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Revved Up Hearts: An MC Romance (Steel Knights Book 2)

Page 14

by Liz K. Lorde


  Jasmine sat on the lip of her white bathtub, waiting impatiently for the results of her test. After having Kate get her home, she got a quick change of clothes – slipping into just a simple black tee and jeans. She had tried to call Luke, but there was no answer. Her car had been towed, and paying for its release was not something that she was particularly happy about.

  She bit down on her lower lip and tried to push against the thoughts of Carlos. There were flashes of red and his limp, lifeless body on the dirt. Jasmine shuddered and then brought herself out of that terrible moment.

  When the white strip that she held so tentatively in her hand turned a shade of blue, Jasmine found herself lost in another world. It was as though she had stepped out of her body and taken seat directly beside herself. Her body felt thick as lead, and her mind burned with a thousand thoughts – how could this have happened? She took her pill religiously, she found herself double and triple checking and if someone had been there to observe her obsessive routine – they’d think her insane.

  I’m pregnant, she thought. I’m sitting here shaking and afraid and all the while there’s a bun growing in my oven like nothing’s happening.

  Everything felt dizzy, and it felt like she needed to lay down. She had barely processed the idea of her mother being sick, let alone it being passed down unto Jasmine – now a worry skittered frightfully across her mind, that her unborn could have it too.

  Tears fell freely from Jasmine’s eyes. She found herself laughing and sobbing, and bouncing seamlessly between the two. It was the most maddening thing that she had ever felt. To feel so joyed, and to feel so horribly petrified. Getting up from her spot on the bathtub, she padded slowly over to the sink in a haze, looking into her mirroring and gazing at her dull green eyes.

  It can’t be real, she assured herself. It just doesn’t seem real. Killing a man and, and this? In the same day? People just don’t have days like this. You should have been more careful, you’ve never wanted kids. Luke will leave you, and your peers will judge you – you can’t abort, can you? You’ll be all alone and be a horrible mother. It’s inhumane.

  Jasmine had to fight off the urge to collapse, and her face drooped down, looking into the blank, empty space of the sink. After a spell of time, she dropped the testing strip into the sink carelessly and moved from the bathroom into her master bedroom, looking around for her cellphone.

  She tried to call Luke again, but once more there was no answer.

  Damn him. Where is he? Jasmine dialed for Gabriel next, but there was no answer from him either. She called Sexton and he did pick up, but had no clue where Luke was himself; Benny was next, though equally helpless in her endeavors. Jasmine cursed beneath her breath and went from her home to the Rav.


  Jasmine knocked on Gabriel’s door and waited for a reply. When his voice finally came through, she opened the door and spied him sitting up in his bed writing something on a black and white journal. He gave her a sad, soft smile; though it was so subtle it was more of a shadow of a real one.

  “Jasmine,” he said, “are you well?” He asked, incredulous of how she looked.

  “I’m fine,” she lied with as straight a face as she could muster. “Sorry but I don’t have time to chat – hopefully you’re recovering well – did you, um, happen to hear from Luke?”

  The lines of Gabriel’s face darkened, and it looked like he feared to speak, “He hasn’t called you yet?”

  “No? I’ve been trying to get ahold of him all day.”

  Gabriel put down his journal and let out a soft sigh, “The police came by,” he started, “the Sheriff. He’d witnessed Luke assaulting a man; sounded brutal.”

  Assault? Jasmine’s heart lurched up into her throat. “Jesus,” she finally managed to croak, her eyes falling onto Gabriel’s. “What the hell could have possessed him to be so stupid,” she felt the anger rising through her as it moved serpentine up her spine.

  “Wish I could tell ya,” Gabriel replied. “I’m sure they’ve booked him by now.”

  Jasmine nodded her head and thanked the man, taking her leave. She knew that Luke could be foolhardy and brash, but why would he be so reckless?


  The interior of the police station was positively spartan. All muted yellows and rust-like browns. There was not a lot of commotion, a receptionist/dispatch at the front desk and a few officers moving along through the hall. They eyed her with friendly looking smiles, though Jasmine suspected it was largely because she had a pair of tits that they gave her such a courtesy.

  She walked up to the front desk and inquired to the young woman if they had picked up Luke. She was sweet enough, and after a moment of working her computer, let Jasmine know that they had.

  “Just go right on in to the left, the sheriff’ll take you to him.”

  “Great, thanks,” Jasmine said. When she went through the frame leading into the other room, she had expected things to look a little more busy. Instead, there were only desks with stacks of paper and half a dozen men all going about their day; some clearly distracted by the internet on their laptops, others more inclined to actually speak to another human. There were boxes of empty doughnuts, and partially eaten doughnuts – longjohns as well. Cups of coffee, so, so much coffee; she spied the machine off along the corner of the room, a massive pot and drip machine. It no doubt got plenty of use.

  The police didn’t seem to much care or pay her any mind, other than the occasional look. Off to the side on her right, along the ways, was the Sheriff’s office, whose door was open. Jasmine padded over and peeked inside, spotting the man typing at his computer desktop.


  The Sheriff closed the door behind Jasmine and she walked down the concrete hall, with empty cells on either side of her. When she reached the last cell on the left, she saw Luke sitting against the yellow wall with his head held between his legs.

  “Wow not very excited to get company, are you?”

  Luke’s head bolted up and his eyes crinkled as he smiled. He got up from the floor and strode over to the bars of iron that separated them. Before another word was said, his hands reached out through the strips of iron and pulled Jasmine against the cell; one hand grabbing tight her ass and the other pushing against the back of her neck.

  Their lips met each other’s and the hot kiss resonated throughout her body, making the spot between her legs heavy with lust. After a moment she pulled away from the man’s embrace, “What happened?”

  Luke’s eyes searched her own, “I heard a lie that made me want to kill a man.”

  Jasmine had to work to push her organs back in their respective places, “Must have been quite a lie.”

  There was a strange look of shame on Luke’s face, and a hesitation as though he did not wish to speak further on the subject. “I’d been keeping tabs on that guy,” he started, “Augustus.”

  Jasmine’s heart lurched into her throat.

  “Well I went and had a little chat with him. Wanted to make things clear, that if he ever tried to fuck with you or your career again, I’d make him regret it,” Luke looked away for a moment. “He thought I was there for a different reason. Said that he kissed you; that you liked it.” Luke’s face darkened, and his eyes were searching Jasmine’s now. “Tell me it’s not true.”

  “Don’t give me any details on what you did,” she said, “I don’t want to know. But, I approached Augustus after my review and asked him if what he had said had anything to do with what happened between the two of us. Things got bad and fast, and he was on me before I even knew what was going on.”

  Luke moved back an inch, the visible sting of what she was saying written plainly on his face.

  “I didn’t tell you about it—“

  “Sure as hell know that,” Luke interrupted, anger coloring his voice.

  Heat crept through Jasmine’s bones. “I thought about telling you,” she said, “but the whole thing, it didn’t mean anything to me. I told
him, after doing that, that I wanted nothing to do with him anymore,” in so many words, at least. Avoiding him entirely would be impossible, but seeing him a handful of times a week would be doable.

  Luke eased up a bit, letting out a long breath. “Just, tell me next time. You know we can’t keep secrets from each other.” And yet here she was with two more; one growing inside of her. Dread went up her spine cold, as though a spider. How should you even tell him?

  “I know,” she said, swallowing away the lump in her throat.

  Luke shifted in place and studied Jasmine’s face. “Somethin’ wrong?”

  “N-no,” she replied, “nothing.”

  Luke raked a hand through his loose black hair, “I don’t know how I’m going to get out of here,” he practically growled it through his teeth; I wish he wouldn’t say such things. “Unless you can convince the man to drop the charges, not that I expect he will…” Luke trailed off, seemingly reflecting on his actions.

  Shit, I don’t know what to say, don’t know how to say it. “Some-some things happened,” Jasmine started, brushing back a strand of her raven hair.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, “what do you mean, Jas?”

  Jasmine closed her eyes, thinking that it might be easier if she pretended the world around her was not there. “I’m pregnant,” she opened her eyes.

  Luke stared at her for a good long while, his jaw relaxed and mouth barely agape. He was still, so very still; like his body had forgotten how to breathe. There was a noise that left his lips, the beginnings of a question, but it did not carry through. His eyes were glassed over with water, and the crinkles on his face began to show, his lips turning into a grin. His chest rose as he took a breath, and he exhaled quick breaths of air – his nose flaring. “I’m gonna be?” He managed to choke out.

  Joy grew like a forest inside of Jasmine, sun-touched and water-kissed by the morning’s grace. She could only nod, taking all of her will to hold back the sobs wanting to leave her.

  The lines of the man’s face struggled between happiness and hard lines; he was joyous and confused, and in those eyes Jasmine could spot the familiarity of fear. “I’m going to be a father,” he said, gripping tight the iron bars of the cell, “and you’re going to be a mom.” The words hit her harder than anything in life. Cut along her like a cold knife, her guts wanting to spill freely. Luke brought his hands over to Jasmine’s waist, just holding her. “I’m going to be there for the both of you, no matter what,” he promised, but all it did was twist the knife in Jasmine’s heart further. How could a child know their father behind bars?

  “I’m not so sure you will,” she lowered her head.

  “Hey,” he said, bringing her closer to the cell. “I promise you, I’m going to get out of here.”

  “And if—“ she felt these strange waves of shame and guilt, “if I don’t want it?” She asked, something warm rolling down her cheek. “I never planned on being a mother; I don’t even know how it happened, Luke.”

  “I don’t care,” he assured her, “I don’t give a shit how it happened. It’s, it’s definitely crazy that it did happen. But it happened,” he brought a hand up to her face and caressed her cheek, brushing away the wet little things on her face. “It’s your body, it’s your choice. I love you, Jasmine. Whatever you do, I’ll back you. I love you,” he repeated, kissing deep her lips.

  His lips felt so good. It was a crime, how comforting so simple could be. She kissed him back and kissed him deep, letting the love spill from her freely. “I love you too,” they kissed again and even more. “I need you,” she confessed, batting her eyes to fight the tears, “please, just do whatever you can to beat this shit. I’ll talk to Augustus.”

  “Don’t worry baby,” he said, “I’ve got an out. I don’t like it, but I do have one.”


  Luke took a long breath, and let it roll slowly from his nose. “I have to tuck my tail between my legs and talk to someone from the club. Someone, that I don’t exactly get along with anymore,” he confessed.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  He was still beside himself. He had dreamed in the late of night, of Jasmine laying on a bed of roses – against sheets of white silk; with the smell of flowers in the air. How it all came about was simply beyond him, he knew that she had been taking measures to protect herself; or else he would have taken measures himself.

  I’m going to be a father, he thought. The cold metal bench of a bed kissed at his bones, biting hard. Luke knew beyond doubt what the child would be named, should it be a boy.

  Always thought I’d be without a kid, and now that the idea of having one is so real in my head and in my heart, I can’t believe it. He’d gone through stages of fear and joy all throughout the night and morning; the thoughts of it all plagued him even as he called J.D earlier.

  Luke could hear the sound of the door opening, and then the footfalls as someone approached. Martine came into view, with a disgruntled look plastered on his face. It was good to see the man upset, even better to evade what court would deem ‘justice’. The smallest stab found Luke’s heart, and he wondered if perhaps he would not make a food father – could a good father also be so vicious? He had hurt Augustus much more than he rightfully should have.

  Giving into anger, that isn’t something I should pass down.

  “Don’t know how you did it,” Martine started, “but I got a series of calls this morning. Normally, I’d just ignore them,” he gave a short laugh.

  “Because you’re such a hard working soul for the public,” Luke announced.

  “Right,” the man replied. “Judges, the doctor treating the man you beat – they both informed me in so many words, that it would be in my best interest to drop your charge. Can you believe that?” Martine’s eyes locked on Luke’s with a gleaming venom behind them. “I don’t know who pulled the strings, but the only reason you’re getting off so easy, is because nobody knows about this. Next time I nail you, I’ll have the media over you, like you shit gold.”

  “Maybe there won’t be a next time,” Luke said, his bones aching as he got up from his bench of a bed. “Maybe, if it does happen, you won’t be in such a position to ah, act on your sworn duties.”

  Martine looked unimpressed as he retrieved the set of keys from his pocket, undoing the lock on the cell and swinging open the cell door. “Get your shit and go,” he instructed, waiting for Luke to step through.

  “Understood boss,” Luke said, giving the a man a quick look as be brushed by him, having his shoulder bump into the Sheriff’s person.


  The sun was more than peeking above the skyline, it’s orange glow touching over all. Luke brought up his phone and called for a cab, trying his hardest not to overthink the whole situation. He would go to Kayla’s and speak with her and be done with it, he would make certain that she knew there could never be anything between them anymore.

  Something dark skittered across the surface of Luke’s mind when the black cab arrived and came to a stop. Through his mind’s eye he could see Gabriel, and a series of quick blurs of Able; when they were of mature age, and of children, and of Kayla and Able and Luke all together. He glimpsed the way that Robert looked at her back then, and how she looked at Able.

  Luke climbed into the back of the cab and told the driver to where he should drive. All along the way, he could not shake the pinpricks across his body – he could still smell the way that man’s flesh burned. Remembered the way he screamed, and the way that he died.

  My child’ll never know you bro. Never know the way his uncle would never back down, and would always look for the best in people. I know he’d make a greater dad than me, Luke could not shake his melancholy now.

  She would never do it, he convinced himself. She’d have no motive. I couldn’t be that blind. Doubt plagued him and those lingering thoughts of what Gabriel had said remained scratching away at the walls of his mind. When he finally arrived, he paid the cabbie and looke
d on at the old place where he’d put his head down at night for so many years, though he never thought of it for home.

  Or at least, he hadn’t thought of it as home in a long, long time. Luke walked over to the front door and gave it a knock, but there was no answer. He tried again, and after a couple of moments passed, he looked around and tried the handle of the door.


  Taking a step back, Luke sighed and looked under the small flower pot near the end of the front door’s concrete platform. Sure enough the tarnished gold key was still there. It fit into the lock wonderfully, and made a satisfying click.

  Shutting the door behind him, Luke called out for Kayla. Just saying her name left his mouth feeling sour, and a disgust washed over him – like he needed to shower and scrub off the invisible filth.

  There was no response. She must be here, he thought, calling out for her once more.

  Luke slowly moved throughout the house, exploring the living room. It was a mess of cigarettes and ash and dirtied paper plates. The cushions on the couch were sprawled haphazardly, a few of them seemingly having fallen off and landed on the floor. There was a crunch; he looked down to see the glimmer of tiny shards of glass.

  Stalking further through the house, Luke made his way through the darkened, narrow hall, keeping his person close to the white wall and creeping up to the bathroom door. His hand touched the silver knob and he called out again, but still nothing. Luke turned the handle and felt around for the light switch, half expecting to find Kayla’s dead body.

  Emptiness. Everything looked the same to his eyes. He closed the door and let out a breath as he went over to the master bedroom, opening the door and peeking in. There was a soft yellow light on, from the lamp at the bedside.

  No discernable lumps on the bed, and all else was without change.

  Luke shut the door and went along to the guest room, opening the door slowly.

  The chair before the standing musical keyboard was occupied by Kayla. Her hair looked a bit longer than he last remembered it, in its red pixie cut fashion. She was wearing her black headphones that completely separated her from the real world. The woman was playing something on the ivory keys, something to a slow tempo.


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