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Cowboy Love

Page 4

by Jodi Bella

  "I want you to stand there in the corner, Alicia, and think about all the reasons it is not wise for you to work yourself to the bone."

  "You what?" She couldn't believe him! She shook her head. "No, Luke. I won't! I'm not a child, and I won't let you treat me like one! I will not be put in a corner."

  His jaw hardened and he stared her down for a few moments. Then, to her shock, he grasped one arm and marched her over to the corner. He pressed her against the walls and held her in place with one hand on her waist. She twisted and struggled and hollered at him, but he handled her easily. He didn't have to hurt her to keep her where he wanted her.

  "Anytime you want to stand here like a good girl and do your thinking, you just settle down and I'll leave you be," he told her quietly. It was a wonder she heard him over all the yelling she was doing. "Once you settle down, you'll be here for ten minutes and then we will talk. The longer you carry on like this, the longer you have to wait to start that ten minutes."

  "Urrrgh! I hate you!" she screamed.

  "You'll get over it."

  Somehow she managed to rein in her temper. She stopped struggling and stood still and stiff. It wouldn't do her any good to keep fighting him. He was simply bigger and stronger. He could hold her there all night long without breaking a sweat.

  She felt his hand leave her waist and she could tell that he had sat back down on the sofa when she heard the old springs creak under his weight. A moment after that she heard Lucy purring and she rolled her eyes and snorted under her breath.

  "You'd best be thinking in that corner," Luke warned her, obviously having heard her derision.

  She folded her arms over her chest and sighed. Then the strangest thing happened. She felt like she was going to cry.

  That was dumb, she decided, but it didn't make the feeling go away. She felt like a disappointing, troublesome child standing there. And she was terribly afraid that the damage she'd done tonight by forgetting to meet Luke and scaring him like that was unrepairable.

  When he finally called her out of the corner ten minutes later, she turned to him and sniffled. She was still managing to hold her tears at bay but it was getting harder, especially when she looked at him.

  "Are you going to give me a… a real spanking?" she whispered.

  Luke looked at her sadly, but his jaw was set. "What do you think,]angel?"

  She shuffled over to his side and stood there looking at him like she didn't know what came next. Luke shooed the cat away and took her hand. He gave her a gentle tug and she went over his lap. He wasted no time in whisking up her nightgown and tugging down her panties. The first smack from his hand was hard and as loud as a gunshot.

  More hot, stinging slaps rained down on her unprotected flesh and she quickly began to see what Luke had been warning her about all along. This spanking was nothing like the sweet, stingy, warm foreplay swats she loved. There was no rubbing, no touching, no kisses, no soft words, no teasing. There was only the hard punishing effect of his hand on her backside and she found herself squirming and trying in vain to avoid his hand.

  As he worked, Luke delivered the speech he'd intended for her concerning her work. "You have to start taking better care of yourself Alicia. You're going to get sick and run down from overworking yourself, and then what good will you be to the store? I will not allow you to do that to yourself. I intend to see that you stay good and healthy so that I can enjoy your company for a long time!"

  By this time Alicia was pleading with him to stop spanking her. Her bottom was on fire and no matter which direction she turned, he never missed the spot he aimed for. She'd never thought a spanking could hurt like this and she never wanted to experience another like this one again. She promised him that she would do anything he said, if he would only stop.

  But he didn't. His hand kept falling in deafening thunderclaps and tears began to fall down her cheeks. "You will not work any later than six p.m. Is that understood, Alicia Marie?"

  "Yeeesss! Please, Luke…"

  "And, if you do work that late, you will have the shop door locked after you close and you will call me to come down and drive you back here so you don't have to walk into this complex by yourself at night. Agreed?"

  "Okay! Okay! I promise!"

  "No more accepting projects at the last minute like those cookies tonight…" SLAP! SMACK! CRACK! "… and when you need help at work…" SMACK! CRACK! WAP! "… you will ask me or your sister or your friends or someone until you find it! Am I being absolutely clear about that?"

  "God, yes! Oww! Please, Luke, anything!" She beat her fists against the floor below her, not sure if she could take even one more strike from his hand.

  "And… you will start keeping a calendar of appointments so that you don't forget dates or meetings. You've got a lot going on in your life right now and I understand that you simply forgot tonight. I'm not angry about that. But I don't want to be scared and worried for your safety again when it can be prevented with a simple calendar." He stopped her spanking. Finally. "Okay, honey?"

  "Yes… Luke. Luke, I'm sorry." Fresh tears took over and Luke helped her right herself. He cradled her gently on his lap and rocked her in his arms, comforting her now with soft kisses and words of forgiveness. He dried the tears from her cheeks with his fingers and stroked back the hair that had fallen into her face. "I'm so sorry I forgot. I won't again. I promise I'll take better care of myself."

  "Okay, baby. I'm glad to hear that. It's okay, Alicia. I forgive you. I love you. Shh, please don't cry anymore."

  His words sunk in slowly and she blinked as she realized he'd just said he loved her. She rested her head on his shoulder and smiled slowly, then worried her bottom lip as she thought of all the complications that could bring.

  After Luke felt that Alicia was calmed down, he smiled down at her and kissed her forehead. "You look a bit sleepy there, cutie," he observed. "All that kicking and hissing at me after your long day seems to have tuckered you out."

  She nodded. She was feeling sleepy.

  "Let's get you tucked in to bed," he suggested. As he stood and picked her up in his arms to carry her off to her room, he teased, "Would you like to experience a bedtime spanking tonight?"

  "No! That's okay. Not tonight!" she answered quickly, her bottom still very hot and sore. The cool sheets on her bed felt wonderful when Luke set her down. She looked up at him when he tucked her in and she said, "I didn't think you'd really do it."

  His gaze was warm and loving on her face. She would have known he loved her then, she thought, even if he hadn't already said so in words. "I only did it because I care about you and what's good for you. I have to warn you right now, too: I'll do it again if I think you need it. I won't tolerate you ignoring your health or your safety."

  She nodded. He bent down and brushed his mouth against hers in a warm, soft kiss that was sweet and just the stuff to weave pleasant dreams of. When he turned to go to the door and click off the light, she said, "Luke?"

  "Yes, angel?"

  "Thank you."

  She saw the flash of his white teeth in the darkness of the room. "Anytime. Sweet dreams now. I'll talk to you in the morning."

  In the quiet of her room, Alicia wondered about his warning that he would spank her again like he had tonight if necessary. She wasn't sure how she felt about that, even though she'd thanked him for what he'd done tonight. Although she understood that he'd spanked her out of concern for her well-being, she just wasn't sure if she could willingly submit herself to his care in that way again.

  Chapter 4

  That Saturday, Luke packed a picnic lunch for three, and added fishing poles and a blanket to the back of his truck. When he came back into the house, he glanced at his pouting niece and gave her his brightest smile.

  "Come on, Missy! We're going to have a lot of fun today! What's with the long face?"

  "Why does she have to come?"

  He sighed. Patience, he reminded himself silently. He picked Melissa up and carried her over t
o the big armchair by the front window. He sat her down on his lap and held her loosely in his arms.

  "Pumpkin, we've talked about this before. I want you to meet Alicia because she's a very special lady and she's going to be a part of our lives."

  Melissa's little orange kitten joined them in the armchair, curling up with a loud purr in her mistress's lap. Missy focused her attention on the cat, worrying her bottom lip, as her uncle continued. "I know that this is something new, but I want you to please give Alicia a chance. She's really a fun lady and I like her very much…"

  "Do you like her more than me?"

  The question was so softly spoken, he almost didn't hear it. Luke turned Missy's chin up with two fingers and met her eyes. "You are my favorite girl. You know that," he assured her, kissing her forehead. "I like Alicia in a different way, honey, and it doesn't mean that I love you any less. Okay?"

  She was still frowning, but she nodded. Luke held her on his lap a bit longer and let her turn her attention back to the kitten. When it was time for them to go, he said, "So, can you be a good girl for me today and be nice to Alicia? I know you'll like her a lot, too, if you give her a chance."

  "Okay, Uncle Luke," Missy agreed quietly. She sounded so sad and resigned. Luke patted her back and told himself she just needed some time to get used to this new change. She'd certainly come around once she'd met Alicia.

  When they arrived at her apartment, Alicia came out of the building wearing a little summer dress and a shaky smile. Luke knew her well enough by now to see that she was nervous. He got out of the truck, pulling his reluctant niece behind him by the hand. He gave Alicia a brief kiss on the cheek and a wink.

  "Hello, gorgeous."

  "Hello yourself." Even her voice was shaky. Luke took one of her hands and gave it a reassuring squeeze, tugging her a step closer at the same time. "Missy, this is my friend, Alicia. Alicia, this is my niece, Missy."

  Missy eyed the woman before her warily. "You can call me Melissa," she said haughtily. Luke blinked at her in surprise. She never asked anyone to call her that! Alicia offered the little girl her hand and they shook. "It's nice to meet you, Melissa. Your uncle's told me lots about you."

  Missy's nose crinkled in dislike as she withdrew her hand, but she didn't say anything else. Alicia glanced nervously at Luke and he offered a small shrug. "Well, girls, let's get going, then!" he suggested with forced cheer.

  Luke drove to the small lake where he had taken Missy fishing several times in the past. The party of three settled on the edge of a creaky dock, shoes off and legs dangling over the side. Luke handed Missy her fishing pole and gave his own to Alicia.

  "Oh, no. I'll just keep you two company while you fish," Alicia protested, trying to give him back the pole.

  "No, way. No girl of mine is going to stick around for long without learning to fish," he teased. "It's easy. I'll teach you. So, just relax."

  Alicia watched as Luke choose a long, slimy earthworm from a container of the critters that he had brought along. She made a face as he speared the worm on the hook. When she looked up she saw Missy staring at her with what could only be described as disgust.

  "Yucky, huh?" she said to the little girl, knowing even as she spoke that it was the wrong thing to say. Missy didn't answer, except to give Alicia a withering look, from head to toe. Alicia suddenly felt very silly for having worn the little flowered sundress instead of shorts and a tee shirt. At least she'd decided on the more sensible Keds instead of the strappy heels she'd had on at first that morning.

  She watched as the little girl chose her own worm and stabbed it onto her hook without any hesitation or remorse. She glanced up at Alicia with a sinister sort of smile and Alicia got the distinct feeling that Missy was imagining that it was her uncle's new girlfriend impaled on that hook instead of the fat earthworm.

  "That a girl, pumpkin," Luke praised, completely missing the exchange between his female companions. He showed Alicia how to cast her line and watched approvingly as Missy cast out beside her. Alicia was beginning to feel like a complete idiot next to the child.

  They fished and talked for a while, Luke holding up much of the conversation as he tried to think of things that would interest both his girls. Missy caught a couple fish, all very small, and Luke let them go.

  Alicia didn't catch anything.

  She was grateful when they stopped to eat lunch. They spread the blanket out under the shade of a tree and shared sandwiches and grapes, colas and potato chips. Luke tried to get Missy to talk about her kitten, but the child remained aloof. She stared moodily at her lunch, and whenever she looked at Alicia it was as if she were trying to zap her out of existence with her gaze. It was beginning to get unnerving.

  "May I be excused?" Missy suddenly asked, completely interrupting her uncle in mid-sentence. His brow furrowed a moment, but he didn't scold her.

  "Do you feel okay?" he asked.

  "Yeah, I'm okay. Can I wade a lil'? It's hot."

  "Okay, just stay where I can see you. And don't go in past your knees."

  "Okay!" Missy was already running off towards the water.

  "She hates me," Alicia sighed once the child was out of earshot.

  "No, she doesn't. She doesn't even know you well enough to have any opinion yet," Luke insisted. He turned Alicia towards him and kissed her briefly. "I'm sorry she's being difficult. She promised me this morning that she would give you a fair chance."

  Alicia shrugged. "It's okay. She's been through a lot…"

  "It doesn't matter what she's been through. It doesn't mean she can be rude. I'm going to have a long talk with her tonight." Alicia sighed.

  Luke tilted her face up with his fingers. "Don't get so down in the mouth, little lady. I'd hate to have to warm your fanny on this lovely afternoon."

  She pulled away from his grip. "You're not going to spank me again. I haven't done anything wrong today…"

  "Well, you haven't been exactly gregarious in attempting to befriend Missy, Alicia."

  "Oh, so now it's all my fault? By the way, that's an awfully big word for you, Cowboy. Gre-gar-i-ous? Bet you can't spell it!"

  Luke's eyes glittered dangerously in her direction. "You're pushing your luck, Alicia."

  Before she could respond to that, there was a loud SPLASH! from the dock.

  Both adults looked up to see a sputtering, wet, muddy Melissa emerge from the water.

  "Melissa Erin!" Luke shouted, jumping up and running to the dock, Alicia close on his heels. He hauled his soaking wet niece onto the dock, drenching himself in the process. "I thought you were wading!"

  "I was… I… uh…"

  Luke shook his head. What next? The day was going from bad to worse.

  "Well, girls, I think this ends our little fishing trip. Let's get our shoes and pack up." He gave Missy a stern look. "We'll talk about this once we get you home and dry."

  Alicia couldn't have been happier to see this awful outing coming to an end. She found her shoes and stepped into one, not even noticing the empty, open container beside them that had housed the earthworms.

  Luke was wrapping Missy in the blanket when he heard Alicia's shrill scream. He looked over his shoulder as she withdrew her foot from her shoe, two earthworms dangling from her toes.

  There was an unmistakable giggle from the wet little girl behind him.

  Luke picked Missy up and strode the length of the dock to Alicia's side.

  He set his niece down with a jolt and picked up Alicia's shoes. They were each filled with earthworms, as well as a good deal of the dirt that the container had also held.

  "Melissa Erin," he growled. "Did you do this?" Duh, Alicia thought.

  Missy was looking up at her uncle, the picture of innocence and he fought the urge to shake her. "Do what, Uncle Luke?" she asked.

  "These shoes are ruined, Melissa!" he shouted. "You apologize to Alicia right this minute, young lady."

  There was a moment of tense silence while Missy fixed Alicia with a look of pure
hatred. Luke looked like he might just strangle the little girl.

  And Alicia wished she could just disappear.

  Then, the silence was broken with a firm, defiant, loudly voiced, "No."

  Luke's eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. "What did you say?" he demanded.

  "NO!" Missy shouted, stomping one foot. "I'm not sorry! I won't 'pologize! I don't want her here!"

  Alicia watched as Luke took a slow breath, in and out. He closed his eyes a moment. She started to interrupt to say it was okay, they were old shoes anyway (which was a complete lie because they were brand new), but he held up one hand to silence her.

  "Melissa. You are about a second away from getting the first spanking of your life, young lady. Now I suggest you apologize to Alicia, unless you'd like that spanking, right here and now."

  Oh, Lord.

  Missy stared her uncle down for a few second, then finally mumbled, "Sorry."

  "Like you mean it!" Luke thundered.

  Missy glared at Alicia, but her voice was contrite. "I'm sorry I put worms in your shoes, 'Licia."

  Alicia nodded. "It's okay."

  "No, it's not." Luke pointed to the truck. "Wait in the truck, Melissa. We'll be right there."

  Missy trudged off to the truck, bumbling inside awkwardly while still wrapped in the blanket. Luke took Alicia's shoes and threw them angrily into the trashcan.

  "I'm sorry," he said as he gathered the poles and picnic basket. "I'll get you another pair…"

  "Don't worry about it."

  "…and she will be punished when I get her home."

  Alicia touched his arm to stay him. "You're not really going to spank her, are you?"

  His look was incredulous. "Hell, yes, I'm going to spank her. Don't you think she deserves it? She's also going to be put in her room for the rest of the day!"

  "Oh, Luke, please don't spank her!" Alicia implored. "If you do, she'll blame me! She already hates me as it is! It'll only make things worse!"

  Luke glared at her. "I can't just let her get away with this." Suddenly his gaze turned hard and he added, "But don't worry, darlin'. I won't wear my hand out. I have a feeling you'll have a turn over my knee before the day's out as well."


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