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Taking Chances (Robson Brothers Book 1)

Page 2

by A. T Brennan

  “Flying solo.” He shrugged.

  “Shit, there’s Kevin.” Logan looked at Matt and then at me. “Sorry, sweetie, can you hang out with Matt while I go deal with something?”

  “Um, sure.”

  I watched Logan stride off and bit my lip as I looked back at Matt.

  “You want a drink?”

  “Can’t.” I held up my hand to show him my stamp like a complete tool.


  “Sophomore.” I shook my head.

  “Well, how about a soda?”

  Now I felt like not only a tool, but also a child. “Um, sure.”

  He grinned at me and turned to head toward the bar. After a pause I followed him.

  Chapter Two


  I glanced behind me to make sure Avery was following and couldn’t help smiling. She looked like she was about to bolt.

  “Whatever you have on draft and a soda for the lady,” I ordered when the bartender came up to me.

  I put a ten on the counter and took the cups he handed me. As I gave Avery her drink I checked her out.

  She was cute in a non-conventional way. She wasn’t my usual type but at that moment I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

  Her features were plain, but all the parts of her worked together and made her pretty. Her aqua eyes were incredibly bright and open, and her lips were a perfect pink bow.

  She wasn’t big but she wasn’t small, her rack fit her figure and was the perfect size, and she had great hips and a nice, round ass.

  Her long brown hair wasn’t quite straight and it wasn’t quite wavy. I liked the way it hung down her back in slightly messy cords and couldn’t help picturing what it would look like wrapped around my hand as I guided her little pink mouth over my dick.

  Whoa, pump the breaks. Where had that thought come from?

  “So, you and Logan are friends?” I asked, trying to shift my focus off her mouth and onto a conversation.

  “We met today. Who’s Kevin?”

  “Someone he keeps running into.” I grinned. “He hooked up with him at the end of last year and the poor boy can’t seem to get it in his head that Logan’s not a repeat kind of man.”

  “Oh.” She blushed prettily and bit her lip.

  “So, art major?”

  Normally shy wasn’t my thing. I liked women who were outgoing and suggestive, telling me what I wanted to hear so we could end up where we were going to end up. If I wasn’t trying to get in a chick’s pants I didn’t bother talking to them, but something about Avery made me want to keep talking to her.

  “Yeah.” She bit her lip again and took a sip of her drink.

  “You okay?” I took a big drink of my beer and looked down at her. “You look like you’re about to run away.”

  “I’m not used to parties. This is my first one.”

  I saw her eyes widen and chuckled. Something told me she hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

  “Your first party.” I grinned. “What do you think?”

  She blew out a breath and gave me a shy smile. “It’s loud.”

  I laughed and drank down the rest of my drink. “Want to dance?”


  “Dance. It’s part of the party scene. Since you can’t drink then you should experience other parts of the party life.”

  “Oh. Um. Yeah. Okay.”

  I reached for her hand and waited for her to put her drink down. Her stuttering answers were cute, and I had a feeling she wasn’t used to dancing.

  I led her out onto the dance floor and turned to face her. The song playing was fast and the beat was good, and Avery was looking up at me with equal parts anticipation and terror. It was a cute look on her.

  I was just about to reach out and pull her close to me when Logan swooped between us and shook his head at me.

  “Uh uh, nope. Not this one, Matty.”

  I bit back a retort and nodded. He was right. Avery was way too sweet and obviously too innocent for me. It would be best if I stayed away from her.

  “Come on. Let’s go play pool.” Logan turned to her.

  “Make sure you get another drink. Basic party rule—never pick up a drink you’ve left alone, or take one from someone you don’t know,” I said as I looked at Avery.

  She gave me a shy smile and nodded.

  Logan gave me a warning look and I sighed as Avery followed him toward the pool tables.

  He was right. A girl like that was too good for a loser like me.


  My first party was a lot of fun. Logan seemed to know everyone and we were never short of pool partners. I’d never played and I was terrible, but no one seemed to mind. I didn’t say much but it was fun to be around people. No one treated me like a freak show and by the time we left I was feeling great.

  “Have a good time?” Logan asked as we walked to my dorm.

  “I did. Do you live in residence?”

  “Matty and I have a place.”

  “Oh. So you live with Matt?” I tried to keep the hope out of my voice but failed miserably.

  “Yeah, what did you think of him?”

  “He was nice.”

  Nice was only the tip of the iceberg, but something told me it wasn’t the time to wax poetic about my only friend’s brother.

  “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure.” I looked at him.

  “Are you experienced with guys?”

  I blushed and looked at the ground.

  “Are you a virgin?”

  I nodded, not wanting to admit the truth out loud.

  “I’m going to tell you this because you’re my friend. Matt is a great guy, he’s my brother and I love him, but he’s not a guy you want to think about in that way.”

  “What?” I looked at him sharply.

  “Matt’s a player,” he said bluntly. “He likes to fuck but he doesn’t do commitment. I saw the way you looked at him. I get it but I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “It’s fine, Logan. I’m not interested in him that way anyway.” I shook my head and forced a smile. Besides, it’s not like he’d ever be interested in me.


  Four days later I couldn’t get Avery out of my head.

  I kept thinking of the most inane things about her and my mind would wander. Normally when a girl distracted me it was one of two things I thought about—her tits or her ass. With Avery I was thinking about her lip and her eyes.

  I could tell she was a sweet girl, something else that usually sent warning bells and red flags flying for me, and her incredible eyes were so open and honest. I didn’t think that girl could ever have a poker face and I had a feeling she was a terrible liar.

  It was the way she’d looked up at me when I’d been about to dance with her.

  That look of both fear and anticipation mixed with a tinge of heat had been incredible. I’d never had a girl look at me like that before.

  Usually chicks undressed me with their eyes, and in all fairness that’s usually what I was doing to them so it balanced out. They were coy, suggestive and flirted. Avery hadn’t been playing any games or trying to be anything, and that honesty and purity touched something in me I’d never explored before.

  Then there was her lip. The way she kept biting it as she tried to mask her reactions was so unexpectedly hot. Every time her teeth had scraped her pouty little lip my dick had hardened slightly, and I’m pretty sure a dance would have given me the hard on of the century.


  “What?” I jumped and whirled around. “Fuck, Logan. I’m right here. You don’t have to yell.”

  “I called your name three times.”


  “You were in la-la land. What has you so distracted?”

  “School,” I said evasively.

  “Are you going out tonight?”

  “Wasn’t planning on it. Why?”

  “Avery’s coming over for a movie night.”

  “You want me to
be scarce?”

  “You can hang with us if you want, but I have to tell you something about her.”


  “Avery’s as innocent as they come.”


  “She’s a virgin.” He gave me a look. “I just don’t want her to get hurt if you—”

  “I’m not going to make a play on your new bestie.” I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Are you sure? I saw the way you were looking at her.”

  I bit back my retort and shook my head. “You know I don’t do virgins, Logan.”

  “I know, but—”

  “You don’t have to worry about me and my predatory dick,” I said through clenched teeth. “I don’t pop cherries so Avery is safe.”

  “You know I didn’t mean anything by it.” He genuinely looked sorry and I shrugged.

  “It’s fine.”

  “You going to do movie night with us?”

  “Yeah. I’ll stick around.”

  As Logan went into the kitchen I tried to erase the memory of Avery’s eyes as she looked up at me.

  I didn’t fuck virgins. I may be an ass and a player, but I was never going to be that guy. I refused to be the dick who took advantage of innocent girls and became a bad memory. When I fucked a girl I left her happy and satisfied and ready for her next conquest.

  There might be something special about Avery, but I wasn’t the right one to find out exactly what that was.

  Chapter Three


  When I knocked on the door to Logan’s apartment I was nervous. It would seem he and Matt rented out the first floor of a duplex and I wondered what it would be like to live off campus and actually be completely on my own.

  We’d hung out every day since the party and when he’d invited me over for movie night I’d been floored. It was Friday night, I’d expected him to have plans or a date, but he’d wanted to hang out at his place and watch movies.

  “Hey.” Logan grinned as he flung open the door. “Find the place okay?”

  “It was easy.” I nodded and smiled when he leaned in to hug me.

  Logan was actually the first person outside of my parents to hug me, ever. I’d been a little shocked the first time but now that it had happened a few times it was nice. There was something so incredible about feeling a strong, male body against me, and even though the arms around me were attached to my gay friend, I still got a little bit of a tingle.

  When Logan let me go he stepped aside and I almost tripped when I saw Matt lounging on the couth with a box of Smarties in his hand.

  “Matt’s going to crash movie night, that okay?” Logan asked as he gripped my hand and tugged me toward the couch.

  “Um, sure. Yeah.” I tried to hide my excitement and nerves as Logan flopped down on the other end of the couch and pulled me with him. “Hi.”

  Matt grinned at me. “Hi.”

  Oh man he was hot. Even lounging around in loose sweat pants and a t-shirt he was still sex on legs, and I felt my face flush.

  “So, since you were so kind as to let me pick the movies, I thought we could do a horror night.” Logan grinned at me.


  “You scare easily?”

  “Only certain things.” I smiled. “No spiders or clowns.”

  Both Logan and Matt burst out laughing.

  “But serial killers or evil ghosts are okay?” Matt asked teasingly.

  “Those I can handle.” I grinned in spite of my nerves.

  “Well, you’re in luck. I figured we’d go for a classic.”

  “Amityville Horror,” I read as he cued up the movie. “Cool. I haven’t seen that one.”

  “Really?” Logan grinned wickedly. “How about Psycho?”

  “Seen that.”

  “The Exorcist?” Matt asked.


  “The lineup is settled. Matty, start the movie while I make popcorn.”

  Matt nodded and grabbed the remote as Logan stood. He had to reach in front of me to get it and as he pulled his arm back his bare skin brushed my shoulder.

  I felt a slight jolt and bit my lip. That had been unexpected.

  “Do you really think you need popcorn on top of all of this?” I motioned to the table covered with candy and soda.

  “It’s movie night.” He grinned. “If you don’t leave feeling sick from all the junk food then it wasn’t a success.”

  “So that’s how it works?” I smiled and bit my lip. “You don’t have plans tonight?”

  “I thought I was doing movie night.” He gave me a teasing smile.

  “I mean, a date, or something?”

  “Nah.” His eyes darkened and he turned to the TV to start the movie.


  I had no idea what I’d said to upset him and tried to think of something to say to make it better. Before I could think of anything Logan was back.

  “Popcorn is here.”

  Logan put a huge bowl of popcorn on the table and slid onto the couch next to me.

  “So there’s something you need to know about me.” He grinned as he looked at me.

  “What’s that?”

  “I’m a cuddle whore.”

  “A what?”

  “Cuddling. I love it.”

  “Oh?” Was he asking me to cuddle with him?

  “Are you?”

  “A cuddle whore?”


  “I don’t know,” I admitted. “I haven’t had much chance to cuddle before.” Or ever.

  Logan grinned and lifted his arm.

  After a second I leaned against him and he put his arm around me, pulling me close to his body.

  “You a fan?” he asked as he shifted us so I was nestled against his strong chest.

  “I believe I am.” I sighed and leaned a little heavier against him.

  He felt so strong and warm against me, and I wasn’t nervous or afraid he would hate what he felt. It might have been because he didn’t like girls, but it also could have been because I was a cuddle whore waiting to be set free.


  Avery wasn’t as brave as she’d told us she was.

  She squealed and gasped and buried her face in Logan’s shoulder more than once during the movie, and at one point she covered her face and started humming.

  It was strangely endearing, and I couldn’t help feeling jealous that Logan got to hold her while I was on the other side of the couch alone.

  I’m not a cuddler. I don’t mind a little contact after sex but to sit and snuggle definitely wasn’t in my wheelhouse. I’d never even shared a bed with someone because I needed my space, but I couldn’t stop myself from wondering how Avery would feel against me. If it was my arm over her shoulders and my side her breasts were pushed against.

  It was probably best she was over there and I was in my corner. It reminded me that she was off limits and Logan’s virgin friend.

  When she’d told Logan she hadn’t had much experience with cuddling I had to wonder just how much experience she had in general. She might be a virgin, but how far had she gone?

  I had no idea why I was thinking about it, but it was getting increasingly difficult to keep my dick calm and I was regretting my choice to wear sweatpants and nothing else. Every time I twitched or got even the smallest hint of a hard on it was painfully obvious, and I was glad everyone was watching the movie and not looking at my crotch.

  “What did you think?” Logan asked when the movie was over.

  “It was good, but I’m officially creeped out.” Avery sat up and shook her head.

  “Why?” I had to ask.

  “This morning I woke up at 3:15. No reason. I just shot up and was wide awake. It took me half an hour to fall back asleep.”

  “Bad dream?” Logan asked.

  “No, I was having a great dream, as far as I remember.”

  “Roommate wake you?” I tried.

  “I have a single.”

  A single? That was interesting.
  “It could have been anything.” Logan patted her arm and shoved a handful of Raisinettes in his mouth.

  “Could have been...but I sleep like the dead. I never wake up.” She took a sip of her soda and I couldn’t stop myself from grinning. She looked genuinely freaked out.

  “You want to try Exorcist? Or maybe something a little lighter?” I asked as I finished my soda.

  “Exorcist.” She smiled at me shyly. “I think I can handle it.”

  I nodded and cued the movie up while Logan leaned back down and pulled her against his body.

  Twenty minutes into the movie I heard a gentle snore and looked over at the other side of the couch.

  “Is Logan asleep?”

  “He is.” Avery giggled and twisted so she could look at me. “I guess this movie doesn’t scare him.”

  I chuckled and paused the movie.

  “Should we wake him up?”

  “I’ll send him to bed. He was up early this morning.”

  Avery sat up and bit her lip, glancing at the door before looking back at the TV.

  “You can stay, finish watching the movie with me if you want,” I offered as I stood up and stretched.

  “You don’t mind?”

  “I’d like the company.”

  She nodded, blushing, and watched as I came over to her side of the couch and shook Logan.

  “Muh.” Logan grunted and pushed my hands away.

  “Go to bed.”

  “Muh huh.” Logan cracked his eyes open and looked around. “Avery?”

  “I’m still here.”

  “Sorry to crash like this.”

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow?”


  As Logan leaned forward and kissed Avery’s cheek I felt a slice of longing. That was really strange. I wasn’t a longing type of guy.


  We watched as Logan trudged into his room and closed the door.

  “Need a refill?” I nodded to her cup.

  “I’m okay. Between the sugar and caffeine I’m kind of buzzing right now.” She bit her lip again and I had the sudden urge to run my thumb over it.

  “Yeah, I’m a little hopped up too,” I said quickly, going back to my side of the couch and flopping down.

  I had no idea what the fuck was going on with me. Avery was off limits and she wasn’t my type. I must be wound up. It had been a few weeks since I had sex with anyone other than myself. That had to be it.


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