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Revved Up Hearts: An MC Romance (Steel Knights Book 2)

Page 17

by Liz K. Lorde

  Luke tossed the patch of his jacket onto the floor, “I’m done being under your thumb, if you were ever in this for the club – you aren’t anymore.”

  “Only traitor I’m seeing here is you,” Allen replied, his toothy grin appearing to the murmurs of agreement and approval. “What’s the meaning of that?” He asked, gesturing with his hand towards Luke’s group, “hmn? You’re on the wrong side, boys.”

  Sexton pulled out his piece, “We’re right where we need to be, A.”

  Allen shook his head up and down and then from side to side, “So this is how it’s going to be, eh kid? All of ya. You’re all fucking backstabbing sons of bitches.” It was then that people started really brandishing weapons.

  “Calling for a blood bath?” Luke asked.

  Benny spoke up, “Wouldn’t do that,” he warned, “one wrong step and you’ll lose good men.”

  Allen shrugged, “I’ll find more,” he threatened, though the men at his side seemed uneasy now.

  “I’m only here to give you that disgrace of a patch back,” Luke said, “if you want to throw your lives away, we’ll go there. If you want to get out of this twisted game, smarten the fuck up and put your shit away, come find me – I’ll listen, and if you’re right, I’ll sit you down at our table and I’ll call you a real Knight.”

  “Pretty words for a selfish boy,” Allen snidely remarked, “you don’t know the weight of a crown. Trust you’ll feel it hard and feel it fast. Those two?” Allen pointed two fingers, “they’ll stick with ya, the bastards, but the rest? Good luck.”

  The air grew cold and Luke’s heart tapped hard and fast against his chest. The clouds above lazily moved about; the heavens did not care for the mortal failings of men. Luke stepped over to his bike as everyone watched and waited, climbing onto the beast of steel. “Get your ride, boys, they’ll let us go.”

  “Like hell we will,” Allen snarled, pointing the pistol at Luke now. “I should kill you right now, the lot of you.”

  “Do it,” Luke raised his brows, he then turned his head to Sexton, “keep your gun on him,” Luke brought his head back and stared the President down, “on the count of three, we’ll put our shit away – so long as you do the same,” he promised to the men in Allen’s court. They looked more than willing.

  The countdown began, and sure enough each side holstered their weapons, save for Sexton and Allen. Visible calm swept over the men, and the tightness of the air didn’t seem such a burden – fingers of light poking through the clouds and coloring the scene.

  “Fucking cowards,” Allen’s face was red with anger, his hand visibly shaking as the gun quivered in it’s place.

  Luke’s men moved over to their bikes and Allen dropped his gun to the ground, staring Luke dead in the eye, “I’m comin for you, boy.” Sexton put away his pistol.

  “Don’t miss.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  Jasmine could not bring herself to drink her tea, she could only look at the hard and withered lines of her mother’s face. She helped her drink her own, when she noticed that the tremors were getting particularly unruly. Little pricks danced across her chest at the sight of that. All this time, Jasmine thought. All this time she’s been going through this, all alone and without and scared. Gods be good, forgive her – find the strength; find it somewhere, find it anywhere.

  Carice thanked her daughter. She had a weighted look to her face, and a sadness in her eyes, “I’m sorry,” she said simply. “I wish I had been a better parent,” she admitted, a twist forming in Jasmine’s chest, “to you and to Marcus, rest his soul. Back then I… I blamed you, and I know that, that was wrong.”

  The lump in Jasmine’s throat would not leave it’s place. She tried to swallow it down, but still it would not budge. “It hurt me a lot,” she said so low she was not sure that her mother could have heard.

  “I know,” her mother was never one to cry, but Jasmine saw the film forming, “I know sweet girl,” she repeated, scooting in closer to hug Jasmine’s neck.

  The two embraced, just holding one another.

  Jasmine buried her face against her mother’s neck, clutching her so tight, “Tell me you’ll be there,” she begged, “you weren’t there for me,” she said, “and I need you to be there, I need you to be there for your grandchild. Do that, and I’ll forgive you.”

  Carice backed away from her daughter, her hand tittering as she looked her girl deep in the eyes, “I’m going to be a grandmother?” She asked, the words coming out in a way that were a little difficult to understand.

  “You will be,” Jasmine proclaimed, “but only if you are there for her. For every moment.”

  Carice’s chest expanded, her black shift dress following along with her; there was a sadness embedded in her eyes, “Every moment,” she promised, “I will be there.”

  Jasmine grabbed her mother’s tittering hand and held it, “I’m holding you to that.”


  It was sometime later that Luke managed to show up. He walked over to Jasmine and Carice; when he looked at Jasmine, butterflies swam freely through her stomach. She pictured his crooked smile while holding their newborn.

  He’ll be a good father, Jasmine thought. He was wearing his usual club attire, though there was a rip in his jacket where his patch used to be. “Luke,” Jasmine said, “this is my mother,” she gestured with her hand simply, “Carice Giuseppe. Mom, Luke.”

  “Reynolds,” he corrected, “Luke Reynolds. It’s pronounced Car-ice? Is it?” Luke replied, a confused little look gracing his face.

  Her mother laughed, “Close,” she said, the words coming out strangely, her jaw tittering on some vowels, “Care iss,” she corrected.

  “Guess I must sound like a jackass,” Luke swept a hand through his hair before extending it to Carice, shaking her hand, “it’s a sincere pleasure to meet you, Carice. You raised a beautiful, amazing daughter.”

  Mother and daughter looked at one another, ever so briefly. “She raised herself better than I could have ever raised her,” Carice offered, waving her hand, “I had little to do with it.”

  “I wouldn’t be so quick to discredit yourself,” Luke replied, sliding over to Jasmine’s side, so that she was in the middle of the two. “Greatness and weakness, it all comes from the parents – all we can do is try our best to avoid the bad, and keep the good. She’s got a good heart, I’m sure you do too.”

  Carice gave a derisive laugh, “You’re definitely in love,” she said matter of factly. “You could be drowning in the rain, but you’d still be captivated by it’s sorrow. Love gets a lot harder once life gets in the way.”

  Jasmine slowly crept her hand over to Luke’s side. I’ll never let life get in the way of you, she thought. She glanced down quickly at her belly: or you.

  “We’ll see,” Luke conceded, kissing the back of Jasmine’s hand.

  “I hope that we do,” Carice grinned, “Tell me what it is, that you do.”

  Jasmine butted in then, “He’s a mechanic,” she blurted out, knowing that her face must have plainly given away her panic.

  “Yeah,” Luke said, backing her up, “my dad was a mechanic, runs in the family. Fix cars, but mostly bikes – been ridin’ all my life.”

  Carice seemed pensive, “I see,” she said, “a mechanic is a very… humble occupation. Gives one lots of character.”

  “Luke’s got character in spades,” Jasmine added.

  “Uh, yeah,” he followed up, “sometimes it gets me into—“

  “We actually just got him a lease, for his own shop,” Jasmine interrupted. “Just waiting on paper work, dotting our I’s and crossing our T’s.”

  Luke nodded, giving Jasmine a funny look. The man was smooth, but he was at his heart, an outlaw, and if left to his own devices, he’d spill those facts without even knowing it.

  “It’s funny,” Carice said, pausing for a moment, “but when I first got a look at you, I would have guessed you to be a gangster. Or, som
ething or other.”

  Luke and Jasmine shared a quick smirk, before Luke himself answered, “I put that gangster shit way behind me, if you’ll pardon my French.”

  “I’ll make an exception,” she replied, “for you.”

  Jasmine got up from her seat, “Why don’t you two talk for a bit,” she insisted, “and I’ll get us some grub.”

  “Oh, Chinese?” Luke asked.

  Carice scoffed, “If you don’t want some pizza, I’m going to start questioning you after all.”

  Jasmine felt a warmth blossom in her chest as she turned the corner into the kitchen, bringing a hand to her belly.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  One Week Later

  “Does it look okay? Is it too much?” Jasmine asked with worry.

  “It looks fine,” Kate said before taking a swig of her red wine.

  Jasmine’s eyes went wide with concern.

  “I mean, it looks great,” she corrected. “You look gorgeous,” she promised, “I’m just not as picky as you,” she set down her glass.

  “I-I’m not picky!” Jasmine could feel her face starting to redden. Am I picky? She questioned. Surely anyone would be picky. Anyone would.

  “Okay okay,” Kate put her hands up defensively, “you’re not picky, you’re a perfection-“ Kate stopped herself, “ yeah, you’re not picky. Now sit down and let me work my magic.”

  Jasmine took a deep breath, trying to shake off the nervousness that seemed to flourish inside of her. “Okay, I’m sorry.”

  “No, no, you’re fine.”

  “I don’t feel fine, am I supposed to not feel fine?”

  “Do I look anything other than horrendously single to you, right now? Do you know who you’re talking to? You have more experience in being wed than I do.”

  Jasmine nodded her head and smiled.

  “That’s better,” Kate said, a crooked smirk walking along the lines of her face. She grabbed Jasmine’s hand and brought her down to the vanity mirror and chair, grabbing her makeup kit and applying eyeliner as a start.

  “I’ll try and be still,” Jasmine said. So glad she’s doing this and not me, she thought.

  “Mmhm,” Kate hummed in response, focusing and carefully applying herself to the task at hand. “You know,” she started, glancing down at Jasmine’s eyes, “Doctor Lark’s got some nasty cuts and bruises on his face.”

  “I heard about that,” Jasmine felt a hot twinge of guilt in her stomach. The man shouldn’t have done what he did, but from the sound of things Luke had went too far.

  “The rumor going around is that your groom-to-be had a hand, or several, in it.”

  “You’d think Augustus would press charges if that was the case.”

  Kate scoffed, “I know I would.”

  Jasmine straightened in her chair, “Do you think it’s too soon?”

  “Not soon enough I think,” Kate had an edge in her voice, “I mean I’m not even one for marriage,” she admitted, “but if you go and make a woman pregnant, you’d better have a silver platter of rings for her to pick out from. He better be going the extra, like, ten miles for your gorgeous ass.”

  “It doesn’t have to be too fancy,” Jasmine said sheepishly; she’d seen the ring. It’s just a symbol, anyway.

  “Yeah, well, I guess I’m just traditional like that – he had better be treating your right, or I’ll chew his ass out between shifts.”

  “That does sound like something you’d enjoy,”

  Kate stopped what she was doing and playfully smacked the back of Jasmine’s head.


  The sign was yet to be changed, and so it read ‘Gordon’s Mechanics’ in big red letters across the top face of the building. Night had already curtained the place, only the silver and the stars above glinting down their morose light. The paperwork necessary was pushed through faster with the help of extra crash. Though, Luke had let it slip to Jasmine that he and his crew had managed to squat in the building before terms were met regardless.

  Jasmine was wearing her green dress with golden frills all along the seams, branching out into small, tight, intricate little patterns. Her hair was done into a curly, loose ponytail; Kate’s makeup made her feel particularly pretty, she felt good. Surprisingly at ease for once in her recent frantic life, she sauntered to the double doors at the entrance of the shop, with her friend at her side. But when she placed her delicate hands on the handle of the door – she felt almost out of body; like she was watching herself from the sidelines. Her heart began to beat faster against the bone of her breast.

  Married, she thought. Married and pregnant and on speaking terms with mom, how’d it all come to this? You can still turn back. Jasmine paused then, truly considering the thought for just a moment.

  “Hey,” Kate said, “what’re you doing?”

  I’m done running away, she affirmed. I’m happy, and being happy’s worth the risk of losing it all. Jasmine pulled on the handle and went through the doors, making her way through the lobby. The place itself was simple, and needed to be refurbished before it was truly ready for ‘legit’ business. Dark blue tiles for a floor; though there were cracks and missing tiles. Muted walls and sparse furniture. The front desk was massive and stood in a crescent form, it was probably the most clean and untouched object of the whole lot. She could already hear the boom of music; the laughter and indecipherable chatter of the guests for the gathering.

  Jasmine worked her way to the recreation room, the door itself already being open. Inside the spacious room were long tables, wrapped in a white cloth. On top of them was a great bounty of food; delectable assortments of grilled shrimp, rack of ribs, margaritas and long island ice teas, casseroles and buttered rolls and a few bottles of champagne, as well as sauvignon. There were simple chairs and a pair of red felt couches, and a, as Luke had put it, ‘club traditional’ jukebox playing in the corner of the room.

  Kate gave Jasmine a quick squeeze along her waist, “You look wonderful, I’m gonna find something to eat and hate myself over.”

  Jasmine smiled, “Thanks again, Kate.”


  Gathered in the room were the following: Luke and Gabriel, Benny, Sexton, Haymitch and Weyland; Alejandra was off in her own secluded area, fiddling with her phone. Jasmine’s heart warmed at the sight of her mother, who was having a laugh with the groom-to-be. She wanted to pinch herself, but she stepped inside of the room anyway.

  Sexton was the first to notice her, “Hey!” He announced, calling out that the bride-to-be was here. The guests turned their heads and shifted in their place, some whistling and others clapping, some smiling. “Lookin’ fine,” Sexton commented, a gleam in his eye.

  “Thank you,” Jasmine brushed back a rogue hair.

  Luke stepped away from Carice and practically glided over to Jasmine, an overwhelming joy etched on the lines of his face. He was dressed just as he had told her that he would, jeans and shirt and club jacket, with his hair done in a mess. The man truly wouldn’t have it any other way, and she supposed then, that she wouldn’t want it any other way either. When he got to her, all she could feel was electricity dancing across her flesh – she felt naked. Felt like the whole world knew the way that they were looking at one another. “You look… divine,” he said. He smelled wonderful, of wood and citrus.

  Jasmine put a hand to her face, trying to hide herself away.

  Luke grabbed that hand and brought it down to her side, holding it in his own. He looked her in the eyes. Then, he moved in slowly, their lips meeting one another’s. Pleasure and excitement spiraled up from the soles of her feet, along the way of her back and up the length of her neck, blooming at the crown of her head. After one splendorous moment, Luke brought his lips to her ear, “Don’t hide from me, beautiful,” he said sincerely, “let’s get this wedding off right.”

  Jasmine felt something invisible punch her gut, “What do you propose?”

  “I think you know,” he whispered low
, his hand on her hip, a wolfish smirk upon him.

  “You can wait,” she teased.

  “Like hell I can.”

  “Go wait outside, I want to say hi to everyone first.”

  Luke raised his brows and nodded his head, “Fair enough, but you make me wait too long, I’ll throw you over my shoulder.”

  “Caveman style. So scary.”

  Luke smiled and walked outside.

  Jasmine went along the room, shaking Benny’s hand, hugging her mother – who was in good health for the evening, it seemed. She met briefly with Gabriel, the man finally recovered and looking himself again. He was one of the more happier guests, dressed up in a red and black plaid shirt. She gave him a quick hug and let him know how happy she was to see him well and here.

  She turned and padded over to Alejandra, who was looking at Jasmine with stormy eyes.

  “You look most beautiful,” Alejandra pocketed her phone.

  “Thank you,” Jasmine accepted, “can I get a hug?” The two embraced, Jasmine squeezing the girl tight, “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Happy to be.”

  “Maybe if you settle down and find yourself a good boy, I’ll be on the sidelines for you, one day.”

  Alejandra turned her head and rolled her eyes, “I’ve had enough of boys, for now.”

  Jasmine grinned and kissed the girl on the crown of her head, before slipping away and out of the recreation room. She had been a little late, but knew that the main event was agreed to be at nine.

  When she found herself just outside the recreation room, she turned and looked around for Luke, calling out his name. But there was only darkness, and just so, nobody had seemed to bother to turn on the lights. Her hand reached for the light switch, but found nothing. She had only been to the place twice before now.

  She cursed beneath her breath and took another set of steps outward, craning her neck and looking around, calling out her lover’s name.

  The hand was hard and quick against her. Gripping her mouth so tight that she could not speak a word; and then another hand snaked around her waist, pinioning her roughly against the person’s frame.


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