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Big Men of the House: 55 Book Story Bundle Box Set

Page 61

by Wendy Pound

  Now I knew I was right.

  “So you've been lying to us the entire time. What else haven't you told us?”

  “I know this is hard but you need to understand. I'm rich. I mean very rich. In the past, I've been married just for my money. I needed to know that your mom loved me without knowing all that.”

  “But why would you hide your son from us?”

  “I didn't want him to go through having to lose another mother. I thought he could meet you first and get used to the idea of a new family.”

  After the initial shock wore off, I realized that maybe he was right.

  “Come inside, Audrey,” he said.

  I smiled lamely and walked through the doorway. I was greeted by a huge grand staircase leading upstairs and a giant chandelier floating above. I swear they must have shot a movie here or something because it looked too unbelievable.

  He led me through a maze of hallways and I peeked into a few rooms while we quickly walked by. There was a library, a room with a couple pool tables, and a small movie theater. Holy crap! This place was amazing!

  Matthew lead me into the office which was filled with really nice wood furniture.

  “Okay so I would need you to babysit Danny two to three nights a week. Think you can

  handle that?”

  “Yeah that would definitely work! I'm just about to graduate high school so there isn't really much to do. Just finals.”

  “Okay great. Well the last thing we need to do is have you meet Danny.. Matthew smiled at me and then yelled at the top of his lungs, “HEY DANNY GET DOWN HERE!” The house was so big that they had to yell at each other to communicate. I heard little footsteps coming down the stairs and running towards the office.

  A small brown-haired boy slowly opened the door and peeked his head in. “Come on in and meet your new babysitter,” Matthew told him.

  Danny was wearing a dinosaur-pajama onesie and carrying a few green plastic soldiers. I got off the chair and got down on one knee.

  “Hi Danny! I'm Audrey!” I tried to sound as kid-friendly as possible. I stuck out my hand and Danny shook it up and down.

  “So, Danny do you want Audrey to be your new babysitter?”

  Danny beamed at me and nodded up and down in big motions. “Well, that settles it then. Audrey you got the job.”

  A big grin stretched across my face. “Thanks so much!”

  “Actually, can you start tomorrow night?” Matthew asked.

  “I don't have any plans, so tomorrow works great! What should I tell my mom?”

  “Tell her you got the job but don't mention anything about me or Danny.”

  “Okay I'll keep the secret.”

  “Then come over tomorrow at seven. Danny and I will have just finished dinner and then I can go back to the office.”

  We made our way to the front door and I was pleasantly surprised by the outline of his butt as he walked in front of me. It looked fantastic from my angle. Matthew opened the door for me. “We'll see you tomorrow then!”

  “See you tomorrow!” I called out.

  I felt so many emotions as I walked to my car. Mostly dazed from my meeting with Matthew. To be honest, I've always had boys chasing me but none of them ever seemed interesting to me. Matthew, on the other hand, was a mature man. He was charming and his boyish charms made me melt like butter. But he was my stepdad! I couldn't think about him in that way.

  I quickly drove home and told my mom I got the job but kept the rest secret. I lay in bed that night wondering what tomorrow would be like. Things began to make more sense. Matthew was working a lot and he was almost never around. I thought he might be cheating on my mom but in reality he was spending the night with Danny at his giant mansion. I fell asleep almost immediately and had very sweet dreams.

  The next day I left school and rushed home to eat and get ready for the night. I wasn't sure what to wear but I knew I needed something that would get Matthew's attention. As I rummaged through my closet frantically, I found my pair of skinny jeans that made my ass pop. I topped it off with a low-cut blouse that would show off just enough cleavage...I didn't want to be too obvious. After dinner, I drove to Matthew's house to babysit Danny.

  I arrived at his house and sat in my car for a few minutes, checking my makeup. I made my way to the front door and knocked.

  Matthew opened the door and was fixing his tie and suit. “Hey Audrey! Nice to see you! Come on in! I don't really have time to chat but I will see you and Danny when I get back.” Matthew left the door open and walked past me, lightly brushing his arm against mine. The smell of his cologne invaded my nose and I got light-headed for a second as I breathed it in. I reluctantly closed the door behind Matthew and went to look for Danny.

  After searching what felt like every room in the house, I found Danny in the movie theater. “Hey Danny! What's up?”

  Danny's eyes were glued to a Disney movie on the big screen and he lazily turned his head to see who it was. “Hi Audrey!” Danny ran down the aisle of seats and gave me a big hug.

  “Hey Danny, how are you?”

  “I'm good.”

  I sat with him and we ended up watching the rest of the movie together. Danny fell asleep on my lap and I finished the movie by myself.

  Matthew came home around nine and lovingly picked Danny up from my lap. We both walked to Danny's room and I watched Matthew tuck him in. Danny's room was filled with a ton of space stuff. His walls were painted like the Milky Way Galaxy and he had UFOs hanging from strings. Once Danny was back in bed, Matthew walked me to the kitchen.

  “So, how was he?” Matthew's face was full of concern and I thought Danny must be a troublemaker with most babysitters.

  “He was perfect, actually. We just watched a movie and he fell asleep.”

  Matthew's face relaxed and he gave me a smile. “Okay, well let me get your money.” He pulled out his wallet and handed me a $100. I think I'm really going to like this job, I thought to myself cheerfully. I stared at Matthew while he took off his shoes and just admired him. He caught me staring and I moved my eyes immediately.

  “I have a dinner date with your mom tomorrow, is it okay if you stay until ten or eleven?”

  “No problem! Okay I'll see you tomorrow.” I winked at him.

  “Good night, Audrey.”

  When I got home I went up to room and got ready to go to bed. While brushing my teeth, I kept getting flashes of Matthew's hands on me, grabbing and pushing me against a wall. “I'm so fucking horny,” I said to the mirror. I finished up in the bathroom and got into bed. I imagined climbing the grand staircase and hearing my stepdad in the shower upstairs.

  In my fantasy, I took off my shirt and jeans as I walked up the stairs until I was completely naked. I found steam billowing out of the shower like the morning fog rolling in. I could barely see in front of me but I could hear Matthew singing quietly to himself. I came to a glass shower door and walked inside. I came behind Matthew and put my hands around his chest. He wasn't surprised at all to see me when he turned around. He started kissing me immediately and my hands felt his huge cock. It was so big I couldn't even fit my whole hand around it. He kissed me hard and picked me up, wrapping my legs around his hips.

  Under the sheets, my hand slowly crept it's way to my panties. They were drenched. I slipped underneath them and my fingers found the moistness overflowing. I rubbed my clit around with my fingers and I could hear the sounds of wetness which only made me more horny. I moaned and imagined Matthew thrusting hard against the shower wall. When I imagined Matthew's hard cock going into my pussy I couldn't handle it anymore and I came really hard. My legs were convulsing with pleasure. After that, I slipped easily into sleep and had more sweet dreams of Matthew.

  The next day it was my mission to somehow seduce Matthew. Even though I was a lot younger and he was my stepdad, I thought I might actually have a chance. First order of business was to dress in clothes that actually fit me, and accentuated certain features...

  I f
ound the schoolgirl outfit I wore last Halloween. It was the one with the super short plaid skirt and the white almost-see-through dress shirt. I put on my black Wonderbra that made my boobs look two cups bigger. Looking in the mirror, I was surprised at how hot I looked. I never thought myself attractive or anything but I felt like I could get any man I wanted at that moment.

  I made sure to leave the house quickly so my mom couldn't see what I was wearing. I got in my car and drove like a mad woman to Matthew's secret mansion. Maybe I could catch him early. I double-checked my makeup in the mirror and then went to the door and knocked. Matthew opened the door and again he was getting his suit and tie on in haste.

  “Oh hi Audrey! Come on in!” When he saw what I was wearing, his eyes went big and he was no longer fussing with his tie. “Uh, remember I'm going to be late tonight so just put Danny to bed around nine. Have fun!” But as he told me the instructions, he could never keep eye contact because he was continually distracted by my neckline.

  Matthew left in a hurry and I found Danny again watching a movie. It was a stupid kid movie about dinosaurs but I wasn't paying much attention as I was planning what to do when Matthew got home.

  At nine o' clock, I put Danny to bed and went into the living room to watch some TV. I started fantasizing about Matthew coming home and bending me over the kitchen counter. It was getting very wet between my thighs again and I wished Matthew would get home already. I didn't know if I could wait any longer.

  Sometime around eleven o' clock, Matthew finally arrived home. “Sorry Audrey, I was out with your mother longer than I thought.”

  “No problem!” I said pleasantly.

  “Did Danny go to sleep all right?”

  “Yeah he was great as usual.”

  Matthew looked at his watch. “It's really late. Will your mom mind if you stay in the guest room and go home in the morning?”

  My eyes widened when I heard the question. This might be easier than I thought. “Yeah I can definitely stay the night.” I said with a smug smile.

  Matthew came around the couch and plopped down next to me. “So what are we watching?” Matthew's eyes trailed down my shirt as he asked. He saw me raise an eyebrow and quickly glanced back at the TV.

  “Oh it's just some stupid reality show about people who believe that aliens built the pyramids.”

  “Wow seems very interesting.” Matthew said sarcastically.

  “Just wait until they talk about how the pyramids used to shoot energy into the skies.” I mused. We both laughed and then we stopped when our eyes met. Matthew fake coughed and then went back to watching TV. The tension was thick between us but I wasn't sure if I should make the first move. Was I supposed to just reach out and grab his penis? Or should I just bend over and let him see up my skirt. I just wasn't sure how to get to the next step. I looked down and noticed our hands were resting next to one another. I looked back at the TV and covertly brushed a finger over his.

  Matthew's hand drifted over to my bare knee and he cautiously ran his hand up to the top of my thigh. My whole body got tingly. I'd never felt anything like that before and couldn't stop myself from lightly moaning. Matthew leaned over and slipped his fingers behind my neck and turned my head to face his. Everything was going in slow motion as Matthew leaned in and I saw his lips spread open. I received his strong kiss and felt a wave of energy hit me.

  I'd been kissed before but this was something else. It felt like my whole body was on fire. His tongue entered my mouth and lightly danced on my own. His tongue was so incredibly long and it hit the back of my throat. I wanted to live in that moment forever but I had to break away to take a short breath and stop myself from gagging.

  Matthew's hand slowly crept up my skirt and found my moist panties. He started rubbing me over my underwear and I had to remind myself to keep quiet. As we kissed, I fought the urge to moan loudly. This was way better than any masturbation session. The intense pleasure kept building and building as Matthew's fingers ran in circular motions. Before I could even say anything, my orgasm came hard and fast. A loud moan escaped my mouth and I feared I might have woken Danny. Matthew could tell I just came and he stopped with his hands for a moment so I could catch my breath.

  “Let's go to my bedroom upstairs so we can be as loud as we want.” Matthew whispered.

  Matthew took my hand and led me up the towering staircase to the master bedroom. Once we got there, calling it a master bedroom was an understatement. The room was as big as my whole house! The bed was one of the biggest I'd ever seen. It had almost a million pillows laid upon it and what looked like the most expensive sheets. There was also a whole separate living room with a huge couch and big screen TV. I wasn't sure where I was supposed to go but then Matthew picked me up with his long green arms and dropped me off on the bed. He looked at me while I laid on the bed with a hunger in his eyes like he would kill anyone to be with me. There were flashes of red in his pupils that fascinated me.

  I could tell he was getting aroused because his humongous cock began to pulsate. Matthew got on top of me and started to unbutton my dress shirt while he was kissing me. His lips felt different than before. They were warmer now. I sat up a little bit to get my shirt off and Matthew was kissing the top of my cleavage.

  I reached down and grabbed his massive cock. I wasn't sure where to touch because it was so long. It didn't matter because wherever I touched him he moaned loudly. As I went up and down his shaft with my hands, I could feel his cock throbbing and it was getting thicker. He slid off my skirt and panties all in one go. I was a little worried that he might be too big to fit inside me.

  My pussy was dripping wet. “I need you inside me!” I whimpered.

  Matthew spread my legs apart as he mounted me. I braced for pain as Matthew entered me. Whatever pain I felt was overshadowed by the immense pleasure as Matthew's cock filled me up farther than ever before. Our lips met as his slid in and out. It was like a snake inside me, slithering about. I could feel my orgasm coming closer. Matthew was hitting the perfect spot and I needed him to stay there.

  “Oh, right there! It feels so good!” I watched as Matthew's body glistened with sweat as he pumped in and out.

  “Ohhhh Audrey, your pussy feels so wet!” Matthew talking dirty made my orgasm come almost immediately. The intensity was building so fast, my breath couldn't keep up with it.

  “OH FUCK!! I'M COMING! I'M COMING!” I wailed. Matthew held me close while I screamed and convulsed in ecstasy. I was so woozy I could barely catch my breath. Matthew lay next to me while I tried to recover.

  “How was that?” Matthew asked wickedly.

  “Oh. My. God. That was better... than I could have... ever.. ever expected.” I said breathlessly.

  “Ready for more?” But before I could even answer, Matthew flipped me over and put me in the doggy-style position. I could feel his rock hard cock teasing my pussy as he rubbed it around the opening. When he finally entered me, I moaned so loudly I was sure the neighbors could hear me. Matthew pounded me as I tried to hold onto the bed headboard.

  “Fuck me harder!” I commanded Matthew.

  Matthew started to slam his dick deep inside me and I could barely handle all the pleasure. All of the sudden Matthew stopped and pulled out. I thought that he was going to come on my back but instead he stood up on the bed. I turned over and I saw him holding his penis like he was waiting for me to put my mouth there.

  I got close to Matthew and grabbed his cock with both hands. The head of his penis was so big that I had to open really wide and slowly let it slip in. “Use your hands like you are jerking me off while you go up and down the head of my penis with your mouth...”

  Matthew stopped talking because he was so busy moaning. I guess I was doing something right. I kept sucking on his cock and then I started teasing my clit with my other hand. This whole process was turning me on so much and I just needed him inside me again.

  I took him out of my mouth and begged. “Please let me fuck you. I need you ins
ide me.”

  Matthew lay down on the bed and I got on top of him. I didn't know how I could fit his whole entire cock inside. I played around with his dick a little before I guided it into my pussy. Matthew squeezed my tits and sucked on my nipples as I went up and down. I could feel his cock growing bigger and bigger inside me. Matthew's moaning was getting louder and louder and I knew he had to be close.

  “OHHHHH FUCK! I'M COMING” Matthew howled. As Matthew said that, I could feel pleasure in my body that it couldn't contain anymore.

  “HOLY SHIT! I'M COMING TOO!!” Our bodies convulsed as we orgasmed at the same time and I could feel gallons of Matthew's cum being pumped inside me. After our orgasms subsided, I got off Matthew and collapsed next to him. His milky seed was pouring out of my pussy as I caught my breath.


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