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Taken by Storm

Page 3

by Valerie Twombly

  Damn. He scrubbed his hand over his face and watched the vision get back into the car, Garret sliding in next to her. The urge to kill the human male had just jumped several notches.

  Bethany watched nervously as Dr. Ice stuck the needle into her arm and drew blood. It had been twenty-four long hours since they had artificially inseminated her, and today was the big day to see if fertilization had taken place.

  The doctor pulled the needle from her arm and placed a cotton ball over the puncture. “Hold this.” Bethany did as instructed while the doctor stuck a bandage over it.

  “How long before you have the results?” she asked.

  The doctor flashed her a cold smile. “Anxious to become a mother?”

  Bethany felt her brows pinch down. “Why are you such a bitch? Is there even an ounce of compassion running through your veins?”

  The woman snorted as she walked to the door and flung it open, handing the tube of blood to somebody on the other side. “Get this to the lab ASAP.” She shut the door and turned back to face Bethany, hands on her hips. “To answer your questions, we should have your results in about twenty minutes. As for the other?” She walked to the stool and sat down, her gaze now boring a hole into Bethany. “You should take a lesson from me, because being a bitch in this place is the only way to survive. Show no emotion and care for no one, then maybe... Just maybe they leave you the hell alone.”

  Bethany wondered how this woman ended up here. Was she abducted like the others? Had she at one time been a kind person, and this place caused her to grow bitter? The only thing Bethany could think about was how the hell to get out of here and find a way back home. She knew without a doubt that Aimee would be searching for her, but she couldn’t count on that and had to find a way to help herself.

  Several minutes ticked by and Bethany watched the doctor busy herself making notes on a chart, which she assumed was hers. Finally, there was a knock on the door. The doctor rose from her stool and stepped outside, closing the door behind her so Bethany was unable to hear the conversation. Time slowed to a crawl. She found herself pacing the small exam room, her heart rate increasing with every step she took.

  “Please don't let me be pregnant. Please don't let me be pregnant,” she chanted to herself and tried not to wonder what they would do to her if she wasn’t. Would they try again? Or would the god decide to end her life? When the door finally swung open, she stopped and stared at the woman with the severe ponytail. Bethany tried to gauge the answer to her burning question by the expression on the woman's face, but as usual, it was stone cold. Did that mean their little experiment had failed?

  God I hope so.

  There it was. The sly evil grin that curled the doctor’s lips. Bethany knew without a doubt there was another being growing inside of her. “Tell me.” She still demanded confirmation.

  “Congratulations, Mommy.” Dr. Ice took a seat and began to scribble on her clipboard again. “Sit.” She pointed to the chair and Bethany rushed to comply. The doctor rolled her stool closer. “Listen to me and listen good. If you value your life at all, don’t make a fuss and just answer my questions. Who did you sleep with before you came here?”

  Not what Bethany was expecting. “None of your––.”

  “Do you ever listen?” She continued to scribble, never looking at Bethany. “Answer me. Which demon was it? I know you were with them. The prince? His brother?”

  Bethany blanched. “Neither.”

  Finally, the woman lifted her head and made eye contact. “The protector then?”

  “Yes, but why is that important?” So she and Fang had gotten lost––or more accurately, she had reverted to her past ways––and they’d had sex. Hot, dirty, no-strings-attached sex and it had been great, but it had been one time.

  “Standard procedure is to perform a pregnancy test before I do anything else. Your results yesterday came back positive. I only went through the motions of inseminating you.”

  Her jaw dropped. “I’m… I don’t understand.”

  The woman’s brows pinched down. “For the love of god. You fucked a demon and got pregnant,” she whispered. “How? I can only assume it had something to do with being in Atlantis. Zolar must continue to believe this conception was made here with the donors he chose, or he may rip that fetus from your womb himself.”

  Bethany’s hand went instinctively to her abdomen. Fang’s child? “But why are you telling me this? Why not tell Zolar I was already with child?”

  “I wasn’t always a heartless bitch.” Her face lost all emotion again. “Someone will be here shortly to take you to your new quarters.”

  “New quarters? Where?”

  The doctor stepped aside, motioning Bethany out the door. “It would seem Zolar has a special room for you right in his palace. I understand you will be treated very well. You will want for nothing.”

  “Really? Because I want to go home,” Bethany scoffed.

  “You should learn to appreciate the things that will be handed to you. After all, you may be the very first human to give birth to a demon.” With those magic words, one appeared next to them.

  Chapter 3

  Zander was pissed. “How in the fuck did I manage to lose them?” Careless, that's what he’d been. There was no excuse, not even the fact that he'd been in prison for quite some time and maybe had lost his edge. Not acceptable, he was a warrior. A demon race far superior to humans, yet he'd managed to let at least three of them slip through his fingers. He should report back to his brother, but frankly, he wasn't ready yet. While he knew Greydon would understand, he didn't want his brother's sympathy. He wanted no one’s sympathy. He simply wanted to avenge his queen and find his other brother and the rest of their people.

  The blonde. He needed to find the blonde and make her talk. He was certain she had information and a female would be more pliable than a male. Oh, he still planned to kill Garret first chance he got, but he would now put his focus on her.

  He ran his fingers through his hair, and stared into the darkness. For now, he would head back to Oshivana. Look for more clues and maybe find one of the artifacts while he came up with a new game plan. At least he would feel useful.

  Closing his eyes, he conjured his magic and shifted into his demonic form. Wings broke through the skin on his back and unfurled. He gave them a flap up and down, feeling more at ease and confident as the air rushed through his wings. Within seconds, he shot into the sky and blended into the darkness as he watched the city lights fade beneath him. Power and freedom bled into one and soared through his blood stream. Since he was of royal descent and had already been back to his home world, he would have no trouble returning. He searched for the link embedded in his DNA and grabbed hold, uttering the command, “Take me home.”

  Zander shot through the sky. A tunnel opened to pull him in and take him where he desired to go. Only seconds passed before he came out the other side and found himself above the ocean. Hovering briefly, he stared down at the angry, black water. Lightning flashed in the sky, and he sensed a pending storm. It was a perfect time for him to go home.

  With his wings folded against his body, he shot through the air, plunging toward the water’s surface. When he was within inches of breaking through a wave, he felt himself dematerialize. Seconds later, he was standing in the Great Hall of his home, Oshivana. Or, as the humans called it centuries ago, Atlantis. Either name suited him.

  Groaning steel broke the eerie silence. The city was safely encased in magic deep beneath the ocean of the Bermuda triangle, and he wondered how many people had disappeared when they drew too close to the city. It shouldn't be of any concern to him, yet it was. At one time, the place had been a bustling metropolis where demons and humans traded goods and lived together. It had been the greed of a god that brought the downfall of Atlantis.

  When his goddess Uuna had married the god Zolar, they had only been two weeks into their marriage when her husband killed the goddess’ father and tried to take over the city. Uuna sent
her people fleeing and sealed Atlantis in magic, thus saving it. However, she had also placed herself in a self-imposed prison. Uuna was stuck in a stasis until her people came back and resurrected their home.

  Zander stood on the bridge and stared at the island city. The winged, twin marble statues that flanked the entrance on the other side beckoned him home. If he closed his eyes, he could picture his ancestors conducting their day-to-day business. With no idea what he was looking for, he flashed himself into the palace and straight to the library. The faint lines that started at his collarbone, wound their way down his chest, and would hopefully one day darken into his tribal marking began to tingle. He lifted his tee and looked down at his chest. The lines seemed to pulse slightly. Was it because he was home?


  He was a few hundred years away from having to leave and go to the place his people referred to as the pits. There, he would be put to the ultimate test of will. If he passed, his tattoo would darken and show he was a warrior in Uuna’s army. Fail and he faced a fate worse than death. He would turn into a Concosa, the enemy that served Zolar.

  There wasn’t time to worry about it now. He needed to conduct a search and hopefully find whatever it was that drew him back here. Search for any clues they might have missed the last time they were here. As he looked around the room, he realized this was not where he needed to be looking. His gut said to look outside the palace.

  Bethany allowed the creature to lead her down the corridor. As if she had any other choice. The mere presence of what they called the Concosa sent a shiver up her spine. She tried not to look at him and his grotesque body, but it was difficult. How could anyone miss those large, black wings or skinless head? That freaked her out the most, and if you dared stare into their eyes, you'd find black pools of evil. It was hard to believe these demons were the same as Greydon and Fang, but turned evil by what boiled down to an argument between a husband and wife.

  The thought of Fang made her smile as she remembered tracing her fingers, then her tongue, along the faint lines of his tattoo. It promised to be a spectacular piece of work when the lines darkened. He had been a remarkable lover, but that wasn’t what attracted her to him. Hidden beneath his hard exterior was an exceptionally smart man with a heart bigger than he would admit. She understood why he was a protector. He was fiercely loyal, and she found that sexy. Of course, it didn’t hurt that the man was built and not just above the waist.

  She really needed to stop thinking about her attraction to him because it would only lead to heartache. She knew there had been a connection when they had been together, but had it been one-sided? Bethany craved love, a family, and a tinge of jealousy crept over her when she thought of how Fang’s loyalty might one day be given to another woman. After all, she was a human. She pushed all thoughts of love and white picket fences aside and shifted her attention to the surprising news she’d received.

  I’m carrying Fang’s baby, and how the hell do I feel about that?

  It definitely increased the need to escape. A fierce protectiveness came over her, and she would be damned if Zolar or anyone else would harm her child. Bethany had no idea how Fang would react when he learned he was going to be a father, but that had to be the least of her worries right now. Survival and escape were her top priorities.

  When they finally arrived at the end of the corridor, the beast opened the door and gave her a gentle nudge through. She was a bit surprised, considering the creatures were usually vile and mean. It was hard to even fathom they could have a gentler side. Perhaps the doctor had been correct. Since she was now carrying a demon child, they would take better care of her. There had to be a way she could use this to her advantage. Would it be possible to gain the trust of someone here? Was there anyone who would dare help her escape? The doctor had shown a little compassion, but it was doubtful she would go any further than that. Bethany was on her own and therefore would prove to be a model prisoner. Do anything that was asked of her while searching for a way out.

  They continued their walk across a stone path with matching archways that curved overhead. On either side, she spotted a glimpse of the outside world, and what she saw frightened her even more. Men, or likely demons, in fiery black armor patrolled the grounds. Her heart sank. There had to be hundreds of them out there pacing along a rocky ground and making a bold contrast to the yellow-gray sky. They carried a big sword in each hand, and it was evident that nothing would get past them.

  “Ahh, what do you think of my army?”

  Bethany whirled to face the voice she’d grown to hate. At least this time he was in his human form, which was much more tolerable than the other he used to try to intimidate her. “Your army?”

  “Yes, the one I intend to use to take back Oshivana. After that? I enslave your people.” His eyes showed no mercy—only pure evil—and she wondered how this same god had managed to cause a woman to fall in love with him. He must've put on a very good show for the goddess not to see through him. And the goddess’ father? He had missed it too. However, she hadn’t missed something in his comment.

  “Why does a god need an army to overthrow a city with no people? I would think you have more power in your pinky than any army could provide.”

  “You are so naive, but that’s to be expected because you’re mortal.”

  Okay, so much for that. Maybe the baby would be a better source of conversation. She placed her palm against her belly and changed the subject. “I'm sure you've heard the news?”

  A smile played across his lips. “And most welcome news it is. If this is successful, the child will be very valuable.”

  She forced a smile, going back to the training she’d had in high school. The one thing she'd always loved was acting, and now she was going to play the role of her life. “Tell me, will he still be of value to you once the city is yours?” Had she just noticed a softening in his eyes?

  “The child you carry is the baby of Prince Orien and a very powerful female from an upper class family. A perfect match and one I would assume might have actually taken place had the war not started. I will raise him as my own son so I can mold him into the next ruler of Oshivana.” He waved at the demon standing next to her. “Leave us. I will escort her the rest of the way.” The demon bowed to his master and vanished into thin air.

  Well, at least now I'm only faced with him. I have less than five months to get out of here or this man will kill us both. “My son will be a ruler?” She didn't break her gaze with him.

  “Your son?” He cocked an eyebrow.

  “Of course my son. It’s my body that gives him life, and it will be I who nurtures him. That makes me his mother.” To show her determination, she stuck her hands on her hips.

  He threw his head back in laughter. “You are a feisty one, but once he is born I will no longer have use for you.”

  Hope and fear stuck in her throat. “Then you’ll let me go?”

  Again he laughed. “I will kill you unless you can prove useful to me.”

  She tipped her chin, feigning confidence. “A child needs a mother, and I am a very smart human. I can be a great resource for you when you take over.” She narrowed her eyes. “I may even be able to give you Greydon. Wouldn’t you like to have the demon prince?” No reason to tell him Greydon was now king.

  He narrowed his gaze. “What exactly are you implying?”

  She put on her best game face. “That we raise our son together.” She examined her nails as if bored. “I had no intention of mating with Greydon.” She lifted her eyes to meet his. “He’s poor and powerless. I come from a wealthy family, and I expect to live in a manner fitting my station. The thought of my son as a ruler pleases me.” It terrified the hell out of her, but if escape or rescue didn’t come, she would be her son’s only voice of reason. Abandoning her child would not happen on her watch.

  There was a glint in his eyes as they widened. “I see.”

  “No, I can find Zander myself. Besides, I need something to occupy my mind,” Fan
g replied.

  Greydon nodded. “As you wish. Just remember, there's only the two of you against god knows what army. Be careful.”

  “I have no intention of getting caught again. I'll be on my way, so next time I see you, I'll have Bethany with me and hopefully a few others.” Fang left the room with one intention. Find Zander then get his mate and father. As he stepped outside, he shifted and gave himself a moment to search for Zander's DNA, which would take him directly to the prince. Within seconds, the other demon appeared like a blip on a radar, and Fang knew exactly where to go.

  “Damn it to hell. What’s he doing in Oshivana?” He didn't have time to consider an answer. Instead, he summoned his magic and opened a portal. “Take me to the prince.” He stepped inside and was immediately pulled through space then dropped, where he found himself standing in the middle of the Great Hall of the old abandoned palace.

  “I feel like I just got done doing this,” he muttered with annoyance, taking a quick glance around. Zander was nowhere in sight. “Zander, where the fuck are you?” The only reply was the groaning of the city. He stormed across a polished marble floor, picking up the prince’s scent. It appeared he’d gone outside.

  Fang stepped out onto a stone patio, surprised to find the sun spreading its rays across the city. When he looked up, he was shocked to see the ocean above him. Predators darted in and out of a small school of fish where they fed frantically.

  “What the hell?”

  When the city went into survival mode, it had surrounded itself with a shield before it sank to the bottom of the ocean. He scratched his head. “Now I know I was a little stressed at the time, but I swear the shield was like a giant shutter and blocked everything out.” This, however, was like being inside the aquarium and looking out. In this case, the sea was on the other side of the glass.


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