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Night of the Fae (Ana Martin series)

Page 20

by Lyneal Jenkins

  ‘It most likely wouldn’t work on her anyway,’ I added. ‘But thank you for the offer.’

  ‘Maybe so, but then again, maybe not, I could try.’ I wasn’t sure what spell Maria had in mind, but she had something ticking over as I could almost hear the cogs turning.

  The idea was so tempting that I nearly told her to go ahead, instead, being sensible I muttered, ‘Best not. It wouldn’t be fair on Gabriel.’

  It seemed impossible that I had managed to find someone so fiercely loyal and even though she was a bit of a live wire, it warmed my heart.

  Maria mumbled something I couldn’t catch under her breath before smiling brightly. ‘Well, you know the offer is there if you ever need it.’

  I stared at her suspiciously, not sure that saying no would mean anything to her. There was no way she could know the effects a spell would have on a Siis, or what the outcome would be if she was even found out for trying and I began to feel a little afraid for her.

  From what I had read, to create any sort of spell on someone she needed a sample of their DNA such as a strand of hair, so I resolved that until I could get to the bottom of what was happening with Suraya, I would just have to keep Maria away from the house in case she decided to go snooping in Suraya’s room.

  ‘I don’t want to go home,’ I told her after I had been there for a couple of hours. Even though the dark cloud still lingered, it was nowhere near to the extreme that it had been while I was in the house. For the first time in days it was as if I could really breathe and I loved the feeling.

  ‘Stay the night then,’ she offered.

  I hadn’t spent even one night away from Gabriel in months and the feeling of loss that accompanied the thought of not being in his arms was so strong it was disconcerting. But after several seconds of silent debate, I gratefully accepted Marias offer and rang Gabriel to let him know.

  Even though there was no reason for it, a sliver of guilt wormed its way in when he agreed whole heartedly that it was a good idea. He could most likely sense that I was feeling loads better and put it down to Maria’s infectious personality.

  Maria was right, I was going to have to speak to him, and this made me extremely uncomfortable. I may not have a child of my own, but I’m pretty sure there were unspoken rules about slating someone’s daughter to them.

  It was a shame that Eris wasn’t around as I would feel more comfortable telling her about it. Hell, I even wished Adam hadn’t dropped off the face of the earth as even though we weren’t exactly friends, he knew Gabriel so much better than I did and maybe would have had some advice. It occurred to me that he wasn’t around because he had his own bad opinions about the false natured girl. I quite liked that idea and smirked as I considered the possibility that Adam and I might actually share a view, before shrugging it off as it didn’t really seem possible.

  As the night progressed, my mood lightened further until I could only feel a wisp of the cloud that had been hanging over me. Even though she was smaller than me, Maria managed to find me some pyjamas to wear, and after enlisting her help to tidy her flat, we settled down to a night filled with laughter instead of worry.

  The pull towards Gabriel was still there, causing me to miss him with all my heart, but the thought of being in the same room as Suraya diminished the effect somewhat. Up until now, I had thought that I had no control over needing to be with him, but now I realised that I did have some, even if it was only when the need was overshadowed by fear.

  Chapter 19

  I entered the house, grateful to be leaving the heat of the noon sun and could hear Beethoven’s moonlight sonata playing quietly in the lounge. I dropped my bag in the lounge doorway and silently watched Gabriel as he sat on the sofa with his eyes closed, his pleasure to the soothing notes of the piano evident in the relaxed smile that played across his lips.

  My heart swelled at the sight of him, his beauty causing my chest to restrict with the knowledge of how much I truly did love him. I watched as his fingers moved in rhythm with the music, not wanting to break the spell before me, aware that even with the problems in our lives, I was exactly where I was meant to be.

  Without opening his eyes he silently beckoned for me to join him. He stood as I approached and only then looked into my eyes. His burning gaze penetrated me and my head swam as I tried to force the forgotten breath from my lungs. Unable to speak, I stood motionless as he stopped only inches from me.

  My breathing became uneven and his breath mingled with mine, intoxicating me. I quivered as he stroked his fingertips across my cheek, leaving a burning trail in their wake.

  Effortlessly, he removed my clothes before fluidly shedding his. He took me in his arms and my body quivered with pleasure at the warmth of his skin on mine. After lowering me to the floor, we lay facing each other, only inches apart. Our skin didn’t touch, and although our lips were parted, a small distance remained between us, though we were close enough for our breath to be shared. No words were spoken as we let our light bathe out to encompass each other. My mind flew high with ecstasy beyond any comprehension. I was lost and wanted never to be found.

  I lay in his arms and wept as he kissed away my tears of happiness. We didn’t speak as there was nothing left unsaid by the quietness between us. His love for me shone in his whole being, my own light speaking the same silent words in return.

  ‘What was that?’ I murmured as he brushed away the last of my tears. He pressed his lips to mine and just smiled, his eyes shimmering with love. ‘Did we even…?’ touch, I added silently, unable to complete my sentence out loud.


  ‘But how…’

  ‘I know.’ The shimmering wonder in his eyes matched my own.

  He snagged the blanket I kept downstairs for cold nights, and dragged it over us, while pulling me closer into his arms. As my senses became sharper, I could see that the house was in darkness, us being the only source of light. The music had finished and must have hours before, yet I could have sworn that it had been playing throughout.

  I lifted my head and kissed him slowly. ‘Thank you.’

  His eyes widened in surprise. ‘What could you possibly have to thank me for?’

  ‘For being you.’

  ‘I am only what I am because of you, Ana.’ He held my face so as to stare into my eyes. ‘Before you I was lost, only a future filled with misery was before me. I have never told you that the night I first saw you being attacked, I was contemplating taking my own life.’ I stiffened at his words and he wrapped his arms around me tighter. ‘Don’t worry, I no longer feel that way. At the time, losing Deonti had broken me and I was tired of trying to hold myself together. Suraya was grown up and was living her own life, leaving me no reason to suffer anymore. There was a small part of me that still wanted to live, though it was growing smaller as the years passed. It was that voice that caused me to pray for a miracle, something that would help me live again.’

  ‘Where is Suraya by the way?’ I asked a little apprehensively. I was enjoying the calm, relaxed feeling that flowed through me and wasn’t in a rush for it to end. It occurred to me that this would be the perfect time to talk to him about what Suraya was doing, but that was the thing, it was the perfect time and I didn’t want to spoil it.

  ‘She is visiting friends for a few days.’

  Even though I knew he might sense it, I couldn’t stop the relief flooding through me.

  ‘That means we have time all to ourselves?’ I asked trying to mask the reason for my response.

  ‘That we do,’ he smiled, positioning himself above me. ‘And how would you like to spend that time?’ He nuzzled my neck and the passion started to build between us. As we made love for the first time, I was dimly aware that I glowed brighter than I ever had before.

  I tried to turn away from the violent shaking and became aware that I had fallen asleep on the lounge floor. I groaned from the stiffness and a hand clamped over my mouth.

  ‘Where’s your phone?’ The whispered urgen
cy in Gabriel’s tone snatched away any remaining tiredness. I pointed to where I had dropped my bag and sat up, pulling the blanket around me. Gabriel sprung up, seizing the phone out of my bag. With the mobile pressed to his ear, he spoke two words that filled my head with fear. ‘They’re back.’

  He hung up and hauled me to my feet, leaving the blanket strewn across the floor. He threw me against the wall, and stood crouched in front of me while I hugged my body, fully aware of my nakedness.

  ‘The Fae are here?’ My whispered voice was tight with terror as I reached out and snagged the blanket.

  He nodded sharply and continued to scan the room. I wrapped the blanket around me, painfully aware that although Adam had been teaching me to fight, I really didn’t know very much.

  We stood ready for several minutes before the mobile rang, the sharp tone causing me to jump. Gabriel answered it immediately and there was a clipped voice on the other end.

  ‘Come here when it’s done,’ Gabriel’s snapped. I wondered if that meant the danger had passed and I glanced longingly at my discarded clothes at the other side of the room.

  ‘What’s done?’ I whispered as he hung up.

  ‘Adam is checking the area.’

  I sighed with relief that we were not alone, though still scanned the room, ready for confrontation.

  A scratching sound came from the patio doors before they opened. When I saw the evil Fae’s gleaming eyes studying us, I dropped the blanket that was gathered in my arms. Even though I wasn’t very good at fighting, I was going to be a lot worse if I carried on gripping the fleece to my body. I was sure that Gabriel would protect me, yet at the same time, all I could focus on was the gleaming stare of the childlike form stood before us.

  The cold breeze washed over my naked body and I sensed, rather than saw Gabriel shift to attack. Even though I was sure that my heart was racing, it was as if each beat was seconds apart.

  The Fae took a step into the house. He was either moving slowly or my perception of what was happening had nearly grinded to a halt, but regardless, I had time to wonder how a child could become so hateful. Even with the intake of heavy energy I was astonished that their minds could hold such bitter thoughts. There was no doubt of how the small boy, no, small demon stood before us felt. I could almost see a thick fog reaching towards us, glinting as if filled with a million tiny blades ready to slice. Yet when the fog reached me, it was as if parasites crawled under my skin and into my brain.

  The Fae lifted his left foot to take another step inside the house and I tried to look past him to see if there were any more, my own experience having told me that they didn’t travel alone.

  My eyes caught a shadow of a figure before the Fae was dragged back into the night, letting out a scream so un-human that it made my skin feel as if it was trying to crawl off my body.

  Gabriel’s hands unclenched, though he still quivered with tension. It was only a few seconds more before Adam gracefully moved through the open doorway.

  ‘It was a scout party,’ he told Gabriel. ‘The other one was gone before I got here.’ He glanced briefly in my direction and I blushed while reaching down to snag the blanket.

  Gabriel hissed a word I couldn’t quite catch as I wrapped it around my shivering body. ‘How many?’ he asked in a tight voice.

  ‘Three, two are dead,’ Adam answered. ‘They are only the beginning. More will follow now they know for sure we are here.’

  ‘How long?’ I whispered, though it sounded more like a strangled hiss.

  ‘No idea,’ Adam replied. ‘I would not imagine long though. Maybe a week, unlikely more than a month, it all depends on the size of the assault they are planning.’ The strength left my legs and I slumped against the wall. ‘Catch her Gabe, she is going to faint.’

  Gabriel turned to support me. ‘I’m alright,’ I told him weakly. ‘I just need a moment.’ I had only just managed to banish the memory of their first attack. It wasn’t fair that they would come back.

  ‘It will be alright Ana. I promise you I…we won’t let anything happen to you.’

  ‘How many will come?’ I asked.

  Adam spoke first. ‘Maybe as many as…’

  ‘It doesn’t matter,’ Gabriel interrupted, glaring at Adam. ‘They will be no match for us now that we know they are coming.’

  ‘I want to know Gabriel.’ I turned to Adam and asked again, ‘How many?’

  ‘Most likely about twenty as they know there are two Siis here,’ he told me, ignoring the sharp look from Gabriel. ‘I have never known them have more than forty in a single attack.’

  Forty? My mind reeled with the image of forty Fae crowded around the three of us with murder in their eyes. I tried to find the strength to ask how it could be possible for us to live through an attack of that magnitude.

  ‘Try not to worry,’ Gabriel tried to soothe me. ‘We will have Eris on our side.’

  Even though I knew the power Eris had over the Fae, my heart became heavier. All it would take is for one of them to creep up behind her for a surprise attack and she would be gone. The potential death toll had just risen. My blood turned to ice and dropped from my face.

  ‘She’s going into shock.’ Gabriel’s words penetrated my haze and wanted to tell him I was okay, but couldn’t. I was fixated on the image of the Fae stood over Eris’ slender body, Gabriel lay broken on the floor and even Adam, his eyes lifeless in death.

  ‘I’m so sorry,’ I whimpered as Gabriel supported me to the sofa.

  ‘Don’t fret,’ he soothed, gently sitting me down. ‘It’s only a bit of shock, you will be fine soon.’ He stroked along the worry lines on my face and spoke to Adam. ‘Get a duvet from upstairs to warm her up.’

  I pushed myself up and gripped his hand tightly. ‘No, you don’t understand. This is all my fault.’

  He forced me back down and pulled the blanket back up to cover my revealed breasts. ‘Do not be silly sweetheart. How could this possibly be your fault?’

  ‘If I hadn’t gone to the park that day, if I hadn’t stared at the Fae enough for them to notice me, none of this would have happened.’ My voice increased in volume as I spoke, until I was almost shouting. ‘Don’t you get it, because of me Lexi died, and now you may die. First there was the junkie, then the car accident and now the Fae. Maybe I was meant to die years ago and now fate is coming for its revenge.’

  ‘Shut up!’ Adam’s roar stunned me from my self-pity. Throwing the duvet on me, he crouched down before me, his tone lower, yet still stern, ‘So what if you were meant to die, and what if it is your fault the Fae are here. The fact is you are here now alive and you have a choice, do you want to play the martyr and lie here waiting for fate to catch you up, or do you want to fight for your life and all that you hold dear? Because I have news for you Ana, fate is a made up story to make people feel better when bad things happen, nothing is absolute. We all have our free will and have to live with the consequences of our choices, be they bad or good. So what will it be?’ he demanded standing up. ‘Do you want to wallow in self-pity or do you want to get angry and take revenge for what has been done to you?’

  Stunned, I could only stare at him. I had never heard Adam speak for so long or say anything so profound before. After a minute in which both the men watched me, I found my voice.

  ‘Thank you. I needed that.’

  Adam shrugged before walking off, leaving Gabriel and I alone. ‘Are you alright?’ he asked me.

  ‘Yeah.’ I smiled weakly and sat up. ‘I could do with getting dressed though.’ He handed me my discarded clothes and I pulled on my jeans, hoping Adam would stay out of the room until I had finished, not that he hadn’t already seen everything.

  ‘He would make a great motivational speaker.’ My voice was muffled as I pulled my jumper over my head. ‘He packs one hell of a mental slap.’

  Gabriel chuckled, and helped me as I was stuck with my head in the jumper and my elbow wedged, pointing upwards. ‘He has been known to get many a person movin
g, it’s one of his skills and what made him a great soldier in his day.’

  ‘One other thing.’ I gripped his hand to stop him heading towards the kitchen. ‘How the hell are you dressed when I was stood there naked?’

  He laughed as he pulled me into his arms. ‘Because it took so long to wake you up.’ He kissed my nose, before taking my hand to lead me out of the lounge.

  I grimaced as I sipped the sweet tea Adam had made. The night shadows pressed against the window as if they were a living entity, determined to force their way into the house. I huddled into the chair, trying to suppress the shivers that threatened to shake me to bits.

  ‘What now?’ I asked relishing the warmth, if not the taste of the tea as it spread through me.

  ‘Now we need to contact Eris,’ Adam told me.

  ‘But it took her ages to pick up her last messages. How do you know she will get it in time?’

  ‘We have other means of contacting her.’

  ‘How?’ I asked, wondering once again why Adam was the only one with a mobile. Life would be so much easier if they just joined the technological age.

  The two men stared at each other having some sort of silent conversation and I shifted impatiently. Adams face was stiff, while Gabriel’s eyes pleaded with him.

  ‘Do you really think that after everything that’s happened now is the time for secrets?’ I demanded.

  ‘No, it is not.’ Gabriel ignored Adam’s glare and turned to face me. ‘There is a way I can contact her immediately.’

  ‘Why don’t you always contact her that way then?’

  ‘Because it’s dangerous for us,’ he said, causing my stomach to clench. ‘I will have to revert to natural form and reach out to touch her.’


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