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Lock and Load (SEAL EXtreme Team)

Page 13

by Kimberley Troutte

  “Whatever you want, sweet thang,”she imitated.

  “Really? Because I have big, big needs.” He gripped her butt and held her in place.

  “Whatever…” She swallowed hard, almost losing her nerve. “You want.”

  “I like to party. Fast, slow, hard, soft…” He nibbled on her chin. “All night. Everyone, and I mean everyone, is always completely satisfied.” From another man, the statement might have sounded arrogant. Willy stated it as a matter of fact. “Unfortunately, we don’t have much time. Maybe a few hours, at best.”

  Her breathing was coming faster. She couldn’t help herself. “So…what’ll we do about that?”

  “We get this party started.” He sucked her ear lobe, sending electric sparks down her spine. “I’ll call Charlie.”

  She pulled back. “Wait. What?”

  His expression was pure mischievousness. “He can join us. We share everything. We’ll rock your world, sweets. It’ll be the best two hours of your life.”

  She just about choked on her tongue. “Together?”

  “Yep. We’ll be gentle, or rough. It’ll be your call.” He leaned closer and whispered in her ear. “Seriously, hot. You will not…” He tugged on her lobe with his teeth. “Be sorry.”

  She was already seriously hot. Charlie and Willy at the same time? Her call? Her mind raced to all sorts of images—muscular arms wrapped around her while other hands, lips, and hard planes touched her, everywhere. Lust pounded through her.

  Willy whispered in her ear, “You’re interested.”

  She was. The idea made her wet and scared. She’d never been with two men before. It took great strength not to beg him to call his brother. Instead, she pressed her palms against his solid chest and pushed back, giving herself a little space. “No. I’m mad at Charlie. He used me.”

  “Used you.” The rumble of his chuckle rolled through her. “As opposed to what you plan to do to me?”

  “It’s not the same.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “Because Charlie and I have…” Something. She cared about Charlie. More than she’d be willing to admit. “It’s just different.”

  “Then cut the guy some slack. His orders were to leave certain truths out the equation until you came clean, that’s all. Be fair.” He traced the hollow of her neck with his finger. “My brother’s a good man, stop punishing him for doing his job.”

  Cutting Charlie slack could be a good idea. A really, really good idea. Her call. Why did that sound so enticing? Lots of naughty ideas popped into her head.

  “If we…” She licked her lips. “If we do…” She could hardly put a sentence together.

  “Each other.”

  “Um, yeah. After that, you’ll leave with me? Protect me and help me escape?”

  He ran his hands down her back, slowly, until he reached her butt cheeks. He gave her a slap. “No way, sunshine. A SEAL never abandons his team. You’re not going anywhere without all of us.”

  She bolted off his lap. “You bastard!”

  “Hey, I didn’t start it.”

  “Would you have finished it?”

  “Hell, yeah!” He shrugged. “We still can. I’m game.”

  She took a swing at him, hurting her hand more than his arm.

  “I’ll take that as you need time to think about it. Charlie would be up for it, if you asked. Well, as up as he can be. Poor guy was stuck with the brains in the family while I got this.” He winked, pointing to his package.

  She grabbed an apple off the table and chucked it at him. “Get out!”

  Willy caught it and sunk his pearly white teeth into the flesh. “Thanks. I’m starved. Let me know if you want to continue what we started.”

  He left her alone to stew in her misery.

  Seducing Willy had been a colossal waste of time. Now what was she going to do? Think! She’d gotten herself into this hell and she would figure a way out. She had to. Her mind raced, grasping for options, desperate for choices.

  Her high school principal’s condescending voice crowded into her thoughts, “Choices, Amber. We all have them. You choose poorly, you pay the price.”

  Because of a creepy man she had paid dearly. Hacker. Thief. Convict. Employers didn’t hire people with a record like hers, which is how she found herself in this mess working for Jacques. Add treason and traitor to the record.

  This isn’t helping!

  Pacing the galley with short choppy steps wasn’t helping, either. The team was ordered to protect her and bring her home. If they succeeded and she was lucky enough to get out of China alive, they were to bring her in. The admiral would try her as a traitor to face a firing squad, or was it lethal injection? She shivered, as the cold reality sank into her bones. Circling back to the fact that she was scared out of her mind and completely alone, she dropped into a booth, folded her arms on the table, and lay her head down.

  She’d made bad choices all of her life and now she’d run dry of options. There was no way out.

  Charlie slipped into the galley. A lamp cast gentle fingers of light across Amber’s bent head, sugar coating the tips of her red hair. Her body rose on the inhale and softly fell on her exhale. She was asleep. Good. It was about time she got some rest.

  Quietly, he squeezed into the booth beside her. She was so damned beautiful. And young. When her eyes were closed, blocking out the spark and fire, she seemed almost…innocent. Every molecule in his being wanted to protect her, hold her. He had the sudden urge to reach out and touch the freckles that lightly sprinkled her nose. To kiss a soft eyelid.

  He didn’t dare. The last time he was this close to her, she acted like she hated him. Her words kept pounding their fists inside his brain.

  You know what, Charlie? You aren’t any different than Jacques. He used me for information too.

  Was he like Jacques? Shit, no. He was trying to save her life and protect the team. He had to know what he was saving her from. Subterfuge and evasion were a big part of a SEALs life. Half-truths and non-answers were normal elements that went with the job. A job he was good at. But it sucked he couldn’t be completely honest with a girl he was falling in love with.

  Whoa, love? Where the hell had that come from?

  He pinched the bridge of his nose. Handlys didn’t love. They screwed and left, or got screwed and imprisoned. Just ask Dad. No, he was not, one hundred percent not, falling in love with Amber Fitz. Impossible. But he did feel…He shook his head. He didn’t know what to call it. Feelings? Handlys weren’t supposed to have those either. He used to joke that Willy was adopted. Maybe the joke was on him and he wasn’t a Handly. That would explain a lot, actually.

  As soft as a breeze, he traced the edge of her jaw with his knuckle. How he wished they could go back to the way things were when she was his closest friend outside of the SEALs. When they treaded water in the harbor, she had looked at him as if she couldn’t believe he was right there in front of her, as if she’d waited her whole life for him. The way he probably looked at her right now.

  As light as a feather, he ran his thumb across her silky bottom lip. So soft and sweet. Shit, he’d really messed up. During one of their online games she said it was hard for her to trust because her heart had been broken too many times. And he went and broke her trust within, what? A few hours. What did that say about him? How could he get her to trust him again? Would she ever?

  Out there on the sampan, when he’d told her the truth, the pain and shock in her eyes had cut him. What if she never spoke to him again? It would kill him.

  Everything about Amber Fitz—from the sexy rasp of her voice, her intelligence, the way she challenged him like no one else—was perfect. He’d never known anyone like her. He couldn’t lose her now. When he thought about how he could have lost her forever in the Ho King Shopping Centre, his blood boiled. If that RPG really had her name on it, there would be a new brand of hell for those bastards. Someone out there—he cast his gaze toward the black sea—was trying to kill her. Make that se
veral someones. Black Ops, triads, potentially the entire watch-list of terrorists—they all had reason to snatch the data and use it against the U.S.

  Guess what, assholes? You can’t have either one. They’d have to go through him and he’d never give up. He’d do his damnedest to bring Amber and the data home safe and sound. No one would hurt his girl.

  But he had hurt her. He felt like a colossal sonofabitch.

  She moaned in her sleep. The sound did things to him, terrible and wonderful things. He wanted this woman. He needed her more than ever. Before he could stop himself, he did something he shouldn’t have dared. Charlie scooped Amber up in his arms and kissed her lips.

  She blinked in surprise. “Charlie?”

  “Shhhh. You’re dreaming,” he said against her lips. “Close your eyes.”

  She did as told, but the corners of her lips turned up. “A nightmare?”

  He held her closer. “No, sweetheart. The best dream you’ve ever had. With an über-hot, sexy pirate.”

  “Sounds good.” She made her voice sound dreamy, playing along. “Where’s Willy?”

  He kissed her eyelid. It was as soft as he thought it would be. “He’s on deck.” He kissed the bridge of her nose. “Wait. Why?”

  She cracked an eye. “He said you two share everything.”

  He stopped kissing her. Stopped breathing.

  She opened both eyes. “Is that true?”

  He held perfectly still, his heart pounding. Why did Willy tell her that? He was going to punch him so hard— “Do you want it to be true?”

  “I’m not sure yet.” Her cheeks reddened.

  So she was thinking about a threesome. His chest squeezed. He didn’t want to share her with anyone. She was his girl! But what did she want? Did she like Willy more than him? Shit.

  “Charlie?” She searched his face, waiting for him to say something.

  What was he supposed to say when every molecule in his body screamed “Hell, no! You’re mine!”?

  He let go of her and sat up. “My brother likes to have fun. It doesn’t mean anything.”

  “I know what your brother wants,” she said softly. “How about you?”

  Her perfect sweet lips were begging to be kissed. Her intelligent eyes studied his every move, waiting. He felt like he was back in Africa the night he got sucked into quicksand. No matter how hard he fought and struggled against it, he got sucked down, inch by inch. She waited, watched, and he sank further. What if he told her the truth about his damned feelings and she didn’t feel the same way about him? That was a stupid question. He knew what would happen. He’d lose his only civilian friend. Hot Girl would disappear for good.

  “Charlie? What do you want?” Her voice was soft, but it might as well have been made of sharpened steel the way it flayed him open. His body armor was gone, his heart exposed.

  “You, sweetheart. It’s been you from the moment you kicked my ass in our first game together.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath. “Battle on Zelion.”

  Wow, she’d remembered. He caressed her soft arm. “That’s right. It was the start of my dismal losing streak. Somehow I’m always distracted when Hot Girl shows up.”

  “Oh, Charlie. I wish we really had met then, in person. None of this…“ She motioned toward the galley. “Would have happened.”

  “Really? You would have gone out with me instead of the Frenchman?”

  Sadness flittered across her face, but she pushed it back and lifted her chin. “Yes.”

  “So you’re saying you think I’m sexier than my avatar?”

  Giving him one of the hottest grins he’d ever seen, she said, “I’m reserving judgment until I see more, Pirate.” She tugged on his shirt as if to lift it over his head.

  No. He couldn’t be this close to her, not like this. “If that’s what you want—sex without ties—you’d better stay away from me.” He scooted out of the booth, not looking at her. “I won’t do this. I can’t.”

  “Why, not? Did Mack order you to stay away from me? Willy didn’t have any problems with it.” She paused. “I thought we had something.” Her words were challenging but her voice held a hint of something else. Dejection?

  Didn’t she understand? He wasn’t rejecting her, he was saving himself. Move! His stiff legs twitched. His feet tried to go, sludge through the emotional quicksand toward the exit, but his heart forced him to stay. It was as if his entire body was at war with itself. He ground his teeth, not allowing any words to pass his lips. He had a bad feeling whatever he’d say would be wrong. He had to get out of there before he made a complete ass of himself.

  “Charlie, please. Talk to me. I’m not mad at you. Willy explained things and asked me to cut you some slack.”

  Willy said that?

  She went on, “I understand why you couldn’t tell me about the memory card. It was my fault. I do know you. I should have trusted you with the truth. I wasted precious time we all could have used to get away. I was an idiot. I’m sorry. And…” she took a stuttering breath. “I need your help, Charlie.”

  He nodded.

  “I will pay you. Give you anything you want, if you will help me escape.”

  She chewed her bottom lip. Nervous? What in the hell did she have to be nervous about? He’d risk his life to bring her home safely. That was a given. She didn’t have to ask.

  Cocking her head, she frowned, as if wondering why he wasn’t saying a word. “You do…want me?”

  “Hell, yes. I want you!” he growled. His heart won the battle and he turned back around. He couldn’t stop himself. Why did he even try? He was immediately snared by her gaze.

  “Good. I will sleep with you, Charlie. I want to. One or both of you, I’m fine with it. Please, just help me get away.”

  That’s what she meant by giving him anything he wanted? Hell, no. Not like this.

  He ran his hand over his short hair. “I won’t do that. Not with you.”

  “But I thought…” her lower lip quivered.

  It took every ounce of him not to haul her into his arms and still that lip. “You don’t get it, sweetheart. With Willy, sex means nothing. But I’m not Willy.” He cupped her jaw and gazed into her face. God, she was beautiful. “I want to be buried deep in you and not come up for air. To touch, kiss, love every inch of your skin and melt into your soul. Loving you means everything to me. I won’t stop.”

  Even as he said the words, he realized his mistake. Admitting that he was already in love? Who does that? What had Mr. Lee call him? A Gau? The old dude was right. Charlie really was a dumbass.

  Her eyes widened in surprise and her pretty mouth opened, but no words came out. She was stunned. Silence sucked the air out of the room, just like the quicksand in Africa, had pressed the air out of his lungs. Obviously, she didn’t feel the same way about him. Smooth move, moron. He released her jaw. The time to leave was past due and his legs finally got the message. He took a step backward and pivoted to escape.

  “Wait, Charlie.”

  He wouldn’t. He had to get out of there, go kill his brother, and then throw himself into work. Maybe he’d pound out a few hundred push-ups too. Try to work her out of his system.

  She came after him. Before he knew it, she’d spun him around and slammed him against the wall. She pressed her palms against his chest.

  “This is not staying away from me,” he growled.

  “Neither is this.” She kissed him like he was the only guy on the junk. Maybe the last guy on the planet. She devoured his mouth, thrusting her tongue inside, tasting all of him. He grabbed her hips and pulled her closer, pressing her against his hard cock. He wanted her. Right here, right now.

  No. Not like this. He pulled back. “You have a decision to make.”

  Her lips were parted, her chest rising quickly. “Decision?”

  He cradled her face in his hands. “Be sure of what and who you want before this goes any further.” He kissed her nose. “I’m falling for you, Amber. I will not share.”
  Her face fell. “You barely know me, Charlie. Who I am, what I’ve done…”

  He didn’t care what she’d done. None of it mattered. “I know the real you, what’s in here.” He pressed his hand to her chest, feeling the rapid beat of her heart. “And I want to know more. Give me a chance?”

  “What are you suggesting? That we date here on the junk while you hold me prisoner? After we get home you’ll turn me in to the authorities to be…to be…“ She pinched her lips together. Her eyes welled.

  He rubbed her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “Prisoner? What are you talking about?”

  “I know, okay. You can stop the charade. Be honest with me, for once.”

  “Amber, I’m being honest. I won’t lie to you again, I promise. Tell me what you’re talking about.”

  “I hacked into the onboard system and read the transcript from Mack to Admiral Collins. You’ve been ordered to bring me in alive for interrogation and then…” She broke off in a sob. “They’re going to execute me.”

  “No! That’s impossible.” He pulled her into his arms and held her tight. No, no, no. It was a mistake. It had to be a mistake. But part of him knew the truth when he heard it—what she’d done was a treasonable act and she would be tried for it.

  “I read the encrypted message.”

  He rubbed her hair and whispered softly, “Shhh. That’s not going to happen.” He wouldn’t let it. “I’ll protect you.”

  She melted against his chest and cried. It tore him up. He held on as if he could shield her against the world. Save her life. Shit, what was he going to do?

  Just then, a series of gunfire pops came from off the starboard side of the junk.

  “Get down!”Charlie yelled. She dropped to the floor and he threw his arms over her head.

  The gunfire grew louder as the team members returned fire.

  “Go! Go!” Mack’s voice rose above the noise. His commands seemed to permeate the wood boat. Boots pounded up on deck. More gunfire. All hell was breaking loose out there.

  “They found me,” Amber wailed. Gripping the front of his favorite black T-shirt, she pulled him closer. “Charlie! They can’t have the memory card. No matter what happens to me. They can’t have it.”


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