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The Meandering Mind - Creative Musings of 7th Graders

Page 4

by Jason Trinklein

  Chapter 7: The Decision

  Wednesday came really fast after that. I could barely remember what day it was, events were flashing through my head. Next thing I knew it was Friday afternoon, and I was on stage auditioning for “Sleeping Beauty”. I was nervous, but then again, a little excited. It has always been a dream of mine to be in an American Ballet Theater show. “Number 341 is next”, a lady announced. That was me. Less than an hour later, I was back in a hotel room getting ready for bed. My mom’s phone rang as I hopped in to bed. She ran to get it and answered quickly, in hopes of it being my father. He had a “very important” meeting that day, and I guess she was waiting for the news. It wasn’t my father though; it was ABT that couldn’t wait to ask me and my mother a question that could change our lives. The woman was so excited; she could barely talk or think straight. My mom, many times, had to ask the women to repeat herself. Finally after an hour phone call, they were done. My mom hung up and sat there with the strangest look on her face. She looked confused, as if she had no idea what to do. Then she began to cry. This was the first time I had ever seen my mother cry. I just hugged her, not knowing what to do. Finally, she stopped and explained what the lady on the phone told her. Now I knew exactly why she was crying: they asked me to come on tour with them. This meant me moving away without my parents; well maybe my mom would come with me, but not my dad. It was late that night so we went to bed, and the next morning we talked about it. This was an unbelievable opportunity, but how could I do that to my parents. I knew I would never accept this offer, and I told my mother that. She was so upset because she thought she was getting in the way of my dream, but she wasn’t. I just couldn’t leave my family. The more I thought, the more I wondered who got the part of princess in “Sleeping Beauty”. My mother went out to pick up dinner, and I decided to call ABT’s front office and find out who got the part. I called and the deadly words rang in my ears as the man said her name. It was Elaina. The “Sleeping Beauty” rehearsals were still three or four months away, so I was still going home and didn’t have to find a solution right away. I got up one morning, with a brilliant idea. I jumped out of the bed, with as much enthusiasm as I had, it being only 7:30. I rushed into school in search of Elaina. The ten minute bell hang, and some kids walked to their classrooms, this made a path straight to Elaina and her “friend” Julie. I ran to her and grabbed her by the arm, “Hey Julie, can I talk to Elaina really quick?” Julie nodded her head and walked away. “See you in English Elaina”, Julie said. Elaina yanked her arm away from me and said, “What do you want?” I explained everything about the phone call that night and how maybe we could just switch, I would get to be in the play, and she go on tour. I hadn’t talked to ABT about this, but first I needed Elaina’s approval. That night she called me and said her parents had talked it over and said yes. So all that was left was to make sure the switch was okay with ABT. I called that night after we talked, and the switch was final! This way I got a win, win. One win being I don’t have to move from my family and friends, and the second win getting to be in an ABT production. Life couldn’t get any better, I thought to myself, and then I remembered- Never Say Never!

  Cal Schaafsma

  Chapter 1

  It was a Friday night; Jerry Bullock was on his way to a fire. Jerry had been a firefighter for 5 years. Even in those years he had never seen a fire that was intentional. The fire was at the new shelter building. It was a new homeless shelter just built. Gary Miscellany, a billionaire, had just built it. It was the biggest one in the world. They were just finishing it up today when the fire started. What Jerry did not get was this seemed like some kind of terrorist attack but if it was why didn’t they wait for people to start living in there. There truck had just stopped and Jerry got out. The captain walked up to him and said, “ Jerry there are still some builders inside it is your job to get them out and Sam will be with you.” Jerry sighed Dave and Sam was rookies and was very unhelpful. “Come on guys” Jerry said. They ran in the building. Jerry knew they should split up so he put Sam and Dave in a group cause he did not want one of them to be alone. He found 3 people very quickly. Two were trapped under some wood and the other staying and trying to help him. That guy is either really nice or really stupid. They moved the wood together and ran out. When he got out he asked the chief “has Sam or David came back yet?” “No” said the chief. Jerry ran back in he found Sam trying to lift a piece of wood on top of two people. David was knocked out. Jerry helped lift the wood. Jerry picked up the two workers and Sam picked up David. They both got every body out of the building. After a few hours they put out the fire. Know all that was left was find out who caused this.

  Chapter 2

  David Ferdinand was asleep in the ambulance the doctor had just looked at him David was waiting for the doctor to come back in to say if he was okay. The doctor walked in “ David we checked and there seems to be no major burns or bruises,” said the doctor. “That’s good” David said. “I was worried”. “ I hate to keep you ant this place any longer but the police would like to talk to you,” the doctor said. David walked out; it had been a crazy night. “ Oh and David I just want to say I think that was amazingly nice you staying in the building to move the wood on top of those other workers”. The Doctor said, “If it wasn’t for you they would not of made it. Oh and take this medicine it will help you heal. David took the medicine and found a policeman waiting for him. “Hi I am Sgt. Dan homer I just need to ask you some questions”. Said the policeman. Dan led David into a room and asked him to sit down. “Now we know somebody manually started this fire. And what I want to happen is for him to get caught.” said the policeman. “ Really cause I don’t care if he gets caught as long as you can find a way to make sure this building gets built.” Said David bitterly. “ I know I just think we should catch this out law who did this so you can build this building, no need to be angry.” Said the policeman. “I know but I don’t trust the police it was the police who locked up my brother,” said David. “ Okay why don’t you wait out side and relax you had a rough night just settle down and come in here when your ready to answer some questions.” Said the policeman very calm despite the rudeness. David walked out and called his friend, Carl Sanderson, he was a private investigator and the only detective David trusted. When Carl picked up the phone David said “ Carl there was a purposely fire down where I work come as fast as you can.”

  Chapter 3

  Carl Sanderson was in his car driving as fast as he could to the crime scene. He had not got any money for his work in month. The only way he could find the money for his apartment was his friend David Ferdinand who was a construction worker. David said he could not afford to pay him any more money but he would try and find Carl some work. The only reason he did not get any jobs to do was because most people thought of him as a vigilante. They did not want to work with somebody they thought broke the law. Sure his methods catching crook was a little eccentric, but he was still able catch them. There it was, the crime scene. He pulled up and got out of the car. He knew the first thing to do was to go inside the crime scene. It was still dangerous so cops would not have been in there yet. He was stopped by a cop. “I am sorry sir but this place is off limits to civilians,” said the cop. Carl had to think of an idea fast. “ Please let m through my brothers name is David an he was in there.” Carl lied. Rite after he said it he knew it was dump, David hated the cops he probably already offended one the cops would let him in because of that. “Oh, you mean the firefighter. He fainted in the fire you can see him.” Said the cop. Carl could not believe his luck. He walked off. The cop was still watching him. When he was at a far distance he ran for the building. The cop saw him and was shouting “hey stop don’t go in there.” Carl out ran him and went in side. He looked for clues. After awhile he found out where the flame was lit. The whole place was covered with ashes. Carl found matches and lighters everywhere when he investigated more he found a wallet in there was the id of a man
named Sgt Dan Homer.

  Chapter 4

  Sgt Dan was feeling restless. It had been a 30 minutes since that construction worker, David, walked outside and he still had not come back. Dan was beginning to think David left the crime scene. Dan was about to look for him when a policeman ran in. “ Sgt a civilian has just ran into the building” said the policeman. “What” said the Dan. “ you have got to be kidding me? Don’t worry I will get him.” Dan groaned and ran to the building. When he got in the building he looked for his badge. People don’t put up a fight when they know you’re a cop. It was then that he figured out he lost it. He must of left it in here. He could not have any body find it. It was then he saw the civilian. The civilian was carrying his badge. Dan ran after him. After a while he cornered the civilian. He was about to tackle him when the civilian launched a chair at him. This stunned him for a little bit. Then they got into a big fistfight. In the end Dan won and through the civilian on the floor. “ Give me that badge.” Said Dan angrily. “Never” said the civilian. Dan kicker him in the chest and took the badge back. Now what was he going to do with the guy. If he brought him out of this building then he would tell the other policemen what he saw. I he killed him Dan would go to jail. He thought about what to do. As he was thinking a piece of wood from the ceiling fell down on his head knocking him out. When he woke up he was in a dark room he didn’t know how he got here. Then a person walked out from the shadows. It was the civilian. “Hello Sgt. Dan my name is Carl I will be asking you a few questions.” Dan searched for his badge. He did not have it. Great know the interrogator was becoming the interrogated.

  Chapter 5

  Jerry Bullock in the ambulance next to David the firefighter. John had just woken up. “ Jerry” David said, “I need to ask you a favor”. “ Yes, what is it.” Said Jerry. “ I lost my wedding ring in their can you get it”. John said. “Yes of course” Jerry said. Jerry walked out and snuck by the building. Jerry knew he kneaded to sneak in there. He through a rock it hit the rough of a house. The security guards looked away for a moment and jerry snuck inside. He looked around and after awhile he found the ring. When he got it he heard grumbling. He moved toward the sound and there he saw a cop and someone else. The other person was questioning the cop. “ Why were you in the house earlier”. Said the stranger. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” Said the cop. “Oh then let me help you remember.” The stranger said as he pulled out a knife. Just then jerry ran out and tackled the stranger. Jerry and the man fought for a while then the man knocked Jerry to the ground. “That cop the culprit,” Said the man. “I found his badge in the place whet hr fire started.” Jerry would not believe it, he trusted cops. 5 years ago his brother was murdered and the cop found who it was. Some guy named terry Ferdinand. Before the guy could hurt him the guy tripped. Jerry got and freed the cop; together they tied up the man. “ The mans name is Carl Sanderson” Said the cop. “he is a private investigator”. “ Please I have a friend he is worker he can tell you I am innocent,” said Carl. “His name is David Ferdinand.” Jerry could not believe it. That was the brother of the man who murdered his brother. Jerry ran out of the building looking for him. He asked around and finally saw him. He could not believe it that was the man he saved earlier. The one who stayed behind to help the other workers? He ran up to him and said. David we need to talk.

  Chapter 6

  David was confused. This firefighter was telling him how Carl abducted a policeman and now they captured him. What was even weirder was that he knew this guy. This was the brother of the guy who people thought my brother killed. “ Wait what is going on.” Said David. “Your friend, Carl, captured a cop we are questioning him right now he wants you there.” Jerry said. David ran for the house with out saying another word. Great another thing the cops messed up. John thought. Jerry and David cam in at the same time. John saw Carl tied up and became angry. “ David you’re here, it was the cop Sgt Dan that guy” Carl said pointing at the cop. “Where the fire started I found his badge.” “The reason you found it there was because I investigated there. I did not tell any one because I was not suppose to be in there.” Said the cop. David did not believe him. All of the sudden the wall collapse locking them in the building. David felt a headache. Then he saw it. “ Fire.” He yelled. Everybody looked and they saw it. “Quick dig out” Said the cop. They all started digging. David could not believe it. Carl was panting. Carl always hated the thought of death. It was getting hot in there the flames were rising. The wood was heavy. They were all sweating and getting tired David did not know how much they could take. By now they all knew Sgt Dan and Carl were not the culprits. Finally David could tell they were close the there was an opening the started digging making it bigger. David got the headache again. Final it was big enough for only David to fit through. “ Get help and some others” Said Sgt Dan. Oh and give the firefighter David this.” Jerry said as he pulled out a ring. David left he felt the headache again. What was it? He hadn’t eaten anything except. “Oh my God”. The medicine the doctor gave him. He had to find help, but it was too late he fell down on the ground unconscious.

  Chapter 7

  Dr. Curt Davis could not believe he had gotten away with it. He started a fire at the building farthest from the bank. When the cops were here he had a man steal the money while they were occupied. When the man brought the money to Curt, Curt disposed of him. Curt was just walking out of the crime scene with his doctor’s bag. He did not look suspicious at all. He was walking out when a hand grabbed him and pulled him I to a room. “What the heck is going on?” Curt said. Then he saw him. It was a patient. “What is your name?” said Curtis. “My name is David.” Said the stranger. “ That’s impossible. I gave David medicine that would knock him out. He should have fainted by now.” Said Curtis. “Really, why did you poison me.” Said the stranger as he pled out a knife. “ Fine I poisoned you so you would not tell he cops that I started the fire so I could steal the money from the banks. I am also am burning a house down with your friends in it. You should go and save him.” Said Curtis. All of the sudden the lights go on and Curtis can see that that is not David at all. Wait that was David jus another one. Know Curtis could see that David was holding a recorder he had bee recording the whole time. David ran and Curtis chased him the cops could not see that tape. He ran and was getting close when all of the sudden he was tackled out of know where. “ Thanks Sam”. Curtis could hear David yell back. Curtis fought for a moment but Curtis won. He was going to run but he knew it was to late. Curtis was sent to jail. In the end they saved Carl, Jerry, and Dan. The worker David was sent to the hospital and revived but not before he gave the other David back his ring. They all ended u living successful lives. Dan Was promoted to chief. Carl got a lot of business now because of the case. Jerry invested in stock and soon became a multi millionaire. David’s Brother was finally released and was reunited with David. They all lived happily ever after.

  Carrie Hillebrand

  Chapter 1

  It was a humid day and the only slight breeze they had was coming downward from the sky. The people on Earth had never seen a breeze like it before. There were an only about one hundred people in each town in Earth. The people knew that God was very upset with them because of how much they had polluted the Earth. Everyone had great fear that the year of 3011 would be a bad one. God had already destroyed all of Russia and other countries feared that they would be next. Many people thought the end of the world would be coming any day now.

  The first reason God attacked Russia was because of how much they had polluted their land. He gave them many warning signs, like sending angels down to tell people that if they did not start cleaning up what God had given them, there would be consequences. The people of Russia thought the angels were only dreams and did nothing about it. They believed that God would never do anything to harm them. They were very wrong. T
he first sign of the end of Russia was thousands of tornadoes coming down from the sky and destroying everything in their paths. Many storms followed and in one month, Russia was destroyed along with all of its citizens.


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