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Taken by Storm

Page 8

by Valerie Twombly

  Bethany was surprised at how well she had slept. She pushed herself to sitting and noticed the room had darkened. How long had she been sleeping anyway?

  The door opened and a sexy demon filled the entryway. “You’re awake. You must be famished.” Fang strolled into the room and a soft light seemed to follow him, bringing a glow that brightened the entire room.

  “How long did I sleep?” She threw off the sheet then realized she only had the clothes she’d come in with.

  “About three hours.” Fang walked to a pair of double doors and flung them open. “Clothes, all for you.”

  She gasped and jumped from the bed, not caring about her nakedness. Hell, he’d seen it already. “Where did all of this come from?” She pulled open a drawer and found silky underwear in an array of colors that rivaled the rich hues of the ocean life, which swam literally outside their doors.


  She pulled a pair of cobalt blue panties from the drawer and slipped them on, then spotted a pair of black yoga pants on the shelf. Within minutes, she was fully dressed. “I had no idea you could do such things.”

  He raised a brow. “I’m wondering what I was thinking. I rather prefer you naked. It’s a shame to cover such beautiful curves.”

  Heat flashed over her cheeks. She was used to men calling her beautiful, but for some reason, coming from Fang it was different. She was desperate for his acceptance. “You asked if I was hungry?” Quick change of subject before they ended up back in bed. Later, first she needed to fill the aching burn in her gut.

  “Yes.” He offered his arm. “I have a special dinner prepared.”

  “Really? Did you cook it yourself?” She allowed him to lead her from the room and down a brightly lit corridor. Candles flickered in sconces shaped like mermaids. “Were they real? Mermaids?”

  “So many questions. No, I don’t cook and yes, at one time mermaids were very real. Their species died out several hundred years ago.”

  “Oh. How sad.”

  He snorted. “Don’t pity them. They were evil bitches who caused many a man his death.”

  So the old tales were true then. Who knew? Bethany hadn’t remembered ever seeing this part of the palace the last time they were here. “Where are we?”

  “This is the south wing of the palace, and it leads to our home.”

  She jerked to a stop. “Our home?”

  He nodded. “That and another surprise I found while snooping around, but I’ll have to show you that.” He tugged her like a little boy who couldn’t wait to show off his most prized possession. She laughed and followed along. Soon, they walked through a high stone arch, and when they crossed to the other side, Bethany stopped again.

  “Oh my god!” She didn’t know which way to look. In front of them was a long stretch of stone wall that framed both sides of them. Carvings of ancient symbols covered the stone. She followed the walls skyward where the massive stone continued to rise. Green ivy climbed along the cracks, breaking up the harshness of the gray. Iron arches connected the two structures and... “Are those walkways?”


  “What is this place?” She could stare at it all day. It was peaceful, yet it hummed with something she couldn’t place. “It’s almost what I would expect Atlantis to look like.” It had a feel that was both ancient and mysterious. She wanted to explore.

  “This is where my people started.” There was pride in Fang’s voice.

  She looked at him, and he was grinning from ear to ear. “I’m confused. Aren’t you also the same species as Greydon? A––Oh, I’ll remember, give me a minute.” She snapped her fingers. “Valarian!”

  He chuckled. “Yes. Come and I’ll explain as we walk.” They continued down a cobblestone path between the towering walls. “The first king of Oshivana was born in the palace millennia ago. The same day as his birth, another was also born. Here.” He swept his hand at the structure before them. “That particular Valarian baby was later called a Daldara, which means protector in our language. I believe he was three at the time, when he showed a power in both physical and magical form like no one had ever witnessed. He was my ancestor and the first of our kind. Since then the protection of the royal family is passed to the next generation when the child becomes a man.”

  “So your father passed it on to you?”

  “Yes. I showed exceptional promise and was given the job of protecting Greydon’s parents while my father watched over the Princes.”

  Bethany didn’t miss the pain in his voice. She knew the story of how Greydon’s parents were killed, and Fang blamed himself. She wanted desperately to ease his torment. “It wasn’t your fault.”

  He smiled at her. “You are sweet my hauracha aera.” He traced his fingers along her chin, sending a shiver up her spine.

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means fated one. Come on. I’m starving.”

  Fang couldn’t wait to get her to the special place he’d scoped out and set up. Finally, when they reached the end of the twin walls, the meadow spread out before them. A prism of colors, tucked among the green grass, filled his sight. The sweet scent of honeysuckle wafted on the air, and in this part of Oshivana, the sun was bright.

  “Fang, I... It’s beautiful. I would never have expected this here. Are you sure we’re still in Kansas?” Bethany giggled.

  He shook his head with a chuckle. “Yeah Dorothy, we’re still in Kansas.” Then he pulled her through the grass until they reached the blanket he had spread out.

  “A picnic?”

  He helped her sit before opening the enormous basket Aimee had insisted on packing. Something about Bethany and cravings. “Let’s see...” He pulled out a container and popped off the lid. “Fried chicken. I understand it’s picnic fare in your world.” She snatched a piece and began gnawing on it.

  “This is so good. What else is in there?”

  It warmed his heart to see her happy. He pulled out another container, plates, napkins, and utensils. She pulled back the lid and squealed like a little girl.

  “Potato salad!” A heaping pile was on her plate and the bones of a chicken cast aside before he could even ask what the hell it was.

  “What is that stuff?” He tried not to wrinkle his nose because apparently she loved it.

  “Seriously?” The look she gave him indicated she thought him crazy. “Potatoes, hardboiled eggs, mayo, relish, and celery all mixed into a creamy goodness.” She pointed at the half-empty container. “Have some.”

  This time he did push up his nose and grabbed a piece of chicken. “I’ll pass, thanks.”

  They spent their time eating in silence, and when Bethany licked the last bit of chocolate frosting from her fork, she rubbed her belly. “I’m stuffed.”

  “You ate enough to feed three,” he exclaimed.

  Her brows furrowed. “Hey. Can I help it if your demon baby has the munchies?”

  He held his gut in laughter. This woman did something to him. Changed him in more ways then he could ever imagine. “You eat anything you desire, love.” He leaned closer and placed his palm over her stomach. “Tonight, my hauracha aera, we will become mated, and I will be the most honored demon ever.”

  “I never said yes. Is that why the picnic? Are you trying to romance me?” she whispered.

  “Am I succeeding? I believe you will say yes.” Of that, he was certain. Bethany was not about to let their child die, but would she choose to stay with them? He should explain everything to her before their mating took place. Something nagged at him, caused his pulse to speed up. He realized it was an emotion he rarely experienced in his three hundred years of life.


  “You’re right. I want nothing more than our son to be healthy.” She frowned. “But he’ll be half-human. Any sons you have with me will be so, how can you pass down your heritage?” She pulled on the hem of her shirt in a nervous gesture.

  “There is a lot I must explain.” He crawled in behind her and pulled her between h
is legs. Her back rested on his chest as he circled his arms around her waist. “Our legend has always spoken of a human woman who would one day help bring about a new era for the Daldara. She would be chosen by fate, and when she and her mate––a Daldara––had sex, he would gain immense power.” He kissed the top of her head. “You are that fated mate, and I am that protector.”

  She twisted in his arms to look at him. “What? You’re saying that you and I...”

  “Yes. Uuna’s father always knew humans held the key that unlocked our power. Mine spiked after our first time together. You should have seen the destruction I left while I was searching for you. I created rivers of blood from the demons I killed.” He wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. Her features softened.

  “You did that while looking for me?”

  “Nothing was going to stand in my way. I had to find you. I am a protector by blood, but your life is more important than my own King’s.”

  “I... I had no idea.”

  “Our son will become even more powerful than me. When we mate, you will obtain some of my power.” He pulled in a deep breath. “When he is born, you will transform into a full-blooded Daldara. You will become as powerful as me.”

  She pushed back. Creases formed around her eyes. “What? How?”

  “You will die and be reborn.” And there it was. Dread coursed through his veins.

  Chapter 9

  Bethany pushed her way out of Fang’s embrace. He had not just told her she would die. And in such a casual, matter-of-fact tone.

  “Are you fucking crazy!” Her hands trembled. Hell, her whole body shook with fear and rage. “What if I don’t want to die?” Panic welled up and threatened to hurl the contents of her stomach all over the blanket.

  “My hauracha aera.”

  She held up her hand. “Stop giving me that ‘my fated one’ shit.” Tears spilled, and the harder she tried to be brave, the more they flowed until she was wailing like a baby. “I’m scared.”

  He pulled her into his arms. His powerful grip softened the blow. Slightly. She wanted to snuggle into him where she felt safe and protected. Nothing would get past this powerful demon. A man who had earlier admitted to turning the ground red with blood as he searched for her. How? How could this same man tell her seconds ago she was going to die?

  “Bethany.” He stroked her hair. “You aren’t really going to die. Listen to me, love.” He tipped her chin and forced her to meet his dark gaze.

  “But you said. I heard you.”

  “Did you also hear me say you would be reborn a demon like me?”

  She sniffed. “How?”

  “You will basically go to sleep and when you awaken you’ll be as strong as I am.”

  She wasn’t sure she liked the sound of that. Sure, being powerful like Fang might be kinda cool, but becoming a demon? “I don’t like that I have no say in this.”

  His eyes reflected a hint of sadness. “There is another choice for you. A magical elixir can be drunk as soon as our son is born. It will stop the transformation, and you will remain human.”

  She straightened. “Well why the hell didn’t you start with that? Of course I want to stay human.”

  “Before you make your decision, please think about it. Our bonding––should you choose to stay mortal––will not extend your life. You will grow old, and eventually pass as you normally would. The only thing our bond will provide you is immunity to any diseases and perhaps some limited power.”

  She chewed her lip. “Tell me again why we have to bond if I can opt out of the change?”

  “It’s the only way to ensure our son’s birth. As you are now, your body will eventually either reject the fetus, or his fast growth will kill you.”

  “This is some messed up shit. You know that?”

  He gripped her shoulders. “I am sorry for what you’ve gone through. Please know that while you might not take being my fated as serious, it means a great deal to me. I vow to always protect you and should you choose to stay human...” He glanced away as if to compose himself before looking back. “Then I will be there when you grow old, and I will make sure your final resting is in a place of honor.”

  There was something missing. Too much pain rested in his eyes. “What are you not telling me?” Bethany calmed her voice.

  “My mother was also human.”

  She was sure her face registered shock, but she remained quiet. Something told her he had a lot to say.

  “It was a well-guarded secret which actually put the Daldara prophecy into motion. The man who carried human and demon DNA would help the king raise his city. It was my parents who altered the course of our species, and it was Uuna’s father, Thundohn, who had decreed it.”

  “Go on,” she urged.

  “The god started the legend and chose Bliezal to fulfill it. By mating with a human female, they would slightly alter the Daldara DNA and bring an advantage to the bloodline that our enemies would never foresee. To most demons, humans were weak.”

  She cocked a brow and crossed her arms. “Really?” She let the sarcasm drip as her reminder of when they met.

  “You are still weaker than me. It’s simply a fact of life. For the moment. Anyway, Thundohn knew about one tiny code of DNA that humans carry, which unlocks a Daldara’s full power. I carry that DNA and you are my key. Our son will carry two generations of the code and will be born with power most don’t have until maturity.”

  She nodded, still trying to absorb everything. “What happened to your mother?”

  “Like you, my mother had the choice after I was born to change or remain human. She chose to remain and died of old age.”

  Everything suddenly made sense. “You watched your mother die.”


  “Don’t you feel cheated? I mean, look at Greydon and Aimee. It’s evident they love each other. Why shouldn’t you have that as well? How is it fair you don’t get to choose?” She should be angry too, but from the moment she stepped into this world with Aimee, she had felt more at peace than ever before.

  “Do you think I have no feelings for you?” His eyes swirled into a mixture of brown and black. She swore a storm brewed behind them and realized the same thing happened every time they made love.

  “How do you feel about me, Fang?” she whispered. “Destiny threw me on your doorstep then suddenly made us parents. You should be angry.”

  He framed her face with big, strong hands. Leaning in, he pressed against her until her back met the ground. He stared at her briefly; the storm behind his eyes brewed stronger, then his mouth was on hers. His tongue swept in and seared every inch it touched.


  Never had she thought a man could brand himself on her soul. Fang wasn’t simply a man. He was dominant yet yielding. Powerful but tender. Bigger than life, yet somehow remained grounded. He was confident in every move he made. His kiss demanded her surrender and damn if she could say no.

  He slowed to torturous nips, pulling her bottom lip gently through his teeth before he opened his stormy eyes. When he opened his mouth to speak, his fangs made an appearance. Resistance was futile. Bethany reached up and ran her fingertip over the point.

  He moaned. “Do you understand yet how I feel about you? I killed hundreds to find you.” He circled her cheekbone with his thumb.

  “I... I guess I’m slow to understand.” She knew her feelings for him were strong and worried it was only the mind-blowing sex they had. A crush on lust Aimee used to call it in high school. Damn she really needed her friend right now.

  “I care for you a great deal, and I swear to Uuna, if you choose to stay human and I have to watch you die...” He brought his forehead to hers. “The only thing that will keep me from joining you is our son.”

  Her breath caught. It had never occurred to her what he might go through watching another woman he cared for perish. She clawed at his jeans. “I need you inside of me. Now.”

  Fang wasted no time. He jumped to his feet and shoved h
is jeans off in a flash before he knelt and helped Bethany finish pulling off her yoga pants. With no clothes between them, he spread her legs and guided his cock home. God she felt good, and he wanted to stay this way forever. He’d always believed his destiny would be as it was told. One day he would mate and have children. Never did he think he would have what his parents had. They loved each other, and his mother had once confessed she regretted her hasty decision to remain human. It was a secret he never divulged to his father. It would break him.

  Bethany clawed his back as he pumped in and out. The woman was hot and wet, and he had to grit his teeth and think of killing demons in order to keep from shooting his load before she’d reached her orgasm. He lifted her hips for better access and increased the speed of his thrust.

  “Don’t stop. Never stop,” she cried out. Her muscles clamped tight around his cock, massaging, urging him to spill every ounce he had.

  He leaned over her, and before he realized it, his fangs were planted in her neck. Blood filled his mouth as his semen spilled into her heat. He swore the ground shook beneath them and maybe it had. Both of their orgasms had been earth-shattering.

  Retracting his fangs, he swiped his tongue over the puncture marks and regret filled him. He looked at her face to gauge her reaction.

  “You bit me.” Okay, not accusatory. More like surprise with a tinge of satisfaction.

  “I’d like to say I’m sorry, except I’m not. You’re the most delicious thing I’ve ever tasted.” He gave her his best wicked grin. “You pissed? I know I should have at least asked, but I lost myself.”

  She brought her hand up and caressed his cheek. “I’ve been wondering what they would feel like.”


  “You can bite me anytime you want.” She traced her finger across his lips.

  He didn’t deserve this woman. “Bethany. You’re the only human I’ve ever drank from. I’ve never had the desire before.”

  Her eyes widened. “Really? I would have thought it would be common.”


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