good work, Detectives."

  Nick punched Gwen in the arm as they left his office. "Nice map. My niece draws better than you."

  "Well the next time I need a map drawn I'll give her a call. In the meantime, maybe she can help you with your spelling. The report you showed me last week had over a dozen mistakes."

  Ian smiled as he picked up the file he had been reading earlier.


  On her way home, Gwen drove by Boulevard Liquors. She wasn't sure which irritated her worse, Ian's determination to spoil her well-thought out plan she'd spent most of the afternoon developing or his smugness at having done so.

  Mr. Lennox smiled at her from behind the counter. "I didn't expect you back so soon."

  "Good evening, Mr. Lennox. I just wanted another look at the layout of your store."

  "Teddy," he reminded.

  "Right." Gwen spent a good ten minutes coming and going from the back room, re-visioning their plan of action. Both scenarios sounded good but she preferred hers. Moving to the end of the aisle again, she pictured how it would play out Ian's way. After sneaking from the back room, she would squat here and wait until the robber instructed Nick to come out from behind the counter.

  The bell above the door jingled. "Can I help you, sir?" Teddy greeted the customer.

  "No thanks, just browsing," a familiar male voice answered.

  Oh Great! Gwen peered around the display of beer and met Ian's smile as he walked toward her. How could a man be so exasperating and sexy at the same time.

  "Detective Jamison. What a nice surprise."

  "What'd you follow me here?"

  "Now why would I do that, Detective? It just so happens I wanted to see the layout of the store before I went to the captain on this operation you and Harris came up with."

  Gwen searched his face, trying to determine if he was being truthful. He wore the same smug smile he had earlier. "Whatever." She walked around him and stood in the open space between the back entrance and the counter.

  "Why don't we try a little roleplaying," Ian suggested. "You be you and I'll be the robber."

  "What if he's watching the store right now? He'll know what we're planning."

  "If he is, and it's who you think it is, he's already recognized you and therefore it won't make any difference."

  Gwen growled under her breath as she spun around and walked to the back entrance. The man was driving her absolutely nuts. She couldn't even think straight.

  Ian walked to the counter then glanced her way. "Ready?"

  "Go for it."

  Ian pointed his finger at Teddy and told him it was a holdup. Gwen ducked down and crept to the end of the first aisle keeping her eyes on Ian the whole time as he and Teddy played out the fake robbery. Ian then ordered Teddy from behind the counter. Gwen popped out, with her hands cupped in front of her. "Police. Don't move."

  Ian raised his arms. "Don't shoot. I give up."

  Teddy laughed.

  Gwen walked toward them. "You didn't see me moving from the door to the aisle?"

  "No. Did you, Mr. Lennox?"

  "I didn't either."

  Gwen sighed. "Okay. We'll do it your way." She shook the owner's hand. "Thank you for your cooperation, Teddy. Hopefully, we'll see you Friday. See you in the morning, Lieutenant."

  Halfway to her car, footsteps ran up behind her. She swung around and Ian nearly ran into her.

  "Why are you so mad at me?"

  "I'm not," she lied. His revision of her plans wasn't the only thing that had her frustrated.

  He smiled. "I think you are. You can prove to me you aren't by having dinner with me at Rafferty's. I'll even let you arrive ten minutes before me to avoid unwanted suspicion."

  The same amount of time she'd been in the store before he got there. "So you did follow me here?"

  "No, I didn't, Gwen. I did have a hunch you'd come here, though, because you were mad and wanted to prove me wrong."

  The fact he'd used her name made her believe he was telling the truth.

  "So what's it going to be? Will you join me for dinner so we can talk out our differences or do you want to stay mad at me all week?"

  "All right, fine. Ten minutes."


  Gwen entered the darkened club and quickly glanced around. For a Monday night during football season, the place was unusually empty. Only a dozen or so patrons were scattered about the room and most of those were at the tables or booths. Gwen chose the bar and settled in a stool at the end. She had a perfect view of the TV and it looked like the game would be starting soon.

  Frank came over and set an iced tea with lemon in front of her. "You know me so well."

  "You've been coming here long enough. How's it going, sweetie?"

  "Not bad. Could I get a cheeseburger with extra pickles on the side?"

  "You bet."

  Gwen had just taken the first bite of her cheeseburger when Ian arrived. He looked around the room before heading her way. "Good evening, Detective. I didn't expect to see you here on a work night."

  She suspected Ian wasn't the type to lie or deceive anyone. He probably did so now out of concern for her reputation. "What can I say, Frank serves the best burgers in town and I get to watch the game while I enjoy it."

good to me." Ian sat in the stool next to her. "Frank, could I get one of those cheeseburgers and some tea minus the lemon?"

  "Coming right up, Lieutenant." Frank poured him a glass before going into the back.

  Ian took a drink then turned to Gwen. "Who's playing?"

  "Jets and the Colts." Gwen popped a pickle in her mouth. "Why did you pull me from behind the register?"

  Ian laughed.

  Gwen glared at him. If he weren't her superior officer, she would've punched his lights out right then and there.

  Ian cocked his head and looked at her. "Were you aware that over half of the officers killed or wounded in the line of duty last year involved distances of between zero and five feet from the offender when shot?"

  "No." His decisions today were beginning to make a lot more sense.

  "That and the fact you scored ten percent higher than Harris did the last time you were at the firing range is the reason you won't be behind that cash register this weekend."

  "Okay." Not many men were successful at putting her in her place but he just had.

  "Any more questions or concerns?"

  "Nope." She took another bite of her cheeseburger.

  "Good." He held his glass. "To a successful operation."

  Still chewing, Gwen picked up her tea and tapped it against his. She then took a sip and swallowed. "I'm sorry."

  "The captain sure was right about you. You are definitely a handful."

  Gwen grinned. "You better get used to it, Lieutenant. Always have been. Always will be."

  "Oh, I don't mind, Detective. I enjoy challenges."

  For the next three hours, they ate, watched the game, talked, and laughed. Gwen was reminded of what first attracted her to Ian. It wasn't so much his charm and good looks but how comfortable she felt being with him. Like they'd been friends for years. Gone was the frustration and anger she carried throughout most of the day.

  "Can I get you two something else to drink?" Frank asked, refilling the peanut bowl.

  Gwen shook her head. After two glasses of tea, they had both switched to water. She didn't want to be on a caffeine buzz and be late for work again. "I'm going to have to call it a night." She removed her billfold from the pocket of her jeans and placed a twenty on the counter. "Keep the change, Frank."

  "Mind if I walk you to your car?" Ian slid from his stool and laid a twenty on top of hers.

  Gwen was tempted to look around first to see if Nick or the others were in the club, but decided she didn't care one way or the other. "All right."

  The night air was warm and muggy as they walked stride for stride to the parking lot adjacent to the bar and grill.

  Ian reached down and snagged the keys dangling from Gwen's fingers and pressed a button on the key fob. Her car alarm started blaring and he franticly punched the other buttons.

  Gwen clamped her mouth shut to keep from laughing, took back the keys and silenced the alarm and unlocked the doors.

  Ian moved ahead of her and opened the driver's door. "So much for my being suave."

  "Yeah, you almost pulled it off." He continued to gaze at her and butterflies took flight in her tummy. It had been a while since a man had this kind of an effect on her. "I'll see you tomorrow."

  "Right." He closed the door, stepped back and waved.

  As she pulled from the parking lot, she glanced in the rearview mirror. He still stood there, his gaze locked onto her SUV. Gwen blew out a deep sigh and smiled.


  Wednesday afternoon Gwen finished her progress reports for the last three days and hit print on each of the documents. She glanced up from her computer screen and caught Ian looking at her. They exchanged smiles before he lowered his eyes to whatever he was working on.

  The tap and dance they had been doing since the weekend was fraying on her nerves, she knew they both needed to be cautious, though. They needed to be sure of their feelings before the relationship progressed any further.

  Gwen got up from her desk and retrieved her reports.

  "Any news yet on our sting operation?" Nick asked, joining her at the printer.

  "Not yet. I'll ask when I hand in my reports."

  "Will you give him mine, too?"

  "Sure." She followed him to his desk and he handed her a single sheet of paper. Out of the whole squad, Gwen was probably the most laxed about her paperwork.

  "Are you nervous about this weekend?" Nick asked quietly, with his back to the others. They had all met at Boulevard Liquors earlier in the day to go over the revised plans.

  "No. Are you?"

  He squinted and reared his head back. "Of course not."

  "Why'd you ask then?"

  "Thought I'd give you a pep talk if you were."

  Gwen laughed. "Yeah, right." Like her, he didn't want to admit it. With any call or assignment there was a risk things could go wrong very quickly. Sting operations were even more dangerous. "It's not like we haven't done this sort of thing before, Nick. We're both seasoned cops. I'm sure everything will be fine."

  "I just want this scumbag off the streets."

  "Not as bad as I do." In eight years, she'd never wanted to bust anyone as bad as she did Dawson Bartlett.

  "Here's my report." Kris handed it to Gwen.


  "I already handed mine in."

  "Of course you did," she teased.

  Gwen knocked on Ian's door and he motioned for her to come in. After closing the door behind her, she placed the reports on his desk.

  "These all yours?"

  "No, they're not all mine." She made a face at him.

  He chuckled.

  "Have you heard back from the captain yet? The troops are getting antsy."

  "Yes, I talked to him earlier. We've got a green light." His phone rang and he answered.

  Gwen started to leave but Ian motioned for her to stay. She looked out at Nick and gave him the thumbs up. He pumped his fist at her. She then sat down and waited for Ian to finish his call.

  "I don't know why you're so surprised, Isaac. That was the plan six months ago…you'd know that if you answered my calls." Pain or maybe sorrow, etched his face.

  Gwen shifted in her chair, recalling the rocky relationship he had with his son. She looked toward the squad room. They were all signing out. Gwen wished she were, too. Listening to Ian talk to his son was like having a root canal done. She knew how important his children were to him and it was heart wrenching to see him struggling so hard to maintain a relationship with his only son.

  "Look, I can't talk right now. I'll call you tonight." He hung up.

  Gwen looked at him. "Is everything okay?"

  "I closed on my house in Phoenix. I've been trying for the last several weeks to get Isaac to get his stuff out, and he's taking his sweet time about doing it. The house has to be empty by Sunday."

  Gwen recalled their conversation at the gym last week. Ian and his son had gone to the Phoenix U2 concert together. Since Ian's wife had died two years ago, Gwen figured they had gone to the concert shortly before her death. It was probably the last time they really bonded. "I'm sorry he's giving you such a hard time. I know how difficult family can be."

  "Are you and your brother close?" Ian asked.

  "Tony is my foster brother but, yeah, we're pretty close," Gwen regretted the slip immediately. In the unit, only Kris knew that she had spent time in the system and how she had ended up there.

  "Foster kid. That must've been tough."

  His comment touched a raw nerve that had yet to heal. "While I do appreciate your effort to get to know all of us in the unit, my childhood is off limits."

  "You opened the door, Gwen."

  "And now I'm closing it."

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." He got up and came around the desk.

  She stood. "I've gotta go. I'll see you sometime Friday."

  "What, are you taking a personal day? Come on, Gwen. Let's talk about this. I didn't know—"

  "I'm fine, Lieuten
ant. I'm not taking a personal day. I have court all day tomorrow and most of Friday. It's on the calendar."

  "Oh, I was thinking that was next week. So is everyone set for Friday night?"

  "Yes." Gwen drew in a deep breath and exhaled, wishing she hadn't lost her composure. "We all went over the plan earlier at the liquor store."

  "I want you to be careful, okay?"

  "I always am."

  He grinned. "I wouldn't call diving underneath a moving semi truck being careful."

  "It was stationary at the time." Gwen hadn't thought of Stuart in days and considered dropping by Tony's to check on him. He might be able to help in the search for their possible witness. She opened the door and glanced back. "You know, if you ever need to talk…you've got my number."

  "The same goes for me, Gwen."

  "I'll keep that in mind." She smiled at him.


  Tony waved from the porch swing as she walked up the steps to the Greer house. "Wow. Two visits in one month."

  "Hi Tony. Mind if I join you?"

  "Please do." He made room for her on the swing. "So what brings you by this time? Checking up on Stuart again?"

  "Partly. Is he around?"

  "He ran to the grocery store for me. Kara's mom isn't doing very well so Kara is staying with her for a few days. That leaves Stuart and me to fend for ourselves. You're welcome to join us. I'm making homemade pizza."

  "Sure, I'd love to."

  He slid his arm across the back of the swing. "You doing okay, Gwen? You seem a little down."

  "I've met someone, Tony."

  "That's great, Gwen. Shouldn't you be happier, though?"

  "He's my boss."

  "Oh." He gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze.

  "Yeah." She told him a little about Ian and how things had progressed to this point. Just as he always had been in the past, Tony didn't judge. He only listened. Just like his mother used to do when Gwen had confided in her.

  "Him being your boss, is that the only thing holding you back?"

  "It's only been three months since Coop and I split up. He's moved on, but I don't think I'm ready."


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