Nerd and the Marine

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Nerd and the Marine Page 25

by Grady, D. R.

  When she suggested a nap, he didn’t argue. Mitch groaned when he lay down in the softness of her bed and Lainy smiled. He reached out, found her waist, and hauled her close. Lainy tensed, waiting to feel crowded or uncomfortable. But she didn’t. She heard him let out the most contented sigh she'd ever heard before his breathing turned deep and even.

  Burrowing closer, she took in his scent and savored the massive male body stretched out next to her. While different, Mitch didn’t feel wrong. She fell asleep moments later. And slept for four hours. When she blinked away the last remnants of slumber, she felt disoriented and something hard and warm pressed the length of her. Something that wasn't Bentley and then she remembered.

  Bentley's dad. She turned her head and looked at him. He slept on, and Lainy memorized his face again. Wanting to drink in every detail once more. She pressed soft kisses along his cheek and across to his chin before starting down his neck. Twenty-four hours of bristles rasped against her lips, but she found the stubble sexy and kept going.

  No problems so far. Down his neck on one side and back up the other. She traced over his chin again and meandered back up his left cheek. Smiling in satisfaction, she stared down at him and realized his eyes were open.

  “Are you finished?” he whispered and she shook her head.

  “I've only just begun. You're supposed to be sleeping,” she reprimanded gently.

  “And miss out on this? I can sleep later.”

  She saw awareness in his eyes and realized he figured she might be uncomfortable. He recognized she might spook easily. Lainy appreciated him all the more for his understanding. She learned his shoulders and back and collar bones. She traced over his arms and chest and discovered he was ticklish. Knowledge she utilized until he distracted her with his own explorations.

  He in turn investigated her shoulders and paid special attention to her collar bones and back and arms. He smoothed over her stomach but by some tacit agreement, they left the explorations there. He did discover her feet were ticklish though. They romped for a while before his eyes drooped again and she left him to rest.

  Lainy thought she'd better think about supper, and do the lunch dishes but when she tried to move, he wouldn't let her go.

  “No,” he muttered in his sleep, tightening his arms and she thrilled at his possessiveness. It felt right. There was no other place she wanted to be than in Mitch’s arms, and that relieved and excited her. She daydreamed how he’d always want her, not only in his sleep, but also in the waking hours. And he’d never tire of her, but love her more every day. She prayed this sense of right remained.

  He awoke an hour later and they left her bedroom after a long, slow, mind drugging kiss. Their kiss only served to up her anticipation of a round in the The Closet with Mitch. Never had she known such stirrings.

  After they ate, she took him around and pointed out the cabins and named which belonged to whom. They watched the herd and Bentley cavorting in and around the water.

  “Green grass and green trees and flowers and ferns. Blue water. Yellow, blue, white, and purple flowers. It's amazing.” Mitch breathed deeply as he took in the sights.

  “You like?”

  He tugged her close and then scooped her into his arms. “Oh, yeah.” Mitch strolled onto the pier.

  Lainy didn't become suspicious until he kept going. “Mitchel Fandrich Monahan, if you throw me into this lake you're in big trouble.” Her threat lacked something, like fire.

  Mitch smiled with all the innocence of a puppy at her, tucked her glasses into a pocket and ran the last steps before he jumped. They went under and he hauled her to the surface with him. He kissed her as soon as they broke the surface and then moved them out to where they treaded water, keeping her close the entire time.

  “Look at this. Water. A whole lake of it. A lake. You know, I used to take lakes for granted, but not anymore. I couldn't wait to get here and toss you in.” A mischievous smile flirted around his lips.

  Lainy didn't have the heart to stay mad at him. He'd been in a desert place for the past year. But cavorted in a lake now. Like she'd yell once he'd explained his actions.

  She grabbed his ears and yanked his head to her lips. Tilting her head, she laid a blatant kiss on him and they went under again.

  When they resurfaced, Mitch laughed. “You're one incredible woman, Lainy Morrison. I swear I've never met another like you. I'm so glad you waited for me,” he muttered at the end and then kissed her. Which blew every circuit she had before creating a massive power surge. She hadn't thought such a thing possible. She hadn't thought Mitch possible.

  They went under again.

  They were deep into their third lake kiss when a large, brown drowned rat pulled up beside them and barked. Laughing, Lainy pushed hair out of her face. “I told you he liked the water.”

  Mitch reached out and patted the wet head. “He does look like a wet rat. You know Bentley, you're not the cutest wet dog I've ever seen. Say, is his girlfriend here?”

  “Not yet. She'll come sometime during the week. Aunt Emma wanted to give us time to acclimate you before she arrived.”

  “That's a good woman.”

  “Yes, she is. Thanks for helping her locate Rocky's owner. She seemed happy to contact him. I'm amazed he's an Admiral.”

  “He's a great man.”

  “Well, I'm glad. Emma said they’ve been e-mailing. Rocky's a wonderful dog and since she's with puppy, it's good to know these things.”

  “With puppy?” Mitch exclaimed and floated her to arms length to stare at her.

  “Yep. They snuck off while we weren't looking one day. So, they're expecting their first batch of babies.” Lainy grinned.

  He turned to stare at Bentley, who swam in circles around them. “I can't believe you're going to be a father. Unbelievable Bent.”

  Bentley seemed to laugh at him and kept going.

  “So, you and Emma couldn't keep them apart.” He shook his head.

  Lainy planted her hand on his head and pushed. When he resurfaced she had a pretty good lead on him, but the man wasn't a Marine for nothing. He gained on her with ease and grabbed her. She didn't put up much of a fight, nor was she scared. Instead she twined her arms around his neck and narrowed her eyes.

  “I'll let you get away with dunking me, since I'm pretty sure I deserved it, but I don't like you more than an inch away from me,” he complained.

  “I feel the same way.” Lainy rewarded him with another long kiss. She enjoyed the feel of him against her. This time they managed not to go under. They frolicked in the water with Bentley a little longer before clambering out. Mitch climbed out first and before she could boost herself up, he reached down and hauled her up with little effort.

  Her body melded against his and she enjoyed the fit. As he appeared to. This was so new, but nice.

  “Hello? Excuse me, lovebirds, but there are kids here,” someone intoned from further up the pier and they turned to see Ben holding towels for them.

  “Ben, when did you get home?” Lainy accepted a towel, and offered him a wet hug, before Mitch shook his hand.

  “Today. I'm only here for about twenty four hours, then I'll be gone again, but I thought I might as well come and see how Mitch is doing.” He surveyed their wet clothes. “Didn't take you long to get wet, I see.” He and Mitch exchanged grins. The sight warmed Lainy's heart. These two did seem to like, respect, and understand each other.

  “After all that sand and heat, this was unavoidable,” Mitch commented and Ben grinned.

  “Yeah, that I can appreciate. The desert is no place for a Marine or a SEAL.”

  “And how. Give me the tropics any day. Give me sharks. But please don't put me in the desert again,” Mitch said with vehemence and shuddered.

  “Welcome to the lake, and we're awfully glad you had the opportunity to wash some of the grit out.”

  “This dip did remove more sand.” Lainy loved the satisfaction emanating from his eyes. Give the man some water and he was happ
y. She'd miss the green and water, too, if stuck in a desert somewhere.

  She'd make sure he spent plenty of time in the water while they were here. She was glad now she'd made the decision to bring him here first. Something had told her the lake would be the best place, since it was low key and quieter. Not as many relatives here and she figured he'd suffer from some jet lag. She thought he'd sleep well tonight.

  Ben wondered off after he’d asked about Treeny. She hated to tell him Treeny wasn’t expected until the following weekend. Lainy focused on Mitch again, which wasn’t hard.

  He yawned and she steered him toward Will's cabin. “You can take that longer shower now and then go to sleep.”

  “Are you turning bossy on me already?” His eyes went innocently wide and she swatted him.

  “Yes. But only when you're dead on your feet and just want to play. You obviously need someone to take care of you.”

  “I'd never had that before the Fandrichs and then when they died, thought I'd never have someone to care again.” His eyes grew somber. He didn’t need to tell her how much he valued her care. She knew.

  “Well, you thought wrong, because I do,” she returned emphatically and he grinned.

  “I'm glad,” he whispered before tugging her close for another heart stopping kiss.


  Mitch padded up the stairs and found more civilian clothes waiting for him in one of his own bags from his storage unit. From the smell, they’d been freshly laundered. He grabbed what he'd need for a shower and took a much longer one. He didn't loiter, but he did take his time removing as much sand as he could. He figured he'd brought a good pound or two of the stuff home with him.

  The hot water and the good water pressure against his skin felt wonderful. He shut off the shower and enjoyed the scent and feel of fabric softener. The softness of Lainy's bed and the warmth of her body pressed against him while he slept had been another luxury.

  He hoped to talk her into sharing the bed with him tonight. They were well chaperoned with Will and family in the house and he accepted Lainy still needed some time. He had to remember those two disastrous relationships. He had to take things slow. She’d been hurt enough. Still, that didn’t stop him from hoping she’d spend the night with him.

  With the last swipe of his towel, he dressed and left the bathroom. To have his own room again was nice, but sharing it with Lainy would be nicer. He wouldn't have to share with eleven other men, at least. To have a bed was wonderful. The cot had been okay, but even that he hadn't enjoyed much. A fan was sheer bliss. No sand was even better.

  When he entered his room, Lainy waited on the window seat. She'd showered and changed into a T-shirt and pair of athletic shorts. He thought he caught a glimpse of a sports bra beneath the shirt.

  He dropped his stuff and held his arms wide open. She crossed the space between them in about two seconds. He picked her up and yanking the covers back, placed her gently on his bed. Then he crawled in beside her and pulled her close. He inhaled her scent and realized he'd never savor enough of this woman. There wasn’t time.

  That was his last thought as his eyes closed and his brain shut down. The feel of her exquisite curves against him and her scent enticed him all night. He slept well, and when he woke in the morning, he was ready for anything.

  Until he looked down and saw one of them had removed her shirt during the night. She did indeed wear a sports bra and while the cloth covered everything, it was tight. Which meant it highlighted all of her luscious curves. He stared at her, and gently pulled the sheet down. She was still attired in athletic shorts, rather than the spandex he thought she usually wore, but the shorts weren't long and lying on her side, they embraced her figure.

  Sure enough, her bottom was curvy but firm and her arms long and slender. Her legs were also long and muscular. Her stomach revealed sexy muscles he wanted to explore. So he did.

  But slowly, because he didn’t want to scare her. She was all sleepy, sexy female. Dipping his head, he kissed the taut skin over her stomach and felt her quiver. He thought she was still in that state between sleep and awareness and kept up with his explorations.

  She gasped and then her fingers tunneled in his hair. She tried to tug him up to her, but when that didn't work, wriggled in the most enticing way down to him so their lips met. He used all his willpower to keep himself in check. He would not hurt Lainy. She deserved far more.

  Her eyes, still sleepy, were beacons of blue and green. They sparkled like those of a woman in love. And how he hoped she was.

  With him.

  She didn’t give him more thinking time, but instead tugged his head to hers and offered him a most wonderful good morning kiss.


  Later that day, as Lainy showed him some of her sibling’s cabins, Mitch paid extra attention to Will's place. When they reached a hall he recognized, he wiggled his brows at her and looking around, opened the door to the linen closet. He entered and tugged her in after him.

  The space contained shelves on three walls and the door behind them on the fourth. Each shelf ran the height and width of the wall. Stacks of linens and beach towels and what appeared to be some broken toys lined the shelves. And he noticed a well padded, hip high ledge that he realized would be perfect for certain activities. No wonder this was such a popular space for couples.

  He also noted there was plenty of room for kids and canines in the center of the closet. Mitch didn't think they'd be interrupted. No one had seen them.

  Or so he hoped.

  Mitch smiled to himself as he finally realized he was in Will's linen closet. With Lainy. Gazing down at her, he wondered how she'd react if they got company. Ben said Treeny had giggled, and he thought it'd be okay if Lainy followed suit. He’d laugh with her. The thought didn’t stop him from kissing her though.

  The door swung open just as his lips settled on hers. They hadn’t even had a chance to try out the ledge. He felt her grin and his lips curled into a similar motion.

  “Detour, detour,” they heard someone intone and the closet filled with kids and dogs.

  “Aunt Lainy, it’s one thing having to come in here for Mom and Dad, but you?” the chubby kid he remembered from the video grouched.

  “Well, Chad, sometimes this is what happens,” Lainy replied, and her lips found his again.

  “Uncle Mitch, we thought you'd have more sense than this,” a little girl commented pithily. Mitch thought her name was Marissa.

  “They're not answering,” another kid commented and Mitch thought the tyke rolled his eyes.

  More dogs and kids entered the closet and he caught sight of Laurie, Ed, and Max ushering the herd into the closet.

  “Let’s get this closet so full of kids they won't be able to move,” Laurie stated.

  “That could defeat the purpose,” Ed replied and stroked his beard before they slammed the door shut and Mitch heard the sound of a lock being thrown.

  Lainy laughed and he joined her. The kids added to their general glee.

  When the door finally swished open, and they were released from the closet, Mitch stood face to face with Lainy's grandfather. The stern faced man smiled and held out a hand.

  “About time Lainy got caught in her own trap,” he commented mildly and Mitch took the proffered hand.

  “I've wanted to do this since I saw Ed's video,” he admitted to her grandparent.

  “We're pleased she could have this opportunity. Now, scram,” Grandmom Melody ordered.

  He and Lainy cleared the room after it emptied of kids and dogs and Lainy asked, “Want me to lock the door?”


  They swam every day and napped together, and were inseparable. Talking and laughing, Mitch was opening up to her like she was with him. Lainy was proud she hadn’t gone into Ice Princess mode at all. Not once had she felt uncomfortable around him. Not once had she thought this wasn’t right. She was still scared, but couldn’t figure out why.

  Since he’d arrived home, she knew far
more about him than she had learned from their correspondence. Lainy still had to pinch herself to believe this was her reality. She wanted to enjoy their time together for as long as she had.

  Mitch had been granted a month from work because of his year of military service. The first three weeks passed and her family left and arrived at intervals during the time. She liked having him to herself. She wanted her relationship with Mitch to be permanent, but, she couldn’t believe that would happen, or she’d be devastated when the end came. Lainy Morrison didn’t attract gorgeous men like Mitch Monahan. This was an aberration.


  Lainy and Ed accompanied Mitch to buy a new vehicle during the third week. He'd sold his previous truck, not wanting it to sit for at least a year. They found a nice used SUV he liked that had plenty of leg room for him and enough space for Bentley. Lainy and Ed looked the vehicle over and declared it acceptable, so he bought the truck.

  The previous owner, a former Marine, gave him a fair price, and he drove her back to the lake in his new vehicle. He was putting down roots. How long did they have together? Lainy feared the tide would change at any minute.


  Later that week, Mitch left Lainy for the first time to run an errand. He had a good idea what he wanted, but took one of her sisters. The shopping proved easy enough, since Melly knew Lainy quite well. He also stopped by a flower shop and selected a bouquet of roses in various shades.

  When they returned to the lake, he thrust the flowers into Lainy’s hands.

  “What's this?” she asked with a smile, eyeing the roses as though she'd never seen such beauty before.

  “Roses, for you. I haven't been able to give you flowers before, but now I can.”

  “Oh. Thank you.” She started to cry. He’d picked her some flowers already, but she’d never received any from a store.

  Mitch pulled her into his arms, handed the flowers off to Melly, and held Lainy.

  “I've never gotten flowers before.” She sniffed and held on tightly, as though fearful he'd slip away.

  “Well, now you have, and I expect you'll get more in the future,” he assured her with a grin.


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