Boston Avant-Garde: Impetuous
Page 19
“Seth, Joshua, I’m so glad you could join us for this happy occasion.” Annaline gave them her best hostess smile. “Your firm has been so indispensable to the Aasens in these matters.”
“Always a pleasure, Annaline.” Joshua took her hand and brushed his lips over the backs of her fingers in a courtly gesture that would have been mocking coming from someone with less charm.
Seth clasped his hands behind his back and glanced over at the string musicians playing unobtrusively beneath a pink and white bower of hanging roses. “Leslie and the Trio were very happy to work Selena’s wedding into their schedule. Leslie and Talia have been friends for almost as long as we’ve known Erik. We’re all practically family.”
Desiree had to smother a giggle at Seth’s not-so-subtle reminder that they, like Erik, had embraced what Annaline had been known to refer to as the “dark side.” Her mother’s expression faltered beneath the practiced smile, her gaze sweeping the group until it settled on Nicolai as though sizing up prey.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think you’ve introduced me to your date, Desiree.”
Desiree hadn’t even taken a breath to answer before Nicolai extended his hand. “Nicolai Anastas. Erik and I have been longtime business associates, but we haven’t had the pleasure of meeting yet, Annaline.”
Convention forced her to shake the offered hand. “And how did you meet my daughter?”
“We met in a bar. In Back Bay,” Desiree interjected. She didn’t want to put Nicolai into the uncomfortable position of explaining a chance meeting that had only happened because she’d been out looking for trouble.
“You met in a bar.” The flat tone in her mother’s voice didn’t match the polite expression pasted on her face. “How interesting.”
I’ll bet.
“Desiree was waiting for a friend and stopped in for a drink.” To his credit, Nicolai did not laugh out loud at the G-rated version of the truth he was dealing her mother. “I happened to be tending bar that night, and we hit it off.”
Desiree had to bite her lower lip to keep from bursting into laughter. They’d hit it off? What a way to describe her throwing a lemon wedge at his head before she attacked him and demanded he take her up to his apartment and have sex with her. How had she gotten so lucky? The results of that night could have been utterly disastrous. Instead, she’d found the one man who would give her exactly what she needed while helping her to curb her self-destructive urges.
“Every moment since then I’ve been thanking karma for sending me into that bar on that night.” Still wrapped in his loose embrace, Desiree stared up at Nicolai. She didn’t care what her mother or anyone else thought about her words. She needed Nicolai to hear this. “I met a real man who could give me exactly what I was missing in my life.”
“You’re an Aasen. I hardly think your life is lacking.” Her mother’s dry tone was like nails on a blackboard. “And what’s this nonsense I hear about you moving off the estate? Jackson in particular is quite worried that you’re getting in way over your head. I’m certain his concern is on behalf of his cousin Harmon.” She gave Nicolai a significant gaze. “Harmon and Desiree have been quite taken with each other.”
Desiree knew this conversation had been inevitable. She just hadn’t figured on having it in this venue. The bridal party was posing for shots near the pool. Guests were milling about in groups or waiting for drinks at the bar. The weather was unseasonably warm, the day beautiful, the fall air spiced with the scent of trees and fresh-cut grass. Why not add an uncomfortable conversation with Mama to top off the perfect day?
“I bought a condo in Back Bay. I close in three weeks. In the meantime, I’m staying with Nicolai.” She hadn’t exactly cleared that with him, but she was making most of it up as she went along, so what did it matter?
“You bought a condo. On your own?” Annaline rounded on Erik. “Did you have something to do with this?”
“Not a thing. I was as surprised as you are.”
Her mother had pretty well dropped the good hostess facade, so Desiree quit playing along. “Give me a break. I’m a grown woman. I think I can handle buying a condo. Joshua gave me the name of a reputable real estate agent, and I’ve already been in touch with my banker and a good home inspector. It’s not like I’m moving into a tenement building, Mama. It’s a penthouse condo on Beacon Street.”
Nicolai gave a low, appreciative whistle. “Nice.”
“I know, right? And it’s close to the bar.” The casual approval in his voice warmed her from head to toe. If she could only disappear into her new condo with Nicolai and spend the rest of the day having wild, satisfying sex in the master bedroom, life would be damn near perfect.
“You knew about this?” Erik asked Joshua.
Josh winked at Desiree. “She’s a big girl, Erik. And from what I hear, she drives a pretty hard bargain.”
“I don’t doubt that one bit. Desiree’s an independent woman capable of getting exactly what she wants.” Nicolai leaned over and brushed a kiss across the top of her head.
Her mother didn’t look convinced. “You have responsibilities to this household that you cannot just walk away from.”
Watch me. “Jackson mentioned that he and Selena are choosing to stay here at the estate. She is perfectly capable of taking on the scheduling and handling the day-to-day household issues. She’s a married woman, Mama. I’m sure she’ll want to take on more responsibility.”
To his credit, Erik did not call bullshit on that statement. But the three of them knew Selena was adamantly opposed to anything that took time away from her social life. She wanted to go to the events, not schedule them.
One of her mother’s friends called out from across the lawn. Annaline waved, her impeccably perfect expression back in place. “I am not done discussing this matter, Desiree.”
“Too bad, because I am.”
Desiree’s sassy retort gained her Annaline’s full attention. “Is this really what you want?”
“More than anything.”
“I suppose Selena could take on a little more of the correspondence.” Annaline gave Nicolai a bland once-over. “Just make certain you have Joshua draw up a good prenup before you do anything rash. Anything can be undone with the right prenup.”
“You would know.”
“Always the sassy one.” Annaline briefly cupped Desiree’s cheek before striding off to mingle with the other guests.
Linking her arm through Nicolai’s, Desiree turned and walked in the opposite direction.
Nicolai waited until they’d covered several yards. “You don’t kid around, do you, wild girl?”
“You just now figuring this out?”
“I get the feeling it’s going to take me the rest of my life to figure you out.” He pulled her close, letting her feel the heat of his body against hers before placing a gentle kiss on her lips. “Not that I mind in the least.”
“God, you’re a tease.” The scent and taste of him were driving her crazy with desire. Sometimes it was enough just to be by his side. Other times, not so much. “I want you so bad right now I’m considering the possibility of sneaking inside for a quickie.”
“A quickie is no good from where I’m standing.” He glanced down, and she noticed that his cock was starting to tent the front of his slacks.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, but could we speak for just a moment, Desiree?” The wedding planner was dressed in a pristine white and pink suit. From experience, Desiree could tell her smile was a touch forced.
“Certainly, Isabel.” She took a deep breath. “Isabel, this is Nicolai Anastas. Nicolai, Isabel Adams is Selena’s wedding planner.”
“Very nice to meet you, Nicolai.”
He gave her a smile and a murmured agreement.
“I’ll just be a minute. You can hit the bar if you want.” Desiree reached up on tiptoe to kiss his cheek.
“No trouble?”
She rolled her eyes. “I promise not to beat anyone up without asking you first.”
He turned and walked away, his deep laugh drifting behind him. Desiree sighed. She felt like a ridiculous teenager in the throes of her first crush.
“I’m not trying to rain on your parade here, Desiree, but we have a problem.”
Her happiness popped like a soap bubble. “Go ahead, hit me. What’s wrong now?”
Desiree had never seen Isabel look anything but composed, even when dealing with one of Selena’s ridiculous tantrums. The woman hadn’t become the most sought-after wedding planner in Boston because she was afraid to take control and make things work. So the very fact that Isabel looked distinctly uncomfortable spoke volumes.
“The caterer is threatening to leave if we don’t get control of the groomsmen. Apparently they had a few too many prewedding cocktails and keep harassing the staff.”
Okay, this was not as bad as she’d thought. “And this never happens at other weddings?”
“Well, it isn’t just the groomsmen. Apparently they caught the groom and one of their servers about to have a quickie in the back of the van.”
Desiree put her palms to her face. Nice, Jackson, real classy. “Is that all?”
“Um, apparently there’s a bet going between the groom and his friends about how many chicks he can bang at his own reception.”
“I definitely didn’t see that one coming.”
Chapter Twenty-Three
“It’s so good to see you here, Nicolai. I’m glad you and Desiree worked things out.”
Nicolai gave Talia a genuine smile, leaning down and wrapping her in a warm embrace. “You look like you’re feeling pretty good. Is there anything left in the caterer’s tent?”
“You know, it’s bad form to tease a pregnant woman about what she eats.” Her expression turned blissful. “Although what I could really use at the moment is a basket of Jack’s fries.”
“Come by anytime and we’ll make some fresh ones just for you, with a bucket of ketchup to top them off.”
“Holy cow, Talia and ketchup. Don’t even get me started.” Erik pulled his wife close and nuzzled her neck. “Sometimes I think I need to buy a controlling interest in Heinz just to keep her supplied.”
“Some people think about stocking up on the product. Erik just buys the company.” Born with a silver spoon up his ass or not, Nicolai knew Erik was a good guy to have at your back. “If you buy a ketchup distributorship, I better get a discount.”
“Deal.” Erik frowned. “Where did Desiree run off to? She was right over there a minute ago.”
Nicolai followed his friend’s gaze, wondering the same thing. She’d proved beyond doubt she could handle herself, but Jackson might want to salvage some pride after she’d publicly humiliated him less than twenty-four hours ago at Asylum, despite Dante’s threats.
“I’m guessing you caught up to Desiree before things got out of hand at Torres’s club last night?” Erik seemed to share the same train of thought.
“More or less.” A loud crash followed by the tinkling noise of breaking glass snagged Nicolai’s attention. “We’ll have to talk about that some other time.”
Talia stepped away from Erik toward the commotion. “What was that?”
Over two hundred pairs of eyes were riveted on a point just beyond the table where a five-tiered wedding cake was displayed. Nicolai could see two women locked in a struggle. Both were blonde, but only one was wearing a wedding gown.
“Shit.” Erik strode off, muttering curses under his breath.
A redhead dressed in a sleek black dress tried to intervene. “Oh, Leslie, no!” Talia took off after her husband.
The audience was laughing and gasping in turns as the catfight raged on. When Desiree appeared with Jackson in tow, Nicolai gave up his notion of remaining uninvolved.
“You bitch! How dare you? At my wedding! My wedding!” Selena reached out to scratch at the other woman who Nicolai now recognized as one of the musicians from the Trio.
“Are you kidding me?” The other woman fended off the disgruntled bride as if she had quite a bit of experience in that department. “You’re psycho! That asshole tried to proposition me! When I turned him down, he tried to force me.”
“You’re a liar!” Selena’s screech made Nicolai’s eardrums ache.
The redhead intervened. “Jen doesn’t lie!”
Seth and Joshua stepped away from the observers to stand on either side of the redhead. She was obviously Leslie Hampstead. The presence of the two men made Selena reconsider her attack. Whirling around, she chose a new target.
“Get your hands off him, Desiree!”
Seeing where this was headed, Nicolai shoved his way through the crowd until he was close enough to intervene should things get out of hand. He caught Desiree’s gaze and gave her a short nod to show he had her back. He wanted her to know that he’d let her handle it. His heart swelled with pride when he saw her straighten up with righteous indignation.
That’s right, wild girl. Give ’em hell.
“Get it through your thick skull, Selena. I don’t want him.” Desiree’s voice sliced through the cacophony, bringing her sister’s tirade to a halt. “I never wanted him. He’s the one who’s continually trying to get under my skirt. I’ve explained this to you repeatedly.”
“You’re lying.”
“I’m not! The caterer is already up in arms because he’s been banging servers to make good on some ridiculous bet he has going with the groomsmen.”
It was like dropping a grenade at a tea party. Every eye turned to find Jackson, who looked as though he was ready to bolt. With the threat to Leslie gone, Seth and Joshua closed ranks with Erik to cut off any hope of escape for the philandering groom.
“Jackson?” Selena’s voice wavered. “Is that true?”
Nicolai thought of the loudmouthed jackass who had lost a simple game of blackjack the night before. How could one guy be such a sleazebag? Someone, somewhere, at some point in his privileged life should have beat his ass for this kind of behavior.
“You’re going to believe her?” Jackson gestured to Jen. “She’s a stripper, for fuck’s sake! A stripper! You’re going to believe some whore over me?”
Jen went pale as milk, her wide blue eyes filling with tears before she turned and pushed her way between Seth and Joshua’s bulk. They let her go, waiting like everyone else to see what Selena would say.
The bride’s face was streaked with mascara, her nose red, and her cheeks wet with tears. She looked from her new husband to the determined face of her older sister.
“Come on, Selena baby. This is our wedding day! Who are you going to believe?”
“I believe my sister.” Selena staggered a few steps toward the cake table. In one smooth motion, she snatched off the top layer and lobbed it at Jackson’s face. “And I want a divorce, you asshole!”
The cake exploded on his head, though he managed to hide his face at the last second. His hair and back were coated with spun-sugar icing and artificial leaves.
Annaline emerged from the pack, her face set in hard lines. “Don’t be a fool, Selena. Your sister is having problems of her own in the relationship department.”
Meaning him, of course. Nicolai sighed and crossed his arms over his chest. Like he’d told Desiree earlier, it was like observing another species.
Desiree reached out to Selena, saying something too soft for Nicolai to hear. Whatever it was, Jackson took exception. Cake flying from his hair, he lunged at Desiree like a rabid dog.
Nicolai leaped forward, but the wild girl beat him to it. Like she had the night before, she cocked her arm and punched him so hard in the nose they could hear the cartilage crunch. Jackson yelped, reaching up to cup his face. Balancing on one leg, Desiree pointed her toe and rammed the top of her foot up between his legs. Every man in sight cringed in sympathy and groaned as Jackson’s hands left his nose to grab his balls right before he crumpled to the ground.
“Holy shit, Desiree.” Josh gave her a look of profound respect. “Remind me to stay
on your good side.”
“My girl doesn’t kid around,” Nicolai said with satisfaction.
She turned and met his gaze, the sensation like a physical caress. “I had a good teacher.”
Selena burst into tears, and Erik seemed to realize this entire scenario was already going to be the talk of Boston by the following morning. “I think the show’s over, everyone. If you’d just make your way to the caterer’s tent and the bar, I’m sure there’s plenty of food and wine to go around.”
Recalled to their manners by his words, the guests tried to pretend they weren’t texting everyone in their contacts list and posting videos online.
Nicolai wanted nothing more than to grab Desiree and head home, but she was busy trying to console her sister. He watched her tenderness, knowing her willingness to forgive and move on was only one of a million things that made up her personality. She’d forgive Selena just as she had him. More importantly, she’d help her sister forgive herself. It had been Desiree who showed Nicolai that the past could make you strong. It was true. Everything he’d been through had strengthened him, but it was Desiree who had truly made him a good man.
“I’d welcome you to the family.” Erik slung his arm around Nicolai’s shoulders and sagged as if he were on the verge of collapse. “But I’m a little worried you’d refuse the offer at this point.”
“Are you kidding?” Nicolai gestured to the ruined cake and the groom huddled in the fetal position in the grass. “This is better than reality television.”
“This is bullshit, Aasen.” A man dressed to the nines in a custom suit approached. The term “spitting nails” didn’t even cover the anger in his expression. “My son was just assaulted by your sister at his own wedding! You’ll be hearing from our lawyers come tomorrow morning.”