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Hissy Fit (The Southern Gentleman Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Lani Lynn Vale

  It stretched from my belt all the way down the crack of my ass and disappeared into the crease of my legs.

  Son. Of. A. Bitch.

  I heard Ezra hiss in a breath as I felt his body crowd me, his torso blanketing me from shoulder to mid-thigh.

  I blew out a shaky breath when I felt his erection press against me.

  “Can’t say I’m too upset,” he breathed. “That was the hottest thing I’ve seen all day.”

  “W-what?” I stuttered.

  He wedged his hand between our bodies and ran the pad of his thumb up and down the bare skin of my ass.

  “You’re not wearing any panties,” he breathed against the back of my head, his breath fanning my hair.

  I turned to look up at him.

  “I’m wearing panties,” I told him. “They’re just sheer.”

  He groaned and looked down into my eyes, and it was then that I saw every single bit of desire that I’d seen that night of the tornado.

  He wanted me.


  Just like I wanted him.

  I licked my dry lips, and his eyes followed the movement.

  Then he said something that I didn’t quite hear.


  He moved down so that he was even closer to me.

  “Better to do this with,” he rumbled against my cheek.

  Then his hand skidded around my waist and delved down into the gap the tear had created in my jeans.

  Moments later, his fingers found my thong and pushed it aside.

  I was seconds away from hyperventilating.

  And before I could get my wits about me, he started shoving me until I found myself closed in a dark janitor’s closet.

  I had a second to fear the dark, confined space, and then his mouth was devouring mine.

  His hands were down my pants, and I was panting into his mouth while trying to figure out what in the hell I was doing.

  “Ezra,” I breathed against his wet lips. His soft, plush, bitable lips. “What are you doing?”

  “What does it feel like I’m doing?” he asked.

  Then he turned me around and yanked my jeans the rest of the way open, making me gasp.

  My thong was pushed aside, and I felt the blunt tips of two big fingers testing my readiness.

  “Thank God,” he growled, sinking both digits inside of me to the webbing of his fingers.

  I swallowed a moan, too scared to voice my pleasure in case someone heard, and nearly lost it when he pulled those digits free. I heard him suck each finger clean and then couldn’t miss the way his belt buckle clinked.

  When I felt the hot ridge of his cock head against my entrance, I didn’t resist.

  I couldn’t…and wouldn’t. Not ever.

  He was it for me.

  He could tell me to drop down on my knees in the middle of the entire teacher body, and I’d do it to please him.

  Lucky for me he’d never ask me.

  Also lucky for me, he had a dick that made grown women like me scream.

  His hand went to my mouth before I could do that, and then his cock was filling me so full that it took everything I had not to come the moment he planted his entire length inside of me.

  “Goddamn,” I heard him breathe. “You feel so good.”

  I didn’t disagree with him.

  He did feel good.



  He thrust into me so hard that I jerked forward, catching myself on the only thing that was there—a shelf filled with cleaning supplies.

  Everything—and I do mean everything—went crashing to the floor.

  Did Ezra stop fucking me?

  Hell no.

  He continued, holding on tighter to my hips to keep me from falling.

  “So hot and wet,” he grunted, flexing his fingers.

  I whimpered into my arm, turning my face so that a sound wouldn’t escape.

  It might as well have not been covered at all—not with the whimpers and sighs escaping.

  “Shhhh,” he murmured. “Don’t talk or they might hear us.”

  I felt a thrill of anticipation race through me.

  That would be a bad thing…wouldn’t it?

  Being caught fucking in the janitor’s closet—the one that I’d heard quite a few people had used before according to the teacher gossip mill—would be humiliating…if Ezra wasn’t the one doing the fucking.

  Ezra was the town prize—the biggest catch that every single woman in Gun Barrel, Texas was trying to get her hands on. They wanted him for their own, and right now, he was mine. He was inside of me.

  And I was about to come.

  His thrusts had started out rough, but at some point in our coupling, he’d gained control of himself. His thrusts had become slick, long and exact. He knew exactly what he was doing, and exactly the way to thrust himself inside of me that I got every single inch of his cock playing along those nerve endings I couldn’t even reach with my vibrator.

  “I’m going to come,” I panted. “I’m going to come so hard.”

  I hadn’t even realized that I was saying what I was saying until his hands flexed around my hips, and he lost the rhythm that he’d been taking me with.

  His thrusts became erratic, but it didn’t matter. I was already there.

  I came so hard that starbursts filled my eyes, and my lungs seized in my chest.

  And then he was coming, too, filling me so full that I’d be wet for the rest of the day.

  Thank God today was a teacher in-service day, and we only had to be here half of our usual time.

  I had a feeling I’d be leaking Ezra from my nether regions until I could get in the shower and rinse him away.

  And when he pulled out, I realized that I was downright fucked.

  I had no pants to change into, and the rip that’d been there before was now a chasm that would never be mended again.

  Oh, and I was wet.

  There was that, too.

  He rumbled something at me, and I glared at him over my shoulder.

  “What am I supposed to do now?” I asked worriedly.

  He shrugged. “Well…”

  I stood up, feeling the wetness leak out even more, and groaned as I covered my face.

  “I can’t go back in there looking like this, and I don’t have anything to change into since I don’t have my car,” I whined.

  He frowned. “Why don’t you have your car?”

  I neatly sidestepped that question. “Let me borrow your shirt,” I ordered as I snapped my fingers. “I can’t walk out there like this.”

  He looked down at my snapping fingers with a grin on his face, then neatly stuffed himself back in his pants before doing up the zipper.

  I watched him with a melancholy expression on my face before I wiped it clean because he was grinning at me in understanding.

  I glared and snapped my fingers once again. “Shirt.”

  He shook his head. “If I give you my shirt, then I won’t have one to wear. Do you want me to go in there shirtless? I can offer you some sweatpants, though. I have a pair in my office.”

  His office was halfway across campus.

  “Do you really want me walking practically bare-assed naked through the hall with your stuff dripping out of me?” I questioned.

  His eyes heated. “No, but I like the idea of my ‘stuff’ dripping out of you.” Then he pulled me to him and dropped a kiss to my mouth. “I’ll walk behind you. Nobody will see, I promise.”

  I didn’t have any other choice but to trust him.

  “Fine,” I groaned. “But I’m not happy about this.”

  He winked. “I’m extremely happy. You have no idea.”

  I wanted to punch him in the throat. “Is that because you accepted a date from Coach Casper last night when you butt dialed me?”

  He frowned. “I didn’t accept a date from Coach Casper…”

  I li
fted a brow at him. “You called me, and I heard her ask you out. You said yes. How is that not accepting a date?”

  He pulled me close once again, and I had the feeling that he liked that I sounded jealous.


  I hadn’t meant to let him know how mad I was.

  I’d meant to avoid him.

  I’d had an epiphany last night, and that was that Ezra McDuff had always been a player, and I wasn’t going to tame him.

  As much as I liked that he was into me, this couldn’t last forever.

  I was me, and he was him.

  Ezra McDuff was the star football player, and when that football playing status was taken away, he turned into the town’s beloved football coach. He was the biggest catch that all of Texas had to offer, since he was offered coaching positions at three of the biggest universities in the country, as well as an assistant coaching position at the professional NFL team in Longview, Texas. And he’d chosen to teach at his hometown high school.

  People knew that he was a good man, and women, in general, wanted to make him theirs.

  I was just one woman in a long line of women that would likely be only a notch on his bedpost.

  “Not a date because I wasn’t asked on one. I saw her at the store. She asked me a question about some restaurant. I answered. Then I left.” Ezra paused, his voice making my skin tingle. “What are you thinking about so hard up there?”

  “Nothing,” I lied. “Just hoping that the school doesn’t have any hidden cameras that I don’t know about.”

  He snorted. “We’d know about it if they had them. It’s an invasion of privacy, and that little thief that keeps stealing all the science lab’s supplies would be found already.”

  I didn’t know what he was talking about. “What science lab supplies?”

  Ezra stayed right behind me, making sure that I was covered, while also guiding me where he wanted me to go, taking back hallways that I never would’ve thought to take to get to his office.

  “Stuff in the labs is coming up missing. Acid. Beakers. Test tubes. Shit like that. The school board even had a police detective come in and do a little investigating. He wasn’t able to find out who it was, either. But we’re assuming it’s one of the students since ol’ Mrs. Hammersmith can barely walk in and out of the school as it is.”

  “I hadn’t heard any of that,” I paused. “But then again, nobody but you likes to talk to me anyway.”

  That didn’t sound sad at all, did it?

  “I like talking to you,” he said. “And Camryn likes talking to you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Camryn and I came in at the same time and had the same ‘don’t talk to me’ experience from all the teachers. They looked at us like we were outsiders because we were hired when all of the other teachers were fired the year before due to cut backs.”

  “I always wondered how you were hired,” he offered from behind me as he stopped me before I could pass a non-descript door. “It was kind of odd that we had over ten teachers fired, and then y’all two were hired the following year instead of them hiring back the previous teachers.”

  I stepped back into him as he bid me to do with his hands on my hips, and he opened the door and pushed me inside the next instant, surprising me.

  “Where are w—” He turned on the lights and I was looking at a back way into the gym that I’d never seen before in my life. “Where did this come from?”

  Ezra laughed, taking the lead. “It’s not used all that often because it leads under the bleachers, and ninety percent of the time the bleachers are closed making this door useless. But since we had a pep rally last week for the baseball game, they were open.”

  I blinked as I followed behind him, making sure to stay close.

  Being under the bleachers always freaked me out, which was why I started to jabber as I practically ran to keep up with him.

  “Camryn and I don’t know why we were hired,” I said. “Apparently, there were just two openings. We both applied and got the jobs. We weren’t even aware that the layoffs had happened until we were at the beginning of the year orientation for the staff. Since we’d been away that summer, we literally walked right into chaos. It didn’t help that I replaced a teacher that was very loved and adored by not just the faculty, but the student body as well.”

  Ezra grunted. “Mrs. Peabody was a bitch. She was liked by everyone because she didn’t teach her class, and always had students passing her classes because she was too lazy to actually teach like she was supposed to. I used to share classrooms with her. Trust me when I say we are better off now that she’s gone.”

  I’d heard that, too. At least by a few other people that were on the outs with the rest of the staff like I was.

  “Camryn is hard not to like, though,” I said. “Consequently, when she puts her mind to something, she fits in. Me, on the other hand? I’ve been here for years now, and I still don’t feel like I belong.”

  And then he was pulling me into his office and shutting the door.

  I looked around curiously, spying all the pictures of his family on the desk across the room. One of Moira and him caught my eye, and I smiled. “She doesn’t look happy with you, Ezra.”

  Ezra followed my gaze to the picture and grinned. “Moira likes catching fish, but not touching them.”

  In the picture, Ezra was holding the fish out to Moira, and Moira was full out screaming her head off.

  The one beside it caught my eye, too, and I grimaced.

  It was the coaching staff at Gun Barrel High School, and none other than Coach Casper was directly next to Ezra, holding on to him like they were best friends—or lovers.

  I looked away. “Where are these sweatpants?”

  Ezra walked to a drawer and pulled out a pair of sweats, then tossed them in my direction.

  I contemplated looking for a bathroom for all of ten seconds before I shrugged and toed off my shoes, nearly falling over when one caught on my heel and knocked me off balance.

  I caught myself on the corner of Ezra’s desk and cursed when his cup of pencils and pens fell down and scattered. “Oops.”

  He chuckled, and I took that as a good sign that he wasn’t frustrated with my inability to be a normal person.

  At least for now.

  Eventually he’d get tired of my annoying ways and move on, just like every single man that showed even an iota of interest in me did.

  Once I had my shoes off, I tugged the jeans down and stared at them with disgust.

  “I paid a hundred bucks for those bad boys,” I muttered as I tossed them into the trash next to his desk.

  My eyes caught on something silver, and I bent down and picked up the foil packet.

  “Why do you have condoms in your trash?” I questioned, holding up the offensive object.

  He looked at it and grinned. “It was in the bowl you knocked over with the pencil holder. My assistant coach thinks it’s hilarious to put a bowl of them on my desk so that the players will have easy access to them if they need to.”

  As he spoke, he bent over and picked up a handful of them from somewhere beyond the desk where the rest must’ve fallen, and I looked at them with wide eyes.

  “And the boys have no problem coming in here and taking them?” I questioned.

  “Nope,” he said. “And I have no problem with them taking them. If they need them, I’d rather they come get them than to do anything stupid. Though, that day I first saw you and gave you a bloody nose at Target? I was buying my nephew them because I caught him in a car with his current flavor of the month steaming it up.”

  I looked away, faced once again with how embarrassing that encounter had been.

  “Ready,” I said softly, slipping back into my shoes.

  They looked ridiculous with the too large sweats, but it’s not like I had a choice in the matter at this point.

  “Let’s go grab the tea,” he ordered.

  Five minutes later, E
zra was loaded down with four gallons of sweet tea, and I had two, as we walked back into the staff meeting.

  Everyone and their brother looked up.

  “Sorry it took so long,” Ezra drawled with four gallons of sweet tea in his beautiful hands. “Ms. Crusie caught her pants on the corner of the crappy staff kitchen counter and ripped them. I had to go find her a pair of my spare workout sweats.”

  A few of the teachers snickered, and Coach Casper narrowed her eyes at me.

  I flushed and looked away, placing the gallons of tea on the counter next to the cups that someone else had provided, and hurried to the seat I’d been previously occupying.

  Nobody was surprised in the least that I’d ripped my pants.

  I knew why.

  I was that much of a klutz.

  Nobody was surprised by the fact that I’d done something embarrassing, not even the new teachers.

  Ezra took a seat next to me and crossed his legs extending them out in front of him, while also crossing his arms over his chest.

  The stance screamed comfort, and I wanted to punch him in the nuts for his casualness.

  He was acting like he hadn’t just rocked my world outside the auditorium where my peers and freakin’ boss were waiting for us to arrive.

  But I was happy, too.


  Because he didn’t sit by Coach Casper, and I knew she could tell that Ezra and I were something.

  Hell, the way he leaned toward me said more than words alone.

  Chapter 13

  Let’s eat Grandma. Let’s eat, Grandma.

  -Ezra explaining why punctuation is important


  Not only was her house covered in toilet paper, but the side yard trees were, too.

  Hell, it even extended into the back.

  And when I looked over her fence for a quick peek, I cursed.

  She had trees down…everywhere.

  And one of those trees had a branch that had busted in her back porch and patio roof.

  My eyes scanned the rest of the yard surveying all of the damage.

  None of which she could clean up on her own.

  I growled low under my breath and then sighed as I walked up to the front porch.

  I didn’t bother knocking, though.

  Instead, I dropped my phone and keys on the first step, downed half of my water, and then set it directly next to them.


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