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Uncovering Stone

Page 14

by T. Saint John

  “You fucking hit us because we looked like our mother?” I angrily questioned him, disgusted by his reasoning.

  “That and I never wanted you bastards in the first place. I tried talking that whore out of having children, but she insisted on it, lying to my face about loving me and wanting a family. I gave that fucking bitch everything, and she just walked out on me, leaving a note, pawning her kids off on me.”

  “What did the note say?” I inquired, curious to know more about why my mother left.

  “It said she never loved me, and she only married me because she thought I was going to be rich. The reason she kept having kids was so she’d get a bigger share of the inheritance I’d lied about.”

  Something seemed off with what my dad said, Noah always talked about the one good memory he had as a kid—the day we went fishing with our dad. Noah remembered our dad having a good time with us and he held on to that story, believing our dad had cared about us at some point in our lives. I decided to ask the old man about it. “That day we went fishing...Noah remembers you being happy that day.”

  “Well, then he’s a fool. I wasn’t happy, I was high. Trust me, being with you dumbfucks never made me happy.”

  Oddly, instead of getting pissed off, what he’d revealed suddenly freed me—free of the years of abuse, free of the self-hate, and free of this man. I calmly walked back over to him and said, “You’re a pussy, and you never deserved to have kids. I’m done with you.”

  “Yeah? Good for you. Now, be a good boy and grab me a beer on your way out,” he replied rudely.

  “Sure, Dad,” I responded snidely as I walked to the fridge. I got the beer out of the fridge and popped the can open. I dug into my coat pocket and grabbed the prescription of Ambien I’d just picked up and placed seven pills in the can. Noah must have been there recently since the pantry was stocked. Giving the pills time to dissolve, I sarcastically asked, “You want some chips with your beer?”

  “Yeah, sure. Why not?” he answered. Then, with a laugh, he added, “You should come by more often, like that brother of yours. Between the two of you, I won’t ever have to leave this recliner. My little bitches can finally be useful, waiting on me hand and foot. Maybe then, I won’t die regretting you bastards being born!”

  He laughed heartily at his own joke, and it’s the same irritating laughter he had back then whenever he was being cruel to us. I handed him the bag of chips and beer and hung around for a few minutes as he ate and drank. The thing about my father was that when he drank, he always chugged the entire bottle or can down until it was done. It took several minutes, but I knew the moment he realized something wasn’t right.

  “What the fuck did you do?” he asked as he put a hand to his head.

  “Getting some justice and giving you what you deserve. See you in hell, asshole!” I declared. I spent the next forty-five minutes wiping any trace of my visit and listened to him take his last struggled breath of air. I took one last look around my childhood home and left. Five days later, I got a call from Noah telling me our father was found dead in his recliner and his death was ruled as a suicide.

  I never regretted my actions that day, I did the world a favor by taking him out. My father made me never want to have kids because I don’t ever want to wind up like him—some bitter old man who hated the mother of his children and took it out on the kids just for looking like her. I don’t want any kid to suffer like my brothers and I did, growing up being hated by their father for something they had no control over. I don’t want to raise a child who never felt loved by their parent. I already see so much of my father’s darkness in me that I’m afraid of one day becoming him.

  I look at the clock—it’s now four in the morning and I still haven’t slept. I know it’s too early, but I want to explain to Alani why I’m so fucked up about having kids. I’m not going to tell her about killing my own father, but I want her to know why just the thought of having kids scares the hell out of me. Maybe she’ll understand and be able to finally forgive me. Resolved to fixing things between us, I get out of bed to talk to her. This is just too important to wait any longer.

  When I get to her bedroom, I knock on the door. She doesn’t answer, so I open the door and call out to her. After saying her name several times with no response from her, I turn on the light and discover that she’s not even there. Her bed is still made, and it doesn’t look like she ever went to bed. I take off running search the entire place for her, I even check the balcony, and she’s nowhere to be seen. I grab my phone and call Maddox, maybe she reached out to Kerrigan, and Kerrigan can tell me where to find Alani.

  We’re on the phone for several minutes, still with no clue as to Alani’s whereabouts, before Brayden calls to say that Cade is missing. Maddox is rushing over to Missy and Brayden’s place while I try to find out what I can about Alani. Hoping that the two incidents are unrelated, I reason that she could have just gone to her parents’ hotel like she had previously planned. I know we aren’t exactly on the best of terms right now, so it’s still a possibility. Before I call her parents to check if they know where she is, I call the building’s security to have them pull the security video from the last time I saw her until now.

  I head to the security office and wait until they’re ready for me. A million thoughts are simultaneously running through my mind. Where could she be? How could Jackson have gotten to her in my place? She’s got to be safe at her parents’ hotel. But then again, nothing seemed to be missing from her room. I watch as the security manager, David, sits down and turns on a tv screen.

  “Before you came down, I pulled the video for around 11 o’clock last night when you said you spoke to her last. Here she is, leaving the building at 11:06pm,” David informs me. I look at the screen and watch Alani walk out, wearing the same clothes she had on when I talked to her. She’s not carrying an overnight bag or anything other than the small purse she always takes with her. It makes me hopeful that she planned on coming back. I have David replay the tape a few times, and the more I examine her facial expression, the more I realize that she looks anxious. Why? She doesn’t really looked scared, but more nervous, and I’m puzzled by it.

  “Sir, none of the videos show her returning to the building,” David tells me.

  “Thanks, David, I appreciate your help,” I say, trying to make sense of it all. As I leave the security office, I finally have to admit that the fact that Cade is missing too means that Jackson has both of them. Then and there, I vow to get Alani back safe with me. I don’t know when and I don’t know how, but I will get Alani and Cade back. Dylan, Michael, and Jackson won’t get away with this—I’m ending their miserable lives. Just like I did to my own father.

  Chapter 11


  I’m awakened by the sound of Cade’s panicked voice sounding very far away, the terrified tone of it slowly registering in my groggy mind. I’m trying hard to wake up and ask him what’s wrong, but I can’t get my eyes to open. God, I’m so exhausted. What the hell did I do last night to make me so tired? I don’t remember drinking I couldn’t. There’s a reason I couldn’t drink, but for the life of me, I can’t remember what it is. So tired...just a few more minutes, then I’ll get up.

  “Lani, wake up! Please, Lani, wake up! You have to wake up!” Cade pleads tearfully. He sounds a lot closer now, and he’s shaking me awake. Why is Cade even here? Where’s Missy and Brayden? “Lani, I’m scared. Please, just wake up.”

  Hearing Cade’s voice drop to a quieter plea, sounding so defeated like he’s giving up, makes me fight harder to wake up. As the fog in my brain begins to clear, the memories of what happened slowly come back to me. I still struggle to open my eyes, but I remember Jackson attacking me and placing something over my mouth and nose. I’m afraid to open my eyes, but I have to do it—Cade needs me. I try to blink a few times, but it takes all my effort and strength just to lift my eyelids. After several tries, I finally manage to slightly open my eyes only to see nothing but darknes

  “Cade?” I call out weakly. My throat is dry and scratchy, and my head kills me as I try to lift it to find Cade in the dark.

  “Oh, Lani! You’re alive! I was so so scared...I thought you were dead!” he cries out, reaching for me. The relief in his voice is heartbreaking, and I wonder how long I was out.

  “Where are we? How did you end up here?” I ask tentatively, attempting to comfort him by putting an arm around him.

  “Some man took me from my bedroom and said that he’s my dad and that my mom stole me from him. Did she, Lani?” he inquires uncertainly.

  “Cade, I promise you, your mom didn’t take you from anyone. She loves you,” I reassure him.

  “Then why would he say that?”

  “Because he’s a bad man who’s lying to trick you,” I answer.

  “But, I look like him,” Cade states quietly.

  “Yes, I know you do, sweetheart. He wasn’t lying about being your dad,” I admit sadly.

  “Does that mean I’ll be a bad man too?” he questions worriedly.

  “No, Cade, that’s impossible. Your mom and your dad, Brayden, won’t allow that to happen. And you know what? I’ve known you for a couple of years now and you do not have a mean bone in your body. You only have good in your heart and you get to decide whether you’ll be a good man or a bad man. Do you understand?”

  “I guess so,” he replies, accepting my words. “Lani, why did the bad man take us here?”

  “I don’t know, Cade,” I reply, not having any idea what the sick asshole has in store for us. I don’t even know where we’re being held or even how big this room is. I can only hope that someone finds us soon. “Cade, no matter what happens, I want you to always try to stick close by me.”

  “Ok,” he replies timidly. I hear him sniffle, and I push down my own fears to try and be strong for his sake. Had he not been here, I might be the one crying at the situation we are in. I tighten my hold on him and cradle his head against me with my other hand.

  “I don’t know how, but we will get out of here,” I assure him.

  “You promise?”

  “I promise that your dad, Evan, and Maddox will do everything they can to get us back home. Until they find us, we’re going to have to stick together and help each other out.” I feel him nod his head, and I’m a bit relieved when I feel him relax slightly. I don’t know who I was trying to convince more with my words, Cade or myself, but I’m comforted by the thought of Evan coming to rescue us.

  Oh God, Evan! He’s probably going crazy trying to figure out where the hell I am. Even though things aren’t going so well between us, he’s never stopped caring or worrying about me. He’s still very protective and likes to know where I am at all times. It’s one of the reasons I’m still living with him, even after what happened the night I’d planned to leave him and wound up in his bed instead. I don’t know how much time has passed since Cade and I were taken, but I know that Evan won’t stop looking for us. Jesus! And I’m pregnant! The memory suddenly appears out of nowhere and I realize just how thoroughly messed up my situation is. I close my eyes and do something I haven’t done in a long time—I pray. God, please let them find us quickly and end this nightmare.

  I just want to kick myself for being so stupid. Why did I leave Evan’s place by myself? I knew better than to do something so risky, but I had to know for sure whether I was pregnant or not. Evan is not only going to kill me for risking my life, but once he finds out I’m pregnant with his kid, he’ll revive me just so he can have the satisfaction of killing me again. Oh Evan, what I wouldn’t give right now to see him again, even if it was just to chew my hide for being so thoughtless and careless. How did Jackson even know where I was? Had he been following me this whole time? I’m angry and scared, the two emotions clashing within me and making me frustrated. I don’t know what to do. A sinking feeling begins to set in as the doubts enter my mind. What if they don’t find us in time? How could I possibly protect Cade if I can’t even protect myself? I have no idea what Jackson has planned for Cade and me, but with Jackson’s twisted and sadistic mind, it can’t be anything pleasant. All I can do is hope that Evan finds us soon. Please, Evan, hurry!


  The past two months have been torture. I have to fight every day just to breathe, knowing that Alani is somewhere out there, alone and scared. I’ve done everything I could to locate her, but every lead has come up empty. I’ve got people watching Michael and Dylan around the clock, hoping they’ll eventually lead us to Alani and Cade or Jackson. I don’t know how the fucker is doing it, but Jackson has managed to disappear without a trace and hidden Alani and Cade where we can’t find them. It’s killing me that the sick fuck has my girl and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. I die a little each night that Alani remains missing, not knowing what’s being done to her or how she’s holding up. I don’t even entertain the thought that she’s anything but alive—I’d never survive that and neither would the men who took her. If I found out that they’d harmed her in any way, I will tear them limb from limb with my bare hands.

  The fact that Cade is probably a witness to or shares in whatever horror Alani is going through makes the situation even worse. He’s just a young boy and is probably terrified, not understanding what’s happening to them and not having his family around to ease his fears. I can’t look at Missy these days because the devastation on her face haunts me—she’s probably the only person who can understand what I’m going though, having the person you love most in the world taken away and feeling like a part of you is missing.

  I still have no idea why Alani left that night. She sounded like she was close to forgiveness when we last spoke. It was supposed to be just a matter of time before we could work through what happened between us, and we could finally be together like I know we’re meant to be. Self-hatred has taken root inside me, knowing she wouldn’t have had a reason to leave that night if I hadn’t driven a wedge between us. I had one incredible night inside her before I fucked it all up. Sometimes, I wonder if Alani ever thinks about that night and considers believing me or if she still feels used. Whatever she’s suffering right now, I don’t want the pain of thinking I only used her and didn’t really love her to add to that. I hope she’s counting on me finding her and not giving up. If I only knew where she could have possibly gone the night she left, maybe I’d have a clue as how to find her. Maybe there’s a video of her being taken and I’d know who took her or what vehicle was used.

  When she and Cade were first taken, I was confident I’d get them back in no time. But as the days turn to months, with no new leads coming up, I begin to worry more and more. Governor Morgan’s garden party is next month, and I hope Jackson shows up to support his father. It’s a long shot, but at this point, I’m hoping for a miracle. Even if Jackson is a no-show, I have a proposition for the governor. Meanwhile, I’ll continue to have Michael and Dylan followed in case one or both of them slip up. They both deny having anything to do with the kidnapping and claim they haven’t heard from Jackson in a while. I believe Dylan may be telling the truth and has been left out of Jackson’s plans, but Michael isn’t as forthcoming. And as much as I want to put a bullet through his skull, I know I can’t—not yet, anyway. The only thing keeping him alive is that he’s still the one link I have to Alani.


  Winter has set in and I’m guessing that Cade and I have been held captive in this cold, dark basement for about three months. The only light we get comes from the daylight peeking through a tiny window close to the ceiling of the basement. I’ve tried holding Cade up to the window so he could tell me what he can see outside of it, hoping for a clue as to where we are. He said he could only see a bunch of trees, so I’m assuming we’re in the woods somewhere—not very helpful.

  The only people we see here are a man and a woman, and from what I can tell, they’re the only ones keeping us here against our will. They bring food down to us three times a day, but it’s never enough—especiall
y not for a growing boy and a pregnant woman. Cade keeps trying to offer his share of the food to me, but I refuse to take it. I admire his resilience and how he’s toughened up during our time here, but I’m not about to let him starve for the sake of a baby I never wanted.

  Cade says he’s glad they at least allow us to stay together at all times, but he doesn’t know what happens at night when he goes to sleep. I’m thankful he’s kept innocent of how the couple come down each night and force me into the shower or bath while they video me naked. I tried to refuse the first time they brought me upstairs, but they threatened to harm Cade if I didn’t cooperate. It started out with just a video of me washing myself, but it’s become progressively worse. They demanded that I touch myself and show off my private parts in front of the camera, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it until they threatened to have one of them join to do it for me. I was disgusted at the thought of exposing myself, but having one of them touch me would have been worse. From what I’ve been able to piece together from their conversations, they are somehow getting directions from Jackson of what he wants to see of me and then they send the videos off to the bastard for him to enjoy.


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