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Arundia Returns

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by Aya Walksfar

  Books by Aya Walksfar

  Special Crimes Team Novels:

  Sketch of a Murder

  Street Harvest

  Old Woman Gone


  Death By Dog

  Other Mysteries:

  Run or Die

  Dead Men and Cats, a novella

  Literary Novels:

  Good Intentions, Second Edition

  Hard Road Home

  Beyond The Silence

  Paranormal Novels:

  Artemis' Warriors

  Arundia Returns

  Arundia Returns

  Aya Walksfar

  Published by Wild Haven Press

  This book is a work of fiction. With the exception of recognized historical figures, the characters in this novel are fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Copyright 2016 by Aya Walksfar

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use this author’s material work other than for reviews, prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  Cover Art: Deva Walksfar

  Chapter 1

  Baskell Arundia

  Head bowed toward the hardwood floor upon which I knelt naked, I stole upward glances from the corners of my eyes. When Lady Helena Outterridge, Matriarch of the English Region, strolled behind me, I dared not risk turning my head even slightly. I had already been punished for that impertinence once and had no wish to feel the lash across my face again.

  “You have failed me, Baskell.” Matriarch Helena stalked a circle around me. Her stilettos clicked against the floor. Each click stabbed fear through my chest. The riding crop in her right hand tapped against the palm of her other hand in synchronous rhythm to her steps. She stopped in front of me. The toes of her black leather, high-heeled boots gleamed in the soft light. “Speak!”

  Eyes closed, I lifted my face.

  “Open your eyes and face me,” she snapped.

  Eyes wide, I knew no words would satisfy her, still I tried. “I didn’t know he was a Magic User, Lady Outterridge.”

  “Magic User? That is your excuse?” Her lips tightened into a thin slash across her classically beautiful face. “I gave you permission to drink down huvams and Magic Users and witches. I even gave you permission to drink the sweet blood of Weres and still you could not defeat a mere human Magic User? I daresay I wasted such precious gifts on one so weak,” she snarled as she crossed the room toward him.

  The riding crop bit into my cheek. The metal tip flicked against bone. Eyes narrowed and flashed as my nostrils flared. Jaw clamped, I barely suppressed the roar of anger even as the blood on my cheek dried to gray ash and the wound closed.

  “A true vampire does not fail his Mistress, nor does he find the killing of a human so impossible.”

  Rage ran like hot lava beneath my skin. She would hear the grinding of my teeth as I fought to hold back the anger, but I couldn’t help it.

  She stopped and bent close to me. Gently, she reached out and stroked my hard jaw with one fingernail. The blood red talon left a welt on my skin. “Angry, Baskell?” she cooed. With a long fingered hand, she cupped my chin and lifted my face toward her. “Tsk, tsk. Don’t want to chip any of those fine white teeth even though they will reform, if the roots aren’t removed. Should I remove the roots of this one?” A fingernail tapped lightly against a front tooth. “Hmm. I think not. It would so mar a face of such perfection.”

  I barely saw her hand before the back of it struck and snapped my head around. I spun on my knees and collapsed to the floor.

  I lay perfectly still in a crumpled heap. I dare not rise. Through half-lidded eyes, I watched as she strolled past to partially recline on the black leather couch a few feet away. She lifted the silver bell from the ebony occasional table. With a slight wrist movement, the bell tinkled. Within moments the door behind me opened. Matriarch Helena’s fangs glistened in the dull illumination as footsteps crossed the room. Human footsteps. The measured, plodding gait of a thrall.

  From where I lay, I could easily see the couch, the male human, and Helena. It was as she desired--a part of my torment.

  The male stopped in front of Helena. Her fathomless black eyes found my hot stare and locked on. “Service me,” she commanded and the thrall dropped to his knees in front of the couch.

  Hunger stirred my loins as the human untied the silk robe and laid the black material open. Helena’s alabaster skin shone in the shadowy room. The honey blond triangle between her spread legs caused saliva to fill my mouth at the remembered sweetness I had found there in the weeks before the World Centennial Conference. As the human lowered his head, my fangs elongated and a growl vibrated low in my chest. Between my legs, my manhood stiffened and twitched with desire.

  Her cruel smile stretched plump red lips as she kept her eyes locked on me. “Do you ache, Baskell?”

  The purr of her voice increased my lust, as she knew it would. “Yes, My Lady,” I croaked from a throat suddenly as parched as desert sands.

  She moaned as she watched me. Her tongue traced a wet path along her lower lip. She thrust her slender hips against the human’s face. “Three days in the dungeon without feeding can make one hunger desperately. Do you hunger desperately, Baskell?”

  “Yes, My Lady.” Drool seeped around my fangs and trickled down one cheek.

  “Crawl here, Baskell.” She patted the corner of the couch cushion near her thigh.

  I crawled to her. The stiffness of my member caused it to jerk upwards against my belly. The musky smell of her arousal wrapped around me.

  “Sit back on your heels, Baskell, and present yourself. Let me see what you have to offer.”

  Squatted back on naked heels, I cradled my throbbing testicles in my cupped hand. My cock twitched with every lapping sound from the human feasting on Helena’s sex.

  Casually, she reached over and flicked a hard, sharp nail against the tender head of my cock. I groaned at the sharp spear of pain that bordered on pleasure.

  Her heartbeat sped up as she threw her head against the back of the couch and panted. From beneath lush lashes she watched me.

  In the grip of lust, my body trembled.

  “I have taught him well, Baskell.” She moaned as she palmed the back of the human’s head and pressed him tighter to her sex.

  With a gasp, her body shivered and jerked beneath the waves of her climax. The aroma hit me and I groaned. Hand clutched tightly around the base of my stiff cock, I squeezed hard to deny myself the relief that lay within a stroke of my hand even as she continued to jerk in the throes of her lust. I dare not come without her permission!

  Still shivering from her release, Helena reached lazy hands down and lifted the human to her. As her dark eyes locked on my lighter ones, she sank her fangs into the thrall’s throat.

  Unable to keep my hunger silent, I threw back my head and screamed with need.

  Shoving the corpse to the floor, Helena flowed to her feet. “Do not pleasure yourself, Baskell. You do not deserve to have your lusts fed.”

  When she finally turned away, the silk robe flowing behind her, I closed my eyes. My breath heaved in and out of my lungs, ragged with desire. The burning blood lust slowly abated. It took my cock longer to deflate from its unquenched hunger.

  A ghoul arrived and carted off its dinner. Now and then, I heard a whisper of silk that told me my mistress lingered close by. I don’t know how long I knelt there next to that couch re
eking with blood and sex before she spoke.

  “Arise, Baskell.”

  I stood.

  “You may turn and face me.”

  I turned almost human slow. She lounged in a black leather chair that matched the couch. She had changed into skin tight, black leather pants that blended seamlessly with the cushion of the chair. A tight, blood red bustier showcased her heavy breasts. A cut crystal glass of amber liquid filled one hand while the other hand lay quietly on the chair arm. “You may go to your quarters, Baskell. You will find a bag of blood in the mini-fridge. Drink it.”

  I bowed my head in acknowledgement and walked to the door. My now-flaccid member flopped against my thigh.

  “Baskell,” her voice stayed his hand on the door knob. “Do not disappoint me again.”

  Without turning, I replied, “I won’t, Lady Outterridge.” I pulled the door open and stepped into the dimly lit hall. As I stormed to my quarters, my hands fisted at my sides. Barely above a whisper, I spoke aloud, “I won’t disappoint you, Helena, but this time when I return from America I will be powerful. Too powerful for any female to toy with me.”

  Chapter 2

  Serena Longer

  I awoke to deep blackness and soft whispers that floated in through the partially open bedroom door. Freezing in place, hardly daring to breathe, I listened intently. A fog seemed to hover around my mind, slowing all of my reflexes. My muscles tensed. What was happening? My heart sped, thundering in my ears. Breathing deeply, I held the air in my lungs then released it in a silent stream. My heart dropped back to a steady, normal pace.

  The voices had fallen silent. Oh, Goddess! Had they heard my heartbeat fluctuating? I waited, breath bated as I strained to hear. Somewhere beyond the immediate vicinity of my door, cloth rustled.

  A deep male voice rumbled. I could only make out snatches of what he said. “...scared. She needed...Challenge.”

  A second, not quite as deep voice answered. “...not strong enough...”

  I knew these voices but, with my mind wrapped in cotton batting, I couldn’t place them. Silently, I slid my feet from beneath the bedding. Cool hardwood met my bare skin as I crept toward the door. The voices wafted on a warm breeze up the stairs, clearer now. The heavy male voice angrily said, “...she’s not fit to lead. It’s time someone took her out and set up a reasonable government over her region.”

  Finally, I identified the voice. Gregory. Gregory Trueson, Captain of the Guardians. The other voice answered and my heart plunged. Alexis Night Runner, Captain of Artemis’ Warriors, my friend, my lover. “You are preaching to the choir as my mother used to say. It’s time to take over the region, no doubt. This has gone on long enough. She’s been given every opportunity to change, but she isn’t going to.”

  Treason! They plotted treason against me. My hand swept down to the short sword strapped to my side. They would pay!

  It wasn’t there! Panic filled my chest like hot gold puddling between my ribs, burning. Scalding. Pain. Unbearable pain. I clutched my fist in my nightgown between my breasts and sucked in short, panting breaths. Darkness edged my sight. A roaring grew in my ears. Dimly, I saw my sword and sheath still hanging on the bed’s post. I stumbled toward it. My weak legs trembled. Almost there, I staggered and fell onto the bed. Struggling to rise to my feet, I floundered like a fish desperate to return to its watery home.

  What had they—my closest friend and my beloved--done to me? A spell? A potion in the tea Gregory made for me right before bedtime? Poison in the supper that Alexis had prepared? I fought to regain my feet but darkness closed over my mind. The last thing I heard was Alexis saying, “I’m ready to get the region under control. A few loyal Families; maybe even a few Clans, won’t like it and we might have to subdue them with our fighters, but between the two of us, I don’t see anything to stop us.”


  Alexis strolled into the kitchen and over to where I sat at the table sipping coffee. As she bent over my shoulder, my hand dropped to the dagger hidden in my lap. Fingers tight on the hilt, I stiffened as her lips touched my cheek. How dare she!

  She brushed her lips across my cheek then moved across the kitchen to help herself to the fresh pot of coffee. “Did you sleep well last night, Serena?”

  My nostrils flared then I wrestled my emotions into neutrality. In a careful voice, I said, “Well enough. And yourself?”

  She slouched into the chair across from me. “Like you said. Well enough though I did wake up and come downstairs briefly. Got a cup of chamomile tea and stared out the window for a while before I came back to bed.”

  “I see.” Abruptly, I changed the topic. “What do you intend to do today?”

  A slight lifting of her shoulders sufficed for a shrug. “Check out how the newest Warriors are getting along with their training. Gregory mentioned something about going over to the mainland later today to meet with some of the nearby Families, check on their defenses. I thought I might accompany him. What’s your plan?”

  Eyes steady on her face, I said, “I’m sending a formal Challenge to Helena.”

  Alexis leapt to her feet, coffee spewed across the table. “What!”

  “I am sending a formal Challenge to Helena. It is time to end this cat-and-mouse game she plays.” My jaw hardened.

  “You can’t!”

  I drew myself up rigidly and stared at her with blazing eyes. “You forget yourself, Alexis. I am First Councilwoman of the North America Region. I do not ask permission of you.”

  She quickly waved a hand as if attempting to blot out her earlier words. “That’s not what I meant and you know it, Serena.” She pinched the bridge of her nose and inhaled. As she blew out her breath, she said, “What I meant was you aren’t ready to challenge Helena. Give yourself some time to....”

  I sunk into vampire stillness, my eyes locked on hers. “Do not presume to tell me of what I am capable.”

  She whirled. Though I could see her struggling to contain her anger, the cup broke as she slammed it into the stainless steel sink. Hands braced on the edge of the marble sink counter, her head drooped between her shoulders. After a long moment, she turned. “I would never presume to evaluate what you are capable of doing. I just want you to think about this. Don’t jump into it. If you took some time, time to get stronger, to get more organized....” She lifted and spread her hands as her words ran out.

  “This discussion is closed.”

  “At least, talk to Gregory about your decision.”

  I hardened my heart against the pleading of her dark eyes. What a fool I had been. Hiding my weariness, I brushed past Alexis. At the arch between kitchen and living room, I twisted my head around to face her. “This decision does not concern him nor does it concern you. I will not allow my People to be picked off by hostile vampires as happened during the Time of Hunting.”


  Heartsick, I wandered over to where the cliff fell sharply to a small cove below. Waves slapped black-gray boulders that raised their sturdy heads above the foaming waters. The clash and clang of swords split the air as Warriors and Guardians practiced. Who could I trust? Which Warriors, which Guardians?

  Shoulders bowed, I let my feet carry me to the door of the newly built House of Females. I needed sustenance, though I had no appetite. How long had it been since I drank from the source? Too long. Ever since Alexis returned to me.

  Though a straight diet of bagged blood compromised a vampire’s power, Alexis had insisted that I feed my hungers only with her. Afraid to feed both lust and blood from her for fear of enthralling my lover, I had opted to feed my lust and give her time to come to terms with my needs.

  I snorted, a very unladylike sound for which both my mother and Belora would have chided me had they lived. How stupid of me not to see through such flimsy excuses as Alexis offered. She wanted our relationship to be exclusive, monogamous. Oh so very human. I wanted to please her.

  I shook my head at my own gullibility. How many times had I fed my lusts with Bettina an
d Alexis together? And suddenly Alexis couldn’t handle it?

  Blinded. Blinded by an illusion. By a dream. True Love. No such thing existed. Bitterness twisted a fist inside my guts. I rubbed the ache but knew I could never rub it away.

  Soft green grass shushed against my slacks as I crossed the front yard. I jerked open the unlocked front door and strode in. As the heavy wood door closed out the brightening sunlight, I scanned the open space of the first floor. A breakfast counter separated kitchen/dining area from living room.

  A slender blonde human lounged on a chair watching a movie on the big screen television across from her, her short skirt showing off long legs. Forgetting to slow my vampiric speed and to make noise as I approached, I darted over to the woman.

  She startled then smiled. “I didn’t hear you come in, First Councilwoman.”

  Shame flooded my face. To forget such ordinary courtesy was not like me. “My apologies. What is your name?”

  With exaggerated movements that displayed her ample cleavage, she smiled. “Iona.”

  “Very well. Iona, I seek a blood donor.”

  She wet her lips and tilted her head to one side. “It is my honor to provide, First Councilwoman.”

  “Not here. Your room…where is it?”

  The woman pushed to her feet. “This way.” Doors lined each side of the short hall. At the end of the corridor, she swung open a door that looked like any of the others then stood to one side. “My room.”

  As I walked into the small room, the strong odor of lavender assaulted my nostrils and nearly brought tears to my eyes. Alexis never used strong scents. Ruthlessly, I shoved away thoughts of her.

  Iona edged around me and led the way across to a king-size bed. Nimble fingers skated over the buttons on her blouse until my hand shot out and stopped her. “Only blood.”

  A disappointed look flashed across her face. With a shy smile, she ducked her head. With a wistful sigh, she reached out a tentative hand, and stroked my arm.


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