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spies and spells 02 - betting off dead

Page 5

by Kappes, Tonya

  The chant gonged in my ears making me dizzy as my inner thoughts took over. Everything romantically I’d been feeling about Mick was just a façade that my mind had created to cover my life’s journey. Obviously I was trying to cover up the gut feeling that my life’s journey was to be put in dangerous situations. But the thought of working for SKUL didn’t bother me one bit. Romantic thoughts of Mick sent my entire world into a tizzy.

  “My life’s journey is to work for SKUL!” I blurted out just as everyone had stopped at the big wooden door with black hardware. A muted light flowed through the circular stained glass window causing the three-star design to glow. The designs matched the designs on Mom’s, Lilith’s, Auntie’s, and my hats. The stars were our family crest.

  The first star represented family. The second star represented honor to the coven. The third star represented honor to thyself.

  “I’m honoring myself, the family, and the Coven by accepting my life’s journey,” my voice echoed loud and clear as it bounced off the corridor walls.

  No one turned around to face me.

  I squeezed my eyes tight when I saw Mom’s arm lift into the air and her hand curl into a fist, anticipating a spell to be flung on me. I might be an adult, but she still scared the heck out of me.

  I opened them when I heard her give the secret knock on the door. Two short knocks and one long, I watched her hand draw down the wood and the door open. If anyone did discover our secret basement, they couldn’t get into the sacred circle unless they had the knock.

  Everyone walked into the room as if they hadn’t heard what I’d said. They formed a circle around the circular area rug with the family coven crest, the large gold chandelier dangled above the large black cauldron that was in the middle of the rug. The walls were red and the one hundred lit candles in the chandelier were also red.

  The cauldron bubbled a green frothy mix and it was like my witchy sense took over. As Mom stepped up to take the oar sticking out of the cauldron, so did I. She looked at me with hard eyes, then as if something clicked, her eyes softened and she took a step back.

  I placed both of my hands on the oar and stirred the large pot in a counter-clockwise motion. A part that I never knew existed in me took over.

  “I have accepted with my glittery eyes my life’s journey.” The words tumbled out of my mouth. “My powers are being used for good and not evil keeping the promise I made when my Witchy Hour was upon me.”

  The mix in the cauldron turned orange and then brown. Puffs of smoke floated out of the top of the pot and formed in the shapes of horses before they burst into little fireworks displays.

  Auntie Meme stepped up next to me. She placed her hands on top of mine as the oar came back around. I was no longer stirring as the power of my life’s journey plunged deep within me.

  “Abrado, abrada.” The lights flickered as Auntie Meme chanted, gripping my hands as the oar swirled faster and faster. “As Guardian of Maggie, I accept her life’s journey and feel the need to carry her through. Ha!”

  Auntie Meme hands flew off of the oar. The oar stopped and let go of my hands. My arms dropped as the cauldron went dark as one puff of smoke hovered over top. The cloud formed the exact image of Mick Jasper along with a skull and crossbones.

  A collective gasp broke the silence.

  Chapter Five

  “I sure haven’t seen anything like that before,” Flora said, shaking her head as she walked out the kitchen door.

  “I’ve been around three hundred and fifty years with many ceremonies under my cloak and I sure haven’t either.” Pixie waddled out behind her.

  “This is when I think a father could come in handy,” Charmary said as she referred to the lack of father figure I’d had in my life. “I knew the Parks were unconventional, but this just takes the broom.”

  “Mmm, hmmm.” Glinda hummed. “Poor Meme. She’s such a good witch too. What a shame.”

  The back door slammed behind them.

  My family sat around the table with their heads hung, not saying a word as if I’d just told them that our family secret had been let out to the world.

  “If this don’t just boil my cauldron.” Mom jumped to her feet. Her clothes instantly changed back to what she was wearing before dinner.

  With my hand palm flat over my hat, I made a circular gesture, transforming back into my clothes.

  “What do you want me to do?” I asked. “I was given this life’s journey. It wasn’t like I went out looking for it. And Vinnie!” I pointed to the garage out back. “We all knew it was strange that I had a car as my familiar. And he’s perfect for my life’s journey.”

  “I should’ve known as your Guardian when you told me your spells were off when you met that man.” Auntie Meme said “that man” as if she’d just eaten a bad rat.

  After my dare spell had gone wrong a few months ago when I met Mick at The Derby, I’d thought my hand and spell technique was broken. No matter what spell I shot at Mick, none of them worked. It was as if he had a spell repellent shield around him. That was when the Witchy Hour came because when the two worlds collide, your magic didn’t work. Only my family didn’t know that Mick was the reason for the Witchy Hour, which did make sense to me now that I knew being undercover with SKUL was my life’s journey. And I couldn’t help but think that it also meant that I was supposed to be Mick’s partner.

  “I knew it had something to do with Mick and I wasn’t sure what it was. I felt like the first time I helped them, it was a fluke. But now that they need me to work undercover at Churchill Downs, it tells me a lot.” I paced back and forth before I suddenly remembered Sherry. “God! Sherry!’

  We all ran down the hall and into the family room where Sherry was still levitating above the couch.

  “What’s her deal?” Mom asked. We stood over her looking down as she slept.

  “Well, she’s Mick SKUL partner, but the last time and now this time, she’s not been able to help and that’s when they call me in,” I said.

  “So maybe certain investigations can’t be solved unless your powers help them out?” Lilith turned the observation into a great question that struck me inside.

  “That must be it.” My eyes widened. “This is why I can’t date Abram. I am not meant to be his wife. I am meant to use my powers for good and save the world when the authorities need me.”

  “Cool.” Lilith nodded. “You are like a real life superhero.”

  “Oh, maybe I can wear a unitard.” I wiggled my brows up and down.

  “This is not funny.” Mom’s face contorted back to angry. “What on Earth is the coven thinking? Are they punishing me for leaving your father?” she questioned with hate in her tone as she looked up to the ceiling. “My daughter will not be put in danger!” she screamed.

  There was a loud knock at the door. All of us turned at the exact same time as Sherry’s body dropped on the couch.

  Auntie Meme clapped her hands and all the lights in the house turned on and any sign of witching went back to all the signs of a normal mortal home.

  “What is going on?” Sherry sat up and rubbed her head. Everyone went back to staring at her as if they’d never seen a mortal before.

  “I’ll be right back.” I held a finger up and rushed over to the door. When I opened it, Susie Brown, the Belgravia Court President, stood on the other side with Mrs. Hubbard of all people. “Good evening, ladies.” I held the door close to my face. “How can I help you?”

  “Is your mother home?” Susie asked with a stern look.

  “She is busy at the moment. I’ll have her call you.” I smiled and started to shut the door until I felt a push back.

  “I don’t have later.” Susie was a little testy. She curled up on her tippy toes and tried to see in my house over my head. “Not only has Mrs. Hubbard filed a complaint about your family having an owl as a pet, she also claims she saw a woman with long blond hair floating in the air through your front window.”

  “Mrs. Hubbard,” I tsked, “have
you been nipping some of that moonshine I saw you purchase at the park the other day?”

  I knew when I saw her purchasing the moonshine out of the car of the local bootlegger that it’d come in handy.

  Mrs. Hubbard drew back, she lifted her hand to her pearl necklace, and muttered, “Well, I never.”

  “Did you or did you not buy moonshine? Or were my eyes deceiving me like yours were when you thought you saw someone floating in my house?” My eyes narrowed as I looked at her.

  “I must’ve been mistaken like you were.” She tilted her chin to the side and looked at me sideways. “But…” she shook a finger. “You do have an owl. I saw it with my own eyes.”

  “Again,” I shook my head and lifted my shoulders, lowering them as I exhaled a big sigh, “are you sure you haven’t been drinking that moonshine?”

  “Regardless, I still need to talk to your mom,” Susie insisted.

  “Mom,” I called out over my shoulder leaving a moment of weakness for Susie Brown and Mrs. Hubbard to push their way into our entryway.

  “We have company.” Mom walked out of the family room with her hands clasped in delight. “Come in and have a nice cup of warm sweet tea.”

  Mom showed them into the family room where Sherry was sitting on the couch next to Lilith. Auntie Meme’s back was turned to us. When she turned around she was carrying a serving tray shaped like a leaf with pumpkin-shaped tea cups filled with steaming hot tea.

  I lifted a brow, but didn’t say anything.

  Auntie Meme handed Mrs. Hubbard a specific cup and smiled the entire time as she watched Mrs. Hubbard take a first sip.

  “I’m here to settle a dispute from this morning.” Susie eased down on the couch next to Sherry, who still seemed to be a little woozy. “It’s my understanding that Meme has accused our long-time, honorable, up-standing citizen of theft.” She looked at Auntie Meme. “Is that correct?”

  “It is most certainly correct that I was told by Shay Hannagan that she saw Gladys leave my house with a package. A package that was left by the US Postal Service.” Auntie Meme pulled the yellow piece of paper the deliveryman had left taped to the door.

  “You received some mail?” Susie was more interested in the fact that we’d had a delivery. Auntie was right. They did notice everything about our family, even down to the mail.

  “Do you find that shocking?” Mom asked, bringing the steaming cup of tea to her lips. She sat on the edge of one of the chairs, her ankles crossed with a straight posture.

  “I’ve never seen a mailbox,” Susie made no attempts to cover her nosiness. “But I guess I was wrong.”

  “I guess.” Mom shrugged, taking another drink, her pinky lifted in the air.

  “Gladys?” Susie turned her attention to Mrs. Hubbard. “Did the mailman deliver a package to your home to give to Meme?”

  “He most certainly did not.” She stated emphatically.

  “Are you sure?” Auntie Meme’s lashes drew down and created a shadow before she sent a little wink toward Mrs. Hubbard.

  “I’m positive.” Mrs. Hubbard’s stomach growled. Her chest heaved a couple of times before she clamped her hand over her mouth. She jumped up and without a word ran out of our house faster than a witch on a broomstick.

  We all looked out the front window where Mrs. Hubbard was puking into her plastic flower garden.

  “Yuck,” Susie’s nose curled. “I’m not sure she’ll be on the Historical Home Tour.”

  “Which reminds me.” Mom stood up. “I’ve got to get my house in order and ready since I filled out the application for the tour. I’d love to open up my home to the wonderful Old Louisville community.”

  “I can’t guarantee your home will be picked.” Susie placed the tea cup on the coffee table and stood up. She looked over at Sherry who still looked confused. “I guess I’ll be going since Mrs. Hubbard can’t produce any proof to her claim.”

  Mom walked Susie to the door while we turned our attention back to Sherry.

  “Here dear, have some tea.” Auntie Meme ran her finger around the edge of the tea cup and tapped it twice with the pad of her finger before she handed it to Sherry. “I’m thrilled you will be joining my staff at The Brew.”

  Auntie Meme slid her eyes up to me; they were filled with amusement. I shook my head knowing Sherry had just drunk one of Auntie’s spells. I wasn’t sure what Auntie had put in Sherry’s tea, I only knew that as Guardian of my life’s journey, she was going to do whatever was in her power to protect me. Even if it was from Blondie.

  Chapter Six

  “Good morning.” I chirped to Vinnie when I got in the next morning.

  “What has got you in such a chipper mood, Maggie?” Vinnie asked as his circuits lit up. The read out on the screen didn’t say our usual morning stop The Brew, it had Mick’s address. “Oh no.” Vinnie’s pistons were in a bundle. “There has been a shift in your universe.”

  “I’m glad you noticed.” I tapped the circuit screen. “As you can see, we are going to pick up Mick Jasper at his home.”

  “Whatever you say, Maggie, though I’m not happy with it.” Vinnie shifted into gear and pulled out of the garage and rolled down the alley.

  “I figured out exactly why I have you as my familiar and I also know exactly what my life’s journey is.” I gripped the wheel. “I haven’t slept this good since I was a baby.”

  I was so excited ever since I had woken up. It was a much different feeling than I had felt everyday I’d gotten up to go to work at The Brew. It was the feeling of happiness knowing I was going to go do my life’s work. Mom had once told me that when we figure out our true life’s journey that there was a fire ignited inside us. She was right. Nothing was going to stop me now. Not even an old snarky car like Vinnie.

  “I am glad you slept well.” Vinnie’s voice was distant.

  I rubbed my hand along the dash.

  “Listen, I love you, Vinnie. You have saved me countless times and most of those times weren’t life or death.” I was doing my best to sweet talk him. His engine purred as he proceeded to drive on the interstate toward the address I had for Mick. “You are a 1965 AC Cobra. Not just a regular old familiar. You and I both knew that I was destined to do more than just work at The Brew, pour coffee, and clean up after people or else the coven would’ve given me a regular old familiar like a dog or cat or something not fun like you.” I patted my hand on the seat. “Don’t you want some excitement? Some fun? Be able to use that fancy exhaust system under that handsome hood of yours?”

  “When you put it that way.” Vinnie sped up as his ego swelled. “I do think that you would make a wonderful spy. It is the partner that has been chosen for you that has my new chrome wheels spinning.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. The last time I was in a pickle and needed his assistance, I promised Vinnie a new pair of chrome wheels. I made good on my promise and he sure did look mighty fine.

  “Mick is not someone you need to be jealous of.” I did my best to smooth over the situation before we pulled up in front of Mick’s apartment building. His beat-up maroon Caprice was parked in front.

  “He can’t even park his car right.” There was disgust in Vinnie’s voice. “Look. Half on the curb, half off.”

  If Vinnie had eyes, I could just see them rolling.

  “See, how could I really be into a guy who doesn’t take care of his car?” I asked and rubbed my palm over Vinnie’s steering wheel.

  “He thinks he is protecting you.” Vinnie wasn’t going to let it go.

  “That’s because he is a trained spy where I am new and he is my partner. We are supposed to look after each other.” I glanced out the window when I heard a loud whistle.

  Mick was hanging out the open window on the top floor of the four-story building. His fingers positioned in his mouth as he blew another whistle with them. When our eyes met, he waved me up.

  “And now he wants to take you into the depths of his cave.” Vinnie shut his engine off.

He’s not a caveman, he’s late.” I opened the door and got out. As I walked up to the front of Mick’s building, Vinnie clicked his horn twice, letting me know he locked himself.

  The front glass door’s security system was buzzing when I walked up. Mick must’ve pushed the button to let me in. I ran my finger along the thirteen metal mailbox slots and read the names until I got to his.

  “Apartment 4.” It was strange because floors one through three had apartment a-d on each floor, but not floor four.

  I walked over to the elevator. The doors opened on their own. I got in and pushed the button for level four. The elevator stopped, dinged and I got out greeted by the open door of apartment four.

  “Come on in. I’m running a little late.” Mick’s voice came from inside the apartment. “Make yourself a cup of coffee. There are mugs in the cabinet.”

  The apartment was very masculine with the metal work, exposed ceiling, leather furniture and the open floor plan with the open kitchen. It was more of a loft feel than an apartment. The view of downtown Louisville was really pretty and I could only imagine what it looked like in the dark. I wisped myself over to the crack in the bedroom door and noticed Mick didn’t have on the cowboy outfit anymore so my outfit of jeans, cowboy boots and plaid shirt wasn’t going to cut it.

  He wore a pair of seersucker blue striped pants, a white button down shirt with a blue and white polka dot tie and a pair of brown loafers with no socks. He was putting the finishing touch of gel in his hair.

  I waved my hand over top my head and around my body, changing into a Lily Pulitzer flower dress, a flower in my hair, a monogrammed gold necklace and a pair of wedged heels along with a white cardigan neatly tied around my shoulders.

  “Did you get a cup of coffee?” Mick appeared at the bedroom door. His eyes drew down my body and then back up. The double meaning of his gaze was not that of just a partner.


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