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Scion's Destiny

Page 9

by Traci Douglass

  So, so sexy.

  He picked up his beer again, but she snatched it from his hand

  “I think you’ve had enough.” She dumped the contents down the drain then tossed the empty bottle in a nearby recycling bin. “How are you getting home?”

  He frowned, propping his head on his palm and closing his eyes. “The usual way.”

  “I can’t let you drive.”

  A smile curved his delicious lips. “I don’t drive. I fly.”

  She laughed. He must be drunker than she’d thought. “I can’t let you drink and fly either.”

  Irena covered his free hand with hers and he opened his eyes. They were sharper now but not enough to satisfy her sense of responsibility.

  “I’ll give you a lift, if you can wait just a little longer.” Hopefully he would have sobered up by then too and could walk himself out to her car without much help. At five-two, she kept herself in shape, but she was no match for his muscled bulk.

  She knew where his ranch was, their tiny town wasn’t that big.

  Chago stared at her for what felt like hours then nodded. Irena withdrew her hand and smiled, relieved he’d wait. She didn’t want him going home alone and perhaps she could talk to him during the drive and find out why he was suddenly drinking.

  Her shift wasn’t over for another hour, but with all the clean-up from the lunch rush the time went fast. Every so often she glanced over at Chago. He’d put his head down atop his arm on the counter, his eyes closed again. Good. Three beers weren’t much, alcohol-wise, especially for a guy his size. Maybe he’d sleep it off. Andy took his break and she finished wiping down the tables then counted the money in the cash drawer for the deposit later.

  Before long, the diner was empty except for her and Chago. Irena tied tossed her braids over her shoulders again then wiped down the counter, slowly nearing his sleeping form. His long dark lashes fanned his high cheekbones and he looked so peaceful and handsome as he slumbered. His hair had fallen over his forehead again and she hesitated before brushing the tangled strands back. His lips parted, and he murmured something, again in that strange language. “Barkatu, Yana.”

  It almost sounded like a woman’s name.

  Her pulse stuttered. Did he have a woman somewhere, a girlfriend or wife? Made sense, given the way he looked. They’d never gotten around to discussing that part of his life either.

  With a sad smile, she brushed his skin again, lightly so as not to wake him. Still, the contact was enough to make her giddy. She winced as her stupid birthmark burned again, hotter this time. She must’ve scraped it or something getting ready that morning. Lord knew she’d come in at the crack of dawn for the breakfast shift, so she hadn’t exactly been firing on all cylinders.

  As she looked at Chago snoozing on the counter, Irena realized somewhere along the line she’d fallen for him. It had happened slowly, over the past three years. So slowly, in fact, she hadn’t even realized what she felt for him until he’d gone away, and she’d had to face the fact he might not come back.

  Thankfully, here he was again though, at her lunch counter, sitting on the same stool he always did, and she was so happy to see him she couldn’t stop grinning.

  Even if he was asleep.

  He stirred and scowled, as though trying to wake himself.

  Irena didn’t pull away this time. She was felt brave today.

  “Better?” She combed her fingers through his hair, loving its silky texture.

  Chago looked back over his shoulder, out the windows, then groaned.

  “I’ll take that as a no.” Her fingers drifted from his temple to his ear, stroking the curve of it. His smile faded again when he closed his eyes.

  “I’m almost done. I’ll have you home soon,” she said, not sure if he heard her or not. But when she went to walk away he caught her wrist and sat up, his expression so earnest it made her heart squeeze tight in her chest.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you are, Irena?” His words rocked her to her core. Her throat dried, and her knees wobbled. Time seemed to slow as he reached out his other hand to trace the backs of his fingers down her cheek. His warm gaze glowed with sincerity, entrancing her. “Your beauty puts the angels to shame.”

  Irena tried to convince herself it was the booze talking but didn’t quite believe it. She’d been working here at the diner since for close to a decade, since her early twenties, and had taken over the business when her parents had retired last year. During that time, she’d had plenty of run-ins with locals who’d had a bit too much to drink. Chago showed none of the signs now. His gaze was sharp, and his word were clear, not slurred. From the looks of him, he wasn’t drunk now. Tipsy, maybe, but that didn’t lessen the honesty of his words. He really did think she was beautiful, frizzy hair and grease-stained apron and all.

  What was even crazier, though, was she believed him.

  Heat prickled her cheeks as awareness stormed through her.

  “You really are.” His fingers grazed her jaw and her pulse thudded loud in her ears. If anyone around here was beautiful, it was him. Especially when he smiled at her like that. She’d never known another man like him, with fathomless caramel eyes and a grin that made her world tremble. “Beautiful.”

  “Please.” She brushed his hand away, doing her best to play off his compliments. “Quit making me blush.”

  He leaned over the counter. “I love the way you say my name. Say it again.”

  Irena rolled her eyes. “Chago.”

  “No. Not like that.” He waggled a finger at her, beckoning her closer. Her gaze flickered to his lips before returning to his eyes, her mind racing and her breath hitching. He wasn’t going to kiss her. That was silly. Even if he was sobering up, she couldn’t let things go down that avenue. “Say it like you mean it.”

  She lost herself in his gorgeous eyes, the way the flecks of pale gold in his irises seemed to shift and move against the warmer brown. Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Chago.”

  “Mmm, yes.” He pulled her closer and tilted his head. “That’s more like it.”

  “No.” Irena broke free, ignoring his disappointed expression. “Let me finish cleaning and I’ll take you home.”

  She hurried away to the kitchen, not daring to look back, not while she wanted to kiss him more that he wanted oxygen. By the time she’d finished prepping for the dinner staff, Chago looking much more his usual, brooding self. Irena felt the weight of his gaze tingling on her as she moved around the room, setting out the dinner menus and making sure each condiment rack was filled. Andy could finish the rest when he got back.

  Finally, she took off her apron and grabbed her purse then walked over to where Chago sat. His eyes held the same fire that burned within her, daring her to kiss him after all. She cleared her throat, averted her gaze, and started toward the door without waiting to see if he followed. “Come on.”

  With his much longer strides, Chago was soon beside her. Lord above, if he didn’t look fine in that plaid shirt and those black jeans he wore. The material hugged his body in all the right places, giving her subtle clues about the muscle and sinew beneath and she couldn’t help picturing him naked.

  She flipped the “Be Back Soon” sign then locked the door behind them.

  “You okay?” she asked him as they started down the main drag toward where her car was parked at the curb half a block down. Honestly, it was nice to have company after her shift for once. The small town bustled around them, filling the air with the sounds of traffic. Late afternoon sunshine felt warm on her skin. Storefronts along the way were filled with merchandise, and there were plenty of tourists milling about to keep her distracted, but she couldn’t seem to stop thinking about the man beside her.

  “I’ve been better,” he said finally, shoving his black cowboy hat down on his head. She didn’t miss the melancholy look in his eyes. She wondered once more if there was a woman involved and a sudden pang of jealousy shot through her like a bullet. Not that she had any right to her envy
. Chago didn’t belong to her any more than she belonged to him.

  “Where did you go?” Irena took her car keys from her purse as they neared her used white Ford and she pressed the button on her fob. The lights flashed on and off. “I was worried about you.”

  “No need.” Chago stopped and looked at her. She met his gaze, letting him see she was serious. He’d disappeared without a word and it had frightened her. She’d missed him. Before she knew what was happening, he stepped closer and cupped her cheek, his palm warm and rough against her skin. His eyes held hers and she would’ve sworn she saw more than friendship reflected in their depths. She saw affection.

  “I had to go away. I should have told you, Irena. I shouldn’t have worried you.” His deep tone was hypnotic and the way he said her name, rolling the “r”, soft yet with a hint of passion, had her under his spell. He stroked her cheekbone with his thumb, making her shiver, and he smiled. “I didn’t think I’d be gone so long. I promise not to do it again.”

  Irena told herself to move but couldn’t, didn’t want to. All she wanted to do was stand there, awareness pulsing off her in waves, beneath Chago’s caress and his heated gaze. Her birthmark seared hotter and her eyes closed. She wanted to believe his words meant what she thought they did—believe he wanted to be with her and things between them would be different going forward. They’d be more than friends. They’d be lovers.

  She hadn’t looked at another man since Chago had walked into her life and now he was looking at her as if he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  Feeling bold, she stepped forward, close enough to feel the heat of him through her thin T-shirt, her heart thundering against her ribs. She stared up into his eyes as his thumb brushed her chin, under her jaw, tilting her head back. His gaze narrowed. He lowered his head, his lips meeting hers at last, a light brush, once, twice, before his mouth covered hers. She shuddered, pressing her hands against his firm chest, feeling his heart pound along with hers.

  Her arms slid around his shoulders as she kissed him back, not caring it was the middle of the afternoon, not caring that they were in full view of anyone that walked by, not caring about anything but the man in her arms and how very right this felt. She sighed, her lips parting, and he took advantage, his tongue slipping inside to taste her, stirring the fire in her blood. She licked his lower lip and he groaned, tangling his hands in her hair, messing up her braids, his breath faster now.

  Common sense reared its ugly head, but Irena shove it aside, not interested in anything her mind had to say on the matter. This kiss was divine. Chago was divine. It didn’t matter if he was still a little tipsy and tasted of beer. This had nothing to do with booze and everything to do with desire.

  He pulled back at last, his gaze searching her face. The heat banked there matched the inferno raging inside her. A strange power pulsed through her. She would do anything to have him, battle any foe, wage any war.

  “Irena...” He looked as though he was going to kiss her again, then stepped back, frowning. “I’m sorry. We should never…I should never… It’s not my place, not my duty…”


  His gaze darted to hers.

  She fought the urge to tackle him to the ground and have her way with him. She wanted him too. She’d wanted that kiss more than anything. She was on the brink of saying it, but other words came out instead. “We should get you home.”

  He gave a curt nod, his expression remote.

  Irena walked around to the driver’s side of her compact car while he got in the passenger side. She ached to feel his hands and lips on her again. She wanted to yank him over by his collar and growl in his face, “Chago, I want you. I want your kisses and caresses and your cock.”

  Except she couldn’t be so brazen, despite the odd, tingling power singing through her veins.

  His gaze drifted over her as she started the engine. She burned for him. She burned so much she felt like she’d die if he didn’t touch her and kiss her again. If he didn’t quench the flames.

  She put the transmission into gear and signaled before pulling out into traffic.

  He was quiet the whole way to his ranch, speaking only once they’d pulled onto the long gravel drive. In the distance sat a sprawling two-story, log-cabin style home. Irena pulled to a stop in front of the wraparound porch and stared. The place was beautiful, like something out of a magazine, totally not what she’d expected. “You live here?”

  Chago gave another nod before exiting the truck. She cut the engine then stared after him, his posture stiff and his expression dark, though his steps sure and steady, confirming his sobriety. If they kissed again, she wouldn’t be able to resist. Then again, she wouldn’t have reason to, right?

  Irena climbed out of the car and locked the doors, then followed him up onto the porch and stood near the front door. He glanced over at her, as if waiting for her to say something. All he had to do was invite her in. She’d take that as the sign she needed to know he still wanted her.

  His gaze held hers for a long moment before he spoke.

  “I want to be clear about one thing. I did not kiss you because of the drink.” He glanced away, inhaling deep as if coming to a decision. “There is a reason I like to sit at the diner and talk to you, Irena. There is a reason I kissed you.”

  He looked as though he wanted to say more but she didn’t give him a chance. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him again. He stumbled backward into the door and wrapped his arms around her waist, his tongue delving into her mouth to duel with hers.

  Heaven. He tasted like pure Heaven. She moaned in ecstasy.

  Chago fumbled to get his key in the door and they fell inside together, still locked in each other’s arms. She kissed him harder, pouring out her passion and need, until it became almost a battle, a clashing of lips and teeth. His hungry groan sent a wave of heat scorching through her and she gasped. He grabbed her backside, lifting her until she wrapped her legs around waist and her back hit the wall, his hard body pinning her there and making her tremble. Images of them flashed through her mind, erotic as hell. She wanted all of him now, right now, this instant, every inch of him, wanted to fulfill every hot fantasy she’d ever had about him.

  He carried her up the stairs, his hands cupping her backside, his body shifting against hers in the most delightful way with each step as they raced toward the second floor, two stairs at a time.

  Irena could’ve cared less if he’d taken her right there in the hallway. All she could think about was what would happen when they reached his bed and how good it felt to be in his arms. She kissed his throat, nipping his skin. Seemed the rougher she was, the louder he groaned, and it made her want to bite him harder.

  She wriggled against him, hot all over, and cried out when he nibbled her neck in return, sending shivers of need dancing over her skin. She leaned her head back and he held her closer, devouring her throat, taking her higher and higher.

  “Almost there,” he whispered, his tone rough with anticipation.

  He paused on the threshold to his bedroom, as if making another decision. He rested his forehead against hers, eyes closed, shoulders slumped slightly as if in surrender. Then he said the one thing she wanted to hear. He breathed it against her lips in a husky sigh. “I want you.”

  Trembling, Irena kissed him again, swept away on riptide of passion.

  She wanted him too.

  And she was damn well going to have him.

  Purchase your copy of Scion’s Surrender




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