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Nerd and the Marine

Page 3

by Grady, D. R.

  My yard connects with my aunt's which connects with my grandparents, so they have quite a bit of space to run. (I can see all this from the window by my desk.) Oh, there Granddad caught sight of them and in they're filing. Bentley just got a pat on the head and if I'm not mistaken, a dog bone. Good thing he's getting so much exercise. The kids will pick lemonade or iced tea and all the cookies they can eat before they'll tear up the yards again.

  Well, all for now. Hoping this finds you well, if sandy and hot! Not too hot here, only in the eighties, but we've had quite a lot of rain. Not much sun, just rain. A bit gloomy, but we'll take that over sand and heat, I think. There is a bit of sun today, which is why the kids are out en masse. Bentley will be tired tonight when he gets home. (The herd is wonderful!)



  Mitch opened the attachment and gazed at the woman for a long while before turning his attention to his dog. Bentley did look like a drowned rat, with his laughing dog face on, and Mitch was relieved to see how happy the mutt looked. Of course, if Lainy Morrison had her arm around him like that, he'd be happy, too. His attention shifted back to her.

  Masses of long, curly dark hair tumbled from her head, nearly obliterating her face. He liked the intelligence and laughter in her blue-green eyes. Her glasses, trendy dark plastic frames, couldn't disguise their beauty. Her skin was pale and he thought she was tall and thin.

  He wanted to meet her in person. Her e-mails were the only bright spot in his days. Mitch longed to be at his computer when he wasn’t and often reread previous e-mails. After the promptings of his tent mates, he’d tacked up every single picture she'd sent. Mitch still eagerly anticipated her snail mail packet. He swallowed, thinking of her family sending him, some unknown Marine, a package. The other guys received them, but he'd never thought the privilege would be his.

  Thoughtfully, he tapped out a response to her, wishing he could meet her, again. He figured he'd have to make do with e-mails for a long time, however. So, he put everything into that correspondence, wanting her to know he was grateful for everything she did for him.

  “Hey, Monahan, there's a package for you,” one of the other officers entering the room said and with a shot of pleasure, Mitch rocketed to his feet.

  It didn't take him long to clear the distance between him and that carton. To prolong his happiness in receiving a package, he carried it across the base and into his quarters before opening the box. Might have even gloated a little over being the man carrying a package across base.

  With reverence, he dug pictures, real pictures on glossy paper, from the depths. There were many of Bentley and he savored each that had Lainy in them, too. He saw immediately she wasn't possessed of a thin figure after all.

  Instead, Lainy Morrison hid an amazingly female form. Her legs and arms were lean, but her breasts didn't look small in the bathing suit she wore. Her bottom didn't look anything other than curvy. Feeling his body begin to respond, Mitch hastily set the picture aside for further perusal and maybe a little drooling later.

  He found the pictures her nieces and nephews had drawn and laughed through all of them. Each depicted a man and a large brown dog pitching into a blue blob he was certain must be the lake. All the men held a can the kids had painstakingly printed Root Beer on. The men's mouths were all depicted with an “o” as though surprised by their unexpected plunge.

  He could feel the glee and happiness in the pictures and stroked each one, grateful for this family who thought of him. Feeling much wonderment that he hadn't known these people a month ago, but they still touched his heart in such a short span of time.

  He'd not had a family for long and swallowed the lump in his throat. Not only had this wonderful, amazing woman taken in his dog, she also freely shared something else that meant a lot to him; her family.

  For a man who'd been raised without one, people who loved and cared about you and shared in your experiences meant everything. No child had ever drawn a picture for him. No one had ever sent a packet of pictures before. No one had ever cared about his day, or his thoughts, or where he’d been for a long time.

  He had friends, but many of them had families of their own. Each of them had adopted him, and he tended to have a place to go for the holidays, but he'd never truly felt a part of the gathering. He’d always been more of an observer, wishing to be a part of the family unit, yet not knowing how. Perhaps he'd just needed to meet a family 800 strong who without question knew how to be a family. Experienced. Professionals.

  Smiling at his stupidness, Mitch set the precious crayoned pictures aside and reached into the box. His hand encountered a plastic package and perplexed, he removed the item to stare in bemusement. With a thrill, he pried the lid off the disposable container and caught a tantalizing whiff of sugar and spice.

  An array of rainbow colored iced sugar cookies flowed inside the package and Mitch selected a green one with blue stars and yellow sprinkles. Biting into the treat, cinnamon and an unidentified spice tempted his taste buds and he wolfed the first one down before sampling a red one with white stars and blue sprinkles.

  No one had ever sent him cookies before. And certainly not these delectable, wonderful treats. There was a piece of paper stuffed into the corner so he tugged it out. He opened the page with icing covered fingers.

  Dear Mitchel,

  We wanted to send you some of Grandmom's chocolate chip cookies, but were afraid they'd melt in the heat. So, we thought these sugar cookies made by Dory's mother-in-law would suffice. She's an expert at baking, cookie making being a favorite of hers, obviously, and was thrilled we decided to send some of her cookies to you. (You'll probably get regular shipments now, so we hope you enjoy these.)

  If you have a preference, please let us know. One of the relatives, or one of the relatives relatives is certain to bake them to perfection, so we'll round some up for you. Don't be shy. We're good at this.

  We've got a cousin who's in the military and he sends in an order about once a month. Of course, he knows what each person's specialty is, but you don't yet, so you'll have to let me or Lainy know. Or any of the rellys (relatives) who'll send you packages. Any of us will be happy to arrange the shipment.

  With love,

  Melly Lytle (Lainy's sister, and the woman you met at the animal shelter)

  P.S. We've been able to hook up twenty-five other pets of military personnel who've been deployed with the relatives and we've got plenty more rellys who'll be happy to take in anything. (Seriously, anything) So, if you hear of anyone who needs a home for their pet, we're available and ready to help.

  His heart clenched. An emotion he could barely identify because he’d only encountered it once before rose up to greet him. This sense of family was unfamiliar and odd, but he could get used to the sensation. Still he was a Marine and that meant he'd be out in the front line of battle. Marines couldn't afford emotionalism while at the front.

  He could, would, and did appreciate everything this incredible, magnificent family did for him, but he'd keep himself in check. Growing weepy because of such kindnesses wouldn't benefit this wonderful, adoptive family. But him collecting his senses and settling himself to fight to keep these people safe was his job and one he'd do with zeal. He'd always loved being a Marine, and now he had even more incentive to do his job right. To perform well. To exceed expectations.

  He ambled over to his computer, hoping the blasted thing wouldn't die on him. It took long moments to boot the machine up so he could send a note to Lainy and ask her to distribute his thanks to her family.



  Subject: I got the package!

  Dear Lainy and Family,

  A most deep and sincere thank you for the package. I already have the pictures of Bentley pushing your men into the lake posted around my tent. These pictures cheer me and I'm very grateful Bentley's propensity for root beer could be put to such good use.I also love sugar cookies, and have already
swallowed two and just got the package. I doubt they'll last long. Especially when my friend, Al, gets a whiff of them, which I'm anticipating any moment now. (He's in the bed next to mine and he's got the best sense of smell I've ever encountered) He'll soon relieve me of my bounty.

  I enjoy every cookie there is. We'll eat anything, but it's nice to be able to enjoy what we're eating. (Al just discovered my cookies. He likes them, too. Have you ever seen a man put the entire cookie into his mouth? Because that's what he just did. It's an interesting, if disgusting, sight.)

  I'd better send this and rescue my cookies. (I've never received a care package in the mail before, so a heartfelt thank you to each who contributed.)



  Chapter Six



  Subject: re: I got the package!


  Hello Mitch,

  I sent this around to all the relatives, or rellys, as we call them. You may be bombarded with e-mails in response, so I apologize up front if this is a problem. We do enjoy baking, and now the ladies have a great excuse to get together at least once a week. Between you and my cousin Ben, now there are two of you overseas and the ladies are certain you're starving, so expect many sweets.

  The kids really enjoyed their picture drawing, and I know some of the nieces have decided to send you more of their creations. (You'll need two more suitcases upon your return.) I overheard a few of the nephews discussing baseball cards, so expect those, too. Oh and a few of the older ones were wondering if you like comic books? They weren't certain, since you've been raised to the status of superhero yourself. (You're a Marine, and Granddad has been telling stories about the amazing and wonderful things Marines and ONLY Marines can do.) Therefore, they weren't certain you'd want to read about other superheroes. I thought I'd let you handle that one. (Yes, in case you were wondering, I am a wimp!)

  I'm busy with a project right now, almost finished. So, it's calling me to get it done and mailed. I'll write more later. Bentley has also detected vicious squirrels in the backyard, so I must open the door for him to rid us of these heinous beings! Yes, the saga continues. He's tireless in his pursuit.



  Sitting back in his chair, munching on a pink sugar cookie with yellow stars and green sprinkles, one of the few Al had left him, Mitch grinned at Lainy's latest installment. Her e-mails always made him laugh. Knowing Bentley was well cared for and enjoying himself helped, too.

  He clicked on the attachment, and got what he expected. Another great picture of Bentley. Lainy wasn't in the picture, much to his disappointment, but he saw an unfamiliar tag hanging from his pet's collar. Leaning forward, he squinted at the tag but still couldn't read what it said.

  He clicked on the tag and although blurry, saw a yellow ribbon made out of what looked like metal. Instead of reading “Support our troops” as many of them did, Lainy must have had Bentley's custom made. The yellow metal ribbon read, “Support my dad”.



  Subject: You got Bentley a new tag

  Hello Lainy,

  I saw Bentley's new tag. I like it. Does that make me a bad person to love the fact you're so supportive? You barely know me, and you're taking care of my dog, and me, and I love it. (I wish I could thank you in person. Or at least send you something in gratitude. Do you like sand?)

  You have such a caring way about you, and your family has totally adopted me. I've never had a family before, even one on loan, at least none for very long. While a bit intimidating, since I've no idea how to act, or perhaps more importantly, how to react, I am enjoying the outpouring from you and yours.

  Bentley's all I've known family-wise, but that's a long story. I didn't even have the opportunity for foster homes. I grew up in an orphanage, and that's all I know. How do I react to all of your gifts and good deeds? So far, with only a heartfelt thank you. Since you're foster mother to my dog, perhaps you could coach me on this?

  I wish I could do more for you. Tell me what you need and if it's in my means, it will be yours. Much thanks and by the way, I've gotten e-mail from about half your family I think. Wow, you weren't kidding about having so many rellys. (I like that term. We shorten everything here in the military, so this works for me.) I've been able to answer all of them, which has helped to relieve the sheer lack of activity here.

  I suspect we'll be called up soon, though. Our training is almost complete and we will soon have more duties, I hope. Which I should warn you, if you don't hear from me from time to time, please don't worry, if you're inclined in that direction. I might be out in the field and not able to get to a computer. I WILL contact you as soon as I return, though. You'll be my first priority. Please pass the word along.

  On a more serious note, I've put you down as one of the people the government will contact in the event of my death. (The other is my assistant at work.) Most Marines realize this is a part of the job and we treat it as such. If I die, I have served my country and fallen in the line of battle. Few Marines would want to die any other way.

  This is my life and what I've committed to do. I'm here because this is what I've chosen, and now I feel even more needed with the advent of you and your family. I like having a family to fight for, and now understand the intensity in some of my colleagues. They’re here for their country, but also for their families. I can enter into that now. Thank you.



  Chapter Seven

  Lainy booted up the new computer and watched it flicker to life. The programs flashed across the screen exactly as they should. Excitement welled up as this creation from her brain stirred. While not pretty, the little machine promised to be very functional. She'd sealed the ports and drives well, and hoped no sand would wiggle in to clog the hard drive.

  Some of her parts had been rearranged again, so she must have been pretty involved. Lainy knew her tendency to become wrapped up in a project, although she did find it odd she’d moved things around the way she’d found them. The arrangement went against her habits. Anyway, the computer was finished, and now she could send the laptop to Mitch.

  She hated the idea of losing contact with him for an indeterminate amount of time. She relied on their daily correspondence. Lainy found she thrived on the attention she felt she didn't deserve but adored from this incredible man. Right now, she needed a friend. He was just a friend.

  He'd sent personal notes to everyone who had responded to his e-mail of thanks for the package. And there'd been no doubt that he'd appreciated every last cookie, picture, and drawing. Most men wouldn’t have cared, but she thought that while she and her family overwhelmed him, Mitch also basked in their familial attention. It was as if he'd never thought he'd have a family and when her huge one dropped in his lap, he was so happy she could imagine him and Bentley wagging their tails in unison.

  She'd love the opportunity to observe Mitchel Monahan's tail up close and personal. If that time came, though, she was pretty certain she'd revert to her shy-girl-and-I'm-a-geek mode which meant she not only wouldn't utter a word, she couldn't for fear of vomiting on his shoes.

  Not a good first in-person impression. Lainy swallowed down the bile clawing up her throat at the thought and instead concentrated on something she did well - electronics.

  The laptop moved through its paces effortlessly and Lainy couldn't have been more proud if she'd have actually given birth to the thing. Which, in essence, she had. There was a satisfied feeling about taking a thought or idea and seeing the fruition of one's labor culminate into a useful creation for others. Or, in this case, for Mitch.



  Subject: Death is not my favorite subject

  Dear Mitch,

  Thank you for explaining I'm not supposed to worry, I do tend to do this v
ery well, so am grateful you attempted to ease my mind. I hate the thought of anything happening to you. I understand we barely know each other, yet I feel I know you well, and to lose you would mean losing a good friend. Of course, Bentley will always have a home with me, so no worries there. And that's all I'll say on that matter.

  I'm very grateful you're working to keep me and my family safe, but I do hate the risks you're forced to take to do so. I wish there was another way, and am equally relieved you're brave where I am not. I'm having fun and working in a safe environment, (well, you live in Hershey, too) and you're over in a foreign, hostile land where you're doing things that risk your life.

  On to happier things. I've finished my project. As soon as Bentley is finished clearing the yard of heinous small animals, and the Terror, (which is a definite service!) we'll go to the post office to mail it and run some errands. Bentley loves car rides, especially when the windows are down. He got a bug between his teeth yesterday and had a wonderful time working it out and then swallowing the thing. (I'm afraid I didn't enjoy the experience nearly as much as he did.)

  The bakers have reconvened, so expect a package any time. I hate to tell you this but one of my brothers also ran around the lake with a DVD camcorder, so I suspect you'll learn more about my family than you ever wanted to know. (Sorry for that, in advance.) I suppose it might be better than watching sand, but still. (I'm also hoping you have the means to view this Morrison Family Treasury, or well, maybe not.) ☺

  The brother wielding the recorder is definitely the wackiest member of my immediate family, so you may be in for some... odd, and perhaps disgusting sights. (Have you ever seen ducks poop? Because you might with his recordings.) I tried to steal the DVDs but he booby-trapped the area, and I wasn’t successful. His wife thinks these home movies are hilarious (she’s as wacky as he is, obviously) so, she wasn’t helpful, either.


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