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The Buckle Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1)

Page 4

by Tyler, Paige

  “Before you two decide on who's going to cover the check, I think we need to talk about who's getting dessert tonight. That might decide who pays, don't you think?”

  Beau frowned in confusion. “We just had dessert.”

  Daisy heard a thud as Sawyer kicked Beau under the table. “Not that dessert, you stupid cow patty. She's talking about the take-me-upstairs kind of dessert.”

  “Ah, that dessert.” Beau gave her a wink that said he’d known what she meant all along. “Sorry. I got kicked in the head today by a horse and my brain bucket is moving slow.”

  Both men eyed her, as if waiting for her to say something. Daisy suddenly felt very self-conscious—way more than she did in the middle of packed barrel riding arena.

  She took a deep breath. “Look guys, I don't know how you two normally decide these types of things. I know you're good friends and all, and I don't want to cause any friction, but it's getting late and I'm about as ready to head upstairs as I've ever been in my life.”

  The men only continued to regard her without saying a word, which wasn't helpful at all.

  “Um, how do you want do this—rock, paper, scissor or something? Because I think you're both great and I don't think I can go wrong with either one of you.”

  She didn't mention she'd never been talked up better by a guy in her life. Both men had turned her on with their words like never before.

  “I don't think we need to play rock, paper, scissor,” Sawyer said. “In fact, we don't really have any decision to make at all.”

  “You don't?”

  Did that mean they’d decided before this evening had even started which one would sleep with her? That was planning ahead. How did they know which one of them she'd like?

  Or did they think she was supposed to decide between them completely on her own? That was going to be impossible for her to do.

  Then another thought struck her so hard she almost gasped. What if Sawyer meant that neither of them intended to sleep with her? What if they weren't interested in having sex with her at all?

  If that was true, why had they been flirting with her. Were they just a couple of pussy teases?

  “No, we don't,” Beau grinned. “Because we figured you wouldn't mind if we both got to have dessert.”

  Chapter Four

  Daisy was going to hyperventilate.

  She tried to tell herself she’d heard Beau wrong, but she knew she hadn’t. He and Sawyer wanted to have a threesome with her. She should have expected it. Things had been heading in this direction the whole night. Still…

  “You okay, Daisy?” Sawyer asked.

  “Um, yeah.” She struggled for breath. “Just a little…surprised. I'm not sure what to say.”

  “You don't need to say anything,” Beau said. “Just slip out of that booth and go upstairs with us.”


  She stopped, not knowing what the hell she'd been about to say. But what? Was she going to confess to them that she'd never been with two guys at once? Too late—they'd already figured that one out on their own.

  Was she going to tell them that she wasn't that kind of woman? That was a crock. She'd been giving both of them foot jobs for about an hour and a half while they told her stories about all the dirty things they wanted to do to her body. And she'd gotten horny as hell. She'd be lucky if there wasn't a wet spot soaked all the way through her jeans by now.

  She was definitely that kind of woman.

  “You don't want to sleep with both of us?” Beau asked.

  “No… I mean, yes!”

  It was true. She ached to slide her ass out of the booth and go upstairs with both of them. She just didn't know how.

  The men exchanged a glance.

  “This isn't something you can sit on the fence about, Daisy,” Sawyer pointed out.

  “I know.” She tucked her long hair behind her ear. “I want to, I do. You two have been great. It's just that this is new for me. I'm not sure what to do.”

  Sawyer exchanged looks with Beau again, then slid out of the booth to stand in front of her. Beau joined him.

  “First step—put your boots back on,” Sawyer instructed.

  Her boots? She stared at him in confusion for what must have been a full minute before finally comprehending what the hell he was talking about. Then she remembered—she’d taken off her boots to play with their cocks under the table.

  Glad to have something to do that didn't require too much thought, she reached under the table and found her soft boots, then pulled them on.

  She looked up. Both men stood there with their hands outstretched. All she had to do was reach out and accept what they were offering.

  She took a deep breath and did just that.

  Their warm hands closed around hers and they pulled her out of the seat as easily as she’d slid on her boots.

  She let them lead her out of the restaurant like that, Sawyer holding one hand, and Beau holding the other, like they were really good friends.

  Or two guys and a girl about to go have a threesome.

  Daisy’s confidence and commitment grew with every step she took. By the time the waitress waved an envious goodnight to them, she was actually a little ahead of the two men, leading the way.

  She was really going to do this.

  As they waited for the elevator, she had this crazy urge to pull one or both men close for a kiss. But that was insane. She wasn't like Britt—she never went for public displays of affection.

  But that could always change.

  She was saved by the bell as the elevator doors slid open. She dashed inside.

  “I'm on the twelfth floor,” she told Beau, who was standing nearest to the controls.

  He pushed the button for the fifth floor. “I'm closer.”

  That worked for her.

  Daisy prayed they wouldn’t take the scenic route and stop on every floor. They didn’t. When the elevator chimed and the doors slid open, Daisy darted out and almost ran into a family of four waiting to get on.

  “Hey!” the teenage girl said. “I know you. You’re that barrel rider. You were awesome tonight. Can I have your autograph and a get a picture with you?”

  There was such a look of adoration on the girl’s face, Daisy couldn’t refuse, no matter how eager she was to get to Beau’s room. Thanks to that soft spot for her fans, what followed was the most excruciating five minutes of Daisy's life as she and the guys took pictures and signed autographs with the Keene family in from Wyoming to see the rodeo.

  Finally—after Beau had practically shoved the family on the elevator while Sawyer pushed the down button repeatedly—they were alone in the hallway.

  Daisy turned to ask Beau which way his room was and found him standing six inches from her.

  “I can't wait any longer,” he growled, pushing her up against the wall beside the elevator and kissing her hard.

  She kissed him back, even though she knew the elevator door could open at any moment, or that someone—another family even—could come down the hall. She couldn’t wait any longer, either.

  Beau twined his fingers in her hair and pulled her mouth tighter against his own, his tongue bulling its way in. She met him halfway, giving as good as she got. One of her hands slid down his side to his grab his ass and yanked his crotch into perfect contact with hers. She wrapped one leg around his thigh and ground against him.

  Dear God, she’d never been this hot in her life. She might just explode on the spot.

  Beside her, Sawyer cleared his throat. She ignored him, moaning into Beau’s mouth. Sawyer cleared his throat again, louder this time.

  She dragged herself away from Beau to see Sawyer leaning against the wall beside them.

  “Sorry for the interruption, Daisy,” he drawled. “It's not that I'm concerned you’re grinding against Beau out here in the hallway where anyone can see you—it's that you're doing it without me.”

  Daisy laughed and reached out with her free hand to grab Sawyer's shirt front and
pull him in for a kiss.

  His style of kissing was completely different from Beau, but no less captivating. His mouth slowly moved over hers, his tongue teasing hers. She would have kissed him harder, but still trapped in Beau's arms like she was, she had no choice but to let Sawyer take the kiss where he wanted it to go. The effect was intoxicating.

  She felt Beau's mouth on the side of her exposed neck, trailing kisses up and down from her earlobe to the top of her shirt collar. Between the warmth of his lips and the light scrape of his scruff, she thought she was going to go crazy.

  She whimpered, close to tearing off both men’s clothes right there where they stood.

  Fortunately, the two women coming down the hall made enough noise for the three of them to drag themselves apart just in time. Sawyer still waited until the very last moment, and when he did, it was so abrupt she was left reeling. Daisy leaned back against the wall, trying to look as casual as possible.

  The elderly woman smiled politely at Daisy and her two cowboys as she poked the elevator button, but other than that she took no notice of them. The younger girl with her, however, immediately sensed something was up. She looked at Daisy, then at Sawyer and Beau, then back to Daisy again. Her expression went from curious to knowing in the blink of an eye. A huge smile spread across her face.

  “Ride 'em, cowgirl,” she said with a barely controlled laugh.

  Heat suffused Daisy’s face. How the hell had the girl known? Were her lips plump from Beau’s and Sawyer's kisses? Had she drooled on her shirt? Did she have an I'll-be-getting-it-from-two-hot-studs-within-the-next-fifteen-minutes expression on face?

  The older woman turned to look questioningly at the girl. “What was that, hun?”

  A smile played around the girl’s lips as she motioned to Daisy. “She’s with the rodeo, Aunt Margaret. I just told her to have a good ride.”

  The woman looked at Daisy closely, her eyes searching behind her big glasses. “They let women in the rodeo now? That's nice. Do you get to ride ponies?”

  Thank God the elevator arrived before Daisy could answer. If she had, a comment about how women could even vote now may have popped out.

  The girl quickly hustled her aunt onto the elevator, then turned to give Daisy a wave. “Have fun riding your ponies!”

  Daisy heard the aunt murmur something just as the elevator doors closed.

  “Can you believe that?” was all Daisy could say.

  Beau’s mouth quirked. “The part where Aunt Margaret thinks you ride ponies, or the part where her niece figured out you’re going to be riding the two of us?”

  Daisy groaned. “Both. But enough about them. Where the hell is your room, Beau?”

  The two men grabbed her hands and practically dragged her down the hall. Beau fumbled with the key card for a second before getting it straight. Daisy felt like snatching it out of his hand, but was concerned hers would shake so much it would take even longer to get inside the room.

  The moment the door swung open, Sawyer had his hands on her ass herding her in. As it closed behind them, he gave one of her belt loops a yank, spinning her around to face him. She melted in his arms as his mouth captured hers. Beau moved up behind her, pressing his jean-covered cock against her ass as he swept her hair off her neck and began to nibble.

  Their hands roamed over her body freely, touching her anywhere and everywhere they wished as they used their lips and tongue to drive her crazy. She wasn't sure if she’d survive the incredible sensations racing through her body.

  She dragged her mouth away from Sawyer’s. “Whoa there, boys. Let's slow down before I pass out. This isn't supposed to be one of your eight second rides, you know?”

  Both men laughed, but backed off, giving her room to breathe. She felt a little chilled without the heat of their bodies pressed up against her. She had no doubt she'd be wedged back between them soon enough.

  Daisy took the opportunity to look around the room, and was immediately struck by something total unfair.

  “Hey, why is your room so much bigger than mine?” she asked.

  The bed was a king-size monster, complete with four posts that ran as high as the ceiling, gauzy curtains and half a dozen ornate throw pillows.

  She wandered over to peek into the bathroom, and gaped.

  “Dang, you have a Jacuzzi tub, too?”

  Daisy had seen swimming pools smaller than the big heart-shaped thing.

  “They didn't have anything else left,” Beau said from the bedroom, “so they gave me a honeymoon suite.”


  She wished they’d offered her one. It would have been nice to have that tub to soak in every night after riding.

  She walked out and looked around the rest of the suite. It would be obvious to anyone who walked in that Beau was a rodeo rider. The room was filled with the unmistakable scent of leather and horse. There was also a saddle sitting on the small couch, along with a pile of tack piled beside it. She walked over to look at the gear. It was pretty standard rodeo stuff—bridles, bits, halters and a surcingle rig that bareback riders used to stay on their horses. It was the saddle that threw her. It was damn nice. Well worn, but expensive looking.

  “I thought you only rode bareback, Beau. What's the saddle for?”

  He came up behind her, casually resting his hand on her ass as if reminding her of his fascination with that part of her body. Would he do what he’d described downstairs to her bottom soon?

  “Rodeo riding doesn't pay all the bills. I do a little ranch work here and there when I can get it. I don't trust leaving my saddle down in the trailer.”

  She ran her hand over the smooth leather. “I can understand why. It's beautiful.”

  Beau chuckled in her ear. “Not that I don’t appreciate the compliment, but do you really want to talk about my saddle right now?”

  Daisy turned to see both men standing side by side regarding her with evident heat in their eyes.

  She smiled. “I do love a nice saddle, but you're right. How about you show me some of your other gear instead?”

  Without waiting for an answer, she reached out and unbuttoned Beau's shirt. As the band of bronzed skin became exposed, she had to fight the urge to lean forward and kiss it. She had two men to think about now.

  So she moved over to Sawyer and did the same thing to him.

  Once both shirts were unbuttoned, she stepped back and raised an eyebrow. “You two aren't going to make me do all the work, are you?”

  The men shrugged off their shirts, then stood there looking buff and magnificent. They were both of the same build—long and lean with wiry muscles—and Daisy couldn't help but stand there and admire them. Dang, they were something to behold.

  Daisy stepped closer and placed a hand on each of their chests. The muscular planes of their pecs gave way to equally hard abs as she trailed her hands down. This close, she could define the slight differences between the two men. Sawyer was just a bit broader than Beau, and had a light trace of dark hair that ran down his happy trail from just above his belly button and disappearing into his jeans. Beau's abs were more defined, and she had a crazy urge to drop to her knees in front of him and trace her tongue along every nook and cranny. The idea of being on her knees in front of both of them was doing all kinds of wild things to her tummy.

  She was about to do just that when Beau slipped a finger under her chin and tilted her head up.

  “Do I need to remind you about the basic rule?”


  He grinned. “You show us yours if we show you ours?”

  It took a moment for that to sink in—she was a bit distracted by all the manliness on display. But when it did, she laughed.

  “No problem.” She reached for the buttons of her shirt. “Fair's fair.”

  “And go slow.” Sawyer gave her a lazy smile. “I like a girl who takes her time.”

  Daisy was surprised they still wanted to take it slow, especially after all the verbal foreplay and downright scorching
hot kisses. But if they wanted her to take it slow, she could do that.

  She started at the bottom of her shirt, undoing one button slowly, then taking a good, long time working her fingers up to the next button, making sure they got a good look at the skin she was exposing.

  “Mmm,” Beau groaned. “That belly button of yours looks good enough to eat.”

  She let out a husky laugh. “I thought you were more of an ass man?”

  “I am.” His mouth twitched. “Doesn't mean I don't appreciate all the other fine parts.”

  Probably sooner than the two men would have liked, she had her shirt off and was standing there in her lacy bra. She reached around to take it off, but Sawyer stopped her.

  “Allow me,” he said, walking around behind her.

  As Sawyer undid the clasp, Beau stood in front of her, gazing down into her eyes. The intensity in his was so mesmerizing she was barely even aware Sawyer had taken off her bra. Until Beau pulled her into his arms and her bare breasts came into contact with the hard planes of his chest. Her nipples felt so hard against him that they hurt, and she gasped against his mouth.

  Sawyer immediately sandwiched her between them, his chest warm against her back, his hands reaching around to caress the sides of her breasts. She shivered, moaning her approval.

  Beau let out a groan and pulled away. Eyes smoldering, he slid his hands down to the waistband of her jeans.

  Sawyer took advantage of the opportunity—and the space—by cupping her breasts. He massaged them firmly, tweaking her nipples as he nibbled on her neck.

  In front of her, Beau worked her belt buckle loose. A moment later, she heard a pop as he roughly yanked each button through its hole. Then he shoved his hands inside her jeans and slowly worked them over her hips and down her thighs. When he was done, he stepped back to admire his handiwork. Sawyer pressed a kiss to her shoulder, then walked around to join him.

  Daisy felt like a beauty queen as she stood there in nothing but her tiny scrap of panties, the object of a whole lot of desire.

  “Damn, Daisy.” Sawyer’s gaze lingered on her long legs. “You're even more beautiful than I dreamed.”


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