Taking Chances (Robson Brothers Book 1)

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Taking Chances (Robson Brothers Book 1) Page 15

by A. T Brennan

  Chapter Thirteen


  When I woke up the next morning Matt was still asleep. I was snuggled in his arms and his breathing was strong and deep.

  I took a moment to figure out what I was feeling, both physically and emotionally.

  I was a little sore, but there wasn’t any real pain, just a tenderness deep inside me. Physically I was fine, but emotionally I was a little bit of a mess.

  I loved Matt, more than I ever thought possible, but there was a part of me that wondered if he really loved me. I know he’d said it, but had he just been being nice because it was my first time? Had he said it because he’d thought it was what I’d want to hear? Or maybe he’d thought he’d felt it because I was the first virgin he’d been with.

  I was confused. I didn’t think he’d intentionally lie to me, but I was scared. I’d never been in love before, had never thought anyone would ever love me, and I didn’t know what I was supposed to do.

  I guessed things weren’t all that different now than they’d been before we’d had sex. We were still in a secret relationship, only now we didn’t have to stick to foreplay.

  I also wondered what he’d meant when he’d said he’d stay as long as I wanted. Did he mean like in my bed overnight? Did he want to spend the weekend with me, or was he talking about forever?

  I wished I wasn’t so naïve and inexperienced. I had no idea what I was supposed to do or feel right now, and while the sex had been amazing for me I was pretty sure it had only been mediocre for him. He’d orgasmed, that was true, but I didn’t think my first foray into oral sex had been all that great, even if he’d said otherwise.

  Mel had given me all sorts of tips and tricks, but the moment I’d touched him everything she’d told me had flown out of my head and all I could think about was not biting him. I figured it had felt good for him when he’d been inside me, but all I’d done was lie there and make him go slow.

  I hated that I still questioned everything and wasn’t confident. In the moment it was easy to let go, but after I worried about the stupidest things. I worried I’d said or done something wrong, that I’d looked weird or hadn’t been good. I hated how I couldn’t just enjoy the memories and analyzed them instead.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I jumped at the sound of Matt’s voice and turned to look at him. He was blinking sleepily as he looked at me, a concerned look on his face.


  “You look troubled.”

  “I was just thinking.” I blushed and looked at his chest.

  “About last night?”

  I nodded, still looking at his chest.

  “It’s natural you’d have questions. You can ask me anything.” He kiss my forehead and held me close.

  “Was I good?” I asked tentatively.

  “You were amazing.” He pulled away so he could look at me. “Why?”

  “I didn’t know what I was doing, when I gave you oral.”

  “It was true you were hesitant and unsure, but it still felt amazing.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. The fact that I’m the first one you’ve done that for meant a lot to me.”

  “And while we were together, was I good?”

  “You were perfect.” He pushed my hair back over my shoulder and cupped my cheek. “Avery, babe. It was your first time. You’re not supposed to know exactly what you’re doing and it’s natural you’d worry about things, but trust me when I say that was the most incredible night of my life because I was with you.”

  I smiled at his words and nodded. That made me feel better about everything.

  “How many girls have you been with?” I didn’t want to ask but I’d been wondering for a while.

  “Honestly? I couldn’t tell you an exact number, but it’s a lot.”

  “How can I compare to that?”

  “I’m only going to tell you this because I want to be honest. I’ve slept with a lot of girls, and I’ve messed around with even more. But that was just sex and foreplay to me. I was getting off and did what I could to get them off so we both enjoyed it, but my focus was on me.”

  I bit my lip and let him continue. What he said made sense, it was just hard to imagine him with all of those faceless chicks.

  “With you it’s different. I wanted you to get the most out of it and I enjoyed it because you did. You’re the first girl I’ve ever loved and the emotional part for me was almost more incredible than the actual sex. I’ve fucked a lot of people, but you’re the only one I’ve ever made love to.”

  As soon as the words were out of his mouth I felt all of my insecurities and worries melt away. Matt loved me and his past didn’t matter. He didn’t judge me for mine so I sure as hell wasn’t going judge him for his.

  I was just about to tell him I was sorry for being so needy when he rolled us over so he was on top of me.

  “Are you sore?” he asked, giving me a wicked grin.

  “No.” I bit my lip and shook my head. “Why, what do you have in mind?” I asked teasingly.

  “Well, I can’t wait another second to slip inside you and make love to you again.”

  “Hmmm.” I licked my lip and watched as passion and lust flared in his eyes. “That sounds awesome, but I think I want to try fucking.”

  “You’re killing me,” he groaned as his cock went rock hard against my hip. “Are you sure? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.” I reached up to kiss him, making sure to scrap my teeth against his lower lip as I did. “And I want to try it a different way.”

  “How do you want it?” he asked, his voice almost cracking as his muscles tightened.

  I loved how much I could affect him and I suddenly felt very sexy and confident. “From behind.”

  With a groan he flipped me over. I thought he was going to pull me up so I was on all fours, but he just pushed my legs apart with his knees and settled between them as he lay over me. I could feel his cock in the cleft of my ass and sighed.

  “You’re a wicked girl,” he whispered in my ear as his hand slid under our bodies so he could rub against my already wet sex.

  “Do you like it?” I asked, gasping as his fingers found my clit.

  “I like it.” He gently bit the juncture where my shoulder and neck met and I cried out in pleasure.

  I unconsciously rocked my hips so he was teasing me faster, and he traced his tongue over my ear. “That’s it, babe. Ride my hand. Help me make you come so I can fuck you until you scream for me.”

  The combination of his breath on my ear and his incredibly erotic words doubled my arousal and I found myself hurdling toward my orgasm.

  “Oh god!” I cried out and a moment later I came hard against his hand.

  Even as my body was still shuddering and contracting he tilted my hips up and slipped inside me, his cock filling me in the most delicious way, and I pressed my cheek against the sheets as I gave over to every feeling and sensation I was experiencing.

  He held himself up with one hand as he slammed his length inside me. His other hand slid down my arm and he gripped my hand tightly in his. He wasn’t hurting me, I was so far-gone with pleasure I was beyond feeling pain, and I needed more.

  “Harder!” I cried out when my body tightened and pressure blossomed deep in my womb. “Harder, Matt. Please!”

  He grunted above me as his hips moved faster and he pounded into me so hard I slid up on the mattress slightly with each thrust.

  “Oh god, oh my god!” I tried to bite down on my lip to stop my screams. I lived in a dorm so I was pretty sure the entire hall could hear me, but the pressure inside me built to a level that was almost overwhelming and I couldn’t stop my cries.

  “Oh fuck, Avery.” Matt grunted above me and I felt his hand shaking in mine.

  “Yes, yes!” The pleasure suddenly exploded in a moment of pure bliss, and closed my eyes as Matt jerked above me, spilling deep inside my body.

  “Oh god.” I couldn’t barely th
ink and had to blink several times before I could see straight. “Wow.”

  “Yeah.” He kissed the back of my neck and pulled out of me with a groan. “Wow.”

  We lay together, tangled in each other’s arms, and all I could think about was how lucky I was to be in bed with the man I loved.

  * * * * *

  Matt and I ended up spending the entire weekend together. We only ventured out of the room to use the bathroom and ordered food so we wouldn’t be too far from the bed. Every time I left my room to fill my water bottle or use the bathroom I would get knowing looks from my neighbors. It was embarrassing but I seemed to be a screamer and had a hard time keeping quiet.

  I’d texted Mel to tell her I’d talk to her Monday and she’d sent back a line of dirty emojis. I’d also texted Logan to tell him I would be busy all weekend. He’d asked what I was doing and I’d said homework and group projects. I hated lying to him but Matt wasn’t ready to tell him the truth.

  We had a lot of sex, and by the time he left on Sunday I was pretty sore and raw, but I wouldn’t have changed a thing. I’d gotten a chance to practice my oral skills and Matt had guided me, telling me what he liked and helping me tailor my technique to him and I was pretty proud of how he responded to me.

  After he’d left I’d picked up my phone and called Mel.

  “Spill. I want to know everything,” she said as soon as she answered, not even bothering with a ‘hello’.

  “He just left.”

  “He was there all weekend?”


  “So, tell me about Friday night.”

  “He was perfect. He was gentle and made sure I was taken care of, and he went slow.”

  “Did it hurt a lot?”

  “Only right at first, then it felt good. He told me he loves me.”

  “Wow. That’s awesome.”

  “Yeah. It made it even more special.”

  “I’m happy for you. But I have to know—does he still eat pussy like a god?”

  I laughed and nodded, even though she couldn’t see me. “Oh yeah. He’s like a starving man and I’m his last meal. He always wants to, even though I only did it for him the first time on Friday.”

  “You’re so lucky.” She sighed. “You know, I’ve fucked a ton of guys and had more dicks in my mouth than I care to count, but I’ve only had three men go down on me.”

  “Really? That’s unbalanced.”

  “Yeah, and they didn’t even bother finishing. It was more like ‘here’s a little teasing so you’ll climb on top of me and fuck me stupid’.”

  “Wow. That’s not right.”

  “Most guys are dicks. You’re lucky you found a good one. I swear, if I ever find someone willing to put the effort in I might just keep him around.”

  “I hope you find that.”

  “Some days I think it’s just a pipe dream and others I don’t even want it.” She sighed. “But enough about me. How did you like sucking dick?”

  “It was fun. I liked it.”

  “Did he finish in your mouth or pull away?”

  “Pulled me away. I wouldn’t mind if he did, but he didn’t want to.”

  “Here’s a little tip that will drive him nuts. If you want to really get him hot, try going down on him while you play with yourself. If you can time it so you come at the same time it’s super hot and I guarantee he’ll love it.”

  “Really?” I never would have thought of that.

  “Oh yeah. Guys love the visual as much as the physical. It’s why they like doggy style and girl on top. It feels and looks good for them.”

  “We didn’t try either of those, but he does like to lie on top of me from behind.”

  “Yeah. That’s an awesome one too. Sounds like he could be a bit dominant.”

  “You think?”

  “Why don’t you talk to him about your fantasies? You trust him so he’d be the perfect guy to experiment with.”

  “What about learning to crawl before you can run?”


  “Logan told me to go really slow, that I had to ease into sex and not rush into anything out of the ordinary.”

  “Sex isn’t really something you can quantify. What’s normal to me wouldn’t be to you, and what’s normal for you wouldn’t be to him. Now, I’m not suggesting you have Matt tie you up and take you to pound town right away, but if you’re interested in trying something specific then you should talk to him. You’ll figure out what your normal is together.”

  “That makes a lot of sense.”

  “So, are you going to come out?”


  “Your relationship.” She laughed. “Now that you’re fucking are you still going to keep things secret?”

  “He said he’s not ready to tell Logan. Not yet.”

  “Are you okay with that?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Can you really go from being his sort of friend in public to his lover in private? I know I could, but I don’t think you can handle that emotionally.”

  “I don’t know. We’ve managed this far.”

  “I guess. Just make sure this doesn’t take too big of a toll on you.”

  “I’ll be careful.”

  “So, I’m guessing you haven’t left your room in a few days.” She laughed when I didn’t answer right away. “Want to come over for dinner? Get out and maybe have a bit of a girl’s night?”

  “Sure. That would be great.”

  “Why don’t you bring your stuff? You can stay over and just leave for class from here.”

  “That works.”

  “Great, come over whenever you want. Alliyah’s not around so we’ll have the place to ourselves.”

  “Great. I’ll see you in a bit.”


  I hung up the phone and grinned. I’d just had a weekend of sex with the man I was in love with and now I was having a pseudo slumber party with my girlfriend. Life was awesome.


  “So where were you all weekend?” Logan asked as soon as I walked into the apartment.

  He was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels on the TV.


  “I got that much, asshole.” He rolled his eyes at me. “I mean who were you with? You’ve never spent the night with someone and now you’re out all weekend?”

  “Oh, just met a few chicks.”

  “A few chicks?” He put down the remote and stared at me as I headed toward the bathroom. I was in desperate need of a shower. “What’s going on with you, Matt? Three girls in one weekend? That’s a lot, even for you.”

  “I didn’t plan for it to happen. It just kind of did. Look, I really have to take a shower and then get some work done. I’ll talk to you later.”

  I felt like a dick as I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I’d just lied to him, again, and I’d said that I’d spent the weekend with some randoms. It was stupid, but I felt bad even pretending Avery was anyone other than my girlfriend, but I couldn’t tell him. Not yet.

  I was going to figure out when and how, but until then I wouldn’t be able to spend more than a night with Avery at a time.

  * * * * *

  “What’re you up to tonight?” Logan asked as I came out of my room. I’d just spent three hours studying for a test and my brain was fried.

  “Having a drink and trying to remember everything I’d just read about organic chemistry. What about you? Going out?”

  “Avery’s coming over. Is that okay?”

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?” I asked quickly, a little too quickly.

  “No reason. We’re doing movie night. Want to join us?”

  “Oh, um...”

  “You said you weren’t going to do anything else. Why not hang out?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “Great, she’ll be here in about an hour. I’ll go to the store and pick up some beer.”

  “Want me to pick up the junk food? I think we’re pretty much o

  “She’s bringing some.”


  “I have to stop by Jay and Jax’s on my way. I shouldn’t be too long.” He pulled on his hoodie and zipped it up. “Need anything else?”

  “I’m good.”

  “Okay. I’ll be back soon.”

  As Logan left the apartment I flopped on the couch. This wasn’t going to be all sorts of awkward. I hadn’t seen much of Avery since our weekend together. I’d gone over to her room yesterday and we’d had a quickie, but we hadn’t gotten a chance to talk. I’d hoped to see her privately again before we were together around Logan, but it looked like I was shit out of luck.

  I was just about to get a glass of water when there was a knock on the door. Who the hell could that be?


  She looked amazing. Her hair was still a little wet from a shower so it had a slight wave to it, and her eyes were bright and open. She’d put on a pair of yoga pants that showed off every inch of her incredible legs and ass, and her shirt was tight enough I could see her curves.

  “Logan invited me for movie night. Did he not tell you?”

  “He told me. Just said you were coming over in an hour?”

  “He told me six, it’s six now.”

  “He must’ve messed up the times. Sorry, come in.” I realized just then we were still standing at the door.

  “So where is he?” she asked as she put a bag of junk food on the coffee table.

  “He had to go see the twins and then he’s doing a beer run.”

  “So he’ll be gone for a while?”

  “A little while. I’m glad, because I think we need to talk—”

  She cut me off with a kiss, her tongue sweeping into my mouth before she sucked on my bottom lip. Her hands grabbed at my shirt and she pressed her body right up against mine.

  “Fuck, babe.” I shook my head as I pulled away. “Don’t you think we should talk?”

  “We can talk later. I want you, now.”

  The look in her eyes was heated and a little possessive, and it sent a flare of arousal through me that went right down my spine and into my dick. Without hesitating I grabbed her hand and tugged her into my room.

  She stopped before I could pull her over to the bed and grinned as she tossed her purse on it.


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