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The Buckle Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1)

Page 25

by Tyler, Paige

  Britt’s smile broadened. “Yippie ki yay, girlfriend.”

  Shawna stepped back, undoing the buttons on her shirt while Britt did the same to her own. Clay’s gaze swept back and forth between them like a predator eyeing his prey. Shawna almost laughed at the hungry expression on his face—the poor guy didn't know where to look.

  Shawna untucked her shirt from her jeans and finished with the buttons, then gave Britt a few seconds to catch up. She wanted to see Clay's reaction when they both pulled their shirts off at the same time.

  Britt finished undoing her buttons, but held her shirt closed as she quirked a smile in Clay’s direction. “You sure you don't mind if we get comfortable, do you?”

  He made a sound that was half laugh, half groan. “Feel free.”

  Shawna noticed his voice was a little tight. A quick glance at his crotch told her that wasn't the only thing strained. They were going to have to get those jeans off him soon or he'd start losing blood flow to his lower extremities.

  Britt flashed her a big smile, and nodded slightly. As if they were synchronized strippers, she and Britt slid their shirts off their shoulders and let them drop to the floor.

  And wouldn't you know it—they’d both worn the same pink, lacy bra. Clay definitely noticed.

  “You two sure you didn't plan this?”

  Britt laughed. “No, we didn't plan this. You're just one lucky cowboy, I guess.”

  “Damn right about that.”

  With a growl, he slowly moved a hand up each of their sides to trace his fingers around the cups of their bras. Even though he wasn't close to Shawna’s nipples, they stiffened, poking against the silky material of her bra. Clay shifted his hand, making little circles over the fabric-covered nipple with his thumb. She moaned, unable to help herself.

  Britt laughed softly. “Looks like Shawna has some sensitive nipples—make sure you remember that, Clay.”

  “Oh, I'll remember. Don't worry.” He applied a little more pressure with his thumb, eliciting another moan, deeper this time. “I wonder how much louder she'll moan when I suckle on them?”

  “Why don't we find out,” Britt suggested.

  Shawna's eyes popped open as she felt fingers working the clasp of her bra behind her back. How had Clay gotten his hand back there when he didn’t even seem to be reaching around her? As her bra slipped off her shoulders, she realized it was Britt who’d unsnapped the clasp.

  Shawna resisted the urge to give into her shyness and cover her breasts as her bra fell away. Her nipples tightened almost painfully as Clay and Britt gazed at her. The appreciation in their eyes made her pussy gush with desire. She almost blushed at the thought of what they’d say when they pulled off her panties and discovered how wet she was.

  Clay cupped her breasts, his thumbs and forefingers coming up to tweak her nipples. “You have beautiful breasts, Shawna.”

  “Mmm,” she breathed. She probably should have thanked him, but it was difficult to talk with him doing what he was doing.

  He squeezed a little harder and she gasped out loud. Clay chuckled. “Definitely sensitive. I'd love to suck on these beautiful nipples right now—you okay with that?”

  Why the heck wouldn't she be? Shawna opened her mouth to say yes when she suddenly remembered Britt. She looked at her friend, hoping Britt wouldn’t think she was hogging Clay again, but Britt was biting her lip, her attention focused on what Clay was doing. She must have felt Shawna's eyes on her because she looked up quickly. Her face colored when she realized Shawna had caught her watching.

  “Do you mind if Clay sucks on my nipples?” Britt had been letting her have most of the bull rider’s attention since it was her first time with him. She didn't want to take advantage of her best friend's hospitality. Shawna smiled. “I promise not to tire out his mouth too much.”

  Britt laughed. “I happen to know for a fact that Clay's mouth can go all night, so have at it.”

  Shawna turned back to Clay. “I guess you have your answer, cowboy. Do your best.”

  She expected him to bend his head and gently take a nipple in his lips, but apparently that wasn't Clay's style.

  Instead, he took her shoulders firmly in his hands and backed her up until she was pressed against the wall. Then he captured both her wrists in one of his big hands and pinned them above her head.

  Okay, that was…different. But definitely arousing.

  Giving her a lazy smile, Clay slowly cupped her breast, lifting it up as he leaned forward to wrap his lips around the very tip of her nipple.

  “Oh, God,” she breathed.

  Britt had been right—Clay's mouth was divine.

  As he suckled forcefully on her achingly stiff nipple, nipping with his teeth and laving with his tongue, she writhed uncontrollably. Now she knew why Clay had pinned her hands to the wall—to keep her from getting away. Not that she wanted to get away, of course.

  Clay released that nipple and moved smoothly to her other breast, giving equal attention to that one as his hand continued to sweetly torture the now very sensitized tip of the breast he’d just teased.

  Britt came over to lean against the wall beside her, watching with obvious interest as Clay ravaged her nipples and breasts. She leaned close to Shawna's ear.

  “Was I right?” she whispered. “That mouth of his is pure magic, isn't it?”

  “Mm-hmm.” She cooed as Clay flicked the tip of her nipple with his tongue, then drew it into his mouth again. “I could let him do this all night.”

  Clay held her pinned to the wall for so long while he suckled first one breast, then the other, that Shawna thought he might do just that. The hands holding her wrists weren't just controlling her now—they were holding her up. Her knees had turned to Jello.

  By the time Clay finally lifted his head to look at her with those sinfully sexy, dark eyes of his, he had to slip an arm around her to help her keep her feet. Good heavens, she was panting as if she'd just run a race.

  Shawna tipped her head back against the wall and regarded him from under her lashes. “That was amazing.”

  Clay gave her a wicked grin. “That was just foreplay. Wait til I get you completely naked. Then comes the amazing part.”

  Chapter Four

  Shawna was ready to rip off her jeans right on the spot. But she was being greedy. Britt had been nice enough to let her have Clay's undivided attention for a while. It was time to tag out.

  She turned to look at her friend still leaning against the wall beside her. Britt hadn’t been waiting patiently. She’d already shucked her bra without any assistance from anyone and was currently playfully pinching her nipples. Shawna casually took in Britt's naked midriff. Riding horses for a living must be more aerobic that she’d thought. Britt was really toned. Of course, Shawna hadn't seen her friend without a top like this since they were kids back skinny dipping in the lake. Britt had filled out a lot since then and had a nice handful to play with, which she seemed to enjoy doing unabashedly.

  Britt stopped playing with herself once she caught Shawna’s eyes on her, much to Shawna disappointment. Watching Britt play with herself was more fun than Shawna would have imagined.

  “Sorry about that,” Britt murmured. “Watching you two go at it sort of got me hot.”

  Shawna laughed. “Don't worry about it. I expect I'm going to be doing some of that myself once Clay gets that mouth of his on you.”

  She couldn’t believe she’d just admitted that. Before tonight she would never have said something so naughty out loud. But tonight was turning into a night of firsts.

  Now that she’d put it out there, an image of Britt and Clay popped into her head, one in which her friend was pressed back against the wall with the handsome bull rider kneeling between her legs, his face buried in her pussy.

  Shawna took a deep breath, forcing herself to refocus her mind on the here and now and not something that might happen later. Okay, might was too loose a term. It almost certainly would happen. But later would take care of itself.

  When she got her head back on track again, she realized Clay was standing in front of them, hungrily gazing at the two topless women in front of him.

  “Damn,” he breathed. “You two look good enough to eat.”

  Britt’s lips curved. “We'll get to that in due time. Right now, I can't help but notice you sure have a lot more clothes on than either of us.”

  He gave them a sly smile. “I don’t have a problem with that, but I guess it does seem a little unfair, doesn't it? I reckon I should do something to remedy the situation.”

  He reached for the buttons on his shirt, but Britt got there first. “How about we take care of that for you?”

  Clay spread his arms, more than ready to let them handle the task of removing his clothes. Shawna joined Britt, helping her friend undo the buttons.

  As they parted his shirt, the smooth, muscular expanse of his chest and abs came into view. Shawna let out a moan of appreciation. Talk about good enough to eat.

  As Britt pushed the shirt off his shoulders, Shawna took a step back to admire God's handiwork. Britt had already been fortunate enough to get a good look at Clay’s body, but this her first chance and she wasn't going to waste it.

  Nice shoulder muscles, even nicer pecs and flat-out killer abs. The urge to run her hands all over that hunky bod was damn near overpowering. Her fingers were literally tingling with hunger.

  Why the hell was she holding back? There was no need to deny herself here.

  She stepped forward and splayed her fingers out across the firm bulges of his chest muscles. Okay, firm was an understatement. Clay's muscles felt like a warm bronze sculpture under her fingers.

  Craving more, she breathed deep and let her fingers trail up to his rounded deltoids, across to the sinewy trap muscles at the junction of his neck and shoulders, then back down the center of his chest to his abs. His stomach jumped a bit as she traced little patterns along the lines of his six-pack. She quickly found herself developing a special fondness for the happy trail of fine hairs that disappeared down into his beltline.

  She was toying with the idea of following that trail to see where it led when the silence in the room caught her attention. She looked up and found both Clay and Britt watching her with amused expressions on their faces.

  She felt her face flush and she instinctively jerked her hands away. “I'm sorry…”

  Clay reached out and captured her hands, pulling them back to where they’d been before. “No apologies tonight, Shawna. You didn't see me complaining, did you?”

  She would have said something, would have explained that she hadn't meant to zone out like that, but Clay chose that moment to move one of her hands down toward his belt. He didn’t stop until the tips of her fingers were tucked securely in his jeans.

  Her eyes unconsciously moved to lock on Britt's, wondering if her friend would mind her taking such a leading role in their game. But her friend only smiled and moved around behind Clay, wrapping her arms around his waist.

  “Time to stop thinking so much, Shawna, and just have fun,” she said. “If you feel like letting your fingers roam around for a while, do it.”

  As if to demonstrate, Britt slid her hands down Clay’s abs to loosen his belt, then slowly unbutton his 501s, giving Shawna all the room to explore she could have asked for.

  Clay's hands were still over the top of Shawna’s, holding one against his side while nudging the other slightly south. He didn't have to give her much encouragement. Her fingers moved lower all on their own. Must have been gravity, right?

  The lower Shawna went, the thicker the happy trail of hair got, which told her that Clay wasn't wearing underwear. Of course not—he was a cowboy.

  Part of her desperately wanted to drop her gaze, wanted to feast her eyes on the thick cock she knew was slowly being exposed. But her eyes stayed locked with Britt's as her friend worked Clay's jeans open and slowly pushed them over his hips. The knowing smile on Britt's lips told her the other woman completely understood the struggle going on in her mind. Anticipation warred with the delicious pleasure that comes with making yourself wait for something you really, really want badly.

  Clay's belt jangled as Britt shoved his jeans down his thighs. Her friend was really good at this undressing thing. Shawna wasn't sure she'd be very good at dropping a guy's trousers from behind like that.

  Shawna slid her fingers deeper into the nest of masculine hair, coming to a stop when she encountered a very hard obstruction. Her heart beat faster.

  Britt quirked an eyebrow. “Ready to roam?”

  Out of the corner of her eye, Shawna saw Clay watching her. Smiling, she slowly wrapped her fingers around his cock. His hard-on pulsed in her hand, urging her on. Dear heavens, her thumb and forefinger weren't even close to touching.

  Unable to resist any longer, she lowered her gaze. And gasped.

  She'd known Britt hadn't exaggerated about Clay being nicely endowed when it came to girth—she'd as much as confirmed that fact during her grope session at the club. But apparently she wasn't very good at judging size through a pair of jeans because he was even bigger than she’d thought. Or maybe Clay hadn't been as hard then as he was now. Regardless, the cock she held in her very happy hand was epic. In fact, it just might be the most perfect penis she’d ever seen.

  She was going to feel it tomorrow. Right now, though, she was more interested in feeling it tonight.

  “Should we leave you two alone?”

  Shawna lifted her head to see Britt regarding her in amusement. Crap, she'd zone out again.

  Her friend laughed. “Don't feel bad. It had the same effect on me, too.”

  Britt came around to stand beside Shawna, then reached down to wrap around Clay's cock, too. Her hand didn't do any better at getting all the way around the shaft than Shawna’s did. Two hands around it with plenty left over. Wow.

  Clay cleared his throat. “Um, ladies. Maybe I should take off my pants the rest of the way?”

  Shawna blinked as she realized Britt had only pushed Clay’s jeans down to his knees. He probably felt a little foolish standing there with his pants halfway down with two entranced women holding his cock.

  “Hush,” Britt told him. “Can't you see we're having a moment here?”

  Clay chuckled, but otherwise kept silent and let the two of them gawk.

  Britt leaned in close, her breath warm on Shawna’s cheek. “Bet I can guess what you're thinking.”

  Shawna wasn’t sure how her friend could possibly guess at the myriad of thoughts pinging around in her head.

  “What's that?”

  Shawna gave Clay's shaft a caress that actually seemed to make him harder—if that was possible.

  “You're thinking that you're so horny you'd love to skip the foreplay and get Clay between your legs this moment,” Britt whispered. “But at the same time, you're a little worried he might not fit—that's one thick cock there. That about right?”

  Shawna couldn't help laughing. Her friend had nailed it exactly. “How'd you know?”

  Britt nudged her with a shoulder. “Because that's what I thought the first time I saw Clay naked. And I’m pretty sure we think a lot alike.”

  Good to know that she wasn't the only one worried about fitting the stallion in the stall.

  Shawna grinned. “Okay, so what did you do to get yourself ready for the big step?”

  Britt gave her a naughty smile. “I discovered that sometimes it helps if you look at things from a different perspective—such as on your knees.”

  Shawna giggled. She didn't imagine Clay would look any less intimidating from that position, but she was definitely willing to give it a try.

  “Care to join me?” she asked Britt.

  Britt’s smile broadened. “I’d love to.”

  As one, they dropped to their knees in front of Clay.

  Shawna had been right. His shaft looked just as thick from this position. But it also looked so delicious she couldn't stop herself from leaning forward to tak
e a swipe with her tongue—which was probably what Britt had in mind with her suggestion anyway. Shawna moaned as she ran the tip of her tongue over the velvety smooth skin of Clay's cockhead. It wasn't just the texture that had her sighing with pleasure, though. Their light caresses had coaxed out a little bead of pre-cum. Now that was truly worth moaning about. Clay tasted even better than he looked.

  She got her hand back around the base of his cock to hold him steady, then swirled her tongue around the rim of his head.

  The muscles of Clay's thighs trembled. “Damn, that's good.”

  She smiled at the compliment. Then again, it was her experience that men considered any contact between a warm, wet tongue and their penis to be in the good category, so she probably shouldn't let his words go to her head. Still, she felt a serious stirring of lust well up inside her as Clay's growl dropped even lower when she opened her mouth wide and took him deeper in her mouth.

  She'd been worried his erection would be too thick to give him a proper blowjob. But fortunately, the head wasn't nearly as wide as the base. Once she had the tip good and wet, she was able to fit quite a bit in without feeling like she was going to dislocate her jaw.

  She moved carefully as she took him deeper. She didn't have Britt's experience with guys—her friend was her idol when it came to that—but she knew enough to know that all guys liked the feel of their cocks going deep in a girl's mouth. Hell, every girl knew that.

  Clay was definitely in the next-size-up category when it came to this move, however. When the tip of his cockhead touch the back of her throat, there was a lot left to go and her lips were already spread wide. She relaxed as much as she could, then pushed forward.

  His cockhead slid down a little more before it wedged firmly into place. She backed off, then determinedly gave it another go.

  But it was no good. It didn't seem as if Clay was going to fit any deeper down her throat no matter how hard she tried. She was disappointed, but perhaps Clay would give her bonus points for effort.


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