Refuse to Lose (A Coach's Love Book 1)

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Refuse to Lose (A Coach's Love Book 1) Page 16

by Alison Mello

  “She has to start somewhere,” Billy says.

  We all look at him and Jack says, “You remember that.”

  Billy chuckles and continues to watch the ladies. I know he’s not over losing Rosie, but it appears he really sees Daisy. A small smile is playing at his lips. Maybe she is what he needs to be able to move on.

  “Hey, Trystan,” Stella calls me over. She hands me a cup of coffee. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks, sugar.”

  DJ, Mason, Misty, and Briggs are walking over. I notice they left the two youngest at home. Probably a good idea for today. “Good morning, Mom.” DJ gives his mother a quick hug and then fist bumps me. “Morning, Trystan.”

  “Morning, DJ.” I wink at him. He grabs a donut and starts scarfing it down.

  Once everyone is here, I announce it’s time to get started. "All right, everyone! It's time to get to work." I announce who is working together. The guys from my work crew hold up their hands when I call their names, and the boys join them. I'm so excited to see so many parents here willing to help. This is going to be amazing. Everyone breaks up and goes into their own areas to get busy on their projects. We have to build the frames first. Since we cut a bunch of wood yesterday, the boys are ready to lay out their pieces and start putting them together. While we're all busy working, Stella is walking around with a camera, taking pictures of this amazing project.

  I have Colton, Landon, and Ethan. I can see this is making Landon a little nervous, but there’s no way I’m leaving his side. We have one of the wall frames to work on. “Okay, boys. We need to grab those two pieces for the top and bottom of the frame and lay them out.” As I suspected, Colton and Ethan work together to grab one piece and Landon is on his own for the other. “Now you need those two for the ends to complete the square.” Ethan grabs one, and Colton grabs the other. “Now you need six pieces for the middle.” Ethan and Colton start to grab a piece together again. “Ethan and Colton.” They stop and look at me. “Each grab your own piece.” The weight is heavy and they can be a little awkward, but I want them to see what they’re doing to poor Landon. They grin at each other, cocky as usual, but when they pick up the piece they realize it’s not as easy as they thought, but Landon already has the hang of it. By the time they each have the hang of their first piece, Landon is placing his second. I grab the screws and begin to teach them how to put them into the wood. When the frame is done being built, they are getting a tad better at working together.

  Some of the parents brought tools to help with the assembly, and it's making things go even faster. The floor crew is bigger than the wall crew, and they've managed to get the first half of the floor framing done in a short period of time. My crew is working on the back wall, and it's shorter than the side walls so we're almost done with ours as well. The boys are starting to tease each other about who's moving faster and getting the job done. It's funny, but now we have to calm them down because we don't want mistakes or injuries because they're rushing.

  The wall frames and floor are now done, so it’s time for a break. "Okay, everyone. Let's take a break for some water and a quick snack. We need to get the wall frames up and then the plywood on the walls." Everyone runs to the table, and the ladies start handing out water.

  "Are you boys having fun?" Stella asks them. They all respond with a round of ‘yeahs’ as they chug their water. They all hurry to eat another donut or muffin, and then we go back to work. The parents all come together with my crew to help put the wall frames in place. I think it’s really cool that Daisy is by Landon’s side. I’m starting to think I may have misjudged his situation.

  Once they're finished, the parents work with the boys to put up the plywood. This is an amazing team effort, and I couldn't be prouder of these boys and their families. Vincent pulls Ethan over to work with Daisy, Billy, and Landon. Rick, Jack, Briggs and I finally get the roof frame done, now all we have left to do is install it, and cover it.

  "Trystan, you and Jack secure one end and Billy and I will do the other. Then we'll get the sides up," Rick instructs.

  "Sounds good, man." I tap Jack on the chest. "Come on, man, grab the other end.

  Vincent and Briggs come over to give us a hand while the others are working to finish up the side walls.

  It takes us about an hour to finish getting the roof on and covered, but everyone is getting excited because we actually have a structure. The building still needs to be painted and the shingles need to go into place, but we got this. It's only twelve-thirty, and we're almost done.

  "Look how awesome it is looking!" I shout out to the boys. The parents are all standing around clapping and cheering for the kids. They're getting tired and need a burst of energy.

  “Lunchtime!” Misty shouts, rolling a cooler over.

  Stella looks at her a bit confused. “What is this?”

  “I brought a bunch of sandwiches from the diner.” She has a huge smile on her face.

  “You are awesome.” Stella gives her a hug.

  "We're almost done. Let’s grab a quick lunch break, and then we’ll finish this up, but no goofing around. This is still work time. Playtime is later. You have twenty minutes.”

  I set the alarm on my watch for twenty minutes so time doesn’t get away from me. It’s funny how, even for adults, when you start talking time slips by and the next thing you know it’s been an hour and now you’re behind. The sandwiches that Misty brought are delicious. She was nice enough to bring a variety of ham, turkey, and roast beef.

  When my alarm beeps, I tell the boys to thank Misty and clean up their wrappers. They all do an amazing job of listening and doing as instructed.

  “Okay, listen up. We need some of you to help hand up some shingles while others paint."

  DJ puts his hand up. "I'll help with shingles."

  "Me too," Ethan and Landon announce at the same time.

  "Okay, everyone else get to painting."

  Stella grabs the paint supplies and lays them out on the table, pouring paint into pans. We chose to paint it a deep shade of green to match the town's team colors. Our younger levels all wear the same green, so it was an easy choice. We all continue to work hard for the next couple of hours. The shed is painted and the roof is done, thanks to the amazing team effort that was put forward. As we're finishing cleaning up, Judge Mackey arrives. "Very nice job, ladies and gentleman."

  Vincent walks over and shakes his father-in-law's hand. "Thanks for coming out, Dad."

  "Ah, it's my pleasure. I'm proud of this team. You all worked very hard today." He looks around at everyone.

  "I think we need a group picture," Vincent announces.

  "I agree. Everyone gather around the shed," I announce.

  "Trystan, can a few of us get on the roof?" DJ asks.

  "Sure, just be careful." I hoist him up there along with Mason, and the rest of the crew and team stands in front of it. Judge Mackey snaps the picture using my phone and everyone cheers again excitedly.

  "Okay, calm down. We need to finish cleaning this place up so we can get over to Stella's for some celebrating. Judge Mackey, I hope you'll join us." He nods his agreement.

  Once the ballpark is back in order, everyone follows us to the house. The cars are lined up on the street, and everyone is piling into the backyard. The kids already have gloves in hand and are tossing a ball around. This yard is a nice size, and I'm really hoping the owner will allow us to buy this house in the future. There’s plenty of room for a pool, and that would make for great team parties. I know Stella and I are both looking forward to having people over more often. This right here is what life is all about. The kids are having a blast, and there are parents scattered throughout the yard setting up chairs while I heat the grill. Stella brings out a huge platter of seasoned burgers and hot dogs. She wraps her arms around me, and I kiss the top of her head. "I hope you love this kind of thing as much as I do."

  She smiles. "You know I do. I think it's great to have everyone over."

  From t
he deck we see Laney coming into the backyard with Sophia. I shake my head. "Fuck my life."

  "What makes her think she's welcome here?" She plants her hands on her hips.

  Before either of us can say anything, Vincent storms over. We approach them slowly, trying to figure out what the hell is going on. "What do you think you’re doing?" Vincent growls at her.

  "I don't know what your problem is. This is a town gathering.” She waves her hand around, pointing to all the people in the yard. “Why wouldn't she be welcome?"

  "First, it’s not a town gathering. This is a team celebration and she has no one on this team. Secondly, she threatened me and my family." Stella steps in front of me.

  "You know she and Trystan have history." Laney puts her hand up to stop Vincent, who bites his tongue. I can see he's trying to not cause a scene, but it's not working. The entire team has stopped to watch, and poor Ethan is beet red.

  "Sophia is one of my best friends, and we just came from shopping. In this town typically all are welcome at an event such as this,” she says with innocence. “I didn’t think it was a big deal."

  "Well, you’re wrong," Judge Mackey says from behind her.

  Her head whips around. "Daddy." She sounds astonished.

  "You heard me. You do not come into this woman's house causing trouble. She's new in town, and we're supposed to make her feel welcome—not cause her problems." Judge Mackey turns to Sophia. "If I get one ounce of proof that you're threatening this sweet woman, I’ll put your ass in jail. Am I clear?" Sophia's jaw drops.

  “But, Mr. Mackey.” She’s shocked he’s not defending her.

  "I asked you a question, young lady."

  "Yes, sir." Sophia goes from looking confident and cocky to embarrassed.

  "Let's go, Sophia. Clearly, we’re not welcome here." She turns to Vincent. “I’ll see you at home.”

  “I wouldn’t count on it,” Vincent mumbles as the two of them storm out with their heads held high and sass in their step.

  "I'm so sorry, Stella," Vincent replies sincerely. "We've been having some problems and I'm trying to fix things with her for Ethan's sake, but clearly she isn’t interested in fixing things. I had no idea she would bring Sophia and try to pull this when I begged her to come. I just wanted her to spend time with her family."

  I let out a deep breath. "It's not your fault. Let's forget about it and have some fun."

  "I agree. You all worked hard today. Now it's time for some fun." Judge Mackey pulls an apron from a bag we hadn't realized he was carrying that says 'Grill Master' on it. He slips it on and with laughter says, "I'll do the cooking."

  "How about we do it together," I offer.

  "Sounds like a plan." He slaps me on the back, and we make our way back to the now hot grill. We put the burgers on the bottom and hot dogs on the top rack. I close the top and hand Judge Mackey a beer.

  "You know, Trystan, I'm proud of you. When you walked into my courtroom, I swore you were going to be a pain in my ass. I knew your history..." His words trail off. "You proved me wrong, and I'm glad."

  "I vowed at a young age that I wouldn't be like my mother. I didn't want to be a wild party animal who didn't give a fuck about my kids." I shrug. "I know DJ's not mine, but I already love him like he is." He smiles at me. "You did the right thing making me get involved with these kids. It opened my eyes to a lot.” I pause for a second and look him in the eye so he can see my sincerity. “It was never my intention to drink and drive that night. I did it for Billy, but it was the wrong thing to do. I'm just thankful you gave me a chance."

  He opens the grill and flips the burgers. "I'm glad I did too." He slaps me on the back again.

  The kids break up our conversation with their cheering and laughter. We have no idea what they're doing, but it doesn't matter because they’re all involved. The music is going and they're having fun, and that's exactly what this is all about. “Now if we can just get Ethan on the right track. His mother is really messing him up.” He has a forlorn look on his face as he stares out at his grandson.

  “Do you know what happened at school?” I ask him.

  He nods. “Vincent told me your solution, and I like it. I just hope it turns him around. He’s a good kid, he just wants attention from his mother like any other kid.”

  I nod. “I know how that feels. I’ll talk to him.”

  He smiles at me. “I know you will. Thanks, Trystan.”

  It’s game day, and I have to admit I’m a tad nervous. Colton and Ethan have to sit today’s game for their behavior, and I’m hoping this doesn’t cause problems in the dugout. Not to mention I would love to see us win without them. Maybe that will bring their egos down a few notches.

  DJ comes into the living room as I’m finishing the batting order for today. “Hey, Trystan.”

  “What’s up, kid?”

  “Am I starting pitcher today?”

  “You are, unless you have a problem with that?”

  He shakes his head. “No.”

  “You look nervous. I thought after pitching last week you’d feel better this week.”

  He sighs, “I want to win today.” He shrugs. “Like you said, it would put Ethan and Colton in their place.”

  I close my eyes realizing the pressure I’ve now put on DJ “Listen, kid. I really shouldn’t have said that to you, and I’m sorry I did. It wasn’t fair for me to put that kind of pressure on you. When I said it I meant for it to be more of a bonding moment between us, but I really wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry.”

  “But you’re right. Maybe if we show them we can win without them then they’ll stop being such jerks.”

  “You know, Ethan is going through some stuff right now, and I think he’s doing this stuff for some attention. I think Colton does it because he thinks Ethan is cool.”

  “Yeah, I saw what happened at the cookout. What do we do? Mom has never let me use losing my dad as a crutch. It was never an excuse to misbehave or get bad grades.”

  “I know, kid. Your mom has done an amazing job with you, but Ethan didn’t have that until recently. His mom is the problem, and he’s been living with her. Now his dad is around more and trying to fix things, but it takes time.” He nods. “Let’s just worry about having fun today, and whatever happens at the field happens at the field, okay?”

  He chuckles, “Okay, but I really want a win.”

  I laugh. “I’m sure you do, and we’ll get one. We just have to keep encouraging the entire team and if we do, we will get there.” I slap him on the leg. “Now go get your stuff. I’m going to see if your mom is ready because we have to get going.”

  “Cool.” He runs off to his room to get his bag and, as he does, Stella comes into the room.

  “You are amazing with him.” She steps up to me. “Thank you so much.”

  “I take it you heard our conversation.”

  She nods. “I did.”

  “I figured you would be mad at me for telling him I hope we win today.”

  She shrugs. “Why? You discussed it with him and apologized. What more could you do?”

  “I don’t know, but clearly I have to remember his age and be more careful about what I say.”

  “Are you guys ready? Mason just sent me a text saying he’s on his way to the field.”

  “Let’s go.” Stella pulls the house door open and DJ steps through, hurrying to the truck.

  When we get to the field, as with last weekend, the younger teams are still playing, but the three of us head over to the shed. This is our team meet-up spot, and I want to get over there before too many team members show up. Misty, Briggs, and Mason are already here. I shake hands with Briggs and greet them good morning while we wait for the remainder of the team to show up.

  “Are you really making Colton and Ethan sit out today?”

  I nod. “I am. Vincent will be in the dugout with them. Billy will be here. He’ll take first and you’ll take third. Vincent will be sure the two boys behave.”

  “You’re brav
e. I don’t trust that kid.” He leans in staying quiet so the boys don’t hear. The kids are starting to show up, and I’m glad because it’s almost time to start warming up. We stand around watching the little ones while our boys fool around. I try to keep them under control but, let’s be real, they’re kids and they’re excited.

  We’re supposed to take the field for warm-ups any minute now, and I noticed that Ethan and Colton still aren’t here. I figured Vincent would’ve called me if there were an issue, and I haven’t heard from him. I’m not going to be happy if they don’t show up. I made it clear they were to be here for the team.

  The game before ours is done, and the entire team is here except them. “Okay, boys, take the field to start warming up.” The boys grab their stuff and run over to our dugout to start setting their stuff up.

  “Line it up,” Briggs calls out. The boys spread out on the field. “Ten jumping jacks, go,” he calls out, and the boys count in sync doing them. I’m watching the boys as my eyes are scanning the park for the last to members of our team. “Two laps, go,” Briggs shouts.

  My eyes link with Stella. We know each other so well, she can see the worry on my face. She winks at me, and it settles me slightly. I have a game to coach, so I can’t stress over these two pulling a no-show right now. The boys come back around, and I stop them. “Nice job, boys. Let’s throw the ball around in the field. DJ and Sam take the mound and take turns throwing to Mason.”

  Everyone does as I instruct. Briggs and Billy hit the field and start working with the kids while I’m watching Sam, DJ, and Mason.”

  The game is just about to start when Vincent, Ethan, and Colton come running over. “I’m so sorry, Trystan. We had some issues this morning.”

  I nod. “Everyone take a seat please.” I give them a second to get settled. “Okay, the batting order is there. Billy, you’re on first. Briggs, you're on third and, Vincent, you’re in here with me today.

  You all know your field assignments for the game. Let’s go out there and have some fun.” The boys start to clap and cheer. “Okay, hands in, everyone.” The boys all put their hands in. “You know what to shout, on three. One, two, three.”


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