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Nerd and the Marine

Page 26

by Grady, D. R.

She hiccupped and then giggled and after wiping away her tears with a swipe of her hand, gave him the sweetest kiss he'd ever known.

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you.” Her eyes were naked and Mitch saw her love for him there.

  “Lainy?” he whispered and she cocked her head.


  “Will you,” he swallowed, because he didn't want to mess this up, “Will you marry me?” He drew out his other purchase and opened the tiny jeweler's box.

  He showed her the simple, elegant solitaire resting in diamond splendor against the black velvet. But she tensed.

  Lainy's mouth opened once and then twice and she shook her head. His heart clenched.

  “Mitch, I love you, I do, but I can't marry you.”

  “What?” Her words didn’t make sense to his jammed brain. His stomach bottomed out.

  “I need time.”

  “You just told me you love me,” Mitch pointed out with desperation. Fear curled around his guts, fear like he’d never known before. Even the toughest mission hadn’t prepared him for her negative answer.

  “I do. With all my heart. But I don’t trust love, Mitch.” Lainy's shoulders sagged, her eyes dropped, and he didn't understand.

  “You don’t trust me?”

  “I trust you more than I’ve ever trusted any man. I love you, I finally know what that means, but I can’t marry you,” she cried, then spun and left him. Her eyes full of more despair than he’d ever seen. He stood there in the dust with a ring that should be on her finger but remained in the box.

  Mitch stared after her, without a clue what he should do. Fear threatened to cut off his air.

  “Want to take a walk?” Max offered beside him.

  Mitch stared at him blankly and then put the ring and flowers back in his new truck and followed Max.

  “I figured things would go down exactly like they just did,” Max said and Mitch didn't know whether to be grateful or angry.

  “And?” The silence stretched before them and he ached for Lainy. What had he done wrong?

  “Lainy's previous relationships were disasters and left scars. She won’t tell us about them, but we know that much. I think she thought she’d remain single. And then she takes in your dog and sends you an e-mail, a medium with which she's comfortable, and she opens up to you like she hasn’t since college.” Max nodded as though to himself before he continued.

  “Of course you fell in love with her. Which, by the way, you didn't tell her. What's not to love about her? The same could be said for you, too, from her perspective.” Max skipped a stone across the surface. “But it’s too soon for her. She’s still getting used to the idea.”

  Mitch gaped at him.

  “Yeah. Which is weird since she’s grown up in this family. You grew up without a family, but you're brave and strong and smart, and you learned how to love this past year. Lainy hasn’t caught up yet, even though she had the advantage of growing up a Morrison.” Max shoved his hands into his pockets.

  Lainy’s brother stopped and looked out over the lake before he continued. “Now, don't get me wrong, I think you're exactly what she needs. I believe the two of you were made for each other, but I also think you're going to have to show Lainy. Or at least get through to her in a way she's comfortable.

  “And person to person probably isn't that method right now. She's just come to know you as a real person for the last three weeks. But you're ready to settle down, so you began the process.” Max skipped another pebble across the lake before he continued. “While you know how you feel and where you stand, you've got to convince Lainy. She’s seeing a huge risk with no guarantees. And that's scary.”

  “That's right,” Mitch said, not certain he followed Max's reasoning. Yet the man made sense. Her other boyfriends had taken everything, but given nothing. He hadn’t told her he loved her.

  “Lainy isn't going to respond well to regular processes, either. You got as far as you did these past weeks because you didn't scare her. She's not a regular kind of woman, obviously.”

  “So, what do you propose I do?” Mitch wasn’t certain what to do, because he couldn't fathom life without Lainy. But if he scared her at every turn...

  Max handed him a key and a map. “This is the key to my house, which is finally finished, and directions. Give yourselves some time apart and think about living without the other. You're a Marine; you know how to fight for what you want. Lainy doesn’t. She’ll bury herself in her work and forget about life. If you don't get through to her, she'll hole up.”

  Mitch swallowed. If he didn't get through to her.

  How in the world was he supposed to do that? Nothing in his life had prepared him for this. After his tour, he thought he should be capable of anything. But this whole love thing...

  He glanced at the map in his hand and figured he might as well leave now, and give her some of that needed time. He didn't know what else to do. If he scared her, he’d lose her for sure. Provided he hadn’t already.

  At least her family seemed to want him to succeed. Mitch still had a place with them. But he wanted Lainy with the deal. Without her, life would be cold and empty.

  He left the lake, leaving Bentley behind. That would give him an excuse to return, at least.


  Lainy stared at the ceiling above her bed, all her tears cried out. She wanted Mitch Monahan, too much, but she couldn't bear if he suddenly felt all wrong. What if she started feeling like insects crawled on her whenever he touched her? What if she resorted to three showers a day? Love shouldn’t be like that, but what if she screwed it up?

  If anyone could screw up a relationship, it was her.

  Sharing this place she loved with him was a gift she couldn’t begin to comprehend. Everything seemed magical with Mitch around. He brightened her world and made her feel beautiful and free. She didn't feel like a nerd when he was near, but like a woman. A desirable woman. Something she'd never experienced before. Shouldn’t she trust him? Yes, and she did. But maybe only to a point. Was that the problem?

  She’d never expected him to ask her to marry him. He’d completely blindsided her. Too soon, kept running through her overworked mind.

  With a sniff, she rolled off the bed then crossed to the window. She wanted him so badly. Wrapping her arms around herself, she didn't want to live without Mitch, but was afraid. Had she killed the best thing that had ever happened to her?


  Mitch pulled up to Max's house and carried his bags inside. He rambled through, peering at the place, stopping to stare with longing at every picture of Lainy. There were lots of pictures, and he noticed a blonde woman he recognized as K.C., Max’s partner.

  Come to think of it, he’d met her his first week back, but Max had mumbled she had her one weekend a month military obligation and then a family function, so he hadn’t seen her since. Max had seemed a little lost without her, but K.C. was just his business partner he thought.

  But there were also lots of photos with Lainy. His heart clenched and he instead unpacked some of his essentials. He had to stop thinking about her. How did you convince a scarred and scared woman you were in for the long haul? How to convince her she could trust him? How to show her he was different?

  Not knowing the answer, Mitch went to bed.


  Lainy paced most of the night, but finally fell asleep around three am. She dreamed of chasing specters who looked like Mitch. They avoided her grasping fingers with ease and cackled in glee when they slipped from her fingers.

  When she awoke that morning, Lainy didn't feel rested.


  Mitch stumbled to his bag and delved around for toiletries. His shaving cream had fallen to the bottom and when he dug for it, his knuckles grazed the case of his computer. Mitch dropped the bottle and instead reached for the laptop. He stood staring at it for a moment.

  If you don't get through to her, she'll hole up and work.

  And then she takes in your dog a
nd sends you an e-mail, a medium with which she's comfortable, and she opens up to you like she won't with real men.

  He hurried downstairs, the computer still in his hand. He thought about the things Lainy was comfortable with. Computers, electronics, fixing things. Fulfilling needs.

  Mitch booted up his computer.


  Lainy stared at Max in dismay. “What do you mean he left? Where did he go?”

  “He went somewhere to think. He left Bentley, but he's gone.”

  Blinking, panic welled up within Lainy.

  He'd left her.

  He was gone.

  And she was the cause. She'd made him leave, because she wouldn't trust him. She'd trusted him when he'd been overseas, with her darkest secrets, but not herself. Why?

  Because of fear. But they fit together. He was a part of her soul. Her fears were stupid. He’d asked her to marry him. He trusted her. She needed to trust him and how he felt. She’d been disbelieving because he’d asked her for the commitment out of nowhere, but he knew what he wanted. Did she?

  Mitch wasn't afraid. But brave and strong and willing to try.

  She trailed over to the mirror and looked at herself. She saw a woman who looked like she’d had a crying fest, but she also looked like a woman in love.

  And a loved woman. Gasping, Lainy saw she looked... beautiful. Mitch had done this. With a start, she realized no other man could have caused this transformation. Only a man she trusted could have accomplished what she saw.

  When she thought of herself now, she felt beautiful, because Mitch thought she was. How many times had he told her, and she’d seen the sincerity in his eyes? He couldn’t seem to take those wonderful dark eyes off her.

  This man loved her and trusted her with his heart. He was brave.

  Was she? Because she wanted Mitch, needed him, in fact. Now she had to find the courage to tell him.


  Mitch sent his message. He could do this. He was a Marine, and knew how to fight for what he wanted. And he wanted Lainy.

  He loped upstairs and packed his things. Piling them back into his truck, he pointed his SUV toward the lake.


  Thinking fiercely, Lainy sat down at her computer and called up the icon for her e-mail. She had new mail, so she downloaded it and waited while the mail processed. When she saw the messages, one of them was from Mitch. Tears welled and she blinked them away. Wondering why he wrote, she clicked on the e-mail. Hoping it wasn’t him saying goodbye.



  Subject: I need...

  many things. Perhaps I can explain...

  Dear Lainy,

  I need a mate. I need a wife. I need you.

  I don't want to live without you. I don't think I can. I don't want to try.

  I need you.

  I trust you.

  I love you.

  And I'm not going to change my mind.

  I miss you,



  “The biggest question here, is, do you trust me?” Mitch asked from the doorway and Lainy jumped to her feet and into his arms.

  “I do trust you.” She wrapped her arms tightly around him. “I need you more than I can say. I was afraid and stupid. I didn’t trust myself.”

  “Sweetheart, you’re not stupid. Max said I rushed you,” Mitch said and stroked her hair. “Are you willing to give us a try?” he whispered and kissed her temple.

  “I am. I can't stand not being with you.”

  “Will you marry me?”

  “Yes, yes, yes!”

  “Excellent. Perhaps we could reconvene to Will's cabin and a certain closet there?”

  “Yes. We should be safe.”

  “And you'll be inside the closet again, not outside.”

  “There's always a second time for everything.”

  Mitch laughed and pulled her closer.

  “Why are you here? Max said you'd gone.”

  “I always fight for what I want, baby. I came back to fight for you. I decided I wouldn't leave until you came with me,” he stated matter-of-factly.

  “I never stood a chance did I?” Lainy lips curled into a rueful grin.

  “No, I don't suppose you did. We Marines stay focused on what we want. I planned to use Bentley to my advantage, too.”

  “I was planning on e-mailing, you, too. I’m not very good at communicating face to face,” she admitted, smoothing his shirt front with nervous fingers. She loved the firmness of muscle underneath. He was gorgeous, and hers.

  “We can work on that. Or we could just e-mail our problems to each other,” he said, the devil in his voice. Lainy laughed and hugged him. “What were you going to e-mail me about?” he asked.

  “I wanted to tell you I want you and trust you to stick around.” Her hands tightened on his shirt and he tugged her closer.

  “I’m not going anywhere but with you, baby,” he promised. Lainy pulled his head down to hers. When they eventually came up for air, she smiled with happiness and he slid the ring on her finger. She snuggled closer.

  “I love you,” she breathed against his lips.

  “I love you,” he answered and his arms tightened around her. Right before his lips touched hers again Lainy had no doubts this man wanted her and needed her. She trusted him.

  Their lips and hearts finally met as one.

  About the Author

  D.R. Grady lives with her husband near Hershey, PA. She loves gadgets, books, plants, shoes and writing stories that resonate with others. You can generally find her in her “office”, a chair in the living room, hopefully writing, but sometimes playing Angry Birds or Solitaire.

  Visit her website for more information.

  -Coming Soon-

  Treasure Me

  Book 1 - The Me Series

  What does a biology teacher know about private investigating? Annie Prentice, the biology teacher in question, is about to find out. She needs to locate her sister’s killer, so she goes undercover as a housekeeper in Jared McNeal’s house. He needs to find whoever or whatever is scaring off his housekeepers so he’ll actually keep one. If Annie and Jared don’t learn to trust each other soon, even as they’re falling in love, they might not live long enough to discover who’s after the McNeal treasure.

  Treasure Me

  By: D.R. Grady

  Chapter One

  The sound rumbled through the quiet of the day, again.

  Indefinable, obscure, but unfortunately enough to send Jared McNeal’s most recent housekeeper rushing to hand in her notice. Of one hour.

  “I’m terribly sorry, Mr. Jared, but that noise, it’s not right,” his soon-to-be-ex-housekeeper exclaimed. “You’re a fine employer and this is a nice house, but that noise.”

  “I understand, Mrs. Quinn.”

  “It sounds just like that panther that used to take my pappy’s livestock.” She went on, her words jumbling together, undoubtedly attempting to justify her need to leave both to him and to herself.

  “We don’t have panthers in Hershey, Mrs. Quinn.” Even he could hear the resignation in his voice.

  “Doesn’t matter. That is what it sounds like and it’s close, and it’s not safe here.” Mrs. Quinn’s voice rose another decibel so Jared figured it best to simply agree with her.

  She had lasted four days. Longer than the previous housekeeper who had stayed for seven hours, and given notice of ten minutes. He couldn’t deny that the odd noises came from his property. Neither could he deny they tended to be ominous.

  Jared sighed as he wrote Mrs. Quinn a check for four days of service with the same questions running through his brain. Was someone trying to scare him off his property?

  Why would someone try to run him off?

  Finally, what did he plan to do about it?

  ; Grady, D.R., Nerd and the Marine




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