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Numbers refer to pages in the print edition
aboriginal cultures, 170–71, 188, 392, 435–36, 441. See also specific peoples
and bears, 117, 120, 137, 139–45, 147
and buffalo, 167–71
and fur-bearing animals, 151, 153, 158, 159, 160, 180
and great auk, 17–21, 28
and marine animals, 223, 246, 346, 395
in New England, 28, 282–83, 286
in Newfoundland, 17–21, 188, 196
and seals, 410–11, 413, 435
U.S. government and, 174, 176–77
and whales, 282–83, 286, 304–6, 351
Advisory Committee on Seals and Sealing (COSS), 480, 489
agriculture, 137, 192, 194, 515
Alaska, 128, 132–33, 202, 305–6, 406, 518
Alberta, 147, 202
Aleut people, 305
alewife (gaspereau), 218
Algonkian people, 282–83, 286
ambergris, 270
Anderson, R.M., 139–40
Ango, Jean, 386
Animal Protection Institute of America, 496
animal welfare organizations, 495, 496–97, 512, 514. See also specific organizations
anti-whaling, 275
and seal hunt, 471–72, 475–77, 490, 509
Animated Nature (Goldsmith), 404
Antarctic Ocean, 327–28, 332, 365
Anticosti Island, 396
bears on, 120, 146
fur-bearing animals on, 151–52, 156
Arctic, 130–31, 190–91
seal hunt in, 450, 458, 521
walrus in, 403–6
whales in, 292, 295–305, 350, 352, 357–58, 458
Arctic and Antarctic Institute, 379
Arctic Explorer, 483
Arctic Fisheries, 364
Arctic fox. See white fox
Arctic hare, 184
Arctic right whale. See bowhead whale
Arctic tern, 32, 52
Argentina, 60, 68, 73, 78, 85, 89, 328
Argoll, Samuel, 171
Artek, 470–71, 473
Atlantic Ocean. See North Atlantic Ocean; South Atlantic Ocean
Atlantic Provinces, 146, 155–56, 183, 504. See also specific provinces
Atlantic puffin, 54
Atlantic salmon, 213–31, 347
extermination of, 228–30, 253, 418–19, 517
Audubon, John James, 49, 63, 80, 88, 94
on egging, 32–34
on great auk, 14, 28
auks, 15, 52. See also great auk
Baffin Bay, 229–30, 302–4
Baggs, Arthur, 334–35
Baie Chaleur, 227, 352, 390–91
Baie St-Paul, 233
Bailey, H.H., 80
baitfishes, 212, 218–22, 517
Balaena, 314–15, 334
bald eagle, 104–5, 515
baleen, 297–301
of black right whale, 260, 262–63, 268
of blue whale, 319
of bowhead whale, 289–90
Baltic Sea, 114, 380
Banff National Park, 149
Banfield, A.W.F., 140, 292, 352
Banks, Joseph, 120–21, 161–64, 298–99
Barents Sea, 290, 381, 406
basking shark, 4, 244–45
Basques, 390, 440
and great auk, 26, 29
and grey whale, 280–81, 284–85, 287
and train oil, 35, 255
as whalers, 258–70, 291, 293
and white bear, 117, 119–20
Bay of Biscay, 259, 260, 380. See also Basques
Bay of Fundy, 99, 347n, 411
fish in, 219, 237
whales in, 277, 343, 352
beach birds, 81–90
beach robin. See knot
Beamish, Peter, 276–77
bearded seal, 128
bearded whale. See bowhead whale
Bear Island, 385, 386, 395
bears, 110–49. See also specific types of bears
beaters, 439–40
killing of, 443–44, 446–47, 450, 469, 508
Beaufort Sea, 277–78, 300–301, 305, 404
Beck, Brian, 425
Beddington, John, 490
bedlamers, 443, 450, 469
Bélanger, Etienne, 171
Belle Isle Strait, 4, 120, 161, 232
whaling in, 271, 291, 298, 311
beluga whale, 113, 349–57
killing of, 304, 350–55
uses of, 349, 355
Bent, Arthur C., 92–93
on curlews, 76, 79
on Eskimo curlew, 61, 66, 73
on seabirds, 34, 46
on shorebirds, 83–88
Beothuk people, 20, 28, 188, 196
Bering Sea, 233, 300–301, 404
bighorn sheep, 198
Bird Island, 26
Bird Rocks, 24–25, 46, 49–50, 416
birds of prey, 104–5, 111
bison. See buffalo; wisent
black-backed gull, 52
black bear, 116, 140–41, 145–49, 224
black duck, 93
black fox. See red fox
black guillemot, 53
black right whale (sarda), 260, 263–77, 293–94
extermination of, 270–77, 284–85, 326, 340, 518
migration of, 263–65, 269
as oil source, 25, 311
Blommersdyk, 3
blubber, 266, 327, 399
of whales, 262–65, 270, 284, 290, 325
bluebacks, 455–58, 460, 469, 495, 501. See also hood seal
bluefin tuna, 239–43, 427
blue fox. See white fox
blue heron, 99–100
blue whale, 4, 307
extermination of, 314, 324, 326, 332, 337–43
food of, 254, 307, 308, 319
killing of, 316–21
as oil source, 320, 330
bobcat, 183–87
Bocall, Stevan de, 394
Bonaventure, 393
Bonaventure Island, 5, 26, 50
Bonavista Bay, 276, 444–45
Bonnycastle, Richard, 39
Boone, Daniel, 147, 172
bottlenose whale, 4, 358–64, 365
Boucher, Pierre, 172, 225, 235, 350
bounties, 185, 196, 353
on seals, 419–20, 426–27, 429–32, 519