Taking Chances (Robson Brothers Book 1)

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Taking Chances (Robson Brothers Book 1) Page 14

by A. T Brennan

  “Not staring at Matt every ten seconds like a lovesick puppy,” she said with a giggle.

  “It’s not easy.” I blew out a breath and resisted the urge to turn around to see if he was still standing with Jay.

  “So, is tonight the night?”

  “I think so.”

  “You think so?”

  “Yes. Tonight is the night.” I finished my drink and dropped my arm so it hung by my side.

  After not seeing Matt at all for over a week I was going nuts. I missed him, that was true, but I was also done sitting back and being passive. One thing I’d learned from Mel was that I’d never get what I wanted if I waited for someone to hand it to me.

  Matt knew I wanted to have sex with him, but I hadn’t really done anything to show him how I felt. I’d kind of mentioned it, giggled and then been content to mess around with him. If I wanted to be with him then I had to make the first move, and while that thought was terrifying it was also sort of liberating.

  I was scared he’d reject me. If I put myself out there and he turned me down it would be devastating, but it was a chance I was willing to take.

  I wanted him. I was completely and utterly in love with him and I wanted to give my virginity to him. I knew he had some weird sense of duty and had sworn he’d never take someone’s v-card, but I wasn’t letting him take it. I was giving it to him.

  I was choosing him, and now it was time to show him I was in control and I knew what I wanted. He could chose to be with me or not, but I was done waiting for him to magically read my mind and see how much I needed him.

  “Good for you.” She grinned. “Ever thought you’d be talking about seducing a guy?”

  “I never thought I’d have a guy to seduce.” I chuckled and shook my head. “Matt’s a great guy, but he’s got it in his head he has to protect me. If I don’t tell him exactly what I want then he’ll keep on thinking I need to be protected.”

  “Exactly. You have to take control of your sex life. It’s great to be passive in bed and have your man be in charge.” She winked and I giggled. “But getting there should be your choice as much as his.”

  “I can see that, now.”

  “Are you scared?”


  “You going to change your mind?”

  “No. I’ve waited this long. It’s time.”

  “What about Logan?”

  “What about Logan?”

  Logan’s voice behind me made my heart skip a beat and I almost squealed as I turned around.

  “You okay, sweetie?” he asked with a grin as he looked me up and down. “You look like I caught you with your hand in the cookie jar.”

  “You did catch us, we were talking about you.” Mel winked and Logan laughed.

  “Of course you were. I am the most fabulous man in the room.”

  “More fabulous than the hottie with the broad shoulders you were talking to?” I teased.

  “More fabulous than him.” He nodded. “Although, he’s about to see just how fabulous I can be.”

  I laughed and leaned forward so we could kiss cheeks. “Be safe.”

  “Always my dear.” He winked at Mel and nodded behind her. “Same to you.”

  “Me?” she asked innocently, her grin giving her away.

  “Yeah you. That gorgeous specimen of a man has been staring at you since you got here.”

  “Yeah, that’s Austin. We had a thing.”

  “You going to go for round two?”

  “More like round four.”

  Logan laughed and shook his head as he glanced at me. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow.” I nodded and watched him head back to the guy he’d been flirting with.

  “So...you good by yourself?” Mel asked as she glanced back at Austin.

  “I’m good. I’m not going to be alone for long.”

  “Good girl.” She grinned and gave me a big hug.


  “I plan to.”

  I watched her head over to Austin, flipping her dark brown hair over her shoulder as she swung her hips provocatively. I was still envious with her natural grace and ability to charm and seduce, but it was time I stop thinking about anyone other than me and Matt.

  I glanced over my shoulder and saw he was standing with both Jay and Jax now. Squaring my shoulders I headed toward them.


  Jay nudged me and I glanced at him. He wasn’t looking at me, he was looking over my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw Avery walking toward us.

  “Hey, I’m kinda tired. Can you walk me home?”

  “Sure.” I nodded and glanced at the twins. “See you later?”

  They both nodded, and Jay gave me a pointed look. I ignored him and fell into step beside her as she headed toward the door.

  “Have fun?” she asked when we were outside.

  “Not really.”

  “Oh?” She glanced at me.

  “I would have rather spent the time with you.”

  “Yeah, but we both made a choice.” She shrugged. “We’re together now.”

  “Yes, we are.” I glanced around, and when I didn’t see anyone I knew I reached out and slipped her hand into mine.

  She looked up at me in surprise, flushing happily. It was the first time I’d held her hand in public and it felt right.

  “I’m going to ask you to come to my room. Are you going to say yes?” she asked with a small smile.

  “I’m going to say yes.” I nodded, gripping her hand a little tighter.


  We walked the rest of the way in silence, and when we reached her building she led me inside.

  I didn’t know what it was, but there was something different about her. She seemed more confident and almost at peace about something. I had no idea what had changed, but I liked it.

  When we were in her room and the door was closed she pulled in a deep breath and looked up at me.


  “Kiss me.”

  With a groan I obliged, crashing my lips against hers as I drew her body right up against mine. It had been so long since I’d gotten to taste her, feel her, I was like a crazed man and I tried to force myself to slow down.

  Avery was having none of it. Even as I tried to draw out our kisses, push her a fraction of an inch away from me so my hard on wasn’t rubbing right up against her, she pushed back.

  Her lips moved over mine and she sucked my tongue into her mouth, teasing it with her lips and teeth. When she let go of my tongue she nipped at my bottom lip and I groaned as she wriggled her pelvis against my erection.

  “Fuck, Avery.” I pulled away from her and shook my head. “Slow down, babe. You have to slow down.”

  “I don’t want to slow down.” She shook her head and looked up at me, her lips glistening and her eyes bright. “I want you, Matt.”

  I was about to protest, to tell her I only had so much self-control and that we shouldn’t when I stopped myself.

  Avery wanted me. The woman I was in love with wanted to be with me. She was choosing me to be her first, and I needed to see it for the gift it was instead of trying to shut her down.

  “I want you too.” I cupped her cheeks in my hands and looked deep into her eyes. “But I want to be with you properly. I don’t want to rush things, not tonight.”

  Her eyes widened when she realized what I’d said, and then she smiled.

  “Come here.” I pulled her up against my body, holding her by the shoulders before sliding my hands down her arms and resting them on her hips.

  She put her hands on my arms, looking up at me, and suddenly I couldn’t hold back any longer. I bent my head to hers and caught her lips in a soft kiss. I took my time, keeping my pace soft and gentle as I moved my lips against hers. When she sighed against my kiss I let me tongue trace over her bottom lip and then swept it into her mouth when she opened to me.

  I could get lost in this moment. Having her in my arms, knowing what we were abou
t to share. I might not be able to tell her how I felt, but I could show her.

  I threaded my fingers in her long, silky hair and gently gripped the strands as I kissed her with everything I had.

  When I finally did pull away I was short of breath and a little dizzy. I’d never been so affected by a kiss, and I could see by her glassy eyes and flushed cheeks Avery was just as affected.

  I couldn’t wait any longer. I needed to feel her.

  I gripped the bottom of her shirt and started to tug it up. She lifted her arms, helping me pull it off and then grabbed for mine. I took half a step back and pulled my shirt off by the back of the neck, tossing it aside as she bit her lip and looked me up and down.

  That simple move was almost too much for me and I swallowed a groan as I pulled her into my arms. My lips were on hers and our tongues danced and toyed together. I stripped off her bra and scooped her up.

  “Oh!” she gasped as I carried her over to the bed.

  I lay her down and climbed over her, pressing her into the mattress as I kissed her neck, her collarbone, everywhere I could reach, before kissing a trail over to her breast.

  “Oh, Matt.” She sighed, her hands running through my hair as I traced my tongue around her taut nipple before I pulled it into my mouth and began suckling her.

  “Yes.” She arched into my mouth and I felt my balls tighten as my dick went rock hard.

  I couldn’t wait a second longer, I needed to taste her sweet pussy and feel her come against my mouth.

  I stripped off her pants and underwear, tossing them aside as I pushed her legs apart and settled between them.

  “Fuck babe. You’re perfect.” I looked up at her as I ran my finger over her slit, flicking it over her clit as I did. I grinned as she gasped and shuddered slightly.

  She propped herself up on her elbows so she could look down at me.

  I smiled, and keeping my eyes locked on hers I lowered my mouth to her mound.

  She fell back with a cry the moment my tongue touched her clit, and I grinned against her as I swirled my tongue over it.

  I kept my pace steady as I licked her. Tonight wasn’t about teasing and drawing out the pleasure in order to drive her crazy. Tonight was about making her feel good.

  I slipped first one, then two fingers inside her. She was still tight but I could feel her stretching around me.

  “Oh god! Oh yes, Matt!” she cried out, her hand tugging at my hair as she pulled me closer. “Yes baby!”

  I groaned against her and quickened my pace, making sure to keep my fingers timed with my tongue. Her legs were shaking, her breasts heaved as she gasped and cried out, and I had to steel myself against my own release.

  “Oh yes!”

  She came in a burst, her walls clamping down on my fingers as she writhed and screamed. I held still, giving her a chance to enjoy her orgasm.

  “Fuck, Matt,” she panted as I pulled away and climbed back over her. “Wow. You’re amazing.”

  “You’re the amazing one.” I kissed her lips, just a gentle little kiss to seal in the intimacy.

  “I want to do the same for you.”


  “I want to,” she interrupted. “Please, Matt. Let me make you feel as good as you make me feel.”

  After a second I nodded and rolled off her. She sat up as I pulled off my pants and boxer briefs and tossed them aside. My dick was hard and ready, and I mentally prepared myself to keep control.

  I lay down on the bed and Avery knelt next to me. Her hand was steady as she gripped my shaft, and she gave me a shy smile before licking her lips and moving down to my encase my cock in her hot, wet mouth.

  “Fuuuuuck,” I groaned, gripping the bedspread in my hands as my balls tightened to a point that was almost painful.

  Her technique was raw, that much was obvious. She was a little hesitant and she didn’t suck very hard, but considering what a hair trigger I was on, that wasn’t a bad thing.

  “God, Avery,” I groaned as her tongue rubbed against the underside of my shaft, tracing my veins as she teased me. “Fuck, stop.”

  She pulled away, her eyes uncertain, but relaxed when she saw my face.

  “That was incredible.” I shook my head and pulled her down on the bed with me. “Almost too good.”

  She blushed and nodded.

  I rolled us over so I was on top of her and paused.

  “Wait here, I have a condom in my pants.”

  “Don’t.” She gripped my arms and held me in place as I tried to move off her.


  “You don’t have to use one. Not if you’re clean.”

  “But what about—”

  “I’m on the pill.” She blushed but kept eye contact with me. “I went on it over a week ago.”

  “I’m clean.” I was telling her the truth. I’d never had unprotected sex and got myself tested regularly. I’d never put her at risk. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure. I don’t want anything between us. I trust you.”

  “I love you.”

  The words slipped out before I could stop them, but as soon as I’d said them I didn’t want to take them back. It was true. I loved her and I wanted her to know how I felt before we had sex. I needed her to know how much she meant to me before I was inside her.

  “I love you, Avery,” I repeated as I looked into her eyes.

  “I love you too.”

  Her words sent a jolt of pure, raw emotion though me and I leaned down to kiss her as I shifted my body so I was pressing against her opening.

  She wrapped her arms and legs around me as I started to push into her. She was heaven. I went as slow as I could, pushing in only an inch at time so she could get used to having me there. I’d never felt anything so tight before, and I could feel my control slipping slightly as her wet heat wrapped around me.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered against my neck. “I know it’s going to hurt.”

  “I’m sorry.” I kissed her hair and pushed the rest of the way inside her.

  I felt the moment she lost her virginity. There was a slight resistance I’d never felt before, and as I pushed through it she gasped as her body tightened and her nails dug into my back.

  I paused, fighting every urge and instinct I had to thrust even deeper inside her. I wasn’t going to rush. Not this time.

  After a few seconds her grip relaxed and she kissed my neck again.

  “Please, Matt.”

  I groaned and started to move. I had to fight my own arousal and the urge to pound into her and made sure to keep my thrusts slow and steady.

  “Yes,” she urged, nodding against my shoulder as I picked up my pace. “Yes!”

  As soon as she cried out I was lost. I slammed into her, cursing myself and my lack of control because I knew I was probably hurting her. A few seconds later my orgasm washed over me and almost collapsed on her as I released deep inside her, making sure to keep my weight on my arms so I wouldn’t crush her as I held her close.

  “Oh my god.” Avery’s voice was soft in my ear as she held me tight.

  I was physically spent, that was true, but it was the emotions swirling around inside me that were almost overwhelming. I was so in love with her, and after tonight I knew I could never let her go.


  I almost couldn’t believe it.

  I wasn’t a virgin anymore. I’d had sex with Matt, and he loved me.

  Everything about the night was perfect. He’d been so gentle and attentive, and I’d never felt more connected to him then I did at that moment.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you.” He pulled away so he could look into my eyes.

  “It’s okay. It only hurt at first.”

  That much was true. It had hurt when he’d pushed in, and really hurt when he’d been all the way inside me. I’d felt my body stretching around him, and by the time he started to move the pain had already faded.

  It had felt good, and after a few moments it had felt really good. There
’s been a pleasure I’d never experienced before, and when he’d finished I’d felt completely satisfied and wonderful, even without an orgasm.

  “I love you, Avery.” He smiled and gave me a sweet and gentle kiss.

  “I love you too, Matt.” I could feel tears gathering in my eyes and tried to blink them back so he wouldn’t think he’d done something wrong.

  “Shhh. It’s okay. Take a second to process everything. This is a big moment for you.” He bent his head and kissed my cheeks. “It’s okay, baby.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” He hugged me a bit tighter and I pulled in a deep breath.

  After a moment I felt calmer, and when I opened my eyes my tears were gone.

  “Don’t move.” He kissed my cheek and climbed off me.

  I watched as he went over to my desk and wiped himself down with a few tissues. When he was done he picked up a bottle of water and a few more tissues and came over to the bed.

  He poured some water on the wad of tissues and gently wiped down the insides of my thighs. When he was done he tossed the tissues in the trash and climbed back in bed with me, pulling me close as I snuggled against him.

  “Thank you for choosing me,” he said softly as he kissed my temple.

  “It was always going to be you.” I sighed and traced a random pattern on his chest with my fingers. “I didn’t want to wait, but I would have so it could be you.”

  “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I’m thankful.” He shifted so he could kiss my lips and then brushed a lock of hair off my cheek as he settled me on his chest.

  I smiled and dropped a kiss on his chin since he was a little too far away from me to reach his lips.

  “Will you stay here with me tonight?”

  “Of course. I’ll stay as long as you want.”

  I’d never felt happier than I did at that moment. I was also suddenly exhausted.

  “Tired?” Matt asked as I yawned against him.

  “Yeah, it just kind of hit me.”

  “Then let’s go to sleep.”

  He reached over me and snapped off my bedside light before settling back on the bed. His arms were warm and perfect around me and as I closed my eyes I could hear his heartbeat under my ear. The steady, strong rhythm was soothing and I found myself drifting off to sleep almost immediately.


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