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My Husband's Lesbian Boss: Book 1: After Party

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by Amanda Clover

  My Husband’s Lesbian Boss

  Part 1: After Party

  By Amanda Clover


  This book and all its contents are copyright 2017 by Amanda Clover. All rights are reserved and no portions may be reproduced unless for the use of brief quotations for review purposes.

  All characters appearing in this story are over the age of 18. This is a work of parody and any resemblance to real people or situations is coincidental.

  The Party

  “Do you like my hair down like this or do you think I should put it up?” I asked and lifted my silky blonde hair in the fingers of both hands.

  “I think you’re going to get a rise out of Bill in that red dress,” said my husband. He met my gaze in the mirror as he was tying his tie behind me. I stuck my tongue out at him and wiggled my slender hips from side to side.

  “It doesn’t get a rise out of you?” I asked and leaned my face towards the mirror to work on my lipstick. By a total coincidence, this pushed my incredibly firm, go-running-every-other-morning buns out towards my husband. The short skirt rode up the backs of my thighs high enough to reveal my stockings and garter.

  “Oh, a definite rise here,” said Todd, glancing down at his crotch. He ran his hand up the back of one of my legs and gave my ass a squeeze. “Like the Eiffel Tower.”

  I finished my lipstick, puckered my lips a few times, and turned around to face him. I lifted his tie and tightened his Windsor.

  “Well, maybe you can see what’s hiding under that dress after the party,” I said. I leaned in as if I was going to kiss him and then pulled away. “We’re going to be late otherwise.”

  I saw the gears turning in Todd’s head. He was considering being late, messing up my makeup, and maybe even missing his office sales party. I wanted him to decide I was more important. I wanted him to throw me down on that bed, ruin my makeup with a kiss, push my skirt up, and slide his thick cock into my freshly-waxed pussy.

  But Todd didn’t do that.

  “Yeah, you’re right, Audrey,” he said with a sigh. “We had better get going.”

  Todd and I got married young and had been together for just shy of six years. The first two years had been intense, fucking five times a week, sometimes two or three times in one day, and having wild experiences that excited me after my sheltered high school years. At 28, I felt myself approaching the peak of my sexuality, just as Todd began to decline. He didn’t have to, but he had let himself go, growing paunchy and seemingly fixating on Internet porn.

  He still had my heart, but increasingly, I slept alone in our bed and he stayed up late on the computer in the den downstairs. I had walked in on him jerking off enough times that I stayed away from him when he was down there. I had my Hitachi to comfort me on those lonely nights.

  We made our way down to the parking garage in our apartment building (nice, but not a great location) and left in our BMW (nice, but almost 10 years old) and Todd drove towards his office downtown. As I watched the lights going by as the downtown towers rose around us. I was slightly nervous about interacting with Todd’s coworkers; it was like a royal court at times with all the maneuvering that went on in his office. It didn’t help that Todd liked to go heavy on the rum and Cokes at office parties.

  I flipped the mirror open on the sun visor to check my makeup. Well, I wouldn’t be a reason for Todd to look bad. I looked phenomenal. My pert breasts seemed larger than usual with the help of a tricky little bra and my low-cut red dress showed off enough to earn my second looks. My skirt was very short and my legs, well, by golly they were as toned as my tummy and ass.

  Todd grunted when he saw the price for evening parking at his office parking garage. I dug into my purse for a twenty and resisted the urge to needle him about getting made a VP at his company.

  He brought it up on his own.

  “If things go really well tonight,” he said, “and Donald retires like I’m hearing, then it’s going to be down to me and Bill for that VP spot. And I am pretty sure I have the edge.”

  He patted my leg and gave my thigh a squeeze. I think he meant the gesture as affectionate, but it seemed more like he was trying to reassure himself. I flashed my charming smile and tried to seem supportive.

  “You’ll get it,” I said. “We need the raise to handle our debt. Then we can think about buying that house and starting a family.”

  Todd grimaced. I knew he wanted kids theoretically, but the reality of the changes that would mean for our lives was another touchy topic.

  “One thing at a time,” he said.

  We headed into the building and up the elevator to the second floor from the top. Maximal Marketing was the biggest agency in the city and occupied two floors at the top of the tallest building in the city. The offices were ultra-modern, with an open floor plan surrounded by the office of the various VPs. The C-level executives were located on the second floor of the office. That included the office of the CEO, Valerie Pryce, the daughter of the agency’s founder.

  The elevator doors opened onto a bustling party, with well-dressed men and women mingling with attendants carrying flutes of champagne, hors d'oeuvres, and e-cigarettes. That last one caught me a bit off-guard, but I remembered Maximal had worked on a campaign for a huge e-cigarette manufacturer. My husband had been on that account. It had been touch-and-go at times, a very demanding client, but he seemed to think he had impressed his bosses.

  “You want to try it?” He asked, noticing my curiosity.


  “There is no nicotine in these. Go for it.”

  I shrugged, picked up one of the slender cigarettes, and tried it out. Vanilla-flavored vapor filled my mouth. I coughed it back out like a malfunctioning steam engine.

  “What flavor was that?” Todd laughed and patted me on the back “Was it vanilla? That one is like floor cleaner. There is an apple pie one that is the only one I can stand, but…”

  He seemed to notice someone behind me. I glanced behind me and saw a tall, slender black guy with a full beard. He waved to Todd.

  “Ah, that’s Bruce, honey,” said my husband. “VP of finance. I really need to talk to him.”

  “Of course,” I said and watched Todd head off towards Bruce. A servant came by and I ditched my vape pen for a flute of champagne. The tingling bubbly was much more my speed. I polished off one glass and started on another. I had not seen my husband in almost half an hour and I was considering going on a hunt for him when a hand fell upon my shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

  “You look stunning, Audrey,” said a familiar voice.

  “Oh, Bill, hey there,” I said, smiling up at the big, balding man. Bill had the look of a retired football player. He was hunky, turning to middle age, and as the office’s ultimate alpha male, my decidedly beta husband hated him. “I was wondering when you’d put in an appearance.”

  I turned to face him and he looked me over. He stared openly at my cleavage and his hand moved from my shoulder and rested on my hip. I took a step back from him. That only seemed to amuse Bill more.

  “You’re drunk,” I said.

  “Yeah? Maybe I should go sit down,” suggested Bill. “My desk is right over there. I could sit down and you could sit on my lap.”

  It was an unpleasantly forward comment. He was drunk, but he also felt like he had permission to make a comment like that because of last year’s party. I had a bit too much to drink and ended up sitting on Bill’s lap. It was a huge mistake and I was determined that nothing like that would happen again.

  “Not tonight, Bill,” I said. “I haven’t had nearly enough to drink.”

  He grabbed a flute
of champagne from the tray of a passing waiter and tried to press it into my hand. I pushed it away.

  “I still have a drink. No, thank you, Bill, but now.”

  I started to turn away from him and he grabbed my bicep. His hand was big and strong. I looked up at him and saw that alpha intensity in his blue eyes. He was ready to throw me over his desk and fuck the daylights out of me like a beast. Some part of me was excited by that idea, I even felt a throb between my thighs, but I was disgusted by Bill.

  “Let go of me,” I said under my breath.

  “Come on, Audrey,” he said and pulled me closer. “Remember how hard I was under that tight little ass? Remember my hand between your legs, rubbing you through those panties? Let’s take those—“

  “Hello, Bill,” said a woman’s voice behind Bill. He stiffened up and released his grip on my arm as the woman stepped around him. “Oh, hello there, Audrey.”

  I was not well-acquainted with Valerie Pryce, but I knew her from a few chance meetings when visiting Todd at the office. She was in her mid-forties, lean, but with ample breasts and round hips. She cut a dashing figure in a jacket, tight-fitted black skirt, heels, and button-down blouse. Her brown eyes seemed to twinkle with amusement. She was pretty in a way I would never describe as cute. There was a certain hardness to her that was off-putting.

  That night, I was relieved to see her. Anyone, even Valerie Pryce, was better than Bill.

  “Hey, Miss Pryce,” I said and shook her hand. “It is a wonderful party. The office is beautiful.”

  “Oh, I just enjoy the parties,” she said. “I don’t do any of the planning. But yes, it is lovely. Say, Audrey, have you had a tour of the second floor?”

  “I could handle that,” suggested Bill. “Picking out my office for when Donald retires.”

  “Mmm,” said Miss Pryce. She frowned and hooked her arm through my elbow. “No, I think I will give Audrey a tour.”

  “Sure,” laughed Bill. “Right, sure. Great view up there.”

  He saluted with his glass of champagne and retreated into the crowd. You had the distinct impression of a human version of a dog that had been caught misbehaving and had received a smack on the nose with a rolled-up magazine. Valerie walked me to the wide staircase up to the second floor offices and stopped.

  “I can let you go back to the party,” she said. “I was just trying to spare you Bill’s bloviating.”

  “Oh, so the tour is cancelled?” I asked, feigning disappointment.

  “Well, I could show you my office. You’re sure your husband won’t miss you?” She craned her neck as if searching the party for Todd. “I wouldn’t want him thinking you got lost.”

  “Last I saw him he was kissing Bruce’s ass,” I said. I saw her smile and my face went hot as I realized I had just said something I probably should not have said. Two glasses of champagne apparently loosened me up a little too much. “Sorry. A little too much champagne.”

  “No, it’s alright,” she laughed as we walked up the stairs together. “Todd, Bill, and all of them do it when they’re angling for VP. It’s nothing to be ashamed of and I certainly don’t hold it against him.”

  She was being so nice to me that I decided to push it a little further. “I know Todd is really hoping for that job. Is Donald really retiring?”

  “I hope so,” said Valerie. “He gets on my nerves. Great mind for marketing, but what a prick.”

  I was surprised by how honest she was being and could not help but giggle.

  “Here we are,” she said. The open floor plan of the first floor was almost reversed, with a small lounge area surrounded by numerous large offices that faced the city. A few party-goers were hanging out in the lounge. They looked in our direction and I had to be reminded that the CEO was on my arm. She pointed to a nearby office. “That’s Arthur Lindquist’s office there, Patrick Daniel’s office over there with the framed painting of Ireland, and this is Rebecca Goldman’s office with all the owls. She loves owls.”

  “Where is your office?” I asked.

  I assumed it would be big, but it seemed to be among the smallest of the C-level offices. There was a leather couch, a coffee table, a few chairs, and a desk that put the incredible, floor-to-ceiling windows at her back.

  “Here it is,” she said, gesturing with her flute of champagne. “This is where I make them prostrate themselves in the hopes of earning my favor. They kneel over there.”

  She was so deadpan that she had to explain, “That’s a joke.”

  “Oh, right,” I laughed.

  Valerie leaned on the edge of her desk and crossed her long, stockinged legs. I felt an unexpected pang similar to the one I had felt when Bill had teased me downstairs. I thought, for a moment, that even though Valerie was probably 15 or 20 years older than me, it was not a huge difference. I caught myself. Why would I even think about something like that?

  “You are a pharmacist, right?” Valerie asked. “I think I remember your husband mentioning that.”

  “Yes, right,” I said. “I was going to become a doctor, but Todd got this job here and the pharmacy paid well enough, I just never followed through I guess. Good pay though. Not as, um, good as VP, I’m sure.”

  She shrugs, “Probably not. But you’re still young, Audrey. You could still get that doctorate. What sort of medicine interested you?”

  “Internal at this point,” I said. “Originally I imagined sports medicine or maybe even surgery, but being a pharmacist has broadened my understanding of how medicine interacts with the complex problems patients face. I feel like there are not enough doctors with that sort of experience. And… I’m being boring, aren’t I?”

  “No, no,” she said and lifted her champagne glass to her lips. It was empty, so she set the glass aside and walked over to a small bar to fix a drink. “Would you like something?”

  I was about to decline, but Valerie insisted, “Have a whiskey with me.”

  She poured two generous tumblers of whiskey on the rocks and handed a glass to me.

  “To new opportunities,” she said and we clinked glasses to that. The whiskey burned as it went down my throat, strong and sweet. I winced. Valerie took her sip without much of a reaction as she watched me with her brown eyes.

  “Strong,” I said. “I’m not usually a whiskey drinker. But it’s… good.”

  “I’m jealous of you, Audrey,” she said. She rocked her tumbler, swirling the ice in the glass, and took another sip. “You seem to have a perfect life with Todd. He is a genuinely nice guy and there are not many of those in the world, let alone the marketing business.”

  “He was my high school sweetheart,” I said. I am not sure what made me add, “But it isn’t perfect.”

  Valerie said nothing, but raised a questioning eyebrow. I took another sip of whiskey and hoped she would ask something else or maybe change the subject. Instead, she continued to wait for me to explain myself.

  “He was my one guy,” I confessed and felt my face heat up again. “You know, I’m not saying I have a wandering eye, I’m not, I’m just…”

  “You don’t have a lifetime of experience,” she said.

  “I had some experiences,” I said and my face grew even hotter.

  I could not confess what was on my mind. It was early in my marriage to Todd. He was still in business school and I was working nights. I had a woman I used to go jogging with named Chelsea. She was gorgeous and had long dark hair and an incredible body. She had a particularly great ass and loved the attention she got from men when we would go jogging. She confided in me that she enjoyed it so much because she would never give those men the time of day; Chelsea was a lesbian.

  What I did with Chelsea was a betrayal of my husband and a mistake I never wanted to repeat again.

  “I don’t mean to pry into your personal life,” said Valerie, though her tone was not apologetic. “I am only curious. I think you’re a beautiful young woman and that Todd is a very lucky man.”

  I nodded and took another sip o
f whiskey. Maybe I thought taking a drink would give me time to cool off and think of something smart to say. Instead, I blurted, “You are very beautiful too.”

  Valerie chuckled. She reached out, put her hand on mine, and softly murmured, “Tell me about her, Audrey.”

  “W-what?” I felt as if she had seen into my mind. “What do you mean?”

  “You said you’ve had some experiences. I could tell by the way you were acting that it wasn’t another man.” She turned her head to the side, showing me her slender neck and the soft sparkle of one diamond earring. “I’m not wrong, am I?”

  “No, you’re not wrong,” I confessed. “Chelsea. My workout friend. We used to run together.”

  “And?” She said, staring at me with a new intensity.

  I glanced back at the door to her office. The soft murmur of voices from the lounge were barely audible. I stepped closer to Audrey for my confession.

  “We ran together every other day,” I said. “When the weather was bad, we would run at the indoor track near her office. We would shower and change, you know, not together, but together. Sometimes, I'd see her, she'd see me, and there was this flirtation.”

  “Was she beautiful?”

  “Incredibly beautiful,” I said, almost breathless as I admitted it. “She was a few years older than me, she had long, dark hair, and the most incredible ass. Um, butt.”

  “It’s alright,” said Valerie and she squeezed my hand. “What happened between you and Chelsea?”

  “She was a lesbian,” I said. “She knew that I knew she was a lesbian and she knew I was married and straight. But I showed myself off to her, I liked the attention she gave me.”

  “You deserve the attention,” interjected Valerie. She let her hand fall from mine and rested it on my hip. It was almost the exact spot Bill had touched me. For some reason I didn’t mind it when Valerie touched me there.

  “Once, she masturbated in the shower and she looked at me through the steam,” I said. “I should have gone. I should have left.” I curled a loose lock of my blonde hair behind my ear. I could not believe I was confessing this to my husband’s boss, but it was too late to stop. “I lingered. I let her look at me as she came. No, it was beyond not leaving. I showed off to her while she… she fucked herself in the shower.”


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