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Infidelity: Sacrifice (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 7

by Rae Riley

  “I’ll s-s-stay in here,” I agreed through my sobs.

  “Good girl,” he praised, placing a hand on my head.


  Five days. Five days of being stuck in my bedroom. Five days of torture. The door wasn’t locked but that didn’t mean that I could leave. Bryce had told me that I couldn’t and I wasn’t dumb enough to defy him – at least not while he still had my phone. Each time that he entered my room, he was more and more upset about something that Alex had said or done. Each time he hurt me, he reminded me that it was Alex’s fault – that he wouldn’t have to cause me pain if Alex would just give in.

  During those five days, I had only been allowed to leave my room once. Bryce required that I attend the Sunday evening dinner at Montague Manor. I should have been excited to go, excited to get out of my room, but I wasn’t. I had nearly pleaded to be allowed to stay home. Instead, Bryce asked me to befriend Alex. He wanted me to beg for her forgiveness. He wanted me to be his spy. Even if I had wanted to, I couldn’t have done it. Seeing the disgust in Alex’s eyes as she looked at me was too much. I spent the evening looking at anything except her. Bryce wasn’t pleased with my performance. I was sent back to my room and given a painful reminder about doing as I was told.

  Finally, I was given another chance. It was late afternoon when the knock came on my door.

  “Miss Moore?” a young woman’s voice called.

  “Yes,” I answered, unsure if I was allowed to open the door. I didn’t have to find out. She opened it for me. A young woman wearing a maid’s uniform stepped into my room.

  “Mr. Spencer asked me to give this to you,” she explained, holding my phone out toward me. “He would like you to call him.”

  Cautiously, I thanked her and waited until she had left the room before I looked at the screen. There were several missed calls, most of them from Deloris and a couple from my mom. Ignoring the notifications, I called Bryce.

  “You’ll be joining us at Montague for dinner tonight,” he answered.

  “Yes, Bryce.”

  “Do you need to be given another reminder of my expectations?” he asked, his voice low and threatening.


  “Good. Get ready and meet my mother downstairs in two hours.” He didn’t bother to say goodbye before hanging up.

  I stared at the phone in my hand. For the first time in five days I had the opportunity to call someone. I had the opportunity to be rescued. During my time sequestered in the bedroom, I had made the decision to leave. I wouldn’t survive the remainder of my contract if I stayed. Still, I worried that it was a trap. How did I know that Bryce wasn’t right outside my door waiting for me to screw up? Tossing my phone onto the bed, I decided to get ready for dinner before making any calls. If Bryce was outside my door, I hoped that he would get bored and leave. And waiting until the last second to make a call would give him less time to punish me. He certainly wouldn’t risk being late to dinner.

  Fifteen minutes before I was supposed to be downstairs, I picked up my phone. With trembling fingers, I called the one person who I thought could save me.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Chelsea,” Deloris exclaimed with a sigh of relief. “Where have you been? I’ve been trying to reach you.”

  “When are you coming to get Alex?” I asked, working to keep the panic from my voice.

  “We’re working on it, but it’s going to take time. Can you confirm that she is unharmed?”

  “I haven’t seen her,” I answered. “Not since Sunday. How long is it going to take?”

  “At least a few more days.”

  “Can you…” I started but my breath caught in my throat as the tears welled in my eyes. “Can you get me too?”

  “Chelsea, what’s wrong?”

  “I want to leave,” I responded, my voice cracking.

  “I will see what I can do, but your contract –” she started. Her voice got softer. “Has Bryce hurt you?”

  A sob escaped my throat as my hand went to my lips.

  “Chelsea,” she pushed.

  “Yes,” I whispered through my tears.


  “It’s gotten worse now that Alex is here,” I quietly answered.

  “Worse? How long has this been going on?”

  “Since the beginning,” I confessed.

  “The beginning? Chelsea, why didn’t you tell me about this? I would have gotten you out of there if I had known,” she scolded.

  “It wasn’t always this bad,” I explained with a sniffle. “In the beginning, it was just here and there. As long as I did as I was told, he was fine. But no–”

  She interrupted me. “Lennox and I are in New York, but we have a man down there. Isaac. If you think that you can sneak away, he can come get you today.”

  “No,” I argued. “Not without Alex. If I leave…”

  “Do you think that he will hurt Alex if you leave?” she asked.

  “I’m not going to hurt her. That’s what I have you for,” I repeated, my voice shaking at the memory. “He can’t hurt Alex, not with the party coming up. So when she does something to make him mad…”

  “He hurts you instead,” she finished my sentence with a heavy sigh.

  “But if I left…” I exhaled. “I don’t think that Alex would be safe.”

  “We will get you out,” she promised. “Just a few more days.”

  Hanging up the phone, I tried again to keep the bubbling panic from rising to the surface. Just a few more days. I just have to hold out a few more days.


  Standing inside Montague Manor felt wrong. It always had. There was something about the home that made me uncomfortable. The chill in the air was overwhelming. Perhaps it was the people who lived there?

  Suzanna and I stood in the entry, waiting for Alton and Bryce. They were in Alton’s office, discussing something. As in most cases, we hadn’t been invited to join them. Suzanna was checking her appearance in the mirror when I saw Alex out of the corner of my eye. She had entered the house through the back.

  Bryce wanted me to befriend her. He wanted me to be his spy. It was one order that I refused to obey. Then again, I couldn’t spend any more time being stuck in my bedroom either. My plan was to fake it. Fake it till you make it. I hoped that Alex would forgive me and that we really could be friends again, but anything that I reported back to Bryce would be a lie. I knew what the consequences would be if he found out that I lied to him and prayed that Alex and I would be out of Savannah by the time that happened. Either way, Alex would never forgive me if I couldn’t explain what happened. And I couldn’t explain what happened with Bryce listening to every word. For this to work, I needed to speak to Alex without Bryce present.

  “Excuse me, Suzanna,” I said. “I need to use the restroom.”

  “Hurry, dear,” she replied, not bothering to look away from the mirror. “Dinner will be starting soon.”

  I agreed, moving toward the bathroom but then quickly slipping into the hallway where I had seen Alex go. I sighed with relief when I caught sight of her back a split-second before she turned left at the end of the hall. It was a struggle to keep up with her without being seen. I almost lost her until I heard her speaking with one of the staff – Jane. Jane had always been nice to me. Well, as nice as one could be under Alton’s constant surveillance.

  Slowing my pace, I watched them as they chatted. Jane pushed Alex into Alex’s bedroom and urged her to hurry. I hid in the doorway of another room until Jane disappeared around the bend. Biting my lip, I approached Alex’s door, my pace slowing with every step.

  What if she doesn’t forgive me? What if we can’t move past this?

  My phone vibrated in my pocket.


  From: Bryce Spencer

  Ignoring his call, I stared at the door. I needed to hurry. He would start to look for me if I didn’t. Fearing that Alex wouldn’t let me in if I knocked, I placed my hand on the door handle and turned. My hear
t sank when I realized that it was locked.

  “I’m on my way,” she called from the other side.

  “Alex,” I quietly said. She obviously thought that I was someone else. I needed her to hear my voice.

  “Are you alone?” she asked.

  “Yes.” Please open the door.

  The hurt and anger in her expression as she opened the door nearly knocked me off my feet. “If you’re coming to assure I make it to dinner, as you can see I’m on my way,” she said testily.

  Her animosity toward me broke my heart. I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I said, “I-I see. That’s not why I’m here. I hoped I could slip away –”

  “And what?” she interrupted. “Spy on me? Tell Alton and Bryce more about me? You obviously filled them in on my favorite products. No one else would’ve known.”

  Not wanting our conversation to be overheard, I tried to step into her room but she blocked me. “Alex,” I pleaded. “I know what it looks like. I know what I’ve said, but I love you. You’re my friend. This wasn’t supposed to happen.”

  Shaking her head, she leaned against the doorframe. “You have a funny way of showing it. What is it with all of my supposed friends who think the best way to get to me is to screw Bryce?”

  I couldn’t understand why it was so easy for her to believe Bryce’s lie. I understood that everything that she heard and saw supported the lie, but we had been friends for four years. Didn’t I deserve her trust? My already-broken heart shattered. More tears welled in my eyes. Unsure if I would be able to control them, I stuttered, “I-I should go…”

  “Wait,” she demanded. “What wasn’t supposed to happen? Why are you still here anyway? I mean, how does it look now that Bryce is engaged?”

  I knew the answer. Bryce had told me countless times. Swallowing my tears, I choked out the words. “It looks like I’m a whore. And I am.”

  “What happened to you?” she asked, reaching for my shoulders. “Where’s my Chelsea?”

  “I can’t tell you,” I sighed, remembering the strict rules of Infidelity. “I can’t tell anyone. We don’t have time… I just couldn’t spend another meal with you… hating me.”

  My body tensed as she pulled me into a hug. “Come in here,” she said, grabbing my hand. “Clean up or they’ll know.”

  I nodded, stepping into her suite. My jaw nearly hit the floor. When I imagined her locked in her room, I had images of dungeons playing in my mind. This room was incredible, nearly double the size of mine at Carmichael Hall. I had to remind myself that no matter how large and grand it was, it was still a prison.

  “Have you been in here before?” she asked.

  “No,” I answered, following her to the bathroom. “I didn’t even know for sure where I was going. I saw you come in from the back of the house. I excused myself and followed you up the stairs. Then I waited until Jane left. I almost chickened out.”

  “Chelsea Moore doesn’t chicken out of anything.”

  “She does now,” I said, wiping the runny mascara away with a tissue.

  Closing the bathroom door, Alex turned to me. “Did they make you text me?”

  “Your stepfather did,” I replied honestly. “Bryce knew, but Mr. Fitzgerald told me what to say.”

  “And you did it?” The look of disgust was back in her expression.

  I had to turn away as I answered, “You’ve seen her. She needs you. Without you, she would’ve gotten worse. I know you’ve hated your mom, but I think there’s so much more.”

  With widened eyes, she whispered, “Unless this is part of their plan, stop. I’ve looked everywhere, but I can’t shake the feeling this room is bugged. We might be safe in the bathroom.”

  “Oh God,” I gasped. My mind darted to my phone conversation with Deloris. Is my room bugged too? Were they listening? “I-I…”

  “We need to go,” Alex said, glancing at her watch. “Let me try to handle this. Can you go along with me?”

  The answer depended on what her plan was. I wanted to go along with her, but if her plan involved angering Bryce, I wasn’t sure that I could. Biting my lip, I whispered, “Honestly, I don’t know. I’ll try.”

  “Please, Chels,” she implored. Her use of my nickname made me smile. “We can do much more together than apart. We’ve already proven that.”

  “Fucking jail break?” I laughed. I felt my shattered heart mend, just a little bit.

  “I’ve been told you’re kick ass,” she joked.

  “Maybe I can remember how,” I said, shrugging my shoulders. “As long as I have my best friend by my side.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Following Alex’s instructions, I used the backstairs to make my way down to the dining room. Panic bubbled to the surface as I got closer. I knew that Bryce would be mad. Please let Alex’s plan work.

  Bryce made eye contact with me the second that I entered the dining room. He didn’t speak as he stomped toward me. I nearly fell to the floor from the force of his slap, but his hand caught my arm. “Where the hell have you been?” he yelled, shaking me.

  I opened my mouth to speak but closed it when I saw Alex enter through the other door.

  “It seems that tardiness is rampant tonight,” she offered, walking toward Bryce and me. Ignoring me, she met Bryce’s gaze. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t decide on which dress looked best.”

  Concentrating on Alex, Bryce released his grip on me. I didn’t hear the other words that they exchanged as I hurried to my seat, grateful that Alex had taken the heat off of me.

  I ate quietly, my mind wandering as it usually did during dinners at Montague Manor. I thought about my mom. I hadn’t had time to call her after speaking with Deloris. I missed her voice. Then I thought about Montague Corporation. I knew that my job there was just for show. My responsibilities were minimal. Still, I wondered if anybody was curious as to where I was. Surely, Kay was. Who would she gossip about if I wasn’t there? Suzanna’s shrill voice brought my attention back to Montague Manor.

  “Really, dear, you’re so dramatic,” she chided. “Who ambushed you? Not Bryce. He was with us.”

  “No,” Alex stated. “Not Bryce. Chelsea.”

  My hand stopped mid-lift as I was about to take a bite of food. I glanced at Alex, my heart dropping. Is this part of her plan?

  “That’s where you were?” Bryce questioned, his eyes darting to me.

  I was about to answer, but Alex spoke for me.

  “Yes,” she confirmed. “It seems she wants…”

  My breath hitched as Alex chose that moment to take a sip of wine. I silently cursed her. Didn’t she know that she was playing with fire? Except she wasn’t the one who would get burned. I was.

  “What?” Bryce pushed, glancing between the two of us. “What does she want?”

  “For us not to hate one another,” Alex continued. “For me to forgive her for her lies and conniving ways. For four years of deception, cunning, and betrayal.”

  “Alex,” I choked, tears resurfacing.

  “What?” she asked, dramatically turning toward me. “Isn’t that what we’re all about now… openness?”

  “Yes,” Alton answered.

  “Excuse me?” Alex exhaled.

  “Chelsea isn’t going anywhere,” he stated. “It would be best for the two of you to… get along.”

  “That doesn’t work for me,” she snapped.

  My heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t understand what was real and what was fake. I couldn’t tell if she was truly still angry with me.

  “I’m proud of you, Chelsea,” Suzanna said.

  Well, at least someone is. I nearly rolled my eyes.

  “I know what a difficult position you’re in,” Suzanna continued. “Alexandria, this really would be best. It would be perfect if you could show a united front on Saturday.”

  I held my breath as Alton, Suzanna, and Alex went back and forth. Alton wanted me to resume my role as friend and roommate. Alex argued with him. Suzanna wanted Alex to accept me in publi
c so that the other women in their circle would accept me as well. Alex mocked her. I was certain that she was trying to get me into trouble.

  “That’s enough,” Alton declared. “I don’t care about the details. Chelsea is moving in here tonight.”

  A burst of excitement shot through me. Anything was better than Carmichael Hall. And then in an instant, my hope was ripped away.

  “Wait a minute…” Bryce huffed. His words stalled as he looked at Alex. Finally, he broke their stare and threw his hands in the air. “Fine. If this is what you want, Alexandria… fine.”

  “I never said it was,” she argued.

  “I did,” Alton proclaimed.


  My body jumped as thunder shook the floor beneath my feet as I made my way toward Alex’s room.

  Unable to sleep, I had been watching the storm from the window. I had hoped that I would feel safer inside Montague Manor than I did at Carmichael Hall, but that wasn't the case. Bryce would still be able to hurt me. Nobody at the manor would stop him. Nobody at the hall did.

  From the window, I had seen Bryce’s car pull into the drive and knew that Alex was back. Bryce wouldn’t try to hurt me with Alex around. At least, I hoped that he wouldn’t.

  I whispered her name as I entered, but another clap of thunder muffled my voice. She was busy closing the drapes as I moved to sit on her bed. Suddenly her body tensed as her grip on her key tightened. “Alex,” I called again.

  “Oh fuck, Chelsea,” she said, startled, and turned on a lamp. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “They gave me a room down the hall.” I pulled my knees to my chest. “But I-I guess… I wanted to talk to you.”

  “Or were you checking to see if I came home alone?” she scowled, placing a fist on her hip. “What? Are we doing a three-way now?”

  The thought nearly made me vomit. It was pure shock that kept the dinner I had consumed in my stomach. “I-I thought tonight at dinner…” I started, before giving in to my emotions. My forehead fell to my knees. “God, Alex. We can’t get past this, can we?”


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