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Taken by Storm

Page 6

by Valerie Twombly

  Before the two could stop him, Fang leapt into the air and rushed toward the unsuspecting army on the ground. With a mere thought, he set the first two demons he laid eyes on into a battle with each other. Next, he set his focus on a group of four. Within seconds, they were at each other's throats. It didn't take long for the rest to rush forward and join in. Zolar’s army was full of numbskulls whose only thought was fighting. It took little effort to send them into a tizzy. Blood spilled and bodies fell as the army of demons began to take out their own brethren.

  The sound of steel crushing bone and the scent of blood made Fang want to enter the fray himself. However, he had a much more important mission, so he locked in on his mate’s location and landed several yards away from the fighting taking place behind him. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Greydon and Zander as they ran around the commotion and disappeared through a doorway.

  May the spirit of Uuna protect you. He’d never forgive himself if something happened to either of them.

  He folded his wings and summoned an invisibility shield. With a determined pace, he slipped beyond the archway and headed down a cobblestone corridor. The scent of Bethany grew stronger, assuring he headed in the right direction. As he drew closer, he heard voices and dodged into the room where the smell of orange blossoms was strongest.


  She sat at the table eating, and that bastard was across from her. Lust filled Zolar’s eyes, and it took every bit of power Fang had to control himself and not knock him into the next century. The safety of his mate and son were paramount. He strode across the room like a storm, but luckily, the shield kept him quiet as a mouse. He sidled next to Bethany and inhaled her intoxicating scent then ran his hand down her arm. His mouth watered and he wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss the hell out of her. Same as he had that night when they’d both thrown caution out the window. Instead, he waited for the ruckus outside to filter into the room.

  A female entered in a rush, breaking his train of thought. He was sure she was here to inform her master of the commotion taking place outside. Zolar jumped from his seat and stormed form the room. Fang brushed Bethany’s cheek. Soon I’ll have you away from this place.

  Bethany had been escorted to a large dining room, complete with stark, white marble floors and matching walls. The room felt cold and sterile with the exception of the two massive onyx statues, which sat on either side of the room and faced each other. She tried to study them as they walked by. Zolar caught her staring.

  “You like them?”

  More like they frightened the hell out of her. In this world, she could imagine them coming to life. “What kind of creature are they?”

  “They are guardians of the gods.” He halted in front of one. It was then she noticed the wings tucked into its side, a narrow mouth filled with sharp teeth, and slits for eyes. It looked more like a throwback to the dinosaur era. Who knew, maybe it was a distant relative. At this point, she’d believe anything.

  “I see. So these statues guard you?” Might as well probe for more information. By the smile on his face, he seemed to enjoy talking about them.

  He laughed. “My dear human, not the statues but the real beast, which resides in the outer boundaries of this realm.” The smile plastered on his lips turned into an evil grin. “It’s where I sent the demon earlier. Most likely he’s become someone's lunch by now.”

  So much for not wanting the demon dead. She supposed that was still better than the alternative, which was the chance of him narcing that she was not carrying the child Zolar wanted. It was survival after all. Hers and that of her unborn baby. She’d always heard about mothers who would die for their children. Now she understood.

  “How delightful. I’m starved.” Quick change of subject as she eyed the table several feet away and hoped there were no surprises, such as the head of some creature on a platter. The thought made her throw up just a little.

  “Of course. Come, let’s get you fed so you can bear me a strong son.” He patted her hand and led her to the table where he pulled out a chair. If it weren’t for the fact she was a prisoner and had also seen Zolar in his true form, she might be able to convince herself he was a gentleman.

  A female demon with red skin and black hair set a silver platter in front of her. As she raised the lid...

  Please don’t let it be a head. Please don’t let it be a head.

  Bethany breathed a heavy sigh once the lid revealed a thick steak––at least it looked like steak––whipped potatoes, asparagus, and for dessert chocolate cake. She leaned down and took a whiff. “Smells good.” Raising her gaze to his. “That is beef. Right?”

  Again he laughed. “I would never dream of feeding you anything but what is customary in your world.” He picked up his fork as the same demon placed a tray in front of him. Thank heavens his meal appeared to match hers.

  “I’m glad to hear that.” She eyed the cake and chewed her lip. Could she already be experiencing cravings? Screw it, she shoved the plate of food aside and pulled the cake closer, stabbing a fork into it. Seconds later, the smooth, buttery decadence of dark and milk chocolate covered with ganache danced across her tongue.

  She moaned out loud then quickly looked for Zolar’s reaction. He watched her with an intense gaze, and if she hadn’t known before the kind of fire she was playing with, it was certainly made clear now by the desire in his eyes.

  “Good cake.” What the hell was she thinking? Survival. That’s what you’re thinking.

  “There is more if you should want it, but I wouldn’t recommend making it your entire meal.” He began cutting his meat and placed a large chunk, still dripping with blood, into his mouth.

  When she finished the last bite of her dessert, she shoved aside the empty plate and reached for the main course, surprised she was still famished. As she poked at her asparagus, the skin on the back of her neck prickled. She glanced around the room then at Zolar, to see if he had felt it too. He was still busy eating, so she shook it off as a fluke and dug into her steak. Again, she felt something, but this time it was as if someone had brushed a finger across her arm. She looked to her right, but there was nothing there.

  I must be losing my mind.

  She went back to eating her meal when the same demon who had served them dinner approached Zolar.

  “Master.” Her voice was so soft Bethany was surprised she actually heard her. The female bent and whispered in his ear. “Master, you are needed at once.”

  Anger registered in his eyes as they flashed crimson before returning to brown. He shot from his chair and threw down his napkin. “I have some business to attend to. If I have not returned when you have finished, Fatima here will see to it one of the guards escorts you back to your quarters.”

  Bethany nodded, relieved to be rid of the god yet curious as to what had angered him. Shrugging it off, she went back to eating as she watched Zolar and the demon leave the room. Digging into her steak, again she felt something brush against her skin. This time it was her cheek, and she jumped from her seat.

  “Okay, this game is getting old. Who the hell’s here?” Pretty brave words from a girl who shook in her shoes. She eyed the steak knife and swept it off the table. Rolling her fingers around the handle, she spun to face an invisible enemy.

  “If you think to shove that in my back like last time you’d best think again, love.”

  She gasped and whirled to face the voice she feared was a hallucination. “Fang!” Never had anyone looked so good. She dropped the knife and ran straight into his open arms. Melted into him and inhaled. If power had a scent, it would be spicy and sinful and would smell like Fang. She moved her hands along his chest, feeling every well-defined ridge. The man was built for fighting. Chiseled out of hardened muscle.

  “How the hell did you get here?” she whispered into his chest. He rubbed his hand down her back and sent chills up her spine.

  “First,”––he leaned back and tipped her chin up––“have they hurt you o
r our son in any way?” The resolve in his eyes sent another wave of shivers over her. Bethany knew he would kill anyone she pointed a finger at.

  “How did you know?” It had taken her a moment to realize he was aware of her condition.

  “I’ve spoken with Father.” He smiled and touched her belly. “The miracle of life.” As quickly as it appeared, his smile turned into a thin line of determination. “We must leave at once. I have to get you to safety before that asshole finds out you’ve left.”

  Panic sped up her pulse at the thought of Zolar discovering them. “Hurry, Fang.”

  Fang pulled Bethany close and summoned a portal from where he had originally came. He would wait briefly for Greydon and Zander to return before he fled with Bethany.

  His son. He’d felt his son, and pride swelled within him. However, Bethany had to get to safety, and he needed to bond her to him or she would be in some serious trouble. The baby was growing too fast, and her human body would soon give out or abort. With a blood bond, their son would stand a better chance. Bethany would gain strength. He just needed to convince her it was the best thing to do.

  Fang searched over the wall of skulls and spotted Greydon with several men, including his father following behind. Hot on their tail were at least twenty of those armored beasts. Fang sensed the injured were slowing his king down. Suddenly, a net went flying through the air.

  “Son of a bitch,” Fang growled.

  “What? What’s happening?” Bethany slipped in beside him and peered over the wall, her hand on his shoulder.

  Fang’s loyalty between his king and Bethany was torn as he watched the first net miss the man at the rear. Greydon turned and conjured an electrical blast that took out the first three threats, but they were still gaining.

  “You need to help them.” Bethany squeezed his shoulder.

  He looked at her. “Stay here.” She nodded and he flashed into the middle of the battle. A net tangled around his father and Fang’s anger grew. He flashed again, to where his father had hit the ground, grabbed the net, and felt the tug on his power.

  “Not this time,” he muttered. Unlike the battle where he was weakened and taken prisoner from the magical netting, today Fang was stronger, thanks to fate and Bethany. He sent a surge of his own magic through his fingers and turned the net to dust.

  “Fucking awesome.” Fang rather liked this newfound power he had. He helped his father to stand, then turned his attention to the oncoming demons. His gaze narrowed. “I’m really sick of this shit. This time you will fight to the death.” He muttered words under his breath, smacked his palms together, and a wind swirled. Power, his magic, followed the breeze and turned the demons on each other once more. Fang grabbed his father’s arm and flashed them behind the wall. Relief swept over him to find Bethany still there and safe.

  “What kind of power do you have that creates such chaos?” Greydon asked, coming up beside them.

  “My son is a Daldara protector.” His father smiled with pride. “He is one of the strongest demons ever to exist.”

  “Where is Zander?” Fang glanced around.

  “My brother said not to wait for him. He wanted to continue his search for others.” Greydon lifted his hands in a I give up gesture. “He refused to listen to me. I should go back too.”

  “Zander understands the risks, but you cannot get caught. Zolar would consider the king of the Valarians and ruler of Oshivana a prize,” Fang ground out. His father nodded in agreement.

  Greydon clenched his jaw. “I am tired of running! Besides, I only just got my brother back.”

  Fang leaned closer, needing to make his king understand. “Zander is back to full strength, and now that he knows what we are dealing with, he is better equipped. The prince is resourceful, but if he doesn’t check back in a few hours I will go in search of him.”

  Greydon nodded, slightly appeased. Fang had known the demon for centuries and understood the internal battle he faced. It was a hard combination being both warrior and king. One half wanted to fight; the other had to stay safe.

  “As far as running? You do not run, my King. You do what is best for your people, and they need you safe.” He leaned back. “We must leave. Now.” Fang summoned a portal and forced everyone through just as an explosion blasted at their heels. Seconds later, they appeared in front of an angry, pacing Aimee.

  “What the hell?” She glared at all of them until she spotted Bethany, and her features softened. “Oh my god!” She ran to her friend and the girls embraced.

  “I’ve been so worried about you.” She shoved Bethany back slightly to get a good look at her. “Are you all right? Did they hurt you?”

  “I’m fine,” Bethany assured. Aimee nodded then glared at Fang over her friend’s shoulder.

  “How dare you!”

  “You should learn that I dare many things,” Fang stated.

  She marched to Greydon in a huff. “You allowed him to send me away? I thought I was part of the team.”

  The king took her hands in his in an effort to calm his mate. “You are but not when it means your life is in danger. Like you, I was forced back here by Fang, while Zander is still in Zolar’s realm. He is correct. In time of war, our protection is his priority.”

  “Then what are we doing here?” Aimee questioned.

  “It’s the only place safe for Bethany and you. Besides, we need to perform a bonding ceremony, and it needs to be done here where magic is the strongest.” Fang ran his fingers through his hair and waited for the bomb to drop. “The sooner the better.”

  “Wait just a damn minute.”

  There it was. Everyone turned to Bethany who stood with arms crossed. “I’m thankful for the rescue, and I realize you and I have things to talk about, but I’m not mating you. This place is not safe. I was kidnapped once already, remember?” Her brows arched high.

  “She’s right, Fang. What’s to keep Zolar from coming back?” This time Greydon posed the question. “After all, we don’t know how he managed to grab her this last time.”

  “It wasn’t Zolar who got in. He can’t. Not without the child he seeks to create. He sent one of his minions, hoping they would go undetected. It worked. I will be placing wards around the city that will prohibit any demon from entering, with the exception of those of us here right now.”

  This time Aimee gave a piercing look. “Why was that not done to begin with?”

  “You have every right to be angry, my Queen. However, we couldn’t know Oshivana’s weakness until she was breached.”

  Her features softened. “You’re sure we are safe?”

  “I swear on my life.” He reached for Bethany’s hand and brought it to his lips. “I will kill any who harmed you. Zolar will be left with no minions to do his bidding when I am finished.” He kissed her knuckles before letting go. “I must finish protecting the city. This room is safe, so stay here until I return.”

  Aimee moved toward the other men. “I feel foolish. Greydon, who are these people you brought with you? They look in dire need of food and clothes.”

  Fang gave a nod. “My Queen, may I present my father, Bliezal.”

  His father dropped to one knee, and the other men followed behind him. “Your Majesty. It is an honor to meet you.”

  “Umm, I’m flattered, but Bliezal, please call me Aimee.” She looked over his shoulder at the others. “All of you may call me Aimee.”

  Fang nearly snickered at the horrified looks on their faces. “My Queen, you cannot expect the people to call you by your given name. It’s just not done.”

  She looked to Greydon, and he nodded in agreement. “But I’ve heard you refer to Greydon by his given name on occasion.”

  “Only when I was prince, never since I was crowned king,” Greydon replied.

  “Oh. I guess he hasn’t. Well, hell.” Her eyes suddenly lit up. “But I’m not a crowned queen, so they can call me Aimee for now. When I am queen, can’t I decree a title? I detest Your Majesty. It’s so”—she made a face
—“formal and not me.”

  “She’s not crowned?” Bliezal asked.

  “Not yet, but we now have enough people to make that happen.” Greydon smiled. “They will never call you by your given name. It would make everyone uncomfortable, and I know you don’t wish that.”

  Aimee let out a breath. “Of course not.”

  “A compromise. How about ‘my lady’?” Greydon asked.

  Aimee nodded. “I can live with that.”

  Chapter 7

  Bethany watched as Fang and the others vanished from the room.

  “So, I know Fang has a thing for you but mating?” Aimee asked.

  Bethany turned to face her friend, deciding now was as good a time as any to tell her everything. She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. “Well, you see...” She took in a deep breath. “Before I was taken, Fang and I sorta... Well we sort of slept together.”

  “I see.” Aimee pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes momentarily. “Did he pursue you? I mean, I couldn't blame you, he is—like all these demons I've met so far—rather sexy.”

  Bethany plopped on an oversized cushion. “No. It was mutual consent. We both realized there was an attraction there, and we just went with it. But mating was never part of the plan.” She looked back up at her friend.

  Aimee sat on a cushion beside her and touched her arm. “Are you falling into your old habits again? I mean it's your life, but I don't want to see you get hurt.”

  Bethany pulled at the hem of her shirt again, afraid to meet her friend’s gaze. “I'm not really sure how to answer that. I mean, I've never had an attraction to a man like this before. It’s almost like a drug addict who needs a fix. I need him.” She finally met Aimee’s stare. “It scares the hell out of me, but there's more to the story. I'm pregnant.”


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