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Dark Desire: Earning Hope's Submission [More Desire, Oklahoma 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

Page 7

by Leah Brooke

  Ace smiled. “I’m fine, tough girl. You’re stronger than you know. Don’t fall apart on me.”

  Hope sniffed, using her free hand to wipe away tears. “Not a chance, Sheriff. It’s my turn to take care of you. Now, be still so they can load you into the ambulance.”

  Ace’s lips twitched as he closed his eyes again. “Yes, ma’am.”

  * * * *

  Hope paced back and forth in the hospital waiting room, her sister, Charity, pacing with her. “What the hell’s taking them so long?”

  She couldn’t seem to stop shaking. “When I think about how close I came to losing him…”

  Charity handed her another cup of coffee. “Here, drink a little of this. You’re shivering. Beau went to get another update from Dr. Hansen. They should be done with the tests soon.”

  Dr. Hansen, the town doctor, had been keeping them updated since Ace went in, but not being able to be with Ace had stretched Hope’s nerves until she shook with them.

  She took a sip of coffee, grimacing at the taste.

  Deciding that the last thing she needed was more caffeine, she set the cup aside and wrapped her arms around herself, wracked by chills. “I’m so scared. If anything happens to him—”

  “Stop it! Nothing’s going to happen to him.”

  “There was blood everywhere.” Hope closed her eyes, plagued by the memory.

  Charity kept up with her when she turned again. “You said he was conscious the whole way to the hospital?”

  “Yeah.” Hope forced a smile, her stomach knotting painfully. “It’s going to take more than being run over by a car and smashed into a building to keep my husband down.”

  At least she hoped so.

  “See?” Charity rubbed her back. “Ace is going to be fine. He’s too damned big and stubborn to let anything hurt him.”

  “I hurt him.” The tears Hope had been holding back broke free, and once they did, she realized there would be no stopping them.

  She dropped into a chair, knowing she had to get them out of her system before she saw Ace again. “We were fighting.”

  Wracked with sobs, she felt Charity’s arms go around her. “Fighting. I caused it. It’s all my fault.”

  A sudden rush into the waiting room had Hope looking up, a sob escaping at the sight of Law and Zach, Ace’s brothers, hurrying to her side, their wife, Courtney, between them.

  “Hope!” Law knelt in front of her, taking her hands in his. “Any news?”

  Meeting the fear and determination in his gaze, Hope shook her head. “Beau went to check. We were fighting, Law. This is all my fault.”

  Charity rubbed her back. “Hope, none of this is your fault.”

  Courtney sat on her other side. “Hope, what happened?”

  “We were supposed to go to the hotel restaurant for dinner, but I started a fight, so Ace drove home instead. We kept fighting, and we left to go to get dinner. We would have been inside and already eating. Instead, he was standing by the door, getting ready to go in.”

  Rafe Delgatto, one of Ace’s deputies, approached Zach. “It was an elderly couple, and the man driving hit the gas instead of the brake. He and his wife are pretty shaken up, but they’re all right.”

  Relieved, Hope nodded. “That’ll be the first thing Ace asks about.”

  Law chuckled, but the tension in it was unmistakable. “True. Honey, Charity’s right. None of this is your fault. How long has he been back there?”

  “Over two hours.” Hope accepted a wad of tissues from Charity and blew her nose as her sister wiped away the tears that continued to flow. “The fight seems so stupid now, and he could have died because of it.”

  Zach ran a hand over her hair. “You can’t blame yourself. People fight, love. Ace knows you love him.”

  “Does he?” Another sob escaped. “Do you know what we were fighting about?”

  “Honey, it’s not important.”

  “I told him to quit his job. He keeps getting shot at.”

  Law exchanged a look with Zach. “I can imagine how he reacted to that.”

  Hope smiled at the memory of her husband’s stubbornness. “He was as calm and controlled as usual. It made me crazy! I started screaming at him.” She started crying harder. “I told him that if he didn’t quit, I would leave him!”

  “Oh, dear.” Charity wrapped her arm around her and hugged her close. “I’m sure Ace knew you didn’t mean it.”

  Hope sniffed. “He threatened to take me back to my old apartment. If he’d died—”

  “He’s not going to die. Ace is too tough.”

  Hope looked up at the sound of Beau’s voice, jumping to her feet when she saw that Dr. Hansen was with him.

  “How is he? When can I see him?”

  The doctor smiled. “He’ll be fine. He’s got stitches in the back of his head to close a wound he got when he hit the concrete, which also gave him a concussion. He’s got various cuts, but we cleaned them up, and only a cut on his thigh had to be stitched. We’re keeping him overnight—at least we’re trying to—but he’s already asking for his pants so he can get the hell out of here.”

  Hope laughed through her tears, leaning against Law. “Thank God. Can I see him? I’ll make sure he stays.”

  The doctor smiled, but it was a tight smile, his eyes filled with concern as they met Law’s. “I’ve got him doped up to slow him down and to help with the pain. I’d like him to stay a few days, but I know he won’t. I’ll be lucky to get one night out of him, but I’m worried about Hope handling him at home alone. He’s gonna be sore as hell. He’s a big man, and if he overdoes it and passes out—”

  Law shook his head. “Don’t worry about that. Zach and I will be at the house to make sure he does what he’s told.”

  Courtney gripped Zach’s arm and reached out a hand to Hope. “I’ll be there, too, to help Hope.”

  Charity nodded. “Beau and I will be there, too. Mom and the dads are already cooking up a storm.” She smiled at Dr. Hansen. “No offense, but they don’t trust hospital food.”

  Beau laid a hand on Dr. Hansen’s shoulder. “Hope really needs to see him, and I’m sure Ace will feel better when he sees her.”

  Dr. Hansen nodded. “I understand that. He’s been asking for her and threatening to get up and come find her himself if I don’t take her to him. He doesn’t want her to worry. He also wanted to know about the couple who hit him.”

  Law grinned. “We figured that. Tell him they’re fine.”

  Dr. Hansen turned to Hope. “As soon as he’s settled in a room, a nurse will come get you.”

  Law straightened. “A private room. He’s gonna have all kinds of company, and we don’t want to be restricted. I’ll pay for it.”

  Dr. Hansen smiled. “I already arranged it. This ain’t my first rodeo, you know. I’ll go check on my patient.” Chuckling, he shook his head and walked away, pausing to talk to several others on his way out.

  A commotion near the entrance of the waiting room drew Hope’s attention, her eyes welling with tears again when she saw her mother, and oldest father, Garrett, rushing toward her.

  Behind them Lucas, Devlin, Caleb, and their new wife, Stormy, walked in, each with their arms laden with boxes, which Hope knew would hold thermoses of coffee and sweet tea, along with a large assortment of sandwiches.

  Behind them, Jake and Nat Langley strode in with Hoyt Campbell, along with the owners of the men’s club, Blade Royal, Royce Harley, and King Taylor, with Royce and King’s wife, Brenna.

  Logan James brought up the rear with Michael Keegan and John Dalton, the owners of the bar in Desire.

  Hope leaned into her father, grateful for his strength. “I was so scared.”

  Her father kissed her hair. “I know, baby. We all were, but it’s Ace. He’s tougher than anyone I know.”

  Nodding, Hope allowed her mother to lead her to one of the empty chairs. “No one’s invincible, Daddy. We were fighting about that.”

  Her mother handed her a sandwich an
d a glass of sweet tea. “People fight all the time. If I had a nickel for every time I fought with one of your fathers, I could be sipping champagne on the Riviera. Spilt milk. I’m sure Ace knows you didn’t mean it.”

  Hope sipped the tea. “But I did mean it, Mom. I threatened to leave him if he didn’t quit his job.”

  Her mother turned back with another sandwich and stilled, blinking. “What?”

  Hope shrugged. “He keeps getting shot at. I’ve been so scared that he’s going to get hurt.”

  “I can understand that, and I’m sure he did, too. Eat.” Her mother handed a sandwich to Charity and another to Beau.

  Hope took a small bite from the corner of her sandwich. “He said that he was careful.”

  Her mother nodded, smiling faintly. “He is. Have you ever known that big lug you married to be reckless about anything?”

  “I know. He’s always careful about everything, and he makes sure I know he’s okay.” Leaning against her mother, Hope sucked in a breath. “Do you know what he said to me?”

  Her mother wrapped an arm around her, rocking gently. “What’s that, baby?”

  “He called me spoiled.”

  “Yeah, well, when three fathers have two daughters, that’s bound to happen.”

  Hope gasped and sat up abruptly. “What? Wait! You think I’m spoiled?”

  “I know you are.” Her mother looked up at a smiling Beau and winked. “That’s why your fathers and I were so happy with the men you and your sister were smart enough to fall in love with. Beau and Ace both understand that you’re spoiled and accept it. They spoil you, too, but they’re both strong enough to handle you.” Her mother patted her hand. “They’re actually better at it than your fathers.”

  Her father turned with a frown. “Hey!”

  Her mother waved a hand, lifting Hope’s hand holding the sandwich to her mouth, silently urging her to eat another bite. “It’s true. You, Drew, and Finn always knuckle under and eventually let them get their way. Ace and Beau know how—and when—to put their foot down.”

  Wrapping an arm around Hope, she smiled. “Which is exactly what Ace did when he refused to give in to your demand that he quit. He knows the risks, and he is a careful man. He couldn’t quit his job any more than he could quit breathing.”

  Glaring at her husband’s smug expression, Charity dropped into the seat next to Hope. “Ace walks away from shootouts without a scratch and gets run over getting dinner.”

  Hope set the sandwich aside, afraid she would choke if she tried to eat another bite. “He said that he could just as easily get hurt in a car accident. He was right.”

  She blew out a breath and stared toward the doorway, anxious to see her husband. “Ace is always right. It’s frustrating as hell. He’s a hell of a lot stronger than I could ever be.”

  Her mother leaned closer, lowering her voice to a whisper. “Bullshit. Women can be a hell of a lot stronger than men. Do you really think a weak woman could handle three husbands—men like your fathers? You have the chance now to show your husband how strong you can be. He’s going to need for you to be tough now. He’s gonna need to know he can be vulnerable and that he has a strong woman to lean on.”

  Hope sucked in a breath and nodded. “You’re right. Now I have the chance to take care of him.”

  “Yes, you do. You already fell apart and got it out of your system. If you want to talk, call me. In the meantime, show him you’re more than woman enough for him.”

  Hope hugged her mom. “I will. Thanks, Mom.” She jumped to her feet when Dr. Hansen appeared at the doorway, thrusting her cup of sweet tea toward her mother.

  “Doc?” Straightening, she ran her hands over her face and then her hair, combing it back with her fingers.

  Dr. Hansen smiled, shaking his head as he looked around the room. “It never ceases to amaze me that when one person from Desire is here, half of the town is here. Ace is settled in a private room. I’ll take you to him.”

  Seeing the fear on Law’s and Zach’s faces, Hope reached out a hand to each of them, knowing they would be chomping at the bit to see their brother. “Come on. Let’s go deal with the sheriff.”

  Straightening her spine, she walked out of the waiting room between them, determined to show her husband just how strong she could be.

  Chapter Eight

  Ace gritted his teeth when the nurse readjusted the sheet covering him. “The sheet’s fine. Where the hell’s my wife?”

  Seeing movement out of the corner of his eye, he breathed a sigh of relief to see Hope coming toward him, his relief short-lived when he saw her red-rimmed eyes and that his grim-faced brothers protectively flanked her.

  Reaching out a hand, he smiled. “Hey, baby. Are you okay?”

  Reaching his side, she took his hand and bent to gently brush her soft lips over his. “I’m fine. It’s you I’m worried about.”

  Raising a brow, he eyed his brothers. “Is that why you called them?”

  A muscle worked in Law’s jaw. “Of course she called us. She knows we’d be mad as hell if she didn’t. We worked that out a long time ago, Ace.”

  Feeling ridiculous for causing so much trouble, Ace sighed. “As you can see, I’m fine.” He glared at the nurse as she left and turned to Hope. “As soon as somebody gets me my damned pants, I’m going home. See if they’re in that bag, honey.”

  “No.” Hope took his hand and lifted it to her lips with a smile. “You have to stay here a few days.”

  Ace couldn’t imagine being cooped up and lying in a hospital bed for days. “No. Not gonna happen. I told you I’m fine. I was worried about you. I’m just glad that Clay and Rio got you and Jesse out of the way.”

  Hope smiled and shook her head. “Of course you were. I’m fine. I know you’re tough. I was worried about you getting hurt because of your job. I never expected you to get taken out by a little old man and his wife. You have to stay here until the doctor says you can go. I’m staying with you.” She lifted her chin as if daring him to argue about it.

  Hiding a smile at her bravado, Ace gave her a dark look, one that she met squarely. “Brave, aren’t you?”

  “Brave enough to take you on, Sheriff.”

  Proud of her, Ace squeezed her hand.

  Zach eyed all the monitors attached to him. “You have to stay here until they release you. Then we’re staying at the house. We want to be there in case you need us.”

  Ace grimaced. “Over my dead body. Look, I appreciate that you came, but Hope overreacted. I’m fine. If you want to help me, find my clothes.”

  Hope tossed her purse aside and eased onto the bed by his knees. “Your clothes were covered in blood, and they had to cut them off you. You can have fresh clothes when the doctor releases you.”

  Narrowing his eyes, Ace studied her red-rimmed ones. “You know I’m okay, don’t you?”

  “I’d like you to stay here until we’re sure.”

  Law closed in on his other side. “You’re pale.”

  Ace gave his brother a sharp look and glanced meaningfully toward Hope, not wanting to upset her any further. “I lost some blood and have a headache. I’ll be fine in a couple of hours.”

  Chuckling, Law eyed the cuts on Ace’s arms. “Your wife knows very well how bloody you were. She was there, remember?”

  Ace smiled and took his wife’s hand, knowing that he’d never forget the horror on her face. “I know. She was scared, but I told her I’d be all right, didn’t I, baby?”

  “You did.”

  “You didn’t get hysterical on me. I’m so proud of you.”

  Hope blushed, smiling tremulously. “I wouldn’t have been much good to you if I had.”

  Ignoring the pull to his side, he tugged her closer. “You always get so worked up. I love that you feel things so strongly, baby, but not when it’s fear. I don’t want you to worry about me.”

  To his surprise, Hope raised a brow, a hint of skeptism in her smile. “You, my darling husband, seem to think that I’m goin
g to fall apart at the sight of a little blood.”

  As long as he lived, he knew he’d never forget the look of horror in her eyes. “Baby, you’ve seen that I’m all right. Law and Zach can take you home so you can get a good night’s sleep.”

  Zach frowned. “Hope has every right to be upset that you got hurt, Ace. Christ, you got run over!”

  Hope released his hand and jumped up. “You were stuck under the fucking car, Ace! Marshall, Rio, and Clay had to lift the damned thing off of you!”

  She started pacing, flinging her hands and looking at Zach. “Can you believe your brother? He thinks the poor little weak woman should just go home and go to bed and not worry about a thing. Maybe I should go to Dr. Hansen and get a sleeping pill, too.”

  She whirled back to Ace, wagging a finger at him, her eyes flashing. “I’m staying right here until you come home. Charity’s going to bring me a change of clothes tomorrow. The entire waiting room is filled with people who want to see you and—God forbid—are worried about you! You think it’s your job to take care of everyone, but nobody can take care of you. Well, tough! I’m worried because my husband got run over by a car, and I plan to take care of him. You’re in no condition to mess with me, Sheriff! I’m in charge here, and you’re just going to have to deal with it!”

  God, she was magnificent.

  She stormed into the adjoining bathroom and closed the door behind her with a sharp click, leaving him staring after her.

  Zach didn’t even bother trying to hide a smile. “Well, I guess the big, bad sheriff just got told off.”

  Ace leaned back against the pillows with a sigh. “She’s so high-strung. That idea about the sleeping pill isn’t half-bad. Why don’t you get something from Dr. Hansen and take her home? I’d appreciate it if you’d stay with her or get Charity to stay with her.”

  Law sighed. “No, Ace. It would take a stick of dynamite to get Hope to leave you. Christ, she’s a grown woman and doesn’t need, nor want, to take a pill and go lie down somewhere.”

  Ace blew out a breath. “Hell. Did Courtney come with you?”


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