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Refuse to Lose (A Coach's Love Book 1)

Page 21

by Alison Mello

  I can't believe these kids are undefeated and making these mistakes, but I'll take them because it's working out in our favor. DJ makes it to first, and Ethan is on third. "Okay, Colton, keep your eye on the ball, buddy." His first two pitches are strikes. He swings at the next pitch and it's a pop up to right field. Ethan tags up and bolts home to score, but the kid catches the ball and ends the inning, and the run home doesn't count.

  "Okay, DJ, take the mound buddy." He fist bumps me and runs out. Mason follows him. I can see them chatting. DJ nods, they fist bump and Mason takes the plate. DJ throws a few pitches to warm up. The first batter takes the mound. DJ throws a pitch, the kid swings and connects, sending it flying into the outfield.

  "I got it!" Colton shouts and sure enough, he does. The cocky batter curses under his breath and runs back to their dugout.

  DJ turns to Colton with a huge smile and nods, pointing at him. Colton shouts to him, "I got you." DJ lets out a deep breath and throws the next pitch. The batter swings and misses. He strikes him out in three pitches. I can see his confidence growing. He looks over to me. I wink and he smiles as he nods at Mason's call. He throws the pitch, and the kid line drives it out to second. Ethan throws it to first, but he's called safe.

  "It's okay, boys. You got this."

  The next kid walks up, nodding. He's trying to get to DJ, and I can see from the look on his face he knows it. DJ throws his first pitch, and the kid swings and misses. Now it's DJ's turn to smile. He throws the next pitch, and the kid hits a foul ball. The kid points to DJ, digs his feet in, and prepares for the pitch. DJ throws the ball, and the kid hits it directly to him. DJ jumps up and catches it for the out. Mason cheers for DJ, who remains calm on the mound, while the batter runs to the dugout pissed. The coach isn't happy either. I can hear him yelling at his kids, and it's not cool. These are the coaches I hate because they take the fun out of the game for these kids.

  The entire game has been a battle of the two teams. It's the last inning and it's still zero-zero, and we're at a disadvantage because we're up first. "Okay, listen up, boys. You've fought hard today and no matter what happens in this inning, I want you to know I'm damn proud of you. Now, bring it in." They pile their hands on mine, and on three they shout our saying before Landon takes the plate.

  The boys are so amped up, they're cheering from the dugout. "Come on, Landon, you can do it. Put a little power to it. Hit hard, hit it hard.” Landon has a smile on his face when he steps up to the plate. We're at the tail end of our lineup which is really good for us because our key batters are up. Landon line drives it down the third baseline and bolts to first. The boys cheer excitedly. Noah is up. He's having a tough day at bat. He pops it up, and the outfielder catches it. The next batter gets a base hit, and now Ethan is up with a kid on first and second. The pitcher is messing with him, and I can see he's getting in his head. The pitcher throws the first pitch, and Ethan swings and misses.

  "Timeout," I yell and run out to Ethan.

  "Listen to me. You are letting him in your head. Don't. You keep your eye on the ball and do your thing." He nods. I slap his helmet and run back to the dugout.

  "Is he good?" Vincent asks.

  "Yeah, he's good."

  The pitcher grins and throws the ball. Ethan connects, hitting the ball out of the park. It's a home run. Our dugout erupts as the boys scream for three boys running home. Sam takes the plate in place of DJ who is done pitching. Sam strikes out for out number two. "Come on, Mason," the boys cheer, but Mason flies out and our half of the inning is over.

  Sam takes the mound. We need three outs and the game is ours. First batter gets a base hit and makes it to first. "Come on, Sam. You can do it!” the boys cheer. The second batter comes up, and he strikes him out. "That's it, Sam," the boys continue to shout. The next batter comes up, and it's their ace. I can see the nerves etched on Sam's face. He removes his cap, wipes his forehead, and replaces his cap. He lets out a deep breath and nods at Mason's signal. He throws the pitch, the batter swings and misses. Mason throws the ball back. He signals to Sam, and he shakes his head. Mason gives him another signal, and again Sam shakes his head. Mason jumps up, calls timeout, and takes the mound.

  I run out. "What's happenin’, boys?”

  “He wants me to throw a curveball, and I think it's a bad idea," Sam pleads with me.

  "Listen, he's going to expect your fastball again, throw something else."

  "Let's go," the other coach yells out.

  I pat him on the arm and run back to the dugout, and Mason takes the plate. He throws a signal. Sam closes his eyes, but nods. He throws the curveball, totally messing the kid up as he swings and misses. Sam gets excited. He needs one more strike, and this kid is done. Sam narrows his eyes and throws the ball. It's a curveball, but it doesn't land where he wants it. The kid connects, nailing it out of the park. The two kids run home, and we're only up by one. "It's okay, Sam. Shake it off," I shout to him.

  The next batter comes up and the first pitch is a strike, but the second he pops up and Ethan catches it. "Yes, nice, Ethan," Sam shouts over to him. One more out and this game is done. The next batter gets on second base. Sam lets out a deep breath as he throws another pitch. It pops up into the air. "I got it," Landon shouts. He looks up into the air and doesn't see the kid running at him. The kid knocks him to the ground, causing him to miss the ball. Noah is there to back him up. He grabs the ball as the kid is rounding third. He throws it home. Mason catches it and tags the kid. "You're out," the umpire yells. “And if I see you push a kid to the ground like that in the playoffs, you'll be ejected."

  Our boys rush the field, and I watch with pride as Ethan holds a hand out to Landon, helping him from the ground.

  I'm about to tell the boys to line it up when I hear the other coach screaming at his boys that they ruined a perfect season. "Practice is two hours this week, now let’s get out of here." The boys leave without even congratulating our team, but our boys don't care. They all meet in the center of the field. They jump up and down chanting, 'Refuse to lose, refuse to lose, refuse to lose.' I try to control my emotions, but I lose it when DJ pulls his cross from his shirt, he kisses it and looks to the sky, thanking his father. I'm so proud of this team. I love these boys and it's all thanks to Judge Mackey, who was right. This was more than good for me—it was great. I have a winning team and an amazing family.

  Trystan and I are extremely busy getting the house ready for the boys. Today we're celebrating an amazing season. The boys made it all the way to the championship round of the playoffs. They lost the very last game to the same team they finished the season tied with. We knew it was going to come down to those two teams. They fought hard but lost by one run. They were still so proud, it didn't even bother them that they lost. They held their heads high and congratulated the winning team unlike they did when we beat them.

  Trystan has done an amazing job of not only teaching them to play like a team, but he has also taught them to be good sports when they lose. We were originally planning to have this celebration the day of the game, but it started to downpour toward the end of the game and we were expecting thundershowers, so we postponed it to this weekend. It actually worked out well because the boys haven't seen each other in a few weeks. School is now out and the season is over, so this gives them a chance to get together.

  DJ slept at Mason's last night so we could get everything together for today's party. We spent the day yesterday cleaning up the yard and getting tables together, and today we're decorating the yard with green and white balloons.

  "Mom, we're here. The party can start now." DJ comes into the backyard with Mason and the rest of his family.

  "Wow, this looks awesome," Mason says, looking around.

  "Thanks, I'm glad you like it. You boys deserve a party. You did a great job this season." Mason and DJ are both wearing their ball caps.

  "Hey, Mom," DJ calls me again, but he sounds a bit off.

  "What? I'm trying to get ready." When I turn aro
und my jaw drops. He has his hat in his hand showing he's cut his hair short, and I'm mean really short. My eyes well. "You cut your hair."

  "Yeah. I wanted it to be a surprise." He smiles.

  "I love it, buddy. It looks awesome."

  "Looking good, slick." Trystan ruffles what's left of DJ's hair.

  DJ slips his hat on backward, and the boys run off to play catch. I hug Misty and thank her for helping to surprise me. "You're welcome."

  Misty and Briggs help us set up the rest of the tables and chairs. "We have plastic tablecloths too." I grab the packages and tear them open, handing one to Misty. Briggs comes to the backyard with another folding table that he and Trystan set up on the deck for food.

  "You guys did a great job with the decorating, and the garden looks awesome." She nods toward our memorial.

  "Thank you. It means a lot to DJ. I've seen him over there a few times now. I think he likes that he has a place to go to feel like he's visiting his father."

  "I'm sure it does. Is he still getting along with Trystan?"

  "Oh my gosh, yes. They adore each other."

  Lori and Josh arrive next, carrying the veggie platter they offered to bring. "Hey, lady." I greet her with a hug.

  "Where should I put this?"

  "On one of the tables."

  The boys come running over as I'm removing the lid. "Food," they shout.

  "Y’all need to slow down." I give DJ my signature one eyebrow look.

  "We're hungry," he whines.

  I roll my eyes. This kid is always hungry. I swear he goes through a gallon of milk a week by himself. It's unreal. "Yeah, well, more of your friends are coming in, so go greet them."

  He looks at Mason. "Come on, man." He taps him on the chest. "Ethan and Colton are here."

  "What's up, guys?" The boys all fist bump and then come back over to the table where the veggie platter and chips with salsa are set up.

  The party is underway and everyone is having a great time. Briggs and Trystan are at the grill cooking with Vincent and Billy. The mom squad is sitting around the table chatting about the latest town rumors that are flowing through the diner. Lori taps my arm. "I see that Fred let you add some landscaping to the yard.” She points to the garden.

  "Yeah, he did, and he's also agreed to sell me the house."

  Their eyes all go wide. "Wow, that's awesome," Daisy says. "Congrats."

  "Thanks. Come on. I'll show you the garden." The ladies follow me over. "DJ and Trystan built it together."

  "They did an amazing job," Stacey says.

  "Awww, look at the rock. 'Those we love don't walk away, they walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near, so loved, so missed, so very dear.' What a perfect saying," Daisy reads the stone DJ picked for the garden.

  "My son picked it himself."

  "Heads up," DJ shouts. We all duck and cover our heads, and it’s a good thing we do because the ball goes into the garden and lands right next to the stone.

  "Dude, what’s that?”

  “That's my dad's garden."

  "My bad, bro." Ethan runs over to see it as DJ tiptoes in to get the ball without stepping on any of the plants. "Sorry, DJ. Did we damage anything?"

  "Nah, it landed right by his stone."

  "Thank God." He takes the ball from DJ, and they run back to the other end of the yard.

  The guys call out that dinner is ready, and as usual the boys drop the ball and make a run for the food table. They all make their plates and take a seat at the table next to our mom squad table. The guys make their plates last and then join us at the table. Trystan stands and says, "Can I have everyone's attention please." He waits for everyone to calm down and then he continues. "First, I want to thank you all for being here. I know we're missing a few team members, but it's nice that this crew has become such good friends and at least we can be together to celebrate their success. Some of you may not know this, but I didn't exactly volunteer for the position of coach. As a matter of fact, it was forced on me, and I wasn't too happy about it at first. I was told doing this would be good for me, and they were right. I not only had a blast working with you boys, but I got the opportunity to fall in love." The girls gush over his speech. "Now that said. I'm happy to announce, that Stella and I have agreed to buy this home and to move in together." Everyone claps. "Thank you, but I'm not quite done yet. You see, I really wanted tonight to be special for the boys but after a long conversation with DJ he thought it would be a great idea that I ask Stella to marry me in front of all of you.” DJ comes over with a ring. "Stella, I love you with all my heart so it's with DJ's permission that I ask you to be my wife."

  "Holy shit," Misty blurts out, and the entire crew laughs.

  "Yes, I would love to marry you." I stand from the table and wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you too."

  Our friends all clap and cheer as DJ hands Trystan the ring to put on my finger. "Let me see that beauty." Misty grabs my hand. It's a gorgeous round cut diamond in a white gold setting. Simple yet stunning.

  Trystan finally lets everyone sit down to eat. We find out that Billy and Daisy are officially dating, and Vincent and Laney are officially divorced. Seeing that Laney moved, she let Vincent keep the house they're in so Ethan wouldn't have to move. "Wow, what are we going to do now that the season is officially over. We have no baseball to cheer on and no excuses to get together.

  "Football!" the boys shout.

  "Our town doesn't have football," I remind them.

  "No, but I confirmed that the boys can play in the next town over," Misty informs us. "We looked into it for Mason last year, but I missed the sign-ups. They'll all have to get over there next weekend though. It's the last weekend for them to get their names in."

  "DJ, do you want to play football?" I ask, knowing full well he does.

  "Yeah, we all do." The boys take their empty plates to the trash.

  "I guess the mom squad lives on," Lori announces.

  Trystan starts telling us about the commitment involved in a football season, but we agree that we all live close enough that we can rotate practices if need be and make it work. "Honestly, what's the problem with four nights of gossip," Misty asks, and we all burst into laughter. I'm so lucky to have met such an amazing group of friends.

  I'm watching the boys when I see DJ standing by himself at the garden. I excuse myself and head over.

  "You okay, buddy?"

  "Yeah, I'm glad we did this. I talk to Dad often. I was just telling him that Trystan proposed tonight, but you know, when Trystan came to me and asked me if I would be okay with him marrying you, I told him I needed some time. I came out here and spoke to Dad, and I'm glad I did. I felt good about telling Trystan yes after I spent some time talking to him."

  "I'm glad you're okay with this because I'm really happy with Trystan.” He looks up at me. “Actually, I'm lucky. I loved your father very much, and now I have Trystan to love and take care of us both."

  "Yeah. I think he'll make a pretty great stepfather."

  "I agree, but you should go back to playing with your friends."

  "Okay, Mom." He runs off, and I'm glad he does.

  The remainder of the evening is spent making exactly the kind of memories I've always wanted for DJ. Memories filled with friends and a growing family. I couldn't be happier.

  Hustle and Heart - A Coach’s Love 2

  First I would like to thank my son for putting the idea for this book into my head. He kept asking me to use his name in a book and I wanted the book to be something that I could use a bit of his personality as well. He is so involved in sports it only made sense that I make him one of the team members. Here is your book bud. Although your far to young to read it now I hope you will someday so you can see the role you had in my story.

  To my husband, thank you for your continued love and support. I couldn’t do this without you and I need you to know how much I love and appreciate what you do for me.

  To the mom squad and right now I
’m talking the real mom squad. Y’all are a fun bunch of woman who made a lot of very long nights fun and memorable. I took some of our many conversations and Ds desire to have his name in a book and came up with this series. Thanks for welcoming me with open arms.

  Sara, my boo. What the freaking world would I do without you. I know for a fact that I’m a royal pain in your ass and I’m thankful everyday for your love and support. You do so much for me and it doesn’t go un noticed. You make me laugh when I’m stressed and you listen when I need to vent, thank you. I love you boo and am so lucky to be stuck with you.

  To my street team. You ladies took over the mom squad and did amazing. When we get together for our live chats I you all make me laugh and we have so much fun. This book is for you. I hope each and everyone of you love it. I love you all from the bottom of my heart.

  To my editor, Silla. Girl, thank you for helping me with this project. You are amazing, girl. I appreciate all the work you put into make this book what it is. Not to mention all the time you put in answering my silly questions. As my PA would say, ‘you’re stuck with me.’

  Thank you to my cover designer, Emma of Moon Struck Cover Design for making me this amazing cover. I can’t wait to see what you do with the next one.

  To my readers what can I say except thank you. Thank you for supporting me with yet another book. Thank you for following me and reading my work. Thanks for your shares and likes on social media that help get me recognized. Without loyal readers like you books like this would mean nothing.




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