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Kayden: The Past

Page 6

by Chelle Bliss

  “She wants you, man,” Tony said.

  I looked at him, but not out of surprise. “I know and I’m going to give her what she wants tonight,” I said. “I’ll be right back.” I stood up and moved towards the bar area where Candy stood waiting for our drink orders to be filled.

  I stood in the open spot next to her and lightly touched her arm as I rested my free arm against the counter. I leaned towards her, putting my lips close enough to her ear that they almost touched. “I’m done with games, Candy. Wanna fuck or what?”

  With my words, her shoulders began to move up and down as if her breathing became heavier. She turned her face; her lips almost touching mine. “Yes,” she whispered her eyes wide and pupils dilated. “I get off in a couple hours. Hang out til then,” she said looking me in the eyes.

  Her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue, like an aquamarine gemstone, framed by wisps of her blond hair. “I’ll wait for you,” I said as I touched her cheek. I grabbed my drink off her tray before walking away.

  The guys looked eager to hear what happened as I sat back down. “What did you say?”

  “Wanna fuck?”

  “You said that to her?” Bobby asked looking shocked. He obviously had no balls.

  “Fuck yes. I said I’m done with games, wanna fuck? It’s that easy, Bobby.” I picked up my drink and polished it off.

  “She said yes?” I always thought Bobby had a pair, but obviously I was wrong.

  “Why wouldn’t she?”

  “I didn’t think there were girls out there that would actually say yes to that statement.” He shook his head in disbelief.

  “It may not work for you, but for me, it works like a charm,” I said. “You need to be confident when saying the words. I knew Candy would say yes. You need to know your target before you stick your neck out. Be calculated in all that you do – think of it as closing a sale.”

  “Hmm, just not my bag. I want to be in love or at least dating the girl before I stick my dick in her,” Bobby said as Candy approached the table with the drinks. She placed the drinks down on the table.

  “I brought you another one, Kayden,” she said as she set the drink down over my shoulder, crouching down slightly and brushing her arm against mine.

  “Thanks, Candy.”

  “Anything you want,” she whispered in my ear.

  “I’m counting on it,” I said, turning my face slightly so my lips were almost touching her flesh. She stared into my eyes for a moment before winking and walking away.

  We sat around drinking and watching the girls dance on the stage in the center of the room. I like the girls with the petite frames and small tits that filled my hand. Most of the girls dancing for money had extremely large chests, usually enhanced through surgery. Candy didn’t go the extra mile and stuck to serving the drinks instead of shaking her tits on stage to make a buck. She still dressed the part with skimpy shorts and a bra, but never topless or nude – I planned to change that soon.

  Ever since Bridget ripped my fucking soul, leaving me with blackness, I tried everything to fill the void. My body became acclimated to the liquor, requiring more and more to make me forget the loneliness. The endless stream of women filling my bed helped while my cock was buried deep but caused the emptiness to become more prevalent the moment they walked out the door.

  I walked towards the bar slowly watching the beautiful view in front of me; Candy stood there leaning against the bar with her right foot up on the piping that ran underneath. The high heels she wore showed off the strength of her calf muscles and created an amazing outline of her legs. I watched as she laughed with the bartender and played with her hair while waiting for her order to be placed on her tray. I wanted to press my body firmly against her and whisper in her ear but touching of any kind is a no-no in a strip club.

  “You wanna come over to my place, Candy, or want me to wait here?” I leaned against the bar watching her expression intently waiting for a response.

  “I’m about to go on break, gimme ten, okay?” she asked me looking hopeful that the answer was good enough for me.

  “Sure, babe, just come and get me.”

  “Ten,” she said with a look of seriousness and want.

  “Can I get another Jack and Coke?” I asked the female bartender. I didn’t see the sense in wasting a trip to the bar. Candy walked away, and I turned around staring at the scene before my eyes. The dimly lit room was filled with smoke. The stage was illuminated in a blue hue to draw your attention. Two girls were each working separate sides of the stage, and girls were moving around the room giving lap dances to the fools willing to pay the extra price to get a hard-on with no payoff.

  I stayed at the bar and polished off my drink while I waited for Candy. I didn’t want the guys to make Candy feel awkward or slutty by having to come and get me. My cock grew hard thinking about being inside her. We’d never have a relationship, but the flirting and innuendo for months has been driving me crazy.

  I was tired this evening after working all day hustling for a sale, more mentally exhausted than physically. I wanted to crawl into the bottle of Jack and let it soak through my skin taking all thoughts and memories with it.

  “Ready?” her voice startled me dragging me from of my thoughts. “Sorry, you okay?” she asked.

  “Never better. I’m always ready for some Candy.” I smiled, “Where do you want to go?”

  “Backstage to the employee area, come on.” She motioned for me to follow her, and she approached the security guard standing at the door to the employee area. He smiled at her and looked me up and down before stepping out of the way. The hallway was dimly lit with half naked women walking around and bitching about the amount of tips they were given for the night. A knockout red-head caught my eye in passing. She was dressed in a white lace with stiletto white high heels. She looked up as I walked by, and our eyes locked. She looked familiar, but I couldn’t place her. Candy looked back and noticed my attention averted away from her. “Kayden, are you coming?” No truer words have ever been spoken in the moment.

  “Right behind you,” I said as I picked up the pace not wanting to be left in the dust.

  “Let me grab something out of my locker. Give me one second, wait here.”

  The red-head approached me with a look of curiosity. “Hey,” she said. “Don’t I know you?”

  “I was just thinking the same thing.”

  “I heard Candy call you Kayden. I think you know my boyfriend, Ron. I’ve heard him talking about a Kayden.” she asked.

  Ron, he is one of my best friends. We spoke often, but he had disappeared recently and now I know why; he was keeping himself busy with the hot piece of ass in front of me. “Yeah, Ron and I are friends. I haven’t spoken to him in a couple of weeks. Tell him to give me a call when he has a chance. What’s your name?”

  “My name is Danielle. I’ll tell him when I see him tonight. Nice meeting you, Kayden.” She said as Candy emerged from the locker room, and Danielle walked away quickly.

  “What was that all about?” Candy asked looking a bit jealous.

  “We have a mutual friend, nothing else.” Candy grabbed my hand and opened a black door that could almost be missed if strolling through the hallway for the first time. I followed her into a bathroom, not exactly the location I thought we’d be going to this evening, but I was game for anything.

  Candy pulled out a tiny vile from her pocket and twisted off the cap. I didn’t have to ask what it was as she placed a small amount on a metal stick and sniffed it. Her eyes rolled back slightly and a look of calm and euphoria became visible across her face. “Want some?” she asked.

  Nothing was more alluring at the moment than a bump of coke and Candy’s pussy. “Sure, thanks,” I said as she passed me the container and stick. I didn’t think twice or bat an eyelash; I scooped some out and inhaled it quickly.

  I felt like my head was spinning as I let the cocaine fully penetrate my brain. I closed my eyes and let the coke and Jack mixture
course through my system. The mixture was exhilarating and made my heart pound feverishly in my chest. I felt hands against my neck and moving through the collar of my shirt, grabbing my shoulders.

  All sensation in my body was amplified. It felt like more than one set of hands caressed my skin. I licked my lips and began to open my eyes as she placed her lips against mine. “I want you here and now, Kayden.”

  “In the bathroom?” I asked. I mean I’d fuck her anywhere, but I wanted to be sure she felt the same. I didn’t receive a verbal response, but that of her lips against mine, feverishly moving and trying to gain access to my tongue.

  I responded, the cocaine taking full effect on my thoughts and feelings. I had energy that I hadn’t felt in a long time; I wanted to rock her world and fuck her right through the dry wall. I wanted this to be at my pace and not hers. I grabbed her hair making a fist and pulled her face away from mine. She stared at me for a moment confused. “I’m in charge, baby, just enjoy the ride,” I said and kissed her. Her break couldn’t last very long, but I’d use every minute of it.

  I tilted her head giving me better access as I dipped my tongue inside her mouth. She tasted as sweet as her name, like cherry soda. I kissed her jaw moving down her neck as I pulled down the straps of her lace fitted bra-like top exposing her breasts. They were perky and petite and fit her frame perfectly. I bent down and placed my lips on her nipple as I used my hand to pull her body closer to mine. I drew her entire breast into my mouth moving my tongue across the surface and flicking the hard pebble at the tip. I felt warmth on the outside of my pants as she rubbed my cock. She squeezed my cock causing it to grow harder. I ached as my cock throbbed to be buried deep inside her, and I didn’t want to waste any more time kissing her.

  Reaching down, I unbuttoned her cutoff jean shorts and pulled them down past her knees, making sure that her panties went along for the journey south, too. Her movement was restricted by her shorts as I ran my hand up her leg to the inside of her thigh. I straightened my body returning my lips to hers and slid my fingers through her folds. She was wet and ready and I couldn’t hold out any longer.

  “Turn around,” I said, using my hands to help her turn her body. She complied and didn’t speak a word in protest. I could see her face in the mirror above the sink as she positioned her body resting her weight on the sink. Her eyes looked slightly glassy from the coke she did early, and the look of anticipation on her face was clearly visible.

  I unbuttoned my pants and the sound of my zipper, Candy’s breathing, and the bass from the club music were the only audible noises in the room. I stroked my cock, pumping it, making sure it would be rock solid when I thrust inside her. I pulled the condom out of my pocket that I had waiting ever since Candy said yes to me. I opened it quickly, throwing the wrapper on the floor before rolling it over my cock. With my free hand, I trailed my fingertips down Candy’s back causing her skin to break out in goose bumps.

  With my cock still in my hand, I placed it against her opening rubbing the tip against her wetness. It slid in easily as I moved my hand away from my shaft allowing my cock to glide all the way inside. She moaned from the fullness, and I exhaled from the relief I felt being deep inside her. I gripped her hips with my hands and pumped in and out of her quickly. I dug my fingers into her skin, and her head went limp, falling forward. Her body bounced away from me every time my cock was fully seated inside her. I reached up with my right hand and gripped her hair, pulling her head back and stopping her body from moving away from my thrusts. In the mirror, I could see her tits bouncing from the motion, and her nipples were tight pink buds against her beautiful pale skin.

  Her voluptuous ass stopped me from being buried as deep as I possibly could. I slowed my pace and stopped with my cock inside her. I used my shoe to pull her shorts down to the floor. “Step out of them, Candy,” I said to her as I held my foot against the cloth. She moved her legs one at a time and kept her body against the sink to help her balance on her stiletto heels. “Place your knee up on the sink. I want to be buried balls deep, baby,” I said in her ear.

  She placed her knee on the white porcelain ledge, spreading her legs wider. I gripped her foot and began to move faster, chasing the release I wanted and needed at this point. The high from the cocaine was fading, and I didn’t have time to waste. I heard cracking but didn’t pay any attention as I thrust inside her. I watched her facial expressions, the ecstasy noticeable – her open mouth and eyes rolled back into her head.

  Our bodies fell to the floor with a thud and the sound of shattering pottery. The sink had detached from the wall and laid in pieces around us, but my cock never left her body. Her hands and knees were firmly planted on the wet floor as I continued my pursuit. She moaned louder, neither one of us wanted to stop – no matter how messy our surroundings now were. I thrust harder and deeper than I had before moving with determination. My balls grew tight, and the muscles in my body grew rigid as a tingling sensation ran down my spine landing straight in my cock. The orgasm was amplified from the drugs and liquor in my body, helping to dull the usual bland orgasm caused by a condom. My movement slowed, and I opened my eyes trying to catch my breath. The room was a disaster. Candy’s shorts were in a puddle, white shards filled the floor in varying sizes, and water was everywhere, and in some places, it was tinted pink from the blood that had escaped from our skin during impact. In front of me was Candy still on all fours and not moving.

  “Sorry about that, Candy,” I said as I pulled out of her. “Are you okay?” I grabbed the condom and ripped it off my skin, it was suffocating at times to wear.

  “Fuck yes! That was the craziest damn thing ever, but you didn’t miss a beat,” she said as she started to move.

  I stood up, zipping up my pants as I watched her struggle. She didn’t know where to put her hands, and her grip was slippery from the mess. “Let me help you up.” I grabbed her hand, pulling her to her feet. “Fuck, we can’t leave the room like this,” I said. I needed to turn the water off and looked around for the shutoffs. I turned the knobs, stopping more water from filling the space.

  Candy looked down surveying the damage her body sustained during the last fifteen minutes. “Can you go out and ask one of the girls for a robe?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll be right back.” I looked down making sure everything was back in place, although my pants were soaking wet. I walked out the door to an empty hallway. I saw light streaming into the hall and approached the doorway and found a group of women inside doing their makeup and chatting about men. I stood there for a minute, not wanting to interrupt their conversation.

  The redheaded beauty from earlier looked over and spotted me in the doorway. “Shit, what in the fuck happened to you?” she asked.

  “Um, just a minor problem in the bathroom. No worries. Would one of you ladies have a robe Candy could borrow, please?” I asked with a slick smile. I knew these girls would know what happened, well not exactly what happened… I mean who fucking would believe the sink came free from the wall.

  Danielle smiled at me sweetly as she stood up from her chair putting down her makeup brush. “I got one she can use.” She opened up a small door behind her and grabbed a red satin robe. “Give her this,” she said as she held it out for me to take.

  “Thanks, Danielle,” I said as I grabbed the cover-up and hustled back to Candy before someone found her inside the bathroom naked, bleeding, and wet.

  I knocked on the door, not wanting to scare her. “It’s me,” I said before turning the handle and entering the room. “Danielle gave me a robe for you.”

  “Thanks,” she said wrapping it around her body securing it with a bow. “You better get out of here before my boss sees this mess and you in here with me. He’s going to be pissed, but I’ll tell him I leaned against it, and it just fell off the wall,” she said before kissing me on the cheek.

  “I’ll pay for it if he’s a dick and says anything.”

  “Nah, he’ll be pissed, but he’ll get over it. D
on’t worry, now go,” she said opening the door and waiting for me to leave. I did as she instructed making my way out of the employee area and walking back towards the guys still drinking at the table.

  “What in the fuck happened to you?” Tony asked.

  I shook my head and laughed as I sat down in my chair, “Candy.”

  “What’d she do? Kick your ass in a swimming pool?”

  “The sink broke off the wall while we were fucking.” I took a drink from the leftover liquid still in my glass, “She looks worse than me, though. I think I’m gonna jet. I need to get home and out of these dirty ass clothes.”

  “I don’t blame you, dude. I’m going to head home, too,” Bobby said.

  I threw a fifty on the table to cover my tab and a tip for Candy before gathering my keys and wallet off the table. I said goodbye to the rest of the guys before heading to the door. Exhaustion overwhelmed me. The buzz of the Jack and coke had worn off, and I was spent from Candy.

  The drive home was a blur as I adjusted my wet clothing as it clung to my skin. I walked through the door and immediately undressed throwing them on the tile floor in the entry. The blood from the cuts on my knees had dried on my skin, and the hair on my legs was matted down. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge before heading to the bathroom to shower. I placed the beer on the sink counter as I waited for the water to warm up. I climbed into the shower, grabbing a wash cloth to clean out the wounds on my knees and scrub the filth from my flesh. I let the water trickle down my skin, washing away the dirt of the day.

  Candy and I never fucked each other after that night. Neither of us wanted a relationship. She had a boyfriend; I found out after the fact, and I didn’t want the complication in my life. It was an experience, and I wanted to leave it at that. Fucking on a bathroom floor isn’t what most dream of, but as a guy, I’m quite proud of the way we destroyed the room.

  I did share some of this story with Sophia. She asked about one of the craziest sex experiences in my life. I told her about breaking the sink off the wall but didn’t give her the other details. I still don’t feel right sharing stories that involve other women, but she’s so damn persistent at times. I chased the high – the ability to forget the fucked up mess my life had before. Cocaine had become a necessary part of my life.


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