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Forbitten (A Twist of Fate Novella Book 1)

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by J. P. Uvalle


  A Twist of Fate Novella


  J. P. Uvalle

  All Rights Reserved


  Copyright © 2016 by J. P. Uvalle. All rights reserved. This copy or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, transmitted, scanned, distributed in any printed or electronic form whatsoever without prior written permission from J. P. Uvalle or the publisher, Beautifully Twisted Publishing.

  Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of books or other creative works.


  This book is a work of fiction. While reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the Author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, business establishments, locales, or persons living or dead, is purely coincidental.


  Not for the faint of heart. This book contains sexual and disturbing content, and adult language which may be considered offensive to some readers. For readers 18+ years of age.


  Edited by: Claire Allmendinger of Bare Naked Words, and Mina S. Love

  Cover Design by: Asad Ali

  Cover Art provided by: Shutterstock

  About The Book

  Sometimes the Sweetest Drop Can Ruin You...

  Lord Vladimir - better known as the badass vampire from the past, is awakened to serve his kindred as commander of the brood. Little did he anticipate, he'd be responsible for protecting humans as his own, and must follow a set of rules to co-exist.

  He doesn't do rules, and the lines become blurred when he falls in love with her...

  Trinity James - a film student, aspiring to be a talent agent ~ with vibrant blue eyes worth dying for. The problem is...she hates vampires.

  With a passion.

  Her father died in a war fighting against vampires. A war which later ended in a peace pact between the species. She's been reluctant to follow the rules ever since.

  Can Lord Vladimir change her mind about vampires, or will his love for her leave him heartbroken and destroyed?

  Table of Contents



  About the Book


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Author Bio

  More Books

  “He saw the darkness in her beauty.

  She saw the beauty in his darkness.”

  ~ Unknown

  Chapter One

  Lord Vladimir

  THROUGH GLAZED PREDATORY eyes, I watch over her as she sleeps. Hours pass before she finally moves to lie on her back. Only then, are her delicate and supple features unveiled to me. Admiring the soft lines and curves of her face and body, I sigh in awe. She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. And I've seen many. It takes a lot to impress a Lord like me. But her, she does so effortlessly, captivating me with her beauty. I love the way her sun-kissed skin glistens underneath the light of the moon.

  I wonder what color her eyes are.

  I tilt my head, squinting to activate my x-ray vision and smirk when I confirm they are an ocean shade of blue.

  I like blue.

  I trail my probing eyes down past her cute nose to her lips, becoming increasingly hypnotized by the juiciness of them. Pouty and plump, they part as a subtle burst of air leaves them. I gasp softly, suppressing the urge to kiss them. Taste them. I lick my lips. They look incredibly delicious. I want her. I crave her. Who is this girl? What is she doing to me?

  “I need a more exciting social life. This is pathetic!” I refrain from snorting.

  This enticing girl sleeps so peacefully I'd hate to wake her. I listen to the heightened sound of her breath flow quietly in and out of her nose. Then her eyes slightly twitch under her eyelids, and I know she's dreaming. I wait for her state of sleep to lighten—the perfect moment to ask as I continue to levitate in a parallel position above her, protruding my fangs into plain view. The hunger multiplies by the second, smelling the sweetest scent of type B negative blood seeping from her pores. My favorite: one of the rarest and most sustaining blood types.

  The sensation grows, and pain begins to burn in my veins. I’ve not had an ounce of blood course through them since the elders awakened me to command. Two-hundred years have passed since I've indulged in the kiss and pleasure of tasting copper on my tongue. But tonight, I hoped to put this drought to an end. If only I could bring myself to ask and bite her. As a blood-sucking vampire, Lord of the Brood, I act as the protector of our elders, kindred, and society, and they depend on me to be at my strongest.

  “Wake her up already!” I tell myself while honing in on her pulsating jugular vein.

  By the increase of her heart rate, BA-BOOM, BA-BOOM, BA-BOOM, I suspect she's having a nightmare. Groaning, she rotates to her side, and a strand of her lustrous black hair falls over her cheek. I hover down, unable to resist the temptation to move it. My fingertips graze across her soft cheek, and I tuck the wavy strand behind her ear. From my delicate touch, the blue-eyed beauty stirs awake. In a panic, I zip out of the open window in which I came and land on the rooftop overlooking the city of New York. My city, where vampires and humans co-exist, as long as both sides follow the rules set upon us. Our kind rules the night while our humans rule the day.

  A flash pulls up next to me, revealing the attractive subservient named Delia that the elders had appointed to me. Times certainly have changed; I'm used to having a ghoul follow me around like a lost puppy.

  I’ll take her over a ghoul, any day.

  I steal a glimpse of her untimely beauty as her knee-length white hair separated by black streaks, floats in the wind. They cover her almond-shaped eyes that burn fiercely behind flyaway strands of hair.

  She smiles and cocks her head, inquisitively. “My Lord, how was your meal? I’m sure she was scrumptious.”

  I clear my throat. “Scrumptious...yes.” I turn quickly and walk away to hide my deceit. “We should move along; the rest of the brood needs to feed.”

  She follows without question. “Yes, my Lord.”

  MIDTOWN, MY BROOD, along with my subservient and I, roam the streets freely and stroll into a blood bar packed with willing participants. The rules of feeding state that we are only allowed one feed a night supplied by a healthy and offering donor. Blood draining or killing of a human is prohibited. If a vampire were to kill or turn a human without permission from the elders’ council, the accused would be excommunicated from the city, or worse, destroyed by an elder. And going against an elder is a definite no-win situation, for they are the most powerful beings of all. All sired by elders, we naturally are inclined to follow the rules, some more inclined than others. For vampires, valuing our hierarchy system runs potent in our blood.

  Although vampires are superior, we must treat the humans as equals and not as slaves, protecting them as our own kin. This rule was set forth to eliminate discrimination and maintain order among the species. And for the past two-hundred years, these rules—I'm still g
etting accustomed to—are surprisingly working. Who would have thought that our kind would ever be accepted by society and not viewed as monsters—the way we were treated in my last two-hundred years of command.

  Bar Sanguine Luxuriae is dimly lit, adding to the gothic ambiance. To me, this is the only acceptable bar midtown. Donors are exclusive members, carry a blood type card, and pass a health screen every six months to offer blood. I take it upon myself only to serve the highest quality of blood to my brood and elders.

  “After you, my Lord,” Ozario, my second in command says, motioning me past the bouncers who are also vampires. A vivacious brunette sways up to us in a black, skin-tight cocktail dress and greets me with a seductive smile.

  “Lord Vladimir, it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance finally. I've read a lot about you.” She touches my arm, giving me another glance over with her chocolate-brown eyes under long, fluttering lashes. From her expression, I can tell she likes what she sees. “Please follow me.”

  The hunger inside me awakens—even more demanding, and following behind this saucy little number certainly doesn't help curb my cravings.

  The women are a lot hotter than I remember.

  Looking at her perfect ass, outlined in her dress, I think to myself, this “one feed a night” rule is going to be the end of me!

  She waves us to our rounded booth. The six of us sit, and Delia moves in so close to me that she's practically sitting in my fucking lap. She's becoming too clingy, and it's starting to piss me off.

  “Scoot over,” I demand, gesturing with my hand.

  She pouts but does as she's told.

  The waitress is thoroughly amused and giggles. Delia tries to give the impression that she's not jealous. Her behavior irritates me, as she bluntly rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest. If she had any intention of being romantically involved with me, she definitely chose the wrong job. I won't fuck a subservient. I don't care how attractive I find her. I consider Delia to be like an employee and nothing more. Displeased, I shake my head, bringing my eyes back to the brunette. Withholding more laughter, she goes about setting down the menus in front of us.

  Do they know each other or something?

  I look between them.

  Oh hell, why do I even care?

  “My Lord, would you like to hear our special for the evening?” She winks at me. Knowing she has my full attention, she holds her notepad in one hand and with the other hand, raises the back of her pen to her mouth. Then, she teasingly bites the end, seductively rolling the pen over her lips, and then bringing the point to her pad.

  You’re a naughty girl who should be taught a lesson.

  I give her a half smirk. “Sure, darling, I would love to hear your special.”

  The members of my brood stir with excitement. “We're in for a delicious treat tonight, fellas,” Ozario says rubbing his hands together.

  “Perfect. We have a college foreign-exchange student from Brazil—”

  Our redheaded omega of the brood whistles, interrupting her, which I find rather disrespectful. I glare at him, and he immediately snaps his wolfish mouth shut. “Please forgive me, my Lord.” He lowers his head.

  “Forgiven,” I say dryly and wave my hand for her to continue.

  “She's A positive.” The waitress turns her sexy frame to me and leans down to my ear, the smell of ripe plums dances off her skin. “For you, my Lord, I'm also on the menu.”

  My mouth waters from the allurement of her words, and I clench my jaw to hide my growing fangs. Noticing the effect she’s having on me, she purposely brushes her perky breasts up against my shoulder as she stands back up.

  “Oh, please,” Delia mumbles with a scowl.

  What is her deal?

  Elbowing her to stop, I nonchalantly wipe my mouth with my hand. “Sounds wonderful. Unfortunately, I've already eaten. Ozario can have the Brazilian, while the rest of my brood and subservient can have anything their hunger desires from the menu.”

  “Thank you, my Lord,” they say in harmony.

  “Only the finest for my kin.”

  The waitress frowns briefly, blinks, then forces a smile and shifts her tight body—the body I want to devour—away from me to meet Ozario's gaze. “Bitten or served?”

  He glances at me unsure of how to answer.

  This blood bar experience is new for my brood and me. “Bitten,” I say. We don't drink blood from a glass, and I wasn't about to start now because the rules have changed. I'm already finding myself a little reluctant to conform to these new rules of feeding. I have a ravenous appetite for blood and sex.

  She nods. “I'll give the rest of you some time to look over the menu.” She swiftly turns to leave obviously upset by my rejection, and pulls another waitress aside to whisper, “he turned me down” in her ear. This waitress with vibrant green hair nods and pats her on the back, lifting a frown. Right then, I realize she must've been so upset that she'd given her booth away. And guilt, an emotion I rarely feel, except for as of late, consumes me. It wasn't my intention to hurt her feelings.

  I watch her from the corner of my eye as she disappears behind the swinging door to the kitchen. I wait a few minutes, move Delia out of my way, stand, and order them to stay put. I pretend to slip into the men's room but instead, I lean against the wall to peer around the corner to see if my vamps are watching. Luckily, they appear to be in deep conversation, giving me the perfect opportunity to dart right into the kitchen. My abrupt entrance startles her, causing her to jump backward with a hand on her chest and drop a glass of water with the other, but I intervene and catch it. I set the glass on the counter, eyeing her with a sly grin.

  “Didn't your mother ever teach you never to provoke a vampire?”

  Her heart beats faster as she takes a hard gulp. “My apologies, I thought...” She pauses to hang her head, seeming ashamed by her previous behavior.

  I close the distance between us, lift her chin with my finger, and her terrified eyes meet my gaze. She starts to tremble from my touch. “Don't be frightened. I won't hurt you...unless you ask me to.”

  Her skin flushes pink, and her teeth start to chatter. “…I know. I've just been a huge fan of yours since my vampire history class in high school. And I thought it would be totally killer if the most badass vampire Lord known to man, gave me my first kiss.”

  My eyes widen. I’d been told it's rare to find a human these days who hasn't been fed on by a vampire—the act has become the norm. Yet our lure remains irresistible. No matter how much research they do, or how intermingled our species are, we will always be mysterious in their eyes, thanks to our keen ability to masquerade our deepest, darkest secrets.

  She's never been bitten. This should be fun.

  The kiss method is the only acceptable way to feed on a human, for they experience just as much pleasure from the bite as we feel drinking their blood. It's euphoric, and some humans even become addicted to the sensation.

  I thumb her shiny wet lips covered in pink gloss and gently glide my thumb over them back and forth. Appreciative of my touch, she kisses my thumb and closes her eyes to take a deep breath. Then opens them looking into mine just as hungry.

  “I've been waiting for you, my Lord.” She backs away slowly, stroking her fingertips over her ample cleavage. “You’re a dying breed.”

  “You don't say.” I raise my eyebrow, inching closer as she steps backward in her red heels.

  “A vampire, who enjoys the thrill of the chase.” Her trailing seduction leads to the exit door.

  I like where this is going.

  I stalk toward her, running my sharp nails along the surface of the stainless steel countertop.

  I tilt my head slightly. “Are you implying you want me to chase you? Hunt you down? Ravish you?”

  She doesn't hesitate. “That’s exactly what I'm implying. I want you to bite me, Vladimir...” The words “bite me” to a vampire sound just
as tempting as hearing the words “fuck me” to an average man. “…And when you catch me, you can have me any way you want,” she moans, slowly sliding her hands down her hips. A laugh escapes her lips and then she scurries out of the door. I give her a head start before sprinting after her.

  I'm really starting to like this girl.

  In hot pursuit, I plan to keep things interesting by letting the anticipation build—waiting for her to run herself ragged. And in those four-inch heels, that would be any minute. She slows around a corner, trapping herself in a dark alleyway.

  “Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. Who's going to save you from the big, badass vampire?" I tease, creeping up to her, ready to pounce.

  She giggles while catching her breath. “Please don't hurt me, Mr. Badass vampire.” The saucy waitress backs herself up against the brick wall. Her eyes darken with desire, breathing heavy. She folds in her index finger, telling me to come closer. I do. She reaches for my black button-up shirt pulling me into her. I growl, seeing the overflowing want in her eyes—the anticipation of feeling the pleasuring sting of my teeth sinking deep into the meat of her neck. She allures me into a playful kiss, and the arousal shoots through me, bringing my cock to half-staff. Which is impressive, considering the lack of blood circulating in me. Finding her tongue with mine, I roughly pin her up against the wall with my body.

  “Vladimir,” she pants.

  I slam my pelvis into her. She wraps one leg around my hip, pulling me closer and I couldn’t be close enough.

  Then it occurs to me that I don't even know her name.

  “What. Is. Your. Name. Darlin’?” I ask in between gaps of our tongues dancing.

  “Bernadette,” she moans, reaching into my back pockets to squeeze my ass.

  “Pretty.” I shove my tongue deeper into her mouth. She tastes amazing. Like honey. And for some reason, I instantly feel like inconsiderate for allowing Bernadette’s first vampire kiss to start off in a dark and grungy alley, ironically, next to a “danger” sign. Still kissing her, I use the last bit of my energy to whisk us away. We land on top of a Park Avenue apartment complex, one of the tallest buildings in Manhattan.


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