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Through this one mental maneuver—thinking about what she was grateful for, rather than thinking about the tragedy of her husband’s death—Sandberg was able to do what she thought was impossible: alleviate her grief, if only for a while. She shifted her energy into the positive. It sounds simple, because it is. The simple experience of feeling gratitude palpably shifts our energy.
Negative thoughts are like stinky bits of trash thrown into our energy field (with some being bigger and stinkier than others). Now think of positive thoughts as lovely flowers surrounding us. After a while, we are sitting either in a stinky energy dump or in a fragrant meadow. It’s easy to choose which energy field we want to be in, because we choose—and control—where we direct our thoughts. We choose which thoughts to embrace.
So give it a try. Make a gratitude list. Start with one thing a day. Then keep going. Write down something new every day. Remember the twenty-one-day rule, which will help you make it a habit. By the twenty-second day, you should wake up automatically looking for things to be grateful for, instead of hunting for things to feel bad about.
This concept is proven by the notes on gratitude above—but the same is true of all of our thoughts—they matter greatly to our quality of life.
Thoughts can be both exhilarating and terrifying, because thoughts imply action, and action leads to change, and change is incredibly powerful. We can feel terrified of the power we have to change the direction of our lives. And because this is true, we sometimes allow negative thoughts to stop us from changing or moving forward. We tell ourselves, I’m so stupid, or I’ll never be happy, and these thoughts become our reality. The subtext in our head—our thoughts—becomes our actual truth.
But they are not the truth—they’re just thoughts. And we can learn to shift and elevate them.
How? How do we shut out that horrible, negative voice in our heads that likes to tell us how worthless or doomed or unlovable we are?
We don’t. We don’t stop that voice.
We talk over it.
Here’s how: The first and most important step is to be mindful of when that negative voice pops up. If you wake up and the voice says, Ugh, today is going to be such an awful day, and you let that thought just hang there while you get ready for work, you’ve already predetermined your energy level for that day. You’ve accepted this negative thought as a truth.
But it isn’t the truth. So the next time you hear that negative voice, identify it and immediately talk over it. Say, “No, actually, today is a gift. Being alive right now, right this second, is an incredible gift. And I am connected in a profound way to all things in the universe, and my presence holds power and magic, and today will be a beautiful exploration of this connection and of all that I am capable of. Today will be a wonderful day.”
That’s it! That’s all you have to do. Just by thinking it, just by saying it, you’ve already shifted your energy. That’s how simple, and powerful, thought energy is. So be mindful of the negative voice, and remember to talk over it, and be aware of how your energy shifts.
I am so pulled to discussing this concept, I could write a whole book about it. But for now, I just want to share my belief in the incredible power of manifesting—the harnessing, owning, and directing of our energy to create a future that is worthy of us. And here is an important fact to be aware of: We are always in a state of co-creating with the universe!
Now, to say that something is manifest is to say that it is clear and true. Not that it will be clear and true, but that it already is. So by manifesting, I mean being open to and mindful of our conversation with the universe about our future, and what the truth of our future is. This conversation needs to be specific—we need to share our complete understanding of the life path we desire. The conversation also needs to be embraced as if it has already occurred—and thus be in the past tense. Because we are not talking to the universe about what we hope will happen.
We are talking to the universe about something that we know will happen.
I used to be skeptical of manifesting. Then I had my own direct and powerful experience with it. About a year before I wrote my first book—before I even thought about writing a book—a friend of mine asked me to come to a class about manifesting with her. She was going through a divorce, and she wanted to manifest positive change in her life. I didn’t really know much about manifesting, but I wanted to be a good, supportive friend, so I agreed to go.
During the class, the instructor had us flip through stacks of magazines and cut out images and words that reflected what we wanted our futures to be, or that simply tugged at us. In the next class, we would glue the images on a piece of paper, thus creating our own personal “vision boards.” We were asked to approach these images not from a place of wishful thinking, but rather from a place of gratitude—as if they had already happened to us.
The whole thing seemed ridiculous to me, but I went along with it anyway, and I found myself cutting out some pretty outlandish and improbable things. One of the first things I felt pulled to cut out was the phrase, “New York Times Bestselling Author.” It was crazy, nonsensical—I had no plans to write a book! But I cut it out to put on my vision board anyway. I even remember the thought that tried to weasel its way into my head as I cut it out: What? Who do you think you are to cut that out? Ha ha ha.
I never made it to the second class, when we were supposed to create our vision boards. Instead, I tucked the words and pictures I cut out in an envelope and put it in a drawer.
Fast-forward one year. I was still a high school English teacher, and I was on hall duty when I got a download from the universe that I would be writing a book about my understanding of how we are connected to the Other Side and one another. It was not a suggestion; it was a directive. It came to me as a done deal. Within twenty-four hours of the download, by mere coincidence, I was connected with a series of people, including a literary agent and a writing partner, and soon after I got a publishing deal to write the book.
And eventually my book, The Light Between Us, became a New York Times bestseller. I’d manifested what was on my vision board.
I remember stumbling upon the envelope shortly after the book made the bestseller list and marveling at its contents. When we are open to manifesting—to co-creating with the universe—the universe will often dream an even bigger dream for you than you did for yourself.
I want to encourage you to open yourself up to a conversation with the universe about your future.
Step one is the thinking—identifying the areas in our lives that we’d like to change for the better, and specifying how we’d like them to change. Next comes the visualization. Get some magazines that resonate with your energy, find a pair of scissors, and cut out the words and phrases and images you feel pulled to. Then paste them on a piece of paper. Display this somewhere you can see it every day. Take a picture of it and make it the wallpaper on your phone or computer!
Now comes the writing. Experiments have shown that people who write down goals are much more likely to achieve them than people who don’t—and this resonates when it comes to manifesting, too. So sit down and write a letter to the universe. Write the letter as if the things you want to manifest have already happened. Write, “Thank you for bringing me that new and safer car by this May or sooner.” Or, “Thank you for bringing me the promotion, and having me feel fulfilled and valued at my job, by October 1 or sooner.” (Note: You always want to say “or sooner” with time frames, and “or more” when it comes to money, to allow for the universe to co-create with you and bring it to you in a more divine time or way than what you are even aware of.) Write the letter as if your desires are already a clear and true reality! Express gratitude as if they have already happened. Be as specific and detailed as possible. This may sound kind of silly or simplistic, but I wouldn’t be sharing it
if I didn’t believe in it—and if I hadn’t personally experienced the incredible power of manifesting. There is an energy in writing that is far reaching and undeniable.
Next step: Share your manifest with a friend or friends. Manifesting with two or more people amplifies the manifest! I find that when small groups of people get together, amazing things can happen, simply because we’re all focusing our thoughts on the same thing for a few minutes. We are pooling our energy. Sharing the experience with others amplifies the power of manifesting because our collective thoughts are powerful (remember the phrase “there’s power in numbers”?).
And finally, the hardest step, the one everyone struggles with: Let it go.
Release it into the universe. Don’t try to micromanage the “how” of it. I know this sounds counterintuitive, because, after all, how can anything happen if we don’t make it happen? But what I’ve seen is that if we are truly open to this conversation, the universe will figure it out for us. And because the universe can surprise us with much more than we ever envisioned for ourselves, it’s important that we trust the universe to make it all happen somehow. It is important for us to honor this co-creation.
I’ll give you an example: Say you want to write a screenplay and sell it to a production company. How do you manifest that? Well, sit down, get clarity in your thoughts about it, visualize it happening, then write that note to the universe. Thank the universe for letting you be the one to write this beautiful story, and for finding it the perfect home with the perfect studio, and for allowing you to explore your amazing gifts as a writer, and for using this screenplay to elevate you and your place in the world. Specify the date on which you want all of this to happen by (“or sooner”). And then trust the universe to make it all happen.
At some point you’ll have to work your butt off and write the screenplay—but you also need to trust the universe to steer you down the right path.
If we are mindful of how the process of manifesting shifts our energy in real and positive ways, we can elevate ourselves to a higher and more receptive place. Manifesting can work in all areas of our lives—from romance and careers and money to where and how we live and the families we create.
Energy doesn’t just reside in us—it resides in the places we live and congregate. And because we’re all different, the energy of every place is different. When we travel, we drink in the energy of every new place in a way that can be transformational. Traveling infuses us with new energy and enhances our sense of being connected to the wider world. This energy, these cords of connection, stay with us and elevate us even after we leave.
Traveling is more enriching than I can explain. When I was in college, I chose to spend a year abroad studying at the University of Oxford in England—an experience that utterly changed me. My time at Oxford filled me with the energy of the thousands of scholars and artists who came before me, and in a very real way shaped who I became—a teacher.
We’ve all been to places that had “great energy”—a restaurant, a campsite, a college town, or the like. A place where everything seemed to be more vibrant and defined and alive. Well, that “great energy” is real, and it’s waiting for us.
Once there, I would encourage you to be mindful of how you feel. Notice how the energy of the place affects your energy. Take note of the unique character of this new place, be it a museum, a library, or a park, and stay awake to the ways it shifts your own energy.
Negative ions sound like something we should try to avoid, but in fact they are just the opposite. Negative ions are good!
An ion is an atom or group of atoms created by the loss or gain of an electron. A negative ion is the type of ion created by an electron gain. These ions are brought into being by natural forces, such as air, water, and sunlight. In places where there is a high concentration of negative ions, we can actually sense them. One example is the particular feeling in the air after a rainstorm. Another is the sudden sense of calm that comes over us when we’re around gently moving water or the ocean. Or the warmth we feel not only on our skin but on the inside when we’re bathed in sunlight. Many of the wonderful, surprising, inexplicable surges of energy we sometimes feel in certain places are the work of negative ions.
Practically and scientifically speaking, negative ions actually clear the air of odors, bacteria, pollen, mold spores, and other particles. Think of how fresh and clear we feel when we’re taking a shower. That’s because the showers in our homes are natural producers of negative ions. Rainstorms do the same thing, which is why we can feel exhilarated when we get caught in one. Traveling to Niagara Falls and standing near its mighty spray, for instance, would give us a huge blast of negative ions. Being on the beach or out on a boat in the ocean or on a dock on the bay or the shoreline of a lake can shift our energy. Even just standing near a fountain can have a positive effect on us.
Trees, too, give off negative ions and suffuse us with this energy—pine trees in particular. Taking a hike through the woods is a fantastic way to clear our energy and reinvigorate ourselves. I try to take a trip to the Adirondack Mountains every year, simply because I feel drawn to the magnificent trees and the beautiful lakes. The swirl of negative ions fills me with a wonderful, renewing energy.
Negative ions aren’t something we spend a lot of time thinking about, but they are an easy way to elevate ourselves and our energy. Let me put it this way: We carry our energy with us the way our clothes carry mud that we’ve rolled around in. If our clothes get muddy, we take them off and wash them—but if our energy is negative, we might not do anything to clear it away. We might carry this energy “mud” with us for days on end.
Negative ions cleanse us. Some office buildings in Europe actually pipe negative ions through the ventilation system, and as a result their workers have fewer sick days and report greater feelings of well-being. We can even buy portable negative ionizer machines for use in our homes and cars. But there are simpler ways to introduce negative ions into our lives. Take a walk through the woods. Jump into the ocean. Or when you take a shower, simply notice the way the water runs and splashes. Focus on the water. Just this simple act of mindfulness can invigorate us and shift our energy in surprising ways.
The ancient practice of burning herbs during prayer and cleansing ceremonies is called smudging, and it’s still practiced today. Lots of cultures use burning herbs as a method of purification, including Native American cultures. Yet while smudging dates back to the prehistoric days and spans time and civilizations, there is more to it than just ancient wisdom and tribal superstitions. Scientific experiments have shown that the smoke from burning plant matter such as dried sage clears away harmful bacteria in the surrounding air. The fumes act as an air purifier, which can help with lung, skin, and brain function. The benefits of smudging are very real.
Just as smudging rids the air of negative things, it can have the very same effect on our energy. When we direct out thoughts and assign the smoke the role of purifier, it can indeed purify our energy. Often we carry with us the patina of people we’ve come in contact with who, well, may have a rather negative energy. So it’s a good idea to regularly clean our own energy, and smudging is a great way to do it.
What’s more, it’s something we can easily try at home. Do a little research and find out what works for you. Bundles of dried herbs tied by strings and called smudge sticks are even available on Amazon. I have burned dry sage—an herb whose name derives from the Latin word for “healing”—and I have found it to be an excellent way of clearing away negative energy and shifting my own energy into the positive.
Sometimes small rituals like this can remind us to consistently clean, clear, and honor our energy.
Any physical activity that releases our kinetic energy is another great way to shift and elevate ourselves. We
are all light beings stuffed into physical bodies. Sometimes that can get a little uncomfortable, and our energy can pool and get stuck. Kinetic movements help unstick our energy and rev us up. Running or dancing or playing sports all help clear away negative energy and reinvigorate our souls. Certain activities, such as yoga, take it a step further. They combine movement with a gradual ascent to a semi-meditative state, both of which are powerful energy shifters. Yoga also balances what I call our BMS—our body, mind, and soul triangle. The art of acupuncture and the exercise of tapping our meridian points accomplish the same thing by hitting on the energy points in our body, and releasing and clearing this energy.
The idea is for us to find ways to create joyful movement in our lives, as a way of tending to our energy and elevating into more receptive states. Using movement to help balance and release energy is a wonderful tool!
Something else we need to pay serious attention to is the food we eat. Think about it—eating is actually the most intimate thing we all do here on this earth. It is taking something into our bodies and making it a part of us. Unfortunately, many of us don’t give much thought to what we eat or how it makes us feel.
As a result, we consume masses of sugar and preservatives and chemicals and caffeine and other substances that slowly destroy our bodies and create imbalance within. However, some of us are more aware of how bad eating habits can negatively affect our energy level; that’s why we continually resolve to eat better and healthier foods. We understand that if we change what we eat, we change our energy. And when we change our energy, we change who we are—and we change our lives.
Listen, I don’t want to lecture you, but I truly believe that being more conscious of what we eat is of the utmost importance. We need to eat healthier, less processed foods. If we are so moved, we can even experiment (if we haven’t already) with what it’s like to eat only nurturing foods—foods not tied to the negative energy of something being killed. If you’re a meat eater, consider putting Meatless Monday into practice—just try one day a week with a plant-based diet. See how it makes you feel.