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Claimed by the New Alpha

Page 26

by Candace Ayers

  “Yes, if you don't mind. Although, I suppose I already owe you big time for helping me out like this. I don't have much in the way of money but I would love to repay you a little as a thank you for helping me out so much.”

  He laughed, waving his hand dismissively. “No, no need for that. We need you get back up to full strength so we can make the trek back down the mountain.” Mira stifled a grin when she noticed he said we.

  “Alright, lay back and let's see how bad the damage is.”

  Chapter 6

  “Owie... Ouch!”

  Mira winced as the tape was peeled away from her wounded leg, inhaling sharply. Of course, the man that saved her would have to be an absolute hunk and have an amazing personality to boot. It would be her luck to have to struggle to not fall for the guy.

  “My apologies, ma’am—er, Mira,” he said, pausing at the sideways glare she gave him.

  Cade offered a toothy, sheepish grin as an apology for falling into his old habits. Just a moment before, he had referred to her as ma’am and she had explained quite firmly that she didn't like to be called that, and that she would rather be called by her name.

  “It's fine Cade, it's just—Ow!” Mira flinched as the gauze was peeled away, having to catch her breath at the wave of nausea the pain caused. It wasn’t the pain itself that bothered her, it was the memories that the pain evoked. She flat-out refused to look at the wound, trusting him to take care of it. But, the smell of the blood was enough to make her even queasier. His hand moved quickly to steady her leg from moving and she jerked reflexively and cowered backwards on the bed slightly. Cade froze.

  “Mira, are you... alright?” he questioned softly, confused by the look of fear that was anchored on her face.

  She nodded hastily, swallowing hard and struggling to breathe. “Y-Yes, I'm sorry, just... just continue, please,” Mira’s voice trembled and she was very obviously struggling to catch her breath. Her fingers gripped the blankets tightly. She knew Cade was watching her. She looked away, but he noticed her knuckles turning white from the death-grip she had on the sheets.

  He isn't going to hurt you, Mira, just calm down.

  She tried to gain control of herself. Her breathing was ragged and her head sunk down into the pillow as she tried to slow her heartrate down. She was already sweating profusely, but now she trembled bodily from the fear that plagued her.

  Cade sighed quietly, he didn’t know what trauma she had endured in her past to cause this type of reaction, but he understood what she was going through. He also knew that he had to put a lid on his own anger that was rising to the surface as he watched her suffer. He wanted to kill whoever had hurt this beautiful goddess of a woman. His wolf was enraged—clawing at his insides to get out and seek its vengeance for her. Cade knew he had to remain calm, though, for Mira’s sake. The last thing she needed in her state was to sense anger emanating from him. He reached with slow, exaggerated movements to pull the covers up, holding them out to her.

  “If you feel comfortable enough, put this over your head. That way you won't be startled as easily. Plus, you won't see the blood.” He was genuinely worried about her. Trying to ignore the humiliation she felt, she nodded once and swallowed, pulling the covers over her head and grasping onto them tightly.

  Mira had a silent conversation with herself about how gentle and kind this man had been and after several minutes, she actually did seem to be feeling more at ease. Her breathing calmed, but she shivered as she felt his fingertips brush along the edges of the bandage. His touch sent tingles through her and she was glad that the blanket was over her face.

  The touches were careful and rather intimate, whether they intended to be or not. The shock of a cool rag made her flinch for moment, and then she relaxed as he tenderly dabbed at the wound. He movements were so caring, he damn near had a lover's touch. Mira felt the cool drip of a cleansing agent before the small sting of pain. She knew the peroxide was bubbling, killing bacteria. She relaxed entirely as Cade wiped it away and spread an ointment along the wound.

  “I'm going to put the gauze and tape on again, you'll feel some pressure.” Cade's voice was somewhat muffled as she listened through the blanket.

  Mira nodded slightly, able to withstand the procedure easier now. His hands moved expertly along her flesh, smoothing out the gauze. Mira barely noticing him lifting her leg to gently wrap and tape the underside.

  She was calm by the time Cade was satisfied with his workmanship. When he reached up and slowly eased the covers down, Mira squinted at the light.

  “All finished. How does it feel?”

  “Much better now, thank you.” She shifted and pushed the cover off her, careful not to pull on the bandage too much. He had done a tremendous job. Not only had he cleaned and dressed the wound, but he had applied a plastic covering and waterproof tape over the gauze.

  It was so curious. How could she feel this calm with him? She couldn’t figure it out. After the start of the panic attack a few minutes ago, she should be in full-blown hysteria mode by now, but, instead, he had managed to calm her. When she met his gaze again, the look in his eyes make her heart skip a beat. Oh, my. Was it her imagination, or was he staring at her with a look that seemed more than friendly? Mira felt a warmth flow through her and she shifted her bottom back a little on the bed. Cade took that as a sign that he was too close to her. He responded by taking a step backwards. He placed the soiled bandages in a bag and sealed it before returning the items to his medical kit.

  “I never did ask, what exactly happened? Those bite marks suggest wolves but I didn't see any when I arrived.”

  Cade’s question caught her off guard. Mira rubbed the back of her neck, glancing to the side as she tried to recall what happened.

  Cade’s eyes were on her. His question was meant to provide him with information about how much she had seen, and if perhaps, she’d seen him shift at any point.

  “Well, it was all a blur... One minute I heard a howl of a pissed off wolf, the next minute, I was surrounded by a pack of them. I didn't even see them surround me. I remember trying to fight them off, one biting me, then…” She paused, frowning slightly, then shaking her head slowly she smiled apologetically at him. “It sounds silly, but... I think that there was a bigger wolf that came to help me out. I just remember a huge one with black fur, and it launched another wolf to the side as if it weighed nothing, and then... Well, I woke up here.”

  She shook her head and chuckled slightly. “I swear, I'm not crazy. That wolf was huge—like it could stand up like a human without a problem,” said Mira.

  Cade let out a sigh. He nodded and stood after a moment, his eyes looked softly at her. “I believe you. There are many odd things that go on in these woods. I've lived here most of my life, so I can attest to that. Just be careful, other people may think you lost too much blood and became delusional.” Cade offered her a wide grin, winking at her.

  Mira's face turned bright red. Even with her blood loss, she could still blush just as easily as ever. Clearing her throat, she shook her head and pouted at him. She noticed an odd look flicker across his features, something akin to worry, but it was gone in an instant.

  “I'll get you some food. I hope that venison and mashed potatoes will be good enough for you. I don't exactly have much of a talent for cooking.” Cade laughed. Mira smiled and pressed a hand to her growling stomach as it an answered him.

  “That sounds amazing, Cade. Really, you are a godsend. I'm starving!” Mira was able to laugh and joke with a complete stranger, and a man, no less. She didn’t dwell on it, but something within her was perplexed and maybe a little bothered by that. She released a giggle at the dramatic bow Cade gave her before promptly turning to go to fix her a plate.

  Catching herself staring after him, she had to force herself to admit, she was falling for the man, and so easily it scared her.

  Chapter 7

  Cade shuffled around the kitchen, heating up the prepared plate in the microwave. His hands p
ressed into the counter and gripped it tightly. She had ended up spotting him. He had been nervous about that. It might complicate things if she figured it out. Cade closed his eyes and let out a slow breath trying to clear her perfume from his nose.

  It wasn't too heavy on her, and it matched her natural scent so well. He was honestly surprised that he didn't tent his pants in front of her as he had fixed her bandage. Granted, if not for the blanket over her head, he would have seen her face in pain and become even angrier. He was already pissed that the wolves had dared to attack an innocent on his territory, let alone a female. If she went back to the rangers and told them, they might start to scour the area which would definitely disrupt his lifestyle.

  Well, Cade would have to just hope for the best and pray that she wouldn't offer up too much information and jeopardize his existence here. This woman, Mira, was no dimwit. She had a good head on her shoulders, an intelligent spark in her eyes—one that intrigued him. That, of course, and her figure, curved in all the right places. He always did like women with some meat on their bones, so to speak. Above all else, though, it was her spirit that called to him.

  It was obvious that she was damaged in some way. He saw how she had flinched at any sudden movement he made. Plus, he knew she wouldn't have hesitated to try to defend herself with the ice pick if he had advanced without receiving her permission first. He had no doubt that she’d suffered abuse in her past.

  But, if that were the case, how could she so easily allow him to be in her presence? That still threw him. How she could let a perfect stranger so close to her? Perhaps she felt the attraction, as well. Cade chuckled to himself, or perhaps that was his wishful thinking, right there.

  Although, she sure had taken his flirtation well, blushing as she did. Surely, that was some sort of a sign.

  Why did he care if she blushed or not? What did these human female's feelings have to do with him? A growl rumbled in his chest, and his shoulders lowered in defeat. Cade was struggling internally, but he had to admit it. He could no longer deny the facts. In only a matter of hours, he was falling for the human.

  The ding of the microwave brought Cade back into the present. He removed the plate and grabbed some silverware before heading back to the room. When he reached the doorway, he paused, staring at Mira. She was sitting up, leaning against the bed frame with her head tilted to the side, as if asleep. He stepped forward, quietly clearing his throat.

  Mira mumbled something sleepily while rubbing her eyes before smiling at him. Cade found her tired smile adorable. What a turn his day had taken. He hated strangers and valued his privacy above all else, yet he was actually enjoying having a stranger share his home with him. He placed the plate on her lap, careful to not set it near her wound, and they both smiled when her stomach gurgled again. He leaned over to grab a tray table from behind the headboard and slide it next to her.

  “There, that should be much easier for you. Swing your legs to the side, here...”

  His voice was tender, as he moved the blanket and reached an arm under her knees turning her sideways so her feet dangled off the bed. His hand lingered along her thigh a couple extra seconds before he realized and removed it quickly, taking a step back. He set the utensils down on the tray for her and sat in a chair a few feet from the bed.

  He watched as she picked up the silverware. “Thank you, Cade, it smells amazing,” she said, and directed a brilliant smile at him.

  Cade felt his chest tighten. God, he wanted that woman in his arms, crying his name. Swallowing dryly, he merely nodded as he watched her take the first bite. She chewed and swallowed, her bright blue eyes staring at him the whole time.

  “And you say you don't know how to cook. This is delicious,” she stated.

  He was flattered by her sincere praise. He didn't know why pleasing her meant so much to him, though the wolf within rumbled in appreciation. He watched Mira eat hungrily, amazed that she ate as he did. She must have been starving. Wolfing down her food with a hearty appetite.

  “A good appetite means that you are healing well and are healthy. That's good to know,” a light tease came from Cade causing Mira to chuckle and turn that lovely shade of pink again. God, he loved how she blushed so easily. Beautiful.

  Though he didn't bother her any further while she ate, he absently glanced at her from time to time out of the corner of his eye. His hungry glance met the trail of some juice slipping down the side of her lips before her tongue swiftly lapped it up. He couldn’t help but wonder what else she could do with that tongue. He closed his eyes a moment just listening to her eat, and he dozed off momentarily in the chair with his head propped on his fist. After a few minutes of resting, his head slipped causing him to jerk back up and glance around the room.

  Mira was covering her mouth, eyes full of mirth. When he directing a half-hearted scowl at her, she burst into a fit of giggles with an arm wrapped around her stomach as the other hand over her mouth, desperately trying to contain the sounds emitting from her lips. Muttering under his breath, Cade couldn't help but struggle to contain his own laughter.

  He stood and stretched, his muscles rippling and couldn’t help the inner smirk of satisfaction as he noticed that she was watching his every movement with a lust-filled gaze. Like what you see, little Mira? God, he wanted to wet those luscious lips of hers

  “Now that you’re done eating and amusing yourself at me expense, maybe you’d like to take a bath or shower? I think it might help you relax.”

  Cade’s voice was calm. He slid the tray table to the side easily. Mira blinked at him, caught off guard by his suggestion. He noticed the hesitant look in her eyes and shook his head motioning to the bathroom. “I’ll not peek in unless you need me, alright? You shout if you need anything.”

  It was important to him that she was satisfied with his answer. Glancing back at her, he was a little surprised when she pressed her hand to her leg and said, “I... can’t very well hold my weight on it yet, so... do you think you could help me in there and start a bath for me?”

  Mira's voice was soft and the imploring look on her face made Cade's heart skip a full beat. Containing himself, but only barely, he nodded and leaned over, scooping her up into his arms.

  “Just take it easy, don't tense your leg.”

  She felt so warm and soft in his arms. Her lovely scent wafting up to his nostrils. It took some effort to not press his face into the woman's neck and inhale, though another scent piqued his interest even more. As her legs shifted on his arm, he smelled her arousal. Cade felt a tightening in his groin as he pulled her even tighter to his chest and turned toward the bathroom in a sexual-tension-filled silence.

  Chapter 8

  Mira curled her head against Cade's shoulder breathing in and out deeply, finding his scent to be intoxicating. It amazed her that he could so easily lift her, as though she weighed next to nothing. His taut chest muscles were driving her crazy. With so much strength, and so much muscle, he could easily take advantage of her. Yet, he was gentle. He was tender even when he didn’t have to be. She was a stranger, someone that he found injured out on a hiking trail. He could just as soon have left her there alone, yet here he was going out of his way to care for her.

  She hoped that he couldn't feel the quickening of her heartbeat, or hear her shallow breathing. But, damn, it felt good to be wrapped up in his warmth. She wondered idly how it would be to have this man making love to her. The thought turned her face a bright scarlet hue, and her hand gripped his arm a bit tighter.

  “Are you hurting?” he asked, his voice laced with concern. God, he was just so kind and caring, her heart melted.

  “No, no I’m not. I'm sorry that I can't move yet, making you carry me like this. I know I'm not exactly light.”

  Rumbling laughter came from him a moment later. “You're perf... I mean, you’re not heavy at all.”

  Perhaps he was as attracted to her as she was to him? A curious little thought.

  When they entered the bathroom, she sw
ung her head around, mouth agape. The room was huge with a sealed cherry wood slat floor and a sink and tub that both looked like they were carved from a massive slab of pure white marble. The faucets and fixtures were golden, plated or real, she wasn't quite sure. Just how much money did this man have, anyway?

  “It's... goodness. It's beautiful!” Mira's awed gasp made Cade smile widely. He stepped over to a chair, gently setting her on it as he leaned over and started the bath. Mira watched as he wandered to a wall cabinet and opened it to reveal numerous bottles and jars, unmarked and filled with what appeared to be different herbs.

  “Not allergic to marigolds, are you?”

  “No, calendula is fine. I thought that was just an old wives tale, though, that calendula could help the healing process?” Mira thrilled at the proud look in his eyes. He seemed to like that she knew a bit about herbal remedies. He shook his head, taking the jar and emptying a good handful into a pouch, putting it under the steaming water and crushing it between his fingers.

  “My mother used it on me many times when I was little and I felt better after soaking in it for a while. It's been used continually through the years, though not many still believe in it since over the counter medicines get quicker results.”

  Cade got quiet, suggesting to Mira that he was lost in old memories. His voice held a fondness when he mentioned his mother that made Mira's heart swell.

  “Your mother sounds very wise. What does she think of you being way out in the mountains here, by yourself?”

  Mira’s smile faltered when the warmth left his face. He turned and smiled at her, but she noticed that the smile didn't reach his eyes.

  “She passed several years ago, sadly. She lived a good life, and was a strong, admirable woman. Like you.” He looked back at the satchel of Calendula soaking in the tub, his brows slightly furrowed.


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