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Taken by Storm

Page 1

by Valerie Twombly

  Taken By Storm

  Demonic Desires 2

  Valerie Twombly




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  About the Author

  Also by Valerie Twombly

  Copyright © 2016 by Valerie Twombly

  Edited by: The Editing Hall & JRT Editing

  Cover art by: Syneca

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  ISBN: 9781682303900

  * * *

  Sign up for Valerie’s newsletter and be the first to hear about new releases, receive special excerpts and exclusive contests.

  Created with Vellum


  Without the many people in my life, this story wouldn’t be possible. From my awesome cover artist, Syneca Featherstone who always has a great eye. To my beta readers who help me pull this story together and my editors who then ripped it apart. But one very important person who was my sounding board and kept me sane while I tried to fix what was broken, and who keeps my author life from falling apart. My assistant, Nicole. I really would be a mess without you.


  Fang scanned the room, his muscles taut and every nerve on edge. His father Bliezal had been sent on an errand by the king, and Fang was commanded by Prince Greydon to have fun as it was put to him. A rather difficult thing to do when his gut screamed something was in the air. What? He couldn’t put his finger on it.

  It was the youngest prince’s birthday, and the king and queen happily sipped wine at the head table, enjoying the entertainment. Yet, Fang couldn’t relax. Recently, the Oracles had announced Greydon was destined to fulfill the prophecy and kill the god Zolar. Something that needed to be done so the royal family and the people could finally be at peace. War had settled over the Valarian race since the marriage of their goddess Uuna to Zolar. Things had not ended well, and the two fought each other in a constant battle to better their armies.

  Fang watched Greydon cross the room to where the queen sat. He bent and kissed his mother’s cheek, and the queen patted his arm. She loved her children, and it made Fang miss his own mother. He shoved his self-pity down and tried to follow orders. But it was difficult since he was a Daldara. A protector of the royal family and his duty was sacred.

  A female’s scream sliced through the air and shattered the festivities. Shots rang out and before Fang knew what was happening, blood covered the walls and pooled across the floor. He instantly assessed the room, looking for the enemy, certain Zolar was behind the attack. But how? Safeguards had been placed all around the community.

  Several more screams erupted. He caught sight of Threydor, the Concosa demon leader, aiming a pistol at the now murdered king and queen. Fang sprang into action and took out several of Threydor’s henchmen, their heads toppling to the floor and sliding across the highly polished marble, as he hacked his way to his prince’s side.

  Pandemonium broke out as women fled, and men took up arms. Fang spotted Greydon with a dagger in his hand and a look of vengeance in his eyes. He was heading for Threydor. Fang flashed in front of the prince and stopped him in his tracks.

  “My Prince, I am so sorry, but you must flee.” Out of the corner of his eye, Fang caught the other two princes, Zander and Orien, as well as the king’s guard fighting the enemy. Blood spilled everywhere.

  “I am not leaving,” Greydon spoke through clenched teeth and turned to leave.

  “But you must. You are our only hope.” Fang gripped the prince’s arms and spun him so they were face to face. He looked deep into the pain-filled eyes of the man he was sworn to protect. “Grab what you need and run my Prince. I swear I will avenge your family.”

  Greydon fisted his hands. “What you ask me to do is cowardice.”

  Fang shook his head. “No. What I beg you to do is save your life. You are prophesied to end this. You must stop the war and take our people back to their home, Oshivana.”

  Orien appeared next to Greydon and glared at his brother. “Why the hell are you still here? Flee and don’t forget the box.” He disappeared before anyone could respond.

  “Fine, I will go.” Greydon vanished and Fang prayed to Uuna it would not be the last time he saw his prince... No. With the king now dead, Greydon would have to assume the reign. Goddess help them all that there would be something left to rule over.


  A pained shout caught his attention, and he whirled in time to see his father snared in a net and fighting to no avail to disengage himself. Fang pulled a second dagger from his boot and charged to free his father only to find himself caught in the same kind of netting. His power instantly drained. He scanned the room to witness his people being hauled away, the king’s guard beaten and bloody. Zander and Orien were also contained in the magical netting.

  Defeat filled the air as one by one they were led away.

  “I will avenge the king and queen, and I will kill the lot of you,” Fang snarled at the enemy as he was hoisted off the floor. Father, I will save our people, on that I swear.

  Of that I have no doubt. The prince is smart and he will be safe, but he will need you. You are resourceful. Do what you must to free yourself–– his father’s voice cut off.

  “Nothing will stop me.” He pushed at the netting. “I am Daldara, and you will regret the day you fucked with my people.”

  Chapter 1

  One year later

  * * *

  Fang stretched out his wings as he looked down on the destruction he’d left in his wake. Blood flowed like a river over the rocks, and body parts were strewn across the landscape. A Concosa demon’s head lay at his feet. Its eyes still stared at him in disbelief.

  “Stupid fucker.” What made them think they could take his woman and not feel his wrath? He’d tracked Bethany night and day since her disappearance from Oshivana. For the last week, he’d thought he’d been close to finding her. Zolar had left enough clues to send him on a chase straight into a dead-end. When he’d come across a small army of the god’s warriors, he’d slain them all.

  “Damn. Did you do all this?”

  Fang looked over at his king, who had appeared beside him. “Of course. Wouldn’t you have done the same if they had taken your mate?”

  Greydon’s eyes darkened. “I will never hesitate to kill any who intend her harm. I guess I’ve never seen such destruction from a Daldara. Remind me to never piss you off.”

  “When we choose our mate, nothing stands in our way. I guess it would be safe to say I have chosen,” Fang stated. He wasn’t ready to divulge that it had really been fate that had chosen. The reasoning behind it was a guarded secret. At least for now.

  “I also made a vow to Zolar’s henchmen the day your parents were killed.” Fang looked into his king’s eyes. “Call it two birds and one stone, but all the more reason for me to kill the lot of them.”

  Greydon gave a nod. There were unspoken words but it was understood. Fang would use whatever means at his disposal to seek vengeance. “Bethany is a lovely girl, and you know I will do anything to help you locate her.”

  Fang kicked th
e Concosa’s head out of his sight. “I appreciate that, but you have a duty. You and the prince need to find your brother as well as the others. Speaking of—does Zander have any leads on that shithead Garret?”

  Garret had been the one to abduct Aimee, thus revealing an entire organization Zolar had set up to try and artificially inseminate human females. The god seemed to think if he combined the right demon DNA, he could create a child who would allow him to gain entry into Oshivana. While Fang should be the one hunting Garret, Zander had sought him out and offered to assist. Fang understood the young prince’s wish to seek retribution. They also both agreed Greydon must remain close to his mate, and it was paramount they find the netting used to contain them and destroy it.

  Greydon curled his lip. “None so far, but we both believe he will slip up soon. I need to kill the bastard for his treatment of my mate. Besides, the humans involved can’t lay low forever. Zolar may have the scepter, but he still can’t get into the city without the right DNA code. I don’t think he’s there yet.”

  “We cannot become complacent. Something tells me he will find a way.” Fang scratched the dark stubble on his chin. He hadn’t showered in a week, not that he really cared. “Our queen will discover the secret of the scepter. Aimee is a bright woman.” He glanced at his leader. “You made a wise choice. The people will love her.”

  “How the hell am I supposed to allow my wife to battle with a god? The very thought sets my teeth on edge,” Greydon growled.

  “No idea. That one’s on you, but I’m thinking you don’t have much choice. Least not after the conversation with Uuna,” Fang responded. A recent artifact had led Aimee and Greydon to the place where the goddess Uuna was imprisoned. Apparently, she had revealed how Aimee would kill Zolar. With the discovery of seven artifacts, Aimee would gain power from each until she was able to take out the threat then release Uuna from prison.

  Right. Easy peasy.

  Bethany sat in the chair, refusing to look at the table covered with paper on the other side of the room. She also refused to undress and don the gown, which sat folded on said table. Instead, she crossed her arms, hugging herself, and stared at the door. Waiting. The stark white walls closing in on her.

  She hugged herself tighter, wishing it were Fang’s strong arms instead of her own. The last thing she recalled was helping Aimee after Greydon and Fang had left to search for the lab where Aimee had been held. With her memory clouded on how she had come to this unfamiliar place, she was certain Zolar or one of his minions had slipped her a mickey or had done some kind of mind meld trick. Her temples pounded, also confirming her suspicions. All she could think about was the last conversation she had with that ass of a demon god. The thought of being impregnated by a demon made her want to vomit.

  The door handle turned, and she pushed further into the chair. The fetal position sounded good about now; instead, she straightened and pulled her shoulders back ready to meet whomever it was head-on.

  A tall woman wearing a pair of drab, green scrubs entered. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a ponytail so tight, she figured the woman's head had to hurt.

  “Why are you still dressed?” A dark brow, indicating the woman was nowhere near a real blonde, arched over her ice blue eyes.

  Bethany dug for courage. “I would think it’s rather obvious.”

  The woman shoved her hands onto her hips and let out a sigh. “I don’t have time for your bullshit. So either strip and put on the damn gown, or I'll send somebody in to do it for you. Your blood results came back and said you’re ready to be inseminated.”

  Swallowing, Bethany debated what to do. She hadn't forgotten about the big demon who had shoved her into the room earlier and told her to change. Was that who the woman would send in now? The thought of what they were about to do to her caused bile to burn the back of her throat.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  The ice queen walked to the exam table and grabbed the gown. With a jerking motion, she snapped it until it unfolded and threw it at Bethany. “If you think I was joking about having you forcibly undressed, you seriously underestimate me. As far as why I'm doing this? I have a job to do, and I rather like keeping my head attached to my shoulders. Now, shall we try again?”

  The woman was definitely all attitude, and the tone in her voice indicated she wasn’t someone to mess with. However, Bethany wondered about her statement concerning keeping her head attached. Was she here against her will as well?

  Forcing her body to cooperate, Bethany rose from her seat and kicked off her shoes. “Does that mean you’re a prisoner here too?”

  The woman simply peered at her before she responded. “Just hurry the fuck up.”

  Bethany pulled her T-shirt over her head and tossed it on the floor. Next, she unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down her hips. Stepping out of them until she stood only in her bra and panties, her arms instinctively crossed over her half-naked body. The woman sighed even louder.

  “Everything. Off.”

  Bethany’s hands shook, but somehow she managed to unhook her bra and toss it with the rest of her clothes then slipped off her panties. She quickly grabbed the gown, shoving her arms through the holes and wrapped it around her. “Satisfied?” She couldn't help letting a little attitude of her own come through.

  Dr. Ice Queen sneered at her. “On the table. I'm sure you know the procedure.”

  Bethany followed the command, even though her body wanted to rebel and run the other way. There was no place to go so she climbed on the table, lay back, and stuck her feet into the dreaded stirrups. Her heart pounded loudly in her ears until it beat so fast her fingers started to tingle. She was headed for a full on panic attack as she recalled Aimee’s tale of her own abduction. Likely the same doctor too from the description Aimee had given. Her friend had been examined to see if she was a candidate to carry a demon baby. Bethany however, was about to become a human surrogate.

  Zolar’s words rang back in her ears, and her heart beat even faster.

  Bethany had to find a way to calm herself or she’d go over the edge. Passing out was not an option, but she considered it for a moment. Not knowing what they did to her could be a good thing. No, I need to stay in control. I may not be able to stop them, but I have to know what they do to me. She thought about something else, or rather someone else.


  Bethany had never been one to believe in soul mates, and she wasn’t even sure she believed in true love, but there had been a connection between her and the demon. Forget he was hotter than sin. Hell, if sin had an avatar it would be a picture of Fang. Still, she couldn’t help but wonder if there was something to it. To them.

  Taking in a deep breath, she let it out and continued to exhale even though there was no air left in her lungs. She reminded herself to slow her breathing. She wasn't going to die and would get through this. Maybe if she just talked to the woman.

  “I thought things like this had to be done in a more sterile environment?”

  The doctor gave a short laugh. “This isn't that complicated. Besides, these demons have far superior technology than we humans do.” The doctor pulled the ultrasound machine closer, and Bethany heard the door open. Another woman wearing scrubs stepped in.

  “Sorry I’m late.”

  Dr. Ice glared at her. “Just get to work.”

  The brunette nodded then gripped the bottle of gel and squirted some on Bethany’s abdomen. Next, she grabbed the transducer and slid it across Bethany’s skin. Both the nurse and doctor stared at the screen.

  “Right there,” the doctor said. “Hold that position.”

  Bethany held her breath as she felt the invasion.

  “You tested as fertile, so the chances you will conceive are very good. However, you should know that no one has carried to full term successfully yet. The demons seem to think if they could get into Atlantis, then humans would bear children without issue. However, they can’t so we’re trying Zolar’s home world to see if that helps.
” She flashed a grin. “You’re our first test subject.”

  Wonderful. “I always wanted to be a guinea pig.” Bethany wasn’t sure if she should be relieved or fearful. There was a good chance she would miscarry, but for some reason the thought made her a little sad. It wasn't the child's fault these people were crazy. Would Fang look at her differently if she were carrying another man’s child?

  “Who's the father?” Why do I want to know? Pictures of birthing a two-headed creature with red skin and horns sent her pulse racing again.

  Dr. Ice laughed. “Don't worry, he's a fine specimen. A warrior if I'm to understand correctly. Of course, I believe all of these demons consider themselves warriors.” She patted Bethany on the shin. “You can sit up now, we're all done.”

  Bethany didn't waste any time pulling her feet from the stirrups and scooting back on the table. She was a bit surprised. There had been no pain, and she didn't know why she had expected any. “That's it?” The other woman wiped the gel from her skin with a towel.

  The doctor raised a brow. “You expected more? Yes, that's it, so now we wait and will test you in twenty-four hours.” The woman snapped off her gloves and tossed them into the trash bin. “Fortunately, demon babies grow much faster than humans. If we get lucky, and you're one of the few to carry to full term, you'll be giving birth in about five months.”

  Everywhere Fang went, he left a trail of destruction behind him, but it hadn’t brought him any closer to finding Bethany. When had he started giving a shit about the petite blonde? She’d been an annoyance from the second they met. Stabbing him in the back when he’d shown up at Aimee’s apartment, in search of Aimee. Greydon had tasked him to keep the human safe.

  Then Bethany had tagged along as he continued on the hunt for Aimee and had remained a thorn in his side. The female was feisty though, and he had found that sexy as hell. As far as when he’d decided to make her his? He knew exactly when it happened. The wild night they’d spent in each other’s arms. Sexual tension had flared between them from day one, and finally they’d given in to it. Afterward, he knew she belonged to him. His instinct had shouted then to claim her as his mate, but he pushed it aside, thinking they both needed time. Time had run out and now she was gone.


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