by Farley Mowat
Bowen, W.D., 490
bowhead whale, 284, 289–306
in Arctic, 286, 458
extermination of, 130, 299–305, 311, 518
boycotts, 433, 488, 492–96, 501–6, 508–9, 512, 520
Brandsson, Jon, 43
brant goose, 92
Bras d’Or Lake, 247
Brereton, John, 233
Brewster, William, 73
Brion Island, 116, 402
British Columbia, 197–98, 220
British Columbia Fish and Wildlife Service, 198, 201
British Columbia Fishing Association, 505
brown-back. See dowitcher
Brummett, Tony, 197–201
Bruner, Lawrence, 69
brush wolf. See coyote
Bryde’s whale, 308
buff, 166–71. See also leather
buffalo, 165–78
Bulmer, Ron, 508
Bureau, Yvon, 503
Burgeo Islands, 335, 392
Burger King, 504
buteo hawks, 105
Buterus, 257, 264–67
Cabot, John, 115, 205, 207
Cabot, Sebastian, 115
Cabot Strait, 27, 188
Cabot Whaling Company, 314
Cahalane, Victor, 190, 191
Cameron, Silver Donald, 482–85
Camperdown, 459
Camp Island, 421
Campobello Island, 164
Canada. See also governments; specific government departments
offshore limits of, 212, 483, 486
and seal hunt, 428, 464–67, 470–72, 475–76, 480–81, 491–92, 495
and whaling industry, 306, 338–43, 356
and white bear, 132–34
Canada goose, 92, 93
Canadian Armed Forces, 498
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, 471
Canadian Coast Guard, 466, 489, 498, 510
Canadian Nature Federation, 198–99
Canadian Sealers Association, 503, 506
Canadian Wildlife Federation, 198–201, 490
Canadian Wildlife Service, 154, 198
and seabirds, 49, 59
and white bears, 126, 133
canneries, 228, 251, 355
Canso Strait, 344, 348
Cape Breton Island, 6, 247, 249
animals in, 147–48, 151–52, 185, 193
birds in, 31, 99, 105
cod at, 208, 209
seals on, 411, 430
walrus on, 392
whales at, 264, 352
Cape buffalo, 166
Cape Cod, 346
fish at, 235, 245
grey seals at, 414, 422
shorebirds on, 81–82, 83–84, 86
whales at, 261–62, 287, 368
capelin, 36, 218–21, 308
extermination of, 58–59, 221–22, 517
Cape Ray, 436
Cape St. Mary’s, 46
Caribbean Sea, 411n
caribou, 143, 144, 174, 184, 198
Carino Company, 496–97, 504
Carson, Rachel, 105
Cartier, Jacques, 115–16, 392, 410
on fish, 205, 237
and great auk, 21–22, 24
on marine animals, 233, 345, 350
Cartwright, George, 226
on bears, 121–24, 140
on birds, 37, 64, 80
on foxes, 188, 190
on fur-bearing animals, 151, 153
Casco Bay, 232
Caspian tern, 52
cats, 167, 179–87. See also whitecoats
Chaleur Bay, 72, 225–27, 267, 352, 392, 401
Champlain, Samuel de, 120, 171–72, 188
on birds, 27, 80, 82, 101
on fish, 234–35, 237
on great auk, 24, 27
on marine animals, 345, 350, 396, 411
Chancewell, 394
Chaney John. See bottlenose whale
Chapel Arm, 370
Chappell, Lieut., 215
Charlevoix, Pierre de, 168, 180, 209
on birds, 24–25, 100
on marine animals, 351–52, 413
Chateau Bay, 294, 298
Chedabucto Bay, 27, 392
Chefd’ostel, 386–88
Cherub, 301
Chesapeake Bay, 36, 183, 239
Chester, 497–98
Chukchee people, 259
Chukchi Sea, 277, 300–301, 305, 404
Churchill, 77
whales at, 287–88, 354, 369
white bear at, 111–12, 134
clams, 246, 247–48, 378
Cobb Island, 80
cod, 205, 206–12, 347
extermination of, 207–11, 517
predators of, 119, 488
cod-worm, 424–25
Cody, William Frederick (“Buffalo Bill”), 177
Coffin Island, 406
Cole, John, 238–39
Columbier Island, 55
Comeau, Napoleon, 103, 223, 346
commercial fishing, 206–23, 517–18. See also fishing boats; overfishing; whaling industry; specific nations and types of fish
bears and, 120–23
and cod-worm, 424–25, 432
decline of, 487–88, 493, 517
government policy and, 210–17, 221–23
international involvement in, 221–22, 241–42, 487
nets used in, 55–56, 230–31
of plankton, 254, 518
and porpoises, 346–47
and seabirds, 45–48, 51, 55–57, 515
and seal hunt, 475–76, 484–86, 492–93, 496–97, 500–509, 511–12
and seals, 417–19, 424–26
wastage in, 213, 217, 218, 251, 346
and whaling, 342, 350–53
commercial hunting, 131–32, 144–45, 183
of birds, 64–65, 70, 79, 95–97, 100–102
Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada, 357
Conception Bay, 219, 445, 451
conservation. See conservationists; protection of species; sanctuaries, wildlife
Conservation and Protection Branch. See Environment Canada
conservationists, 100–101, 134, 332–33, 515, 516. See also animal welfare organizations; protests
and seal hunt, 422–23, 433, 476, 487, 492, 510
and wolves, 199, 202
Conservative Party of Canada, 509
Cooper’s hawk, 105
cormorants, 30, 46–47, 50–51, 115, 382
Corte Real, Gaspar, 115, 382
Coues, Eliot, 64
cougar, 179–82
Courtemanche, Sieur de, 30–31, 120, 172, 226, 414
on whales, 262, 266–67
Cousteau, Jacques, 203, 430
Cow Head, 26, 396
Cox, Steven, 143
coyote, 191–93, 516–17
crab, 517–18
cranes, 100
cross fox. See red fox
cruelty, 186, 215
to birds, 35–36, 38, 46–48, 50, 85–86
in seal hunt, 447–48, 460, 468, 471–75, 477, 492
to walrus, 398–400
in whaling, 275–76, 371
Cumbrian, 302
curlew berry, 63, 72, 77
curlews, 61, 75–78. See also Eskimo curlew
Danforth, Stuart, 85
Davies, Brian, 473–76, 479, 482–83, 487, 492, 501–4
Davis, Jack, 340, 478–79,
Davis Strait, 290, 297, 298, 302, 435, 458
DDT, 57, 105, 156, 230
Deadman Island, 416, 422
de Bané, Pierre, 431, 494–511
deer, 145, 516
defoliants, 156, 230
Delaware River, 236
Denmark, 132, 229, 425, 475
Denys, Nicolas
on birds, 35, 45, 91, 99
on fish, 208, 225, 235, 244
on fur-bearing animals, 153, 247
on marine animals, 346, 352
on seals, 412
Department of Fisheries and Oceans. See also Environment Canada
and fish, 221–23, 243, 245
and seabirds, 43, 56, 59
and seal hunt, 470–73, 476, 477–78, 485–87
and seals, 408, 421–33, 518–20
and whales, 275, 339–42, 357
Department of Trade, 509
Department of Transport, 506
de Visser, John, 477
de Vries, David, 285–86
DeWitt, Captain, 3–4
Diana, 459
Diereville, Sieur de, 412
Dildo, 339, 364–65, 370–71
Disco Island, 302
dogs, 148, 180, 187, 193
wild, 187–202
dolphins, 262, 345–48, 427. See also porpoises
Dorset culture, 435
dotar. See harbour seal (dotar)
double-crested cormorant, 51
dovekie, 15
dowitcher, 84
ducks, 4, 34, 56, 91–97, 515. See also eider duck
Du Creux, François, 233
Dudley, Paul, 281
dugong, 232
dunlin, 84
Durham, Floyd, 305
Eagle River, 121–23, 226
eagles, 104–5, 515
eastern buffalo, 167, 170–74
eastern elk, 174
East Siberian Sea, 408
Eclipse, 361
Edwards, Everett, 272
egging, 31–34, 38–39, 77, 79–80, 96–97
egret, 98
eider duck, 4, 34, 36–37, 96, 427
Eldey Island, 41–43
elk, 45, 172
Ellesmere Island, 131, 405
Elliott, John, 198–201
Elton, C.S., 139–40, 143
Englee, 436
English, 35
and buffalo, 169–71
and fishing, 207–9, 225–68
and seal hunt, 411, 443–49, 495, 501–3
and walrus, 393–95, 404
and whaling, 280, 295–97, 301–2, 311, 332, 404, 458–59
English Channel, 380, 393
The English Pilot, 39
environmental movement. See conservationists
Environment Canada. See also Department of Fisheries and Oceans
and seal hunt, 479–81, 485–92
seal killing by, 420–33, 494
and whaling, 340
Erik, 453, 460
ermine weasel, 125, 150
Eskimo curlew, 14, 61–74, 88
seal products market in, 490, 492–96, 500
walrus in, 379–82
whale products market in, 260–61, 364, 365
whales in, 260, 367–68
European Economic Community (EEC), 490, 493–95, 500–501, 505, 508
Europeans, 30, 118, 127. See also specific nations
on Atlantic seaboard, 8, 15, 45–46, 409–12, 440
in cod fishery, 211
and seal hunt, 414, 440–43, 472, 490, 493–96
and walrus, 381–82, 390
and wolf, 194–96
and wolverine, 158–60
Europgroup for Animal Welfare, 495
Exploits Bay, 153
exploration, 23, 130–31
explosives, 196
in whaling, 271–72, 275–76, 278, 303–6, 312, 313, 518–19
factory ships
in fishing, 211, 215
in whaling, 279, 328–29, 331, 365
Faeroe Islands, 362, 380
Fagundes, João Alvares, 386, 390–92
Falkland Islands, 274, 326
Farley, Frank, 111
feather hunting, 34, 36–39, 52, 92, 93, 96–97, 102
Ferdinando, Simon, 171
fin whale, 4, 308, 309, 319, 334–36
extermination of, 314, 324, 332, 337–43
killing of, 321–24
as oil source, 330
survival of, 335–37
firearms. See also explosives
and buffalo, 171–73
and cougars, 180
and grizzly bear, 144
and ice seals, 440, 443, 455, 465, 468, 473
and porpoises, 346
and seals, 421, 426–27, 450–51, 461, 476, 520
and walrus, 400, 402, 405
and whales, 354–55, 518
First International Scientific Meeting on the Polar Bear, 132
fish, 216, 223–24. See also salt fish; specific species
as seal food, 424–25, 487
uses of, 217–22, 518
fisher. See pekan (fisher); sea mink (fisher)
Fisher, Dean, 408, 420
Fisheries Council of Canada, 508
Fisheries Products Limited, 339
Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 425
fishermen, 245–47, 342, 432
and endangered species, 35, 117–19, 152, 153, 234–35
fishing. See commercial fishing; fishing boats; net fishing; sport fishing
fishing boats. See also seiners
deep-sea freezer vessels, 241
draggers, 211, 213–14, 215
long-liners, 242, 244
purse seiners, 241, 242, 243
trawlers, 211–13, 214, 242–43
fish oil. See train oil
flatfish, 215–16, 517
Florida, 28, 181
flounder, 206, 215–16
Flowers Cove, 26
Fogo Island, 38, 443
Food and Agriculture Organization, 482
Forbush, Edward, 88
forest industry, 106, 155–56, 514
Fort Chimo, 141–43
Fort Nascapie, 141
Fort Nelson, 197–98
Fortune Bay, 26
Foundation for North American Sheep, 199
Foxe Basin, 284, 290
foxes, 19, 189–91
Foyn, Svend, 312–14
Franz Joseph Land, 290, 404
French, 29–31, 120, 162, 180, 440
and buffalo, 168–69, 170–71
and cod, 207, 209, 255
fishing by, 223–25, 234–35, 296–99
in Gulf of St. Lawrence, 21–22, 392–96
and seal hunt, 412–13, 429, 440–43, 495
and walrus, 386–88
and whales, 261, 350–52
Freydis Eriksdottir, 434
Friends of the Earth, 495
fulmars, 15, 47
Funk Island, 22–23, 24, 25, 32, 35–40, 42–43, 115
fur trade, 150–57, 159–63, 185, 189–90, 516. See also seals
and bears, 120, 128–29, 131, 133–34, 139–45, 147
and buffalo, 168–69, 170–72, 174–75
Gama, Vasco da, 166
game birds, 84, 102–4, 515–16
Gannet Rock, 17
gannets, 5, 15, 18, 49–50
extermination of, 32, 46
Gaspé, 5, 148, 155, 181–82
gaspereau (alewife), 218
geese, 5, 91–95, 515
George River, 141, 142, 143
Germany, 197, 235, 328, 472
Gilbert, Humphrey, 30, 161, 170, 207, 233, 411
Globe and Mail, 431, 503
Godbout River, 103, 223–24
godwit, 78–79
golden eagle, 104
golden plover, 88–90
Goldsmith, Oliver, 404
Goodman, Dan, 431
governments. See also specific provinces and countries
and bears, 132, 145, 148
and buffalo, 174
and commercial fishing, 212–16, 221–23
and fur trade, 157, 185
and natural resource industries, 211–17, 252–54
pesticide use by, 156–59, 230
and seabirds, 39, 51, 56, 59
and seal hunt, 428–29, 465–66, 471–73, 475–76, 478–81, 487, 492–95, 504–5, 507–8
and seals, 419–33
and whaling, 306, 333, 339–42, 354–57
and wolves, 197–98
Grace, 207
grampus. See orca (killer whale)
Grand Banks
fish on, 205–15, 221–22, 461
seabirds on, 15, 38–39
whales on, 203–84
Grand Manan Islands, 27, 346
Gray, David, 361
great auk, 14, 15–44
extermination of, 17, 36–39
native cultures and, 18–20
rookeries of, 22–28, 29–35
as scapegoat, 41, 42–43
great blue heron, 99, 101, 407
Great Britain. See English; Scotland
great cormorant, 47, 51
greater yellowlegs, 86
great grey owl, 105
Greeb, William, 177
Green Island, 26
fishing in, 55, 230
hunting in, 54, 405
seal hunt in, 450, 463–64, 465, 521
walrus in, 310, 404, 405
whaling in, 302, 306, 357, 362
white bear in, 114–15, 129–32, 133
Greenland Sea
ice seals in, 436, 458
whales in, 295–97, 301–2
Greenpeace, 485, 495, 502, 509
Gregory Island, 26
grenadier fish (rat-tail), 215
Grenfell, Wilfred, 454, 457
grey seal (horsehead), 161, 376, 408–31, 440
extermination of, 417, 420–23, 432–33, 486, 494, 511
killing of, 412, 416, 426–27
as scapegoat, 423–26
survival of, 519–20
white bear and, 119, 125
grey whale (otta sotta), 259–60, 269, 270, 277–87, 311
extermination of, 260, 285–87, 326
migration of, 259–60, 277–78, 282–86
grey wolf, 191, 194