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Taking Chances (Robson Brothers Book 1)

Page 12

by A. T Brennan

  The reality that I was touching myself in Matt’s bed with his entire family in the house amplified every sensation, and when I ran my finger over my clit it was already swollen and wet.

  I bit my lip and stifled a cry as I slipped my finger inside my body, using my other hand to tease my clit. It felt incredible, and I could almost feel Matt’s breath on my leg and his body on the bed with me as I relived the incredible moments we’d shared.

  It didn’t take long before I was sweeping toward my release, and I hit my orgasm with a strangled cry. My entire body tightened as the pleasure rushed through and out of me in a burst of pure rapture, and I rode the waves and enjoyed every second.

  When the moment passed I lay in his bed. I wished he was there with me, but if we couldn’t physically be together then I wanted to spend a few moments longer wrapped in his sheets.

  It was probably creepy, but I felt close to him. After a few minutes I started to feel sleepy and sat up with a sigh. Falling asleep in his bed would be awesome, but not a good idea. As I mentally prepared to get up and go back to Logan’s room I had a naughty idea. Grinning I pulled my panties off and left them under Matt’s pillow, hoping he would find it sexy and not weird, and pulled my pajamas back on and climbed out of his bed.


  Less than ten minutes after I’d left Avery alone in Logan’s room my phone beeped and it took every ounce of self-control I had not to whip it out and check for my promised photo.

  I spent another hour and a half playing with my brothers, losing epically, before faking a few yawns and heading up to bed.

  My room didn’t look any different, except that my sheets were a mess and the pillow had been squashed down. That sight alone made my balls tighten and my dick go rock-hard. I stripped off my clothes, tossing my phone on my pillow, and put them in the hamper. Then I crawled into bed, naked and hard, and checked my text log.

  I almost shot my load as soon as I saw the photo. There was Avery, laid out on my bed with her perfect tits bare giving me her bedroom eyes. I would be money she didn’t realize she had the sexiest stare when she was turned on, and one look from her could drive me wild.

  The photo was cropped so I could only see just below her belly button, but by where her hand was positioned I knew she was touching herself. I saved the photo to my phone and quickly deleted the text. I could lock the photo down so no one would find it, but I didn’t want to risk keeping it in my messages. When it was gone I opened my photo gallery and opened her picture.

  “Fuck.” I groaned softly, fighting to keep my voice whisper soft as I gripped my cock in my hand. My eyes were glued to the picture and I could almost taste her skin on my tongue, feel her hands running through my hair.

  Her scent was on my pillow and I closed my eyes and breathed her in. I could almost feel her on the bed with me.

  As my hand moved up and down over my thick shaft I didn’t think about her mouth wrapped around me. I didn’t think of eating her out or making her scream. I thought about making love to her.

  I pictured how she would look under me, her eyes wide and trusting. I imagined her gasping as I positioned my cock at her opening, urging me on with her eyes as I paused.

  I could almost feel her tight, wet pussy around my cock as I imagined slipping inside her, moving inch by incredible inch. In my mind she’s loving it, staring up at me as she nods in encouragement. Her body is tight but I’m not hurting her because we’ve made love countless times. I imagine her legs wrapped around my waist, helping me slip even deeper inside her, and when I start to move she arches into me with the words I want to hear more than anything on her lips.

  I love you.

  I came in a burst, my orgasm washing over me as it simultaneously exploded out of me. I lay there, my eyes closed and my hand still gripping my now softening dick as I keep picturing her. Everything from her shy smile to the way she bites her lip flashes in my mind.

  “I love you too,” I whisper to the dark room, feeling like tool but needing to say the words to my empty room since I can’t say them to her.

  My phone went dark while I was stroking my dick and I put it down so I could grab a few tissues out of my nightstand. After I’ve cleaned myself up I picked my phone back up and opened the camera app. It was time to send Avery her photo.

  After taking three I picked the best one and texted it to her after deleting the others. I imagine she’s long asleep by now and fight the urge to go to Logan’s room. We’ll have to settle for pictures and stolen kisses this weekend, even if it promises to be a nearly impossible exercise in self-control.

  As I roll over my hand brushes against something under my pillow. I grip it, wondering what it could possibly be and pull out a pair of mesh satin panties.

  Holy fuckballs. The fact that she’d leave her panties in my bed in fucking hot, and bold. I love how coy and confident it is, and how she would most likely never see the move as anything special. The fact that she’s so innocent isn’t lost on me for even a second, and it makes me smile to know she wants to tease me as much I as tease her.

  Not taking any chances I stuff the panties in my pillowcase. I still have the ones from when we were in my apartment yesterday in my bag.

  I hope she brought a lot of spares, because I wasn’t planning on giving them back to her right away.

  Chapter Eleven


  Finding Matt’s picture in my message folder the next morning had been both amazing and embarrassing. I’d been so excited to see a message from him I’d opened it while Logan was still in the room with me.

  It had been the hottest, sexiest picture I’d ever seen. Matt had taken it from a slightly downward angle so I could see down to his knees. His hand was cupping his manhood so it was covered and his body looked as incredible as it ever did, but it was his eyes that were the hottest part.

  They were slightly glazed and heavy-lidded. That was the look he always had after an orgasm. That meant he’d taken that picture after he’d masturbated, thinking about me the same way I’d thought about him, and my body tightened as I flushed so hot I actually felt lightheaded for a minute.

  “What are you looking at?”

  Logan’s voice broke into my thoughts, and brought me back to reality, fast.

  “Nothing,” I said as I looked up and covertly exited out of my messages.

  “You expect me to believe that?” He raised his eyebrow at me disbelievingly.

  “I saw a dirty picture.” I knew it was better to tell him a half-truth. I was a terrible liar and he’d see through me in an instant.

  “Really?” His eyes lit up. “Sharing is caring.” He held out his hand with a wicked grin.

  “There’s man butt in it, but also a vajayjay.” I grinned, trying to cover up my nerves as I discreetly opened my photo gallery.

  “I can block it out.”

  “Okay. Just give me a second. You scared me half to death and I accidentally closed the image.”

  I opened my download folder and tapped on a picture I’d saved for whatever the female version of a spank bank is. I was embarrassed to admit that I liked looking at dirty pictures, but this was way better than lying, or letting him see the picture of Matt.

  “Holy shit, girl. This is pretty freaky for a virgin. Is that something you’d be interested in?”

  The picture was of a naked woman tied to a headboard while a man went down on her, his face buried between her legs as she arched into him. The picture seemed to have been captured mid-orgasm and it was hot.

  “Having someone go down on me? Yeah.” I nodded, blushing as he handed the phone back to me and sat with me on the bed. I couldn’t tell him I’d already experienced it, twice, and whenever I looked at the photo I imagined Matt and I acting it out.

  “Not getting head, the bondage part.”

  “Um, kinda.” I blushed and put phone down. “Is that wrong?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with it, just don’t rush into anything,” he said seriously.

bsp; “What do you mean?”

  “You have to learn to crawl before you can run. Sex can be overwhelming and it’s easy to go from zero to fucking. Just make sure you take baby steps.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “I know, sweetie, and that’s part of what I’m talking about. Guys like virgins. They like to be the first one to get in and mark their territory. Make sure that whoever you’re with is there for you, not your virtue.”

  “And if I find a guy like that?”

  “Don’t rush into sex. Experiment with foreplay. Learn what feels good and what you like, then when you do have sex it’ll be a more complete experience. Try not to rush into the kinky stuff either. It might seem fun but don’t give your power up to anyone you don’t trust or you could get really hurt.”

  “Yeah, that makes sense.”

  “Don’t do anything you don’t feel ready for, and don’t let anyone pressure you.”

  “I won’t. I think the picture is sexy but I wouldn’t do that with just anyone.” I would do it with Matt, though. I just couldn’t tell Logan that.

  “Just remember that sex is naturally all about the guy and you need to make sure you’re with someone who makes it about you,”

  “You think so?”

  “I do. Sex for a girl is different than a guy, but I kind of get it being gay. Straight guys only have to shove it in to get off, and sex starts and ends with their pleasure. They get horny so they get hard. They get off so they orgasm and it’s over. Find someone who cares about your pleasure or it’s not going to be a good experience for you.”

  “I never thought of that.”

  “They only have to get hard, we’re the ones who have to be ready for them and without a little work on their part that doesn’t happen.”

  “True. And once they finish then it’s over, even if you’re not there.”

  “And there’s the emotional part I don’t think anyone has ever warned you about.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s not unusual to feel connected to the person you lose your virginity to. Think about it, you’re taking someone inside your body for the first time, sharing a moment you’ll never share with anyone else. That moment is going to be something that sticks with you for a long time, and you want to make sure it’s with someone who’ll still be good to you after so the memory isn’t tainted.”

  “Wow. I had no idea...” I shook my head and mulled over what he’d said. “I’d never considered the emotional part.”

  “The first time can be as emotional as it physical. I know you, and I know what a sensitive and awesome person you are. You may very well be a vixen-in-training, but I don’t think you’ll be able to separate the emotional and the physical your first time like some people can.”

  “Could you?”

  “No. I have no problem with it now, but it wasn’t always like that for me.”

  “They don’t teach you this in Sex Ed. I know how to put a condom on a banana and what chlamydia looks like, but they don’t teach you about all the real-life details. I guess that’s what normal people learn from their friends.”

  “Well, I’m your friend and I’m teaching you.” He grinned and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’m sure it’s not the same as having a girlfriend, but I do offer a unique perspective.”

  I laughed and leaned against his shoulder, looping my arm through his. “You’re the best friend I could have asked for. Any other tips, oh wise one?”

  “A few.” He chuckled. “Sex can hurt when you’re the one receiving it. It takes time to get used to it and if you’re not ready or they don’t do enough prep for you then it will really hurt the first few times. After waiting so long I don’t want you to have a bad experience.”

  “You said your first experience was good, did he do all of that for you?”

  “He did. And he was gentle and slow. He made the experience about me so it didn’t hurt and I felt special, cared for.”

  “I’m glad it was so wonderful for you.”

  “And I want you to have that too, sweetie.” He looped his arm over my shoulder and kissed my temple. “So just be careful.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  It was nice that Logan cared about me so much, but what he’d said echoed in my mind. I didn’t think virgins got Matt off since that was the reason he wouldn’t have sex with me. Considering how giving he’d been whenever we’d fooled around, making sure to give me pleasure before taking his own, I didn’t think that would suddenly change if we had sex either.

  He was a good guy and he would take care of me, of that I had no doubt, but Logan was right. I wouldn’t be able to separate the physical and the emotional. If I had sex with Matt then I’d go from mostly in love with him to completely head-over-heels for him, and I had no idea how he felt about me.

  The thought of loving him while he only liked me was devastating, and I knew I would be crushed when he eventually walked away and ended things.

  Maybe not having sex with him would protect my heart from the inevitable, or maybe it would be the biggest mistake of my life. I couldn’t imagine not sharing that connection with him and waiting to be with someone else. I wanted Matt to be the one I gave my virginity to, but by doing that I was setting myself up for an even bigger heartbreak.

  I had a lot to think about, and no one I could talk to about any of it.


  By the time we climbed into the car Logan and I shared to head back to campus I was grateful the weekend was over. It was nice to get home and away from school, and it was really nice to see my parents again, but staying away from Avery had been torture.

  We’d managed to sneak a few kisses here and there but we never had more than a few minutes alone together. After four nights of her sneaking into my room to give me a new picture before pleasuring herself I was going fucking crazy. Each night her picture got a little bit naughtier, and last night she’d sent me a short video.

  She’d kept the camera pointed at her face so I could see the moment she came, and after seeing it once the image was burned into my mind. I’d saved the video and deleted it from my text log, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it the entire drive home.

  When we reached campus I dropped Avery off and drove to our apartment. As we were climbing out of the car Logan looked over at me.

  “What’s up with you?”

  “What do you mean?” I tried to keep my face neutral, even as my cock was trying to bust its way through my pants from the raging boner I’d had for the past two hours.

  “You’re acting a bit weird.”

  “How so?”

  “You were just distant, that’s all.” He shrugged as he followed me into the house. “You just seemed off.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You can talk to me, about anything. You know that, right?”

  “Of course.” I nodded over my shoulder at him and gave him what I hoped was a sincere looking smile. “I’m fine.”

  Except the fact that I was lying to my best friend and going against his wishes, and I was having a hard time remembering why I wasn’t deflowering his best friend. Sure, I could talk to him about all of that.

  “Okay.” He didn’t look convinced.

  “I’m going to take a shower. Everything’s fine.”

  He gave me a doubtful look and I tried to act normal as I went to my room to drop off my bag. With five people needing to use the shower that morning I’d forgone one so it was true I was feeling a bit grimy, but the real reason I wanted to take one now was because I needed to jack off before my balls exploded.

  It wasn’t the same as feeling Avery’s hand around me, but it was all I had.


  I felt like I was going crazy.

  It had been four days since we came back from Thanksgiving and I Matt and I hadn’t gotten to spend any time alone together. Every one of my professors seemed to have gotten together and decided this was the week to swamp us with tests, assignments and
extra work, and Matt’s classes weren’t any better.

  Logan had wanted to meet up the few times I did have a free moment, and I didn’t want to blow him off after everything he’d done for me. Matt might be my secret boyfriend, but Logan was my best friend and I wasn’t going to ignore him because I was horny and missed Matt.

  It would figure that the few hours I would have free today Matt would need to be in the lab doing a group project and Logan would be busy studying, so I was taking the time to do some laundry.

  The room was empty and I had my pick of washers so I stuffed my clothes in one near the door and set it to wash. I was turning to go back to my room when I bumped into someone.

  “Oh!” I jumped back and shook my head. “I’m sorry.”


  I looked at the girl I’d nearly run over and immediately recognized her. “Mel?”

  “Hi, it’s be a while.” She smiled.

  “Yeah, how have you been?”

  Melodie and I had been roommates last year. She’d always been nice to me, but we were opposites in every way. I was shy and awkward while Mel was outgoing and could talk to anyone. I was average looking at best and she was gorgeous. I was a weirdo virgin and she’d had a different guy every weekend.

  I’d admired her. I’d loved how confident and free she was, and how she owned her sexuality and did what she wanted and didn’t give two shits what other people thought. I’d wished I could be like her. Still did.

  “Pretty good. I got an apartment off campus with a friend so things have been a little less dormish in my life.” She laughed as she started shoving her clothes in the washer next to mine. “Just don’t tell anyone I was in here using the washers. Ours broke and I didn’t feel like trudging up to the laundromat.”

  “Your secret is safe with me.” I smile. It was nice she was still being friendly with me.

  “So what have you been up to?”

  “Same old. I got a single this year.”

  “You didn’t look off campus?”

  “I didn’t have anyone to move out with.” My cheeks flushed at the confession and she gave me a kind smile.


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