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Tempus Genesis

Page 41

by Michael McCourt

When Mary and Oliver rushed into the laboratory Jamie was leaning over Minnie, swaying horrendously.

  “Oh Minnie mate, answer me please, where the fuck have you gone brother?”

  “Jamie,” Oliver said with notable exasperation.

  “I can’t believe you guys,” Mary said.

  “Never drunk Jamie, never do regression drunk. I don’t know how alcohol interacts with the serum,” Oliver said as he rushed to help Minnie, gently moving Jamie to one side.

  Minnie laid on the surgical chair his back slightly arched, eyes rolled back, his pose frozen except for a slight tremor. Beads of sweat peppered his pale brow.

  “Did you give the Diazepam?” Oliver asked checking Minnie’s pulse and reading the ECG trace.

  “I think so, no, yes I did, definitely did, needle-stick,” Jamie replied holding up a punctured finger.

  “Harrumph,” Minnie exhaled loudly and his body settled.

  “Minnie love?” Jamie pleaded.

  Minnie smiled, “Wow, wow, wow. This is twenty chicken fried rice times fifty Stella’s.”

  “Note that in the research please Mary,” Oliver said flippantly.

  He moved towards Minnie, touching his brow, “Just come back Minnie my good man, you’re in no fit state I don’t think it’s safe.”

  “No way, you won’t believe what I’ve just found?” Minnie said.

  Jamie, Mary and Oliver exchanged confused looks. Minnie’s face relaxed and he gave a little purr, his long legs extended and then parted. Too far apart to just beyond decent. He slowly began to move his hips in a slow gyrating motion.

  “Euw,” said Mary covering her eyes at Minnie’s less than attractive movement.

  Oliver watched with interest.

  “Oh boy this is both so wrong and yet too good,” Minnie said biting his top lip.

  “I wonder,” Oliver said. He moved to the trolley above Minnie’s head and pulled back a cotton sheet revealing the electrode crown. He reached and switched on the TV. Oliver then lifted the crown and slowly slid it over Minnie’s head.

  “What is that?” Mary asked.

  “Watch,” Oliver said. He tapped a programme icon on the laptop and the TV flashed once and an image appeared.

  “Ohh,” Minnie gasped and arched his hips.

  “Is that what Minnie is seeing?” Jamie asked pointing at the screen.

  On the screen a ghostly image made of wavy blue, pink and green lines, clear enough for all to see was Minnie’s vision. It was the body of a woman, a voluptuous young woman, naked. From her point of view she was looking down her body, beyond her large breasts towards the man whose head was between her legs.

  “Minnie, that’s abusive, I don’t believe you,” Mary said.

  Jamie cupped his mouth to suppress his desire to laugh loudly. Oliver shook his head smiling.

  “When did you develop the TV thing?” Jamie asked Oliver.

  “Few weeks ago, maybe a month. Good isn’t it? I’ll make it even better in time. Where are you Minnie, where in time?”

  Minnie managed some effort to answer a question he saw as largely irrelevant, “Dunno, seventies, flock wallpaper. Oh he is good, he is very good, I like the little finger thing he’s got going on there.”

  “Double euw,” Mary said shielding her eyes.

  Minnie continued to writhe in vicarious pleasure. All three of his friends were trying not to notice the unsightly large lump that was straining through his beige shorts.

  “Come back now Minnie, you’ve had your fun,” Oliver instructed whilst still smiling.

  “Nearly there, so nearly there, oh yes just a little more there, boy you’re good,” Minnie’s hips began to quiver.

  Jamie would later say the only way he could describe what happened next was if you were to replace Meg Ryan in the ‘When Harry Met Sally’ coffee shop scene, with a large St Bernard, then that’s close to what he witnessed in the lab that night.

  “I’m going to the bathroom,” Mary said flushed red with embarrassment.

  Minnie gasped, “She’s a squirter I think she’s a squirter.”

  He then stopped still, relaxed and almost immediately returned. He opened his eyes, his cheeks bright red and his face sweaty. He touched the crown of monitor nodes on his head.

  “What’s this?”

  “I’ll explain later,” Oliver said suppressing giggles. Jamie laughed whilst shielding his eyes.

  “What? What’s up? What is it with you two? Where’s Mary? Stop laughing,” Minnie said.

  Jamie pointed a finger towards Minnie’s groin area.

  “You’ve got a bit of an emission issue mate,” Jamie said.

  “Shit,” Minnie said looking down, with little embarrassment or regret.

  “Can I come out now?” Mary called from behind the bathroom door.

  The three guys laughed together, whilst Mary called Minnie a number of things under the sun from behind the bathroom door. This was the first time in a long time that the gang had been on song as friends and really laughed together. Whilst it had been a difficult circle to travel, Oliver thought, it was all coming together. He knew they would be in a far better place with him having navigated successfully towards this discovery.



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