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Unexpected Danger (Skyline Trilogy Book 2)

Page 3

by Willow Summers

  When he stepped back, his eyes were soft. “That was slow.”

  “Slow my ass. You were like the Flash.” Heat warmed her body. She ached for his embrace again. For his soft touch.

  Why did their situation have to be so messed up? Why couldn’t she just have whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted it?

  Her pout was ruined by a smile as he stepped toward her like a robot. He took another step a moment later. And one more. “Better?”

  She laughed. “Okay, be serious. Here we go.”

  An hour and a lot of floor time later, Jenna was exhausted, sweaty, and trying to keep the smile from her face. Saying Josh was good at hand-to-hand combat was like saying there were a few people in Manhattan. He would kick her other instructor’s butt!

  He was a great teacher, too. He was patient and rewarding, telling her when she got something right, and going over what she had done wrong in a matter-of-fact tone. He had an eye for detail and could explain exactly where things had gone pear-shaped. She was so thankful that the one mishap she’d had with her sweatshirt was by complete accident.

  She was trying to learn a kick and she twisted wrong and fell on her side. When Josh tried to help her up she slipped, and he grabbed her sweatshirt instead. The top came halfway up, revealing her bare chest.

  Josh froze, eyes glued to her breasts.

  Jenna froze too, seeing the searing heat infuse his gaze. Not thinking, she lay down completely, her shirt still up. “Josh,” she said in a desperate whisper. She was begging again, but she didn’t care. She couldn’t think. She needed him in that way that blotted out the world.

  His eyes raked her and his hands clenched. He probably wanted to let go of the fabric and run a hand along her glistening skin, slick with sweat. Unlike Lewis, he was far from repulsed by a woman sweating. Far from repulsed. He flinched down toward her, his whole body tight, desire raging in his gaze. With a strength of character that was obvious to see, he wrestled with his lust, forcing it down before regaining control.

  “You okay?” he asked, backing away.

  She wanted to cry with frustration.

  Picking herself up, she stepped toward him, but he maintained the distance.

  “Let’s take a break,” he said. “Great work. You’re a fast learner.”

  A moment later, he was taking powerful strides toward his bedroom.

  “Was it something I said?” she asked, and then laughed at her own joke.

  Underwear from then on. It was a good rule.

  Chapter Three

  The sun dipped behind the trees and shadows crept across the floor as Josh and Jenna sat down to a meal. She planned to refuse to clean up in an effort to find out if she would be sent to the attic again, or if he had something else up his sleeve. She had a sneaking suspicion he would get creative, but since she couldn’t go outside or near the windows, she couldn’t figure out what he could possibly have in mind.

  As she bit into the lasagna, she let out a moan. His eyes found hers immediately, sparking the earlier heat he hadn’t been able to fully eradicate.

  “This is delicious!” She stared down at the calorie-ridden meal. And did not care. She cut through the layers and closed her eyes in glee as the flavors tickled her taste buds. “Really. So good.”

  Josh frowned. “I can’t imagine it’s better than one at a restaurant.”

  “I wouldn’t know.”

  “You’ve never eaten lasagna?”

  “I have—from the freezer section in the store. I can cook, but I don’t do it often.”

  “Ah. Then I don’t accept the compliment. Store-bought lasagna is the pits.” Josh scooped a mouthful.

  They finished the meal in silence, Jenna not stopping until she had eaten everything on her plate. It was too good to stop, and she was famished.

  When they were done, Josh took his dish to the sink. Jenna left hers on the table and went into the living room. “Is that it, then?” he called after her.

  “Yup. I’m finished. Thanks for cooking and cleaning up.”

  Fifteen minutes later, Josh walked into the living room with a solemn expression. “Do you want to come quietly, or shall I force you?”

  A thrill went through Jenna’s body. Was he planning on being a toy after all? A rough toy, perhaps?

  “You’ll have to force me.” She was unable to keep the giddiness out of her voice.

  He approached her hesitantly, like he might a scared rabbit. When he was close enough, in a quick movement he snatched her wrist, making her flinch. His body flexed, clearly ready for her to run or attack, but she just waited patiently for what came next.

  With deliberate movements, he walked her back toward the kitchen. It wasn’t until she saw the table that she pulled back.

  “No.” All sexual thoughts vanished. He was hitting all her weak spots in succession. And he’d paid close attention when she revealed all her fears last night. She’d found a guy who listened. It turned out that trait wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

  “Jenna, we’ve talked about this,” Josh said. “I told you you’d be punished. I am a man of my word.”

  She warily eyed the large piece of chocolate cake waiting for her before yanking her wrist free. “No, Josh. I’ve had it. I’m not playing anymore.”

  “This isn’t a game, Jenna. That’s the point I’m trying to make here. Your life isn’t a game.”

  Anger overwhelmed her. She turned to him in a rush of movement. “My life isn’t something you control, Josh. It isn’t for you to dictate. You can’t just make up a bunch of rules, then torture me when you don’t get your way.”

  “The rules are for your own good.”

  “You are abusing your power! How is me being dressed for my own good?”

  “You being dressed means I can focus on protecting you. You cleaning up after yourself is something I shouldn’t have to tell you to do.”

  “That’s the thing,” she said. “You’re doing the telling. You aren’t discussing it with me like an adult, and you didn’t ask me about any of this. You decided what you wanted, rattled it off like a dictator, decided I didn’t get a voice, and then took it upon yourself to dole out punishments like you’re my keeper. That is not how life works.”

  “I became your keeper when you put yourself in my hands.”

  “You offered yourself! You are my protector, not my jailer.”

  “With you, it turns into the same thing. You go out of your way to be difficult.”

  She clenched her teeth, seeing that he wouldn’t bend. This argument would go round and round, but he’d always win because he was bigger. He could use his size to enforce the rules, and he was treating this like he had declared martial law.

  She took the first step toward compromise. “Look. Okay. I will admit that a bunch of what you said makes sense. The windows, clothes—I will agree to that.”

  “I know.”

  “No, I mean, now I consent.”

  “Thank you.” He grabbed her arm and kept her moving to the table.

  “No! Please, Josh. Please.” She was trying to mimic the real please of last night, and he paused for a second, but just as quickly realized she was trying to manipulate him.

  He pushed her down into the chair. “Do I need to make you eat this, or will you do it willingly?”

  She eyed the fork. For a fraction of a second she thought about snatching it up and stabbing him in the leg. But the rational side of her brain realized that he was only trying to help. He was conducting this situation in the only way he knew how. It didn’t make it right by her, but the lingering effects of what he’d sacrificed for her last night made her a little softer. For now.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and turned her face away. “No.”

  “You are the most stubborn—” He picked up the fork near a second plate that held a larger slice and cut a small bite. He held it to her mouth. “This is going to hurt you a lot more than it’s going to hurt me.”

  She laughed despite herself. The
chocolate hit her tongue and then exploded. “Nommmmmmm. Ommm my gawd!” She closed her eyes and ran the morsel along her tongue and through her mouth. “It’s like sex.”

  When she opened her eyes, Josh was looking hungrily at her mouth. He shook himself slightly. “This is starting to look less like punishment.”

  “Give me a break. I’ve never had chocolate cake before.”

  He leaned back in shock. “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah. I told you, I am weight conscious.”

  “But you’re a woman…”

  “All women need to eat chocolate?” Jenna scowled at him.

  “Yeah. Chocolate is a woman’s kryptonite.”

  “That doesn’t make sen— Mmm.” Jenna closed her eyes with the second bite. “So good. This is dangerous.”

  What started as a punishment ended up as pure pleasure. After the first couple of mouthfuls, Jenna tried to wiggle away, to stop him from getting the morsels into her mouth. When he finally did, amid her giggling and then chewing in rapture, he was smiling as hard as she was.

  Halfway through, he put the fork on the plate and leaned back. “That’s it. You can stop…if you want.”

  She licked the chocolate off her lip. “Tired of feeding me?” She laughed and wiped her face. Clumps of chocolate smeared across the white napkin.

  “No.” He leaned forward and wiped a spot next to her mouth. Inches away, his eyes dipped to her lips, his gaze intense. “I don’t want to upset you, Jenna.”

  She ran her hand up his arm and over his shoulder. Then to the back of his neck. She applied pressure, making him lean closer. Their lips almost touching. Her body heating up and her core pounding. She needed him inside her, his strong arms around her, his lips on hers.

  He pulled back, his pupils dilated. Resignation crossed his features, hardening his gaze. “Did you want more?”

  She sighed in defeat. “I have to stay in this house all week?”

  “I thought you didn’t like the outdoors? I didn’t think staying inside would be a problem for you.”

  “I don’t like being dirty. I don’t mind the outdoors. But I hate being cooped up.”


  “We can always find something to do together…” She ran her hand down his chest, not leaving his body even after he pulled back.

  “Like a board game? I think there’s Parcheesi.”

  Jenna rolled her eyes and took her hand away. “No. I think I’ll go and work. Do you need me for anything else?”

  “Nope. Good night.”

  Jenna left the kitchen with a backward glance at Josh leaning forward over the table and shoveling a giant forkful of cake into his mouth. It was domestic and sweet and there was a warm spot in her chest where her black heart was supposed to be. She cleared her mind with a sigh and headed up to her notes.

  The next morning Jenna took a shower to try and wake herself up. She had slept badly from having dreams about falling or being chased. When she woke, she had reached for Josh, wanting comfort, and found an empty space. That brought her wide awake in the strange room. Loneliness seeped through the darkness and covered her like a film. When she finally got back to sleep, the cycle started all over again.

  To combat her misery, or maybe to make Josh feel it too, she refused to eat breakfast. When he tried to talk her into it, she threw the plate onto the floor in a temper. It was disappointing that the plate didn’t break.

  So far she hadn’t been punished. He had done that blank-face thing with the scathing eyes, but that was all.

  As she was rinsing off her hair, the water turned stone cold. It ran down her body in a freezing deluge. “Josh!”

  “Yes?” she heard from outside the bathroom.

  “The hot water isn’t working!”

  “Then you should eat your breakfast.”

  “Damn it! Why the hell do you listen so closely? I hate cold showers!”

  She heard his dark chuckle as he retreated. With conditioner still in her hair, she slammed off the water and threw open the shower door. If he wanted her to hate him, he’d get his wish.

  The anger lasted until about midday, when she was tired of working and having a hard time keeping the images of Dale out of her head. She felt lonely in the strange surroundings.

  She picked up her phone and stared at it for a long time. It was supposed to stay switched off. Even though, technically, it could still be traced, or so she had heard, she doubted the people after her had the capability. With it on, however, tracing her whereabouts would become a lot easier.

  She clutched it and glanced at the window, wishing she could talk to Erika. She really needed to hear a friendly voice at that moment.

  What were the odds that this house had a working landline?

  Zero to none, but maybe Josh could call Jax…

  Josh. That jerk. She missed his face. It wasn’t fun being mad at him, and downright distracting trying to hate him.

  Heaving a sigh, because he was winning this war, hands down, she padded downstairs to ask about his phone. And also…just to hear his voice. Maybe he’d give her a hug if she promised not to grab his crotch.

  The living room was empty. So was the kitchen. She checked his bedroom, only to find the same hollowness.

  Fear started to crawl up her throat. What if he had gone outside and the gunman had found him? Josh was terrifying in many respects, and she was almost certain he was excellent at his job, but guns had long ranges and bullets didn’t care who was pulling the trigger. As long as it was a reasonable shot, Josh would be in trouble.

  Barely able to breathe, Jenna checked the house one more time and then stopped in the middle of the kitchen, staring at the side door. Then she heard the clink of metal.

  Confused, she crept to the window and peered out.

  Josh leaned over a vehicle with an open hood. Judging by the body style, and the scores and scrapes marring the paint, it had to be the beat-up Hummer he’d mentioned. The older one. A greasy hand came up before he wiped his face, the movement lost behind his raven head.

  Forgiving him immediately for no reason whatsoever—she’d never been very good at holding a grudge—she decided it couldn’t hurt to take him a little lemonade, since they were supposed to be secure. If she hurried and paid attention to the danger around them, she should be fine.

  She hunted around the kitchen and didn’t find any mix, but she found a few lemons rolling around. She had no idea when he’d gone shopping, or why he got lemons, but they would do. A while later, focusing on her sixth sense, she quickly walked outside, keeping to the side of the house. The sunlight felt good. She inhaled the essence of forest, savoring the pure air as a light breeze tickled her face. It was heavenly up here. Peaceful. She missed home, but if she had to be away, this wasn’t a bad place to end up.

  “Josh?” she said quietly.

  He jumped and swung around like death had tapped him on the shoulder. He stared at her incredulously for a beat. Then his granite face crumpled into fear before transforming into a terrifying mask of rage.

  He charged at her and grabbed her arm before she could flinch away. The glass shook loose. She watched in dismay as the drink that had taken over an hour to make splashed out, followed by a crash as the glass broke on the ground.

  Josh crunched the fragments under his boot as he roughly snatched her up and half dragged her into the house. He dumped her onto the living room floor, his eyes blazing.

  “What the fuck were you thinking?” Josh roared as he stood over her, his body taut with fury.

  Jenna scrunched into a ball as a sob welled up. Fear pounded against her. She’d never seen him this angry. In fact, angry didn’t describe it. He was raging, his face screwed up in a terrifying mask, his body poised over her and fists clenched. Before, he’d been giving punishments as a guy at home in his body. This was a different man altogether.

  She didn’t know this man.

  “I’m sorry,” she said in a tiny voice, like a child. “I thought that maybe you
’d be thirsty.”

  “Are you out of your fucking mind? Thirsty, Jenna? This was just another way for you to break the rules, right? Another power play? Maybe my punishments aren’t getting through to you. I thought we were making progress, but maybe I was wrong, huh? Maybe I need to be tougher.”

  She flinched, expecting a punch, as a big hand blurred toward her. Instead, he grabbed her around the arm again and half dragged and half carried her up the stairs with just that one arm. Then up the second set of stairs to the attic, where he dropped her again.

  “Stay here.” His voice was like a knife scraping across a wet stone.

  She hunched in fear, rubbing her sore arm. Josh was completely out of control. This was not a good place for her to be.

  She eyed the stairs. She could run, but he could run faster. He’d catch her before she even made it to the front door. Even if she made it outside, it was broad daylight. He’d track her easily and bring her back. And if he didn’t? She’d go hungry, get lost, and if the gunman didn’t find her, a wild animal would.

  Josh held all the power here. The only thing she could control was how she handled the assault.

  Jenna steeled her courage. He might know most of her insecurities, but if he thought she’d roll over and give up, he had another thing coming.

  When he walked back in, she was sitting in the middle of the floor Indian style with her back straight, her hands neatly folded in her lap, and her head held high. He had a giant piece of cake, a chair, and a fork. This wouldn’t be the fun punishment from yesterday. There would be no laughing.

  Jenna stifled a whimper as he slammed the chair down in front of her. He sat, a foot on each side of her hips, his legs spread over her. To make this a sexual assault, all he had to do was pull down his fly and force her head into his lap. There was no play, no arousal—this punishment was built on crude dominance.

  “I want you to know that what you are about to put into your body has over three thousand calories. That is more than you eat in a day. More than I eat in a day. You are sitting in an attic with more spiders in it than there are calories in this cake. I will force-feed you if I have to, then leave you in here alone. Just like in your childhood. Just like your whole, lonely adult life. Are you hearing what I’m saying? Alone. Is this getting through to you? If you cry, no one will come to hold you. I’m all you’ve got, and I am turning my back on you.”


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