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The Buckle Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1)

Page 14

by Tyler, Paige

  The men took their hands away slowly, almost tentatively, as if they were worried she was going to spontaneously burst into another round of orgasms. For a moment, she thought so, too. But all she did was lie there and breathe in great gulps of air as every muscle in her body trembled. Mack had been right. He’d rattled her whole body.

  She'd never thought her bar would be a comfortable place to take a nap, but just about then, it was starting to feel mighty nice. Two hard orgasms after midnight had a way of doing that.

  Something cold against her stomach made her jump. She opened her eyes to see Ked standing beside her with the piece of ice in his hand and a wicked smile on his face. Little droplets of water cold water dripped onto her belly as he slowly moved it round and round her belly button. Dallas couldn't help but gasp.

  “That’s freezing,” she protested.

  “Let me warm you up then.” Grinning, Ked licked up every trace of the water left behind by the ice. She shivered everywhere his tongue went. “Didn’t want you falling asleep on us,” he told her as he helped her sit up.

  Dallas scooted to the edge of the bar, hanging her feet off. Mack and Ked did the same. It felt a little strange to be sitting there completely naked and blushing from two great orgasms, flanked on either side by men who were still fully clothed. Strange, but sexy, too.

  “Fall asleep on you?” She smiled, mostly to cover up the fact that she almost had nodded off a moment ago. But they didn't need to know that. “That’s not going to happen. This night is just getting started.”

  “I like the sound of that,” Mack growled. “I'm so hard, I could pound railroad spikes right now.”

  She laughed and leaned close to nuzzle his neck, her hand going to the bulge in his jeans. “How about you just pound me instead?”

  The words were barely out of her mouth before Mack hopped off the bar and pulled her off to join him. Unfortunately, Ked interrupted them before they could get too frisky.

  “Don't mean to put a damper on things, but there's a cop driving back and forth outside shining his light in the windows.”

  Regardless of whether Ked wanted to put a damper on things or not, his words did just that. Dallas almost busted her butt trying to get around the bar to hide. The two men were right on her heels.

  They quickly crouched down as bright light bathed the back wall of the building. A moment later the door rattled as the cops checked to see if it was locked.

  “Wait a minute.” Her whisper sounded overly loud in the quiet. “This is my bar why am I hiding?”

  “Because you're naked,” Ked pointed out.

  “That's true. Though I don't see why that should be a problem.” She frowned. “I mean, it's my bar. I should be able to get buck naked in it if I want to. I can tell them I was cleaning and didn't want to get my clothes dirty.”

  “You could try that,” Mack agreed. “But I vote we just hide back here until they leave.”

  Ked nodded his concurrence.

  She sighed. “Okay. If you both think so.”

  The light was still moving back and forth across the bar. She could only imagine what the cops out there were saying.

  Roy, I swear I saw a naked woman on that bar when we drove past, one of them would say.

  Billie Ray, have you been drinking again? his partner’d ask, then insist they get in their patrol car and head back to the station.

  She groaned inwardly.

  Not wanting to sit her naked butt on the floor behind the bar, Dallas wiggled around until she got her ass positioned on Mack's lap. Wow, he hadn't been kidding. It felt like he really did have a fence post in his pants. She squirmed a little more, getting his hard-on nicely positioned between her cheeks. Then she leaned back against his chest with a sigh. That wedge of cock felt so damn good down there.

  “What the hell are they doing out there?” she whispered. “Why haven't they left already?”

  “Maybe they're just being thorough,” Ked said.

  “Or maybe they're wondering why there's a pile of clothes on the bar,” Mack pointed out.

  Crap. Dallas jumped up to grab them, but Mack put his arms around her and pulled her back down. “Relax, I'm just kidding. They won’t be able to tell what those clothes are from outside. It could be a pile of aprons for all they know.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at him. “Are you sure?”

  Regardless of what she’d said earlier, she really didn’t want to have to explain to the cops why she was naked.

  “He's sure,” Ked answered. “They'll leave soon. While we wait, why don't you use this opportunity to tell us whose oral sex technique you liked more.”

  She turned to stare at Ked. “Seriously? You're worried about your silly competition at a time like this?”

  “You busy doing anything else at the moment?” When she only continued to eye him incredulously, he shrugged. “I’m just wondering how things stack up after round one.”

  “Worried?” Mack asked.

  Ked slanted him a hard look. “Curious.”

  Mack chuckled. “It’s okay to admit it. You should be worried.” He ran a hand down her stomach to rest it on the neatly trimmed hair over her clit. “I've never seen a woman come so hard as I did when I was licking Dallas.”

  “You’ve never seen a woman come that hard because you’ve only been with two of them.” Ked snorted. “And before you ask, first cousins don't count.”

  Dallas might have laughed at the juvenile exchange if she weren’t so worried it’d start a fistfight. No way would the cops miss that.

  “Forget it, guys,” she said. “In this competition, there aren't going to be any individual event awards. There's just one—for the best all-around cowboy. And I won't be selecting the winner until the end of the night. So, you can stop trying to get me to choose early.” When Ked opened his mouth, she gave him a sharp look, then sent one Mack’s way for good measure. “Unless you want me to start docking you some points?”

  Both men immediately quieted and held up their hands in a gesture of acceptance.

  “That's better.” She peeked over the edge of the bar. The cops were nowhere in sight. Neither was their car. Relieved, she gave the two cowboys a smile. “Now that our friendly neighborhood patrolmen have left, what do you say we head to my place for the next round?”

  Chapter Three

  Dallas reluctantly crawled off Mack's lap and yanked on her clothes. She didn't bother with her bra and panties, figuring it wouldn't be long before she was naked again anyway.

  She locked up, then eagerly walked between the two men out to the parking lot. There was a moment of confusion as they decided whose car to take, but since there was no way the three of them were going to comfortably fit in her Mini Cooper, they decided Mack's F150 would be the better choice. She supposed she could have driven her car and they could have followed her, but what fun would that be?

  She chewed on her lower lip, eyeing her prized Mini in concern. “You guys’ll bring me back in the morning to get my car, right?”

  “You have my word on it,” Mack assured her.

  “Even if I decide Ked is the winner of your silly competition?”

  “Even then.”

  He didn’t even hesitate. Though whether it was because he was that confident in his bedroom skills or simply being a nice guy, she wasn’t sure. She hoped it was a little of both.

  Dallas gave her car a long look, then headed to Mack’s pick-up. It wasn't like her Mini didn't have company. Half the parking lot was full of cars left behind by people who'd been too drunk to drive.

  When they got to Mack’s truck, however, there was another problem—who’d drive and who’d have their hands feel to “help Dallas pass the time,” as Mack put it.

  “It's your truck,” Ked pointed out. “You should drive.”

  Mack shook his head and offered the keys. The look on his face could almost be called desperate. “But you always want to drive it. Now's a perfect time.”

  Ked refused the proffere
d keys and opened the passenger door for Dallas. “No, thanks, but I'll remember that the next time I want to drive it.”

  Dallas could barely keep from laughing as she climbed into the truck. Ten minutes ago, she’d been afraid the men might get into an actual fight, but now she saw she didn’t have to worry about that at all. Their rivalry was clearly a friendly one.

  She flipped up the center console and got comfortable between the two men, then gave a grumbling Mack directions to her place.

  “You know,” she said as he pulled out of the parking lot. “Just because you’re doing the driving doesn’t mean you can’t get to have fun.” She ran her hand up his well-muscled thigh to caress that big bulge of his through the fabric of his jeans. “I love driving a stick shift.”

  Mack groaned with pleasure, his cock throbbing against her hand.

  On the other side of her, Ked let out a similar sound—for a completely different reason. “Feeling a little left out over here.”

  Dallas laughed. “We don’t want that, do we?” She reaching her right hand down to find his hard-on, massaging it, too. “In case you didn’t know, I can multitask really well.”

  But while sitting there massaging the men through their jeans as they drove down the main street of Mesquite was a rush, she quickly got tired of all that denim being in the way. Even though she’d only planned on teasing them a bit before she got them home, she found herself undoing the buttons on both their 501s. And wouldn't you know it—neither one wore underwear. Yay for Dallas.

  She settled back in the comfy seat and dug out each of their cocks. Even with their buttons completely undone, it was still an epic battle—there was a lot of steer to get a grip on and they were both hard as pipe wrenches. When she finally had them out and clearly in view, she sat back and had a moment.

  Well, ain't I one lucky cowgirl?

  Mack and Ked were definitely never going to have a reason to be shy while showering with the guys, that was for damn sure. They were both packing some serious beef down there. They were thick and long—without scaring the hell out of her—not to mention hard enough to pound those proverbial railroad spikes without any problem at all.

  In other words, they were perfect. Having two of them at the same time just didn't seem fair to the rest of the women in the world.

  But she'd live with the guilt.

  “Turn right on Beaumont,” she whispered to Mack as she reached down to wrap her hand around each offering.

  Dear God, she could barely get her fingers around them. Yeehaw.

  Dallas massaged both sterling examples of manhood at the same time, focusing on their cockheads and the first few inches of shaft. Both were already a sticky with pre-cum. A little voice in the back of her mind told her she should pay attention to where they were going and get them there as fast as possible. But sometimes, a cowgirl had to do what a cowgirl had to do.

  Shifting in her seat, she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around the head of Ked's cock. Given the close confines of the truck, she couldn't get as much of his cock in her mouth as she would have liked, but she got enough—and what she got made her damn happy.

  Ked tasted like pure honey-coated man. His pre-cum was sweet and just a tiny bit musky. She swirled her tongue round and round the tip to get every trace of it as she pumped her hand up and down his shaft. She could gladly have licked him the entire drive to her place, but on the other side of her, Mack’s cock practically throbbed in her left hand. Giving Ked’s penis one more swirl with her tongue, she repositioned and turned her attention on Mack.

  It was a bit more complicated getting her mouth around him with the steering wheel in the way. But where there was a wheel, there was a way, that was her motto. Though his pre-cum tasted a bit more on the savory side, he was just as delicious as Ked, and she moaned her appreciation as he thrust gently into her mouth. Taking him deep wasn't an option in this position, but she had fun anyway, flicking her tongue over his sensitive cockhead and jerking off the few first inches of his shaft.

  Not wanting to ignore Ked, she gave it to Mack hard and fast, then switched back to the blond-haired cowboy, giving him the same treatment.

  She moved back and forth between the two men, sucking them with all the enthusiasm of a kid with an ice cream cone—they were that good. There wasn’t enough room in the truck to make them come, but she could certainly get them excited as hell before they got to her place.

  That was when she realized the truck wasn't moving.

  She popped off Mack's pogo stick, but kept jacking him as she poked her head over the dashboard to figure out what was up.

  “Why'd we stop? Where are we?”

  “T-intersection at the end of Beaumont,” Mack told her through tight lips. “I didn't know which way to go.”

  “Oh. Go left. It's only a few blocks from here.”

  She sat back between the two men, rubbing her hands up and down their erections as Mack turned left and slowly drove toward her place. “How long were we sitting in the middle of the road?”

  He followed her directions as she pointed him down a side street before he answered. “A few minutes. You seemed a little busy and I didn't want to distract you.”

  She motioned him toward her house, the last one on the street. “Good thing another cop didn't drive by and ask what you were doing.”

  “We'd just tell him you lost your contact and were looking for it,” Ked said.

  “Right.“ Dallas let out a snort as Mack pulled into her driveway and turned off the engine. “Looking for my contact—in your pants?”

  Mack carefully stuffed his painfully hard cock back in his jeans. “It could happen.”

  On the other side of her, Ked had to work even harder to get his equipment put away.

  “You know, it's too dark for anyone to see anything. You could leave your pants unbuttoned.” She grinned. “I know I wouldn't complain.”

  Ked took her hand and helped her out of the truck. “Call me old-fashioned, but it doesn't seem proper to walk a lady to her door with your package hanging out.”

  “Uh-huh.” She glanced over her shoulder at the two men as she led them to the front door. “I’m pretty sure you two are planning to do all kinds of un-proper things to me tonight.”

  They both chuckled.

  Leading the way inside, she switched on the lights, bathing the cozy three-bedroom house in a soft glow.

  “Nice place,” Ked remarked as he looked around. “I would have pegged you for an apartment kind of girl.”

  She crossed the living room to the breakfast bar that separated it from the kitchen and dropped her keys on the counter. “I lived in one until a couple years ago. But when the real estate market bottomed out, buying made a lot of sense.”

  “Smart,” Mack agreed.

  Dallas tucked her long hair behind her ear. “Do you guys want a cup of coffee or something?”

  “No thanks,” Mack said.

  “I'm good,” Ked added.

  She had the feeling they were ready for a lot more than a cup of coffee, but she wanted to be polite. She gave them a flirtatious smile. “Is there something else you'd like then?”

  “Yeah.” Mack grinned. “You.”

  Taking her hand, he gently pulled her into his arms. She wrapped hers around his neck. “I thought that might be the case.” She wet her lips nervously, looking from Mack to Ked, then back again. “At the risk of sounding naïve, how exactly do we do this?”

  Now that they were in her house, she suddenly felt shy. And a little nervous. Why hadn't she felt like this when she was naked on her own bar getting her pussy licked, or jerking both men off in the truck?

  Because that had been foreplay.

  Mack chuckled and nuzzled her neck. “If I remember correctly, you're the one who came up with the idea. Maybe we should be asking you.”

  She gave him a sheepish look. “Yeah, about that. It definitely seemed like a good idea, and I'm all for it. But I've never had a threesome before. I'm not exactly su
re how to start.”

  Ked ran his hand up and down her back. “Well, I'm no expert at this threesome thing, either, but I don't think it's too complicated.” He leaned close, brushing her ear with his mouth as his erection pressed up against her. “How about we start kissing, then do what comes naturally from there?”

  “That sounds easy enough,” Dallas murmured.

  Ked cupped her chin and gently tilted her face up, capturing her lips from behind in a gentle, teasing kiss. Around front, Mack molded his body into hers, ready to take over when Ked finally released her. Mack’s kiss was more demanding, his tongue staking claim to hers.

  Behind her, Ked slid his hands down to her hips and tugged her tightly against him. Despite his show of possessiveness, Mack lifted his head so Ked could take his turn at their little game of tongue twister.

  Mack slipped his hand under her shirt, lightly running his fingers up and down her midriff. His touch made her shiver and she whimpered into Ked's mouth.

  “God, I love to hear you make sounds like that,” he rasped. “It's sexy as hell.”

  She liked a man who knew how to compliment a woman. She ran her tongue over her lips. “You guys want to take this to the couch? It's pretty comfy.”

  Mack’s mouth twitched. “Can't go wrong with a comfy couch.”

  Laughing, she took their hands and led the way. Once there, however, she had to figure out what to do with the men. She didn't want to sit between them on the couch—that seemed like it’d be kind of an awkward way to make out. But what was she supposed to do?

  Mack and Ked hesitated, clearly waiting for her to sit so they could do the same. She chewed on her lower lip, eyeing both of them as she considered her options. Finally, she reached for the buttons on Ked’s shirt. It took longer than she would have liked to get the dang things open and the shirt untucked from his jeans—both because she was rushing and because her hands were trembling so much with excitement—but once she did, she slowed down and enjoyed the process of pushing the shirt off those wide, hunky shoulders.

  Dallas bit her lower lip so she wouldn't embarrass herself by moaning out loud at the sight of all that bulging muscles. Ked wasn't whipcord lean like most rodeo riders. He was built more like a boxer, with heavy pecs and shoulders, and abs that wouldn't quit. She promised herself that she was going to be nibbling on those muscles soon enough.


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