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The Buckle Bunnies Series Boxed Set (Volume 1)

Page 31

by Tyler, Paige

  Shawna had never done anything like this in her life—except to herself—but it wasn't hard to figure out what to do. She simply pressed her fingers against the aroused button and made rapid, circular motions. She just prayed she was doing it the way Britt liked.

  * * * * *

  Clay’s cock plunging in and out of her ass transported Britt to a place of such overwhelming pleasure she almost felt like crying. In fact, she was pretty sure her face might be a little wet at the moment.

  It was impossible to describe how pleasurable getting fucked in the ass was. She was spread so wide it probably should have hurt, but it didn’t. The gentle preparation Clay had administered to her backside had a lot to do with that. She loved a man who knew how to play with her ass, and Clay had proven himself worthy of a lifetime of adoration—he was patient, knowledgeable and seemed to instinctively know what she liked.

  But while Clay was amazing, Shawna was the biggest reason she was being transported to another level of ecstasy from this particular anal sex session.

  Britt never in a hundred years would have dreamed it, but her straight-laced friend had turned out to have some damn fine hands when it came to playing with another woman’s ass.

  She’d almost fallen off the bed when Clay asked Shawna to help by spreading her cheeks. The man obviously had no idea whom he was dealing with. Shawna had displayed more bad-girl behavior tonight than she had the entire time Britt had known her. But still… What he’d asked was too much. Shawna would pass out with embarrassment if she tried something so freaking wicked.

  So when Shawna’s hands had landed on her steaming hot ass, it was an understatement to say Britt was shocked. More than that, though, she was aroused. Shawna’s hands felt so unbelievably good. So different than any man’s hand could ever feel.

  Of course, as good as it felt, and as sexual as the touch was for Britt, she had no doubt it was probably all practicality for Shawna. Her friend was all left brain—Clay needed help getting his big cock in her ass, and Shawna was in a position to help. But just because it was all business for Shawna didn’t mean Britt couldn’t get her newfound girl-on-girl kink on—she’d simply do it quietly. Okay, a moan or two may have slipped out when Shawna pulled her cheeks apart, but she couldn’t help it. Her friend’s touch was like magic.

  And when Shawna started digging her fingers into Britt’s cheek—seriously digging them in there—Britt lost it a bit. That had been heaven, and it was impossible to bite her tongue when she was in heaven. So, she’d moaned and whimpered and sighed in pleasure.

  She remembered wondering where her friend had learned how to handle a girl’s backside when Shawna had pulled out the piece de resistance by running her fingers all the way down to her anus and massaging the tight muscles there.

  That was when Britt stopped worrying about what Shawna thought and instead moaned louder than she had all night. She might even have babbled, telling her friend how good her touch felt. Shawna had changed the definition of “best friend” forever and ever.

  She was so focused on Shawna’s scintillating touch, and what it was doing to both her head and her body, she didn’t realize Clay had slid all the way into her ass. She’d never imagined she could take him so easily. In fact, she’d had her doubts he’d fit at all. But she was usually game for just about anything, so she’d been willing to let Clay try—he’d certainly earned it. Now, she was incredibly glad she had because she had more cock in her bottom than ever before in her life. She was already feeling those tingles in her anus that told her a major anal orgasm was just around the corner.

  She didn’t know how it was for other women, but anal sex wasn’t about a single orgasmic event for her. It was about a constant barrage of pleasurable electric shocks that zapped her every time a man pushed into her ass, and then again when he pulled back out. In many ways, the climax she got from a good ass fucking was better than when a guy was in her pussy. While it wasn’t as intense, it was definitely longer and more sustained. Clay was barely sliding in and out, and she was already feeling sensations back there that told her this anal session was going to be a doozy. Between his thick cock forcing its way into her backside and Shawna caressing her ass cheeks, she wasn’t sure she’d ever felt this much pleasure in her life.

  Which was the reason she felt completely justified in saying the hell with modesty and begging for the actual ass fucking to commence. But they wouldn’t do it. Clay wasn’t the only one teasing her, forcing her to wait. Shawna got into the game too, telling her to hush, that she and Clay were working back there. It felt like they were tag teaming her.

  Britt automatically resisted, bucking back in an effort to get Clay’s cock further up her anus. Until Shawna smacked her ass. The move was so completely unexpected—and spectacular—she just about had an orgasm on the spot. She couldn’t believe her friend had spanked her, or how good it felt. One slap should feel pretty much like another, but that smack from Shawna felt better than anything a guy had ever done to her.

  “Stop that, Britt,” Shana scolded. “It’s your job to kneel there and take it.”

  Britt froze, a shiver going through her. She’d never considered herself very submissive, but hearing Shawna say those words changed everything. Right then, she was willing to let Shawna do anything she wanted to her.

  So, she calmly knelt there while Shawna gave Clay the okay to start fucking her ass. Thank you, girlfriend.

  Britt moaned the moment he began to move in and out. There weren’t just little electrical zaps with this ass fucking—there were lightning strikes. She grunted every time he pushed into her, sure Clay was going to drive his shaft so deep she was going to get swallowed up by the bed. But he always stopped short of that, pulling back and making her feel as if she was going to be turned into orgasmic jelly.

  Shawna had a hand on her derriere the whole time. It was just a hand, but its soft touch was the perfect counterpoint to Clay’s rougher treatment.

  As the pleasure climbed and climbed, Britt reveled in sensations that were so sublime she felt like bursting into tears. She knew in her soul she would never feel anything this perfect again in her life.

  A tiny portion of her mind—the part still capable of rational thought—felt an almost imperceptible shifting on the bed behind her. It wasn’t Clay because his thighs were still pressed up directly against the backs of hers. Which meant Shawna was the one moving.

  Please don’t take your hand off my ass!

  Mercifully, she didn’t. Instead, Shawna slid her other hand up Britt’s inner thigh. Britt was still trying to figure out where her friend was headed when warm, soft fingertips pressed against her clit.

  Britt sucked in a breath. Shawna was touching her…there. Her addled mind couldn’t comprehend the meaning of the act.

  Then the fingers pressed down and moved in delightful circular motions.

  Thinking ceased for Britt, and the fireworks began.

  She heard a scream, figured out that it was probably her, then screamed even louder. Because she had to somehow let out the pressure that was building up inside her, or she would explode.

  The word orgasm didn’t really do justice to the wave of sensations that tossed her around like a ragdoll. This was heaven on a bed and she knew that now she truly had reached a plateau of pleasure she would never reach again.

  She couldn’t actually feel Clay’s cock moving in her ass now any more than she could feel Shawna’s fingers on her clit. The sensations consumed her entire body from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. If she could see herself, she was sure she’d see a light as bright as the sun emanating from her middle.

  Things got a little blurry after that. She couldn’t focus on any one detail too clearly. There were more screams—probably hers. Some growls and grunts—almost certainly Clay’s. And lots of sensitive body parts moving against each other. She didn’t care too much about any of that, though. She only knew she felt overwhelmingly happy and seriously blissed out.

  When her
senses came back on-line, Britt found herself with a mouthful of soggy blanket. How had that gotten there? Oh yeah, that’s what happens when you get the best ass fucking of your existence—you bite things. She gently disengaged her teeth and moved her cheek over to a dryer part of the bed. That was when she realized her arms were spread wide and her fingers were buried into the covers on the bed—still holding on for dear life, apparently. She left her arms where they were and let her mind conduct a lazy inventory of her post orgasmic body parts, mildly interested in what they’d been up to while she’d been in la-la land.

  Her breasts were pressed firmly into the bed. Her nipples weren’t normally that sensitive, but they were still buzzing from all the fierce stimulation they must have received scrubbing back and forth on the rough fabric. Could nipples get rug burn?

  She didn’t have time to think about it because she was too busy thinking about how pleasurable Clay’s cock felt still buried in her ass. She loved it when a man stayed there and let himself soften somewhat before pulling out.

  Britt frowned as she realized Shawna’s fingers were no longer pressing against her clit. Part of her was bummed. But she also knew that further stimulation on her clit right then would almost certainly have been painful. Shawna would know that as well—you couldn’t overstate the value of a woman’s intimate knowledge of the female anatomy.

  She felt something warm against her hip and turned her head to see Shawna kneeling beside her, one arm thrown across her ass, a cheek pillowed on her lower back, an expression of angelic contentment painted on her face. From the tremors making Shawna’s body shudder, her other hand was undoubtedly playing with her clit. Britt smiled. Shawna had figured out a way that they could all come together. That made their threesome more complete somehow.

  She turned a little more to look at Clay. He was still kneeling behind her, one hand on her hip, the other resting lightly on Shawna’s shoulder. The expression on his face was one of adoration and complete awe. Britt imagined her face probably reflected the same emotion. They’d just been part of something monumental here.

  Britt would have happily stayed like that for the rest of the night, but after a few moments, Clay’s cock softened to the point where he had to pull out. As he headed for the bathroom, Shawna slid off Britt onto the bed. Britt stretched out beside her with a little groan. She rolled onto her side to find Shawna gazing at her. Shawna quickly looked away, color tinting her cheeks.

  Britt couldn’t help but smile. Apparently her normally reserved friend was back, and probably feeling extremely shy about what had just transpired. Britt reached out and took Shawna’s hand in hers.

  “Thanks,” she said softly. “I owe you big.”

  Shawna did a double take. “You sure you didn’t mind me…touching you like that?”

  Britt laughed. “Mind? Girlfriend, that was the best part! I’ve never come so hard in my life, and it’s all because of you.”

  Shawna had just enough time to look surprised before Clay’s voice interrupted them.

  “I hope I had some small part to play in it, too.”

  He was standing at the foot of the bed, a lazy grin on his face. Britt laughed and made room along with Shawna so he could crawl into bed between them. As soon as he was settled, they both cuddled up against him.

  “I’ll admit you may have had something to do with it,” Britt murmured against his chest. “That was one great ass fucking.”

  Clay wrapped his arm more tightly around her and kissed the top of her head. “I’ll agree with you on that. Best I’ve ever had. You’re right about Shawna, though. What she did turned something great into something even better. You two are good together.”

  “The three of us are good together,” Shawna corrected from the other side of him.

  Britt couldn’t argue with that. She closed her eyes and replayed her favorite parts of the evening’s action in her head. The fact that so many of her faves involved Shawna should have concerned her, but it didn’t. She had a thing for her best friend. So what?

  “Since we’re so good at this threesome thing,” Clay said softly. “Any chance we could get together again?”

  Across from her, Shawna’s face lit up at the possibility. But then she bit her lip, as if unsure, and gave Britt a questioning look. Did she seriously think Britt didn’t want a repeat performance?

  Britt held out her hand to her friend. Shawna mimicked the gesture, interlacing her fingers with Britt’s on top of their hunky cowboy’s chest. Then they looked at each other for several moments in silent communication. Shawna must have understood everything Britt was trying to convey because she pushed herself up on her elbow and gave Clay a smile.

  “Britt and I would love to get together with you again,” Shawna said. “But there’s a catch.”

  Britt frowned and propped herself up to mirror Shawna’s pose. She didn’t know exactly where this was heading, but most men she knew got a little squirrely at the mere mention of the word, catch.

  But Clay’s mouth curved into a smile. “What’s that?”

  Dang, he really had enjoyed himself.

  “Nothing crazy,” Shawna assured him. “It’s just that if we’re going to be getting together on a recurring basis, I think it’d only be fair to Britt and me if you take yourself off the market while we’re seeing each other.”


  “It means no more buckle bunnies when you’re on the circuit,” Britt clarified.

  Honestly, Britt wouldn’t have made that kind of stipulation on this new relationship, but she knew why Shawna had. As long as Britt had known Shawna, the girl had never dated more than one guy at a time. While Britt wasn’t like that herself, she had to admit she wouldn’t mind a little time off from the one-night stands and no-commitment flings. Knowing who was going to be in your bed the next night had a certain allure—especially if it was going to be Shawna and Clay.

  But would Clay see it the same way?

  He pillowed his head on his hands and regarded them. “Maybe I better make sure I completely understand the fence lines we’re putting up before I answer.” He looked at Shawna. “When I’m in Austin, you only want me to sleep with…?”

  “Me,” Shawna confirmed possessively.

  He nodded, then turned his dark eyes on Britt. “And when I’m on the circuit, you only want me to sleep with…?”

  “Me,” Britt answered, actually feeling a little possessive herself.

  “And if I’m here in Austin or on the circuit, and neither of you are around? Who do I sleep with then?” Clay wondered.

  “Yourself,” she and Shawna answered in unison.

  Clay raised a brow. “And you won’t be picking up any studs of your own, while you’re on the road, Britt?”

  Okay, now that was going to be tough. But one look at Shawna firmed her resolve.

  “Nope,” she said. “I won’t be knocking boots with anyone but you on the circuit, cowboy.”

  Shawna chewed on her lower lip. “I know I’m asking you two to give up a lot, but in return, I promise that when we’re all together—which will be as often as possible, I hope—it’ll all be worth it.”

  The sultry look Shawna gave her and Clay made the butterflies wake up in Britt’s stomach all over again. That was some kind of promise to make and Britt didn’t doubt it in the least.

  Clay grinned. “I think that’s an arrangement I can live with. However, I do have a question.”

  Shawna looked at Britt in confusion, but she could only shrug. She had no idea what Clay was thinking.

  “Spill it,” Britt said.

  “Well…” Clay drawled. “If our new agreement says Britt and I will be together on the road, and you and I will be together when I’m in town, and of course, we’ll all be together whenever we can, what’s the arrangement when Britt is in Austin with you, Shawna?”

  Britt almost laughed. She knew where Clay was going with this. Question was, did Shawna?

  She watched as the cautious expression on Shawna�
�s face changed to one of confusion, then give way to the sexy smile that seemed to have found a home there recently. Her friend did naughty just fine.

  Shawna raised a questioning eyebrow at her. When Britt smiled and nodded, she turned her attention back to Clay.

  “When Britt is in town, she’ll be hanging out with me. We’re best friends, after all.”

  Clay nodded as if the answer had been obvious, but Britt didn’t miss the fact that his exhausted cock perked up.

  “One more question,” he said.

  “You have a lot of questions,” Britt grumbled.

  His mouth quirked. “I’m a curious cowboy.”

  She just bet he was. “Okay, so what are you curious about?”

  “I was just wondering if you might let me watch sometime. You know, while you two…hang out with each other?”

  Britt laughed. Across from her, Shawna blushed hotly, but bobbed her head up and down. Britt’s body gave a little quiver. So did Clay’s cock. Why did guys get so excited at the mere thought of two women touching each other? Then again, why was she getting so excited at the mere thought of touching one particular woman?

  “Clay, if I suggested you might have a chance of seeing Shawna and I hang out right now, do you think you could get it up again tonight?”

  He grinned. “That might be in the range of possibilities.”

  That was all the answer Britt needed. Not that she really needed any at all because his penis was already showing signs of life. And she hadn’t even done anything with Shawna yet.

  She unwound her hand from Shawna’s to trace a finger along the curve of her friend’s breast. This arrangement was going to be incredible—and she couldn’t wait to get started with it.

  “What do you have in mind?” Shawna asked in a husky voice.

  “I thought we could entertain ourselves for a while,” Britt said. “Then when Clay is ready, maybe we could see if he can get that big cock of his in your ass. What do you think?”


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