Nerd and the Marine

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Nerd and the Marine Page 24

by Grady, D. R.

  A week. I’ll be holding you in my arms in a week!

  The end is in sight.



  P.S. We did have some difficulty on this assignment and I broke some ribs, but they’re better now. I’ll be fine by the time I come home. They’ve practically healed already. So don’t think I won’t hug you until you squeak. What I plan to do after that I won’t mention.


  Lainy laughed through her tears. She leapt from her chair and raced to the door. Leaping outside she ran through the streets to her parent’s home, Bentley bounding after her.

  “What’s with you?” her mother exclaimed as Lainy erupted through the door.

  “Mitch comes home in a week.”

  “A week. Oh, that barely gives us time for a celebration. Yes, we’ll have a small party for him.”

  Laughing through her tears again, Lainy hugged her mother gleefully, danced around the table to grab her father and then took off again. Eager to spread the word.

  Her grandparents rejoiced with her, as did all her sisters and sisters-in-law. They laughed and cried, and hugged her and were as silly as she. She stayed with them for a little while, but then had to return to her computer.

  As she popped in the door, the phone rang. Probably more rellys calling to congratulate her on Mitch’s safe return.

  “Hello,” she said breathlessly.

  “You sound happy,” Mitch said into her ear, and she could hear his grin. That’s right - she’d sent him the phone prototype last month after she’d finished it.

  “I am. You’re coming home in a week!”

  His masculine chuckle echoed all the way through her. She felt like dancing and singing. Instead she plopped down onto a cushy chair eager to hear his plans to come home.

  “So I am. Thanks for the phone.” Warmth wrapped around his voice.

  “You’re welcome. What day? Do you know yet?”

  “I might not until that day. I’m already packed though.”

  “I’m so happy you’re coming home,” she cried again. Excited and fearful and eager.

  “I know. I feel the same way. Al left yesterday. There’s already someone in his cot. Got here this morning. It’s amazing. I think they have someone scheduled for mine, too. Which means I have to leave, thank goodness.”

  “I thought you liked the Marines,” she flirted.

  “I do, but not as much as I like you currently.”

  “What? The Marines...” She barely managed to sputter, “You might like the Marines better than me some day?” But this is what she feared. That someone or something would come before her. That their love would turn dirty and disgusting. She couldn’t handle that.

  Mitch laughed too hard to answer her, which Lainy took as a good sign. She enjoyed his merriment. She couldn’t wait to hear his laughter in person. And feel his breath against her face. To smell him. And maybe even taste him. Would kissing him be yummy?

  “What are you thinking?”

  “Nothing,” she yelped, heat flooding her cheeks. Like she’d tell him that.

  “Come on, Lainy, tell me,” he cajoled.


  “I’m sitting here all by myself and you’re thousands of miles away, with my dog, and you won’t tell?”

  “I’m planning to taste you when you get here,” she admitted to him after he wore her down, and let him think whatever he wanted. She didn’t even worry what he’d think of that statement. Because she was comfortable with him. Just make the experience good, she pleaded with some higher power.

  Her statement met with silence.

  “You’re supposed to anticipate that for when I get there, not tempt me now.” His voice had gone all husky and Lainy felt her lips curl up into a femme fatale’s smile.

  “I don’t know if I’ll just kiss you or lick you. Maybe I’ll do a little of both.” She purred.

  He groaned. “Okay, no more. I can’t take it.”

  “You’re a Marine.”

  “We’re not trained in how to deflect beautiful women tempting us over the phone.” He sounded stern.

  She laughed. “Okay, I’ll stop. For now.” Wanting to kiss him so much she could practically taste him now. Kissing him had to be wonderful, because he was Mitch.

  “Lainy, stop.”

  And she realized she must have spoken out loud. “Sorry,” she said, apologetic. “I didn’t say that on purpose, honest. But you did insist I tell you.” Her voice rushed out, breathless and he groaned again.

  “You’re going to kill me before I even get home, baby.”

  “No, you have to come home first,” she said in a husky whisper, the smile evident in her voice.

  “I am so holding you to that.” Male satisfaction emanated from his voice.

  She laughed. A happy, carefree laugh. “When you come home, I’m taking you to the lake.”

  “I want to go there.”

  “Good. Bentley wants you to see the place. He also still wants a boat.”

  “We’ll see what we can do.” Lainy heard his grin and had to smile.

  “I won’t tell him though, since I won’t be able to sleep if I do.”

  “Why not?”

  “He’s never woken you with slurpy kisses?”

  “Oh, those,” Mitch said, and Lainy heard a scratching sound, as though he ran his hand over beard stubble. “Yeah, I’ve had my share of them. I’d just forgotten. You know, maybe I should offer to stay another month or...”

  “Don’t you dare,” Lainy yelped into the phone.

  Mitch laughed again. “Okay, I’ll come home and brave slurpy Bentley kisses. I’m tough.”

  “You’re a Marine.”

  “Yes, I am.” He sounded proud, like a Marine.

  “And you’re coming home to me in a week.”

  “I am. Most definitely. I’m not letting you go once I get you in my arms, either.”

  “That’s fine with me.” Please make it good.

  “And, when we get to the lake, we have an appointment to keep.”


  “Yes. There’s a certain closet in Will’s house we need to explore together.”

  “Oh, oh yes, most definitely.” Lainy heard the husky note in her voice, maybe she’d finally understand... “You brought the subject up again, by the way.”

  “So I did.” He didn’t sound sorry about the lapse.

  “Now you’ve got me all excited again,” she said breathlessly and fanned herself with a magazine she found on a lamp table.

  “Yeah, same here,” Mitch answered and Lainy smiled.

  “Well, I’m glad I’m not the only one affected.”

  “You’re not. Well, sweetheart, I’ve got to go. Another meeting. I’m not about to prolong my stay, so I need to go.” She liked the regret in his voice.

  “I’m not about to prolong your stay either.”

  “Okay. I miss you.”

  “I miss you, too. But you’re coming home in a week!” She bubbled over.

  “I am. Bye, baby.”

  “Bye, Mitch.” And they hung up.

  Lainy clutched the phone to her. Only one more week.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Mitch called her every night before she went to bed. He claimed it was so he could tuck her in. She relied on his voice to keep her sane.

  Her days were filled with graduation party planning and preparations for Mitch’s homecoming. A real homecoming for a military hero. She was so excited Bentley took to sleeping in his bed downstairs.

  As the day neared for Mitch to come home, so did her panic-induced franticness. She wanted everything to be perfect and couldn’t wait for his arrival. He told her the flight he’d arrive on and which day and she feared passing out from excitement. He laughed at her glee, but she could tell he felt the same way. Being a Marine, he couldn’t act foolish like her. Not that she cared. She was finally going to get to hold him.

  The day dawned when his flight would arrive.
She tossed and turned and paced the house, worried with what Mitch would think of her. Or what he wouldn’t. Would she be enough? Would he truly hold onto her and not let go? Could she handle this? Would she enjoy the physical aspects of a relationship? Or would she disappoint? Or be disappointed?

  Max, whose house wasn’t finished yet, told her to quit pacing and settle down at least eight times, and then she stopped counting. She couldn’t heed his advice, because she would see Mitch this day.

  She was out of bed, had the truck packed, Bentley in and ready to be on her way three hours before she needed to be at the airport to greet Mitch. Her family would join her later, but right now she wanted to be ready. Mitch was en-route. Her heart hadn’t ceased its frantic racing in the last hour. And now her palms were sweaty.

  Before she could back out of her driveway, Max opened the passenger door and pulled Bentley out. “I’ll bring Bentley when I come, then he won’t sit in a hot truck for three or four hours.” His scold was warranted, but she didn’t take much heed.

  “Oh, right,” Lainy, said, “but make certain you bring him.”

  “You need to breathe. Like fifty times. And calm down, because you’re a complete basket case,” Max informed her. He attempted to show her how, but she ignored him.

  “I can’t help it. Mitch is coming home today.”

  Max was still shaking his head sadly at her when she backed onto the street and headed for the airport. The trip would only take her twenty to thirty minutes, so she’d still have two and half hours to wait, but she didn’t care.

  Lainy looked over the screens and saw Mitch’s flight was on time. Butterflies and then pigeons took flight in her stomach as the second hand crept too slowly around the clock taunting her on the wall. Her family trickled in, and soon the area was crowded with Morrisons. They didn't help ease her anxiety.

  She heard his flight announcement and stood on a chair to watch the deplaning area. Passengers flowed from the gateways, and she saw several military folk. Turning to look she saw them salute and a tall man with dark hair, wearing a Marine’s uniform, salute back.

  Tears welled in her eyes. Mitch.

  He turned then and scanned the crowd. His eyes lit on her and he opened his arms. She stood still, paralyzed with fear and anticipation, then as though she’d been released from a clip, she ran on light feet to him.

  Mitch met her halfway. Her family cheered and made a lot of noise, but Lainy barely noticed. Mitch’s huge arms tightened around her, she smelled him and recognized his scent. He was exactly as she’d dreamed. She already knew the feeling of them fitting together so well. And they did. One fear crossed off her list.

  Tilting her head up, she almost kissed him first, but his lips swooped down on hers and she didn’t care who started it, so long as they finished their lip-lock together. He tasted exactly as she imagined. Masculine, spicy, and like Mitch. She felt ... right. This kiss was perfect and beautiful - wholesome and necessary.

  They broke to breathe and stared at each other. Lainy took in all the details of his face and held him as close as she could. His eyes were a soft brown with so much warmth emanating from them her knees weakened. She finally had him in her arms and it was okay, she wasn’t spooked.

  “I'm not letting you go,” he said in person this time, tugging her closer. She sighed in contentment, grateful to be exactly where she was. She felt him sniff her hair before he kissed her neck.

  “I think we'll need a crowbar. A big one,” she heard one of her brother’s say.

  “I doubt that will separate them,” another voice chimed in. Her father.

  “Perhaps you should give them a little longer. They've been apart for a year,” her Grandmother Melody inserted. Bless her.

  “They've only known each other a year,” Dory pointed out.

  “Yeah, like you have any cause to complain. You and John knew each other two weeks before you got engaged,” Tom pointed out helpfully.

  “Here, I'll just hook this hickamajig up and that ought to blast them apart.” Ed’s voice sounded, too near to them, and Lainy groaned.

  Dropping her head to Mitch's shoulder she groaned again. “Why did I invite my family along?” she muttered.

  “You didn't, we invited ourselves,” Max said from somewhere over her left shoulder. “Hello, Mitch, I'm Max Morrison, nice to finally meet you.”

  “Hello Max, nice to meet you, too,” Mitch replied and the men shook hands. Mitch pulled her against his left side, so he could shake hands with his right. She kept both arms around him. This physical stuff was okay.

  “Hello, Mitch,” Ed said and they shook hands, followed by every one of her siblings and their spouses, her parents and grandparents. Tears welled in her eyes when Mitch picked Stevie up and gave him a bear hug. Her nephew’s skinny arms clung around Mitch’s neck. “Welcome home, Uncle Mitch.”

  “Thanks, Steve,” Mitch answered hoarsely.

  He ruffled Steve’s hair and tugged her close again before looking around. “Isn't today Friday?” Mitch asked, a frown between his eyebrows.

  “Yes, why?” Lainy stared up at him. Still unable to believe she was in his arms, and he showed no sign of letting her go. She didn’t feel nauseous or ill at ease, but excited and happy, with a measure of contentment thrown in.

  “Why isn't everyone at work?”

  “Oh, we're going to the lake,” her mother explained.

  “We came by to pick you up and then we're heading to the lake. We'll take you home after you're comfortable with us. Everyone wants to meet you. So we thought we'd whisk you off to the lake for a little while.”

  “Oh,” Mitch looked adorably bemused and Lainy fell a little more in love.

  “Did you have a good flight?” she asked as he picked up his bags, which her brothers promptly relieved him of.

  “We'll carry these. Got more?”

  Mitch shook his head. He'd left all the extra toiletries, bringing only the stuff he'd already used. He even left some pictures. He brought his Game Boy, because he couldn't bear to part with it, but had left most of the cartridges, and some of the crayoned pictures the guys had expressed a liking for. He’d told her this last night.

  “We sent enough stuff to fill two large bags,” Ed commented, surveying the two Mitch had brought with him.

  “I managed to get it all in. And my friend Al has some stuff I'll pick up later.”

  “Well, then, let's go,” her dad announced.

  Lainy handed her keys to a niece. She wanted every moment she had with Mitch.

  “We're going with your parents?” Mitch whispered and she grinned.

  “They have eight kids, remember? And a minivan. We can sit in the back seat. They'll talk to each other and leave us be. That's why they arranged this.”

  “Those are cool parents.” Mitch tugged her closer and Lainy laughed.

  “Sure, they understand.”

  They made their way to the parking garage and Lainy braced herself when she saw Max open the door of his Jeep. Mitch looked at her though, not expecting the big brown dog who barreled from the vehicle with an ear splitting bark.

  Mitch released her and spun, catching the brown bullet as he propelled into his daddy's arms. And Mitch held him tight. He reached out an arm and snagged Lainy, yanking her close. She pressed her face into his shoulder and felt Bentley utter a noise of contentment. Which she and Mitch echoed.

  “Okay, you three, in you get,” her dad said and they broke apart. Mitch kept a tight grip on her hand, though, and they climbed into the back of the van, Bentley taking up residence on the middle seat. He propped his chin against the backrest and whined as he watched Mitch.

  “You're still a big baby, Bentley,” Mitch said fondly as he pulled her close against him after they'd both hooked their seat belts. Bentley jumped over the back of the seat and into Mitch's lap.

  “Um, Bent, you don't exactly fit, do you?” Lainy asked laughingly, but neither told him to move. He'd missed his daddy, and they'd let him soak up the atten
tion for now. He'd grow bored soon enough.

  By the time they reached the highway, Bentley returned to the middle seat and fell asleep. His snores helped to cocoon them in their own little world in the back seat.

  “I can't believe you're here, in my arms, finally.” Mitch held her close enough she had trouble breathing. Not a problem.

  “I know. I didn't sleep at all last night. I was too excited.”

  “I didn't either, but mostly because of the traveling.” Mitch smothered a yawn.

  “We'll nap when we reach the lake. I didn't rent out my cottage, so we can rest in peace, I hope. Bentley will play with the herd.”

  “Is Will's cottage opened yet?” He wiggled his brows.

  “Yes, you'll be staying there. It's the biggest and where I usually stay when mine is rented. Mom and Dad used to own it, but then Will built this great little place not too far away and they liked it better, so they swapped. Will needed the extra space, since he's got six kids. And there's room for me. I sleep in the room I've had since childhood. You'll get that room this weekend, since my place is open. Max is staying at my cottage, too. I think K.C. and her son will be there, too.” Lainy nestled closer, so happy to be with him, she thought she'd burst.

  “Excellent,” he said and they stared into each other's eyes. Mitch didn't try to remove her glasses. He seemed content with her, just as she was.

  They chatted and cuddled the entire trip then Lainy showed him his room in Will's house. Mitch grabbed a quick shower. He changed into clothes she'd brought from his storage locker, a pair of cutoffs and a t-shirt before they strolled to her cottage. She showed him around first and changed while he poured them drinks. Still amazed he was here, at the lake, with her.

  They sat and he handed her an iced tea. She couldn’t believe he was here with her. She’d dreamed of this. Now that her dream was a reality, she was overwhelmed. He seemed to love having her close – a new romantic sensation.

  Jet lag was a funny thing, Lainy knew - usually not a problem going, but definitely a bad thing coming – as Mitch’s body was out of sync with their time. He needed sleep.


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